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  • Announcement: The Sonic Stadium is BACK

    The world's biggest resource in Sonic is back for the fans again!

    Well, did you miss us? It has been rather a struggle, but The Sonic Stadium is back to give you, the Sonic fan, even more information and blue hedgehog related stuff than before!


    One of the reasons for the downtime was because of an incompetent host that we were on, we shan't name names, but their company name was right about you only wanting (or being able) to Host there Once. =P

    Anyway, we were kicked off and found salvation from the uber-generous and ever-loving Shayne Thames, of SonicAnime.net fame. Without Shayne's help, TSS wouldn't be here today, so a huge hug goes out to her.


    While we were down, we also has a good look at the layout of the previous TSS. Most pages weren't finished, some had completely different layouts to many other pages, and it was basically unorganised. We've managed to re-organise the server folders etc, and all the pages are as if they were one.

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    If you look to the right there - that's where the navigation menu is, that is. If you want to head to a different section, just click the relevant link. The sections are spread across three different 'Channel Sectors' - The Sonic Channel has all the Sonic and Sonic Team information, so if you fancy tuning your knowledge base or finding out about the latest Sonic game and comic, then head right there.

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    The Media Channel is where all the downloadables are kept - Sonic Artwork, Music, etc. The Sonic Fan Club is also there, so you can submit your fan creations to us as always, and The Sonic Site Awards page sits in the Media Channel too, along with the new Articles section.

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    The Other Channel is all the miscellaneous stuff - for example, if you want a detailed account of what really happened behind the scenes of TSS during the downtime, head to the TSS HISTORY section, and check out the TSS Timeline. Links, Guestbook and the Online Store is here too, along with miscellaneous stuff to look at, such as magazine articles, graphics and movie scripts created by us lot when we're bored. ;)

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    The Sonic Stadium Message Board has had a makeover too, with a new board, and super-cool new features and everything. The SSMB is the best place to be to chat about Sonic, Video Games, or absolutely anything really - and the 'crew' there are really cool and friendly too, you wouldn't do wrong to register and become a member.

    Using the SSMB goes in tandem with The Sonic Stadium too - you'll find that some sections in TSS (such as the Articles section) will ask for your opinion, review or other such input on a subject - the SSMB is the place to voice your opinion, and the best opinions (whether one-sided, indifferent or ridiculously fan-boy style biased) will appear on the site. Sorted! There'll be some cool SSMB/TSS tie-ins too in future, so keep an eye out...

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    Well, after what seems to be an age of site-changing and development, TSS is finally finished - for your eyes only. Be sure to take a good look around ALL of the sections - each section has at least one cool feature about them, be it downloadable stuff, exclusive articles or even one or two mess-abouts that the TSS team make when they can't be arsed to update the website =)

    Enjoy the site, and have a good one - my A-Levels are coming up in the middle of June, so I may be out of action for a while. Sonic_Hedgehogs will take over as acting Site Admin until I return. If I get time, I'll still be here to do bits and bobs. Look out for The Sonic Site Awards 2003, which will start in July - whence I returneth from the heathenistic examination room...

    Also, be on the lookout for these pages - they could be changing about a bit now and then, and we're hoping to add a lot more sections to TSS that includes something a lot more 'hardcore' than HTML. It's all for you guys. ;) Have fun.

    Dreadknux ^_^: Admin and Founder of The Sonic Stadium

    The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. All proceeds will go to supporting our community and continued coverage of Sonic the Hedgehog. Thank you in advance for your kind support!

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