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  • SadVlad 6
  • Cuz 2
  • Dreadknux 1

Super Mario RPG the Journey So Far continued.



     Through lands end past Monsto Town and straight to Barrel Volcano we've made some headway since last I

wrote.Game still continues to be easy. I had hoped the Axem Blade could liven things up and it looked like it

might but then it went down before it could recharge for a second volly. At least Culex continued to be final

boss material. Proving to be too much for my friend with AOE's flying everywhere and turning Peach and Mario

into a mushrooms proving to be the nail in the coffin. Maybe if she'd used the Lazy Shell armor it would of

changed things but nope, work pants attack boost just too tempting.


     I love the number of secrets in this game. My friend completed the Yoshi Race in one try while there to get

the flag for the musty fears, I don't think I've ever gotten the rhythm down. I mentioned Grate Guy's casino but

12 rounds with Knife Guy she wasn't having it. Casino's aren't her thing anyway. But now I hope she likes

minigames because Bowser's Keep is right around the corner.

Edited by Cuz


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