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PS Vita


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Nothing wrong with asking hard questions.


I'm all for confronting companies with real issues like pressing Sony about TLG or Vita, asking Nintendo how do they feel about nobody caring about the WiiU and their incompetence to catch up in key areas (hello, online) or questioning Phil 'Platitude' Spencer on the convenience of blaming every single Xbone mistake on scapegoat Don and trying to pretend nothing ever happened in Germany Microsoft during WWII 2013.


But there exists a wide array of grades for the gaming press between "PR echo chamber" and "complete asshole who tries to attack the interviewee person and force his opinions". What did that interview accomplish? Did we get anything out of it? There's got to be better ways to handle this without being excessively rude.


Also, this "hard " angle falls apart when you check out the interview the same guy does with Spencer and there's absolutely none of that to be found. such journalism. wow

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Urgh. This is similar to interviews with Nintendo about the Wii U and the so-called game journalists asking questions like "When is the next Metroid coming out? Huh? HUH?" Then again, this guy is a lot harsher than any of those Wii U related interviews...


But it is true that the Vita is pretty much dead now. And the sad thing is, Sony isn't doing much about it! Hardly any mention of it at E3, no real support for it...isn't it a waste of money to just ignore something you worked so hard on? It only came out 2 years ago but Sony has done nothing to make it a more interesting handheld with some more cool exclusives and stuff. =[

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That new Senran Kagura game looks great.
Cooking, stripping and music, the feminists will love this game.

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Normally I wouldn't post something like this, but it is Extra Credits and is entirely discussable, so:


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The odd thing is that people were saying the Vita would win the portable market due to its power as games from the PS3 could be ported over to the Vita.


He said the Vita is completely dead. I'm not entirely sure if that's true. I guess the brand name is dead but I could see the Playstation TV selling some units. I honestly believe Sony made a tragic mistake renaming that thing because consumers will be confused what type of games it will play.


It's kind of weird, I actually did want to get a Vita when it came out. I sold my PSP and saved up some money to eventually buy a PSVita. As time went on, I saw how it was falling apart. There was no GTA Vita or Kingdom Hearts Vita exclusive, the system was in drought. Sony also did the same stupid system as they did with the PSP in where they over charged for memory sticks. 3DS? Pay like $20 for 32GB memory. Vita? Pay 4x as much as that.


I got incredibly confused on how Sony was treating the PSVita. First I hear there will be news at E3.. but wait, let's focus on PS4 nvm. Then there will be news at gamescom. What news? We also can't forget the whole "Port Final Fantasy to Vita!" campaign that ended up being a PS4/Xbox One exclusive game. What games am I supposed to get? So many people on SSMB have complained about buying a $250 brick. I've also had friends in real life buy one and never play it again after the day they bought it. Do I really want to repeat the same mistake?


Japanese games? No thanks. I barely have time to get into 50+ hour RPGs right now.

Indie games? When most of them are on PC for less than a dollar and iOS, I'm not sure why I should get a $200 system for one.

PS3 ports? I already have a PS3

Multiplats? I already have a PC, PS3, soon to have a PS4, 3DS, and a Wii U. The Vita would be the last system I would buy a game for.




If Sony paid to have a Dissida sequel exclusive on PSVita, I would buy one in a heart beat. Sony doesn't seem to care anymore though so it's probably never going to happen. I'm not sure why Sony isn't looking at the PSP and seeing what worked. If Sony doesn't want to develop a ton of big games for it, why not pay off 3rd parties?

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If Sony paid to have a Dissida sequel exclusive on PSVita, I would buy one in a heart beat.


Same thing here: it's more weird when you think that Hamaza himself stated that he wants and intends to do another Dissidia.

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I'm not sure why Sony isn't looking at the PSP and seeing what worked.


It's the whole rockstar mentality that dominates Sony's hardware developers. They're not slaves to corporate demands, they're artists! etc. On the one hand, it means Sony often comes out with stellar hardware; on the other, it means that Sony often has a harder time selling the thing (with the PS3's state-of-the-art components meaning an absurd asking price to break even, and the Vita's hardware capabilities far exceeding what is needed or even desirable for a handheld). It's a gamble that pays off about as often as it doesn't.

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Same thing here: it's more weird when you think that Hamaza himself stated that he wants and intends to do another Dissidia.

Yeah, if I recall there was a topic from a while ago that confirmed a dissidia sequel actually, maybe we'll hear something about it this year.

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I agree with his points in the video, even him saying the Vita cannot be saved now. It really is too late since the handheld has been out since late 2011/early 2012 and nothing much has been done by Sony to save it. Nintendo acted fast the moment the 3DS was selling poorly, but Sony couldn't care less. As I've said before, the reasons why I don't want a Vita (for the time being) are because the memory cards are way too expensive, there aren't enough games on it that interest me and why do I want to get PS3 ports, when I already own a PS3 to play those games on it? The latter is a major problem too; way too many ports!

I can't deny that it's a great handheld and an absolute powerhouse when it comes to graphics and stuff but there aren't enough games on it for me to warrant a buy. Way less than the 3DS anyway!

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because the memory cards are way too expensive,

The MSRP of a 32GB Memory Card is $99.99.... does anyone actually pay that much?

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The MSRP of a 32GB Memory Card is $99.99.... does anyone actually pay that much?

Yes, I know someone who imports and downloads a ton of games.

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It's odd, I was reluctant in getting the Vita because of all the ports too. But after playing a lot of 3DS games, I suddenly got really into playing while on the move. I've gotten used to that sense of freedom and will often now seek it out if the choice is there. Like just recently, I picked up the Vita version of J-Stars instead of the PS3 one. For some reason I got Dragon's Crown on both machines, but only played and completed the Vita one, also only played Muramasa once on the Wii, but am half way though playing it on the Vita. And chose to get One Piece Unlimited World Red on the Vita, even though it's available on practically every other system including the Wii U!?


I guess I'm getting addicted to it. I do find the Vita a more appealing choice then the 3DS because of the whole region lock thing. It means more games are available if your willing to deal with the language issue. I did get Conception 2 on the Vita first, then after fulling completing everything, I loved it so much that I got the 3DS version as well.


I have been surprised a lot as of recent years. I never expected Hatsune Miku Project Diva F and Senran Kagura to come over to the west, which was why I imported them, and yet here they are. I also figured Conception 2 would never be localized, but I was gladly wrong about that.

Still, I'm confident there's no way in hell that Criminal Girls Invitation or Ages of Amazones are ever leaving the land of the rising sun.

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Confirmed for the west. 


Criminal Girls.




The Japanese version has this scene in it.



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 I'm not sure why Sony isn't looking at the PSP and seeing what worked. 


Security as shallow as a kiddie pool leading to the biggest handheld homebrew movement ever?


Yeah that was awesome, they should do that again.

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Security as shallow as a kiddie pool leading to the biggest handheld homebrew movement ever?


Yeah that was awesome, they should do that again.

Wish I had experienced that but I got my psp once they managed to smarten up about shit. :<

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The Japanese version has this scene in it.




... I'm probably gonna regret asking this, but I must: what is the context of this... "minigame"? What are you supposed to do here? Pick bugs off her hips?

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... I'm probably gonna regret asking this, but I must: what is the context of this... "minigame"? What are you supposed to do here? Pick bugs off her hips?


They're criminals, in hell.


They must be punished.

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  • 8 months later...

Pssh, dang. I guess I've just been too well conditioned to be skeptical of anything and everything on this date.


Aw well. Guess its time to hop in my wayback machine and try to figure out when I brought my Vita...

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I was wondering when this would pop up cause it was announced a while ago but nothing every came of it.... Launch day vita, so I guess they can just look it up by serial number? :P

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