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Archie Sonic Main Discussion


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Huh. This is the first time a story from the Archie comics has interested me. I love it when things go tits up for heroes, and this looks relatively well-written.

I don't see what was so surprisingly evil about having Eggman self-destructing Metal on one of the characters like people have been saying. Uncharacteristically smart for the villain, maybe, although I'm not sure what Eggman is like in these comics.

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Huh. This is the first time a story from the Archie comics has interested me. I love it when things go tits up for heroes, and this looks relatively well-written.

I don't see what was so surprisingly evil about having Eggman self-destructing Metal on one of the characters like people have been saying. Uncharacteristically smart for the villain, maybe, although I'm not sure what Eggman is like in these comics.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

time 11:03 AM

Believe it or not, the video/topic I did has not yet been posted on any of these message boards, yes surprising I know, but I figured why not post a written version first and then if it allows me to just post the link to the video version afterwards, and that's what I plan to do after this possibly long written version of said video/topic. So here we go with the topic I like to call "If it weren't for Sega's mandates, things would be different in Archie's Sonic comic book series no doubt!"

I understand that this has probably been brought up several times on various Sonic message boards and websites. However I have yet to give my two cents on it. So that's exactly what I'm going to do here. Now the things I will say some you may and may not agree on but trust me when I talk about them you'll probably understand and agree that if it wasn't for Sega sticking their nose into the comic as often as they do from what many fans and even comic book critics themselves have said and pointed out that they do, then there's no doubt that things and characters in the comic would all be on an equal basis.

It's hard to believe that despite all the differences that we as a overall fanbase have with each other, the one constant that we can agree on, is that Sega needs to stop sticking their nose into the comic book and its spinoffs, and allow the writers to create development for each and every character no matter if they're from a cartoon series, if they're originally made for the comic itself, or even if they're the exclusive game characters that we all know and play as when any kind of Sonic game is released to the public.

I mean when you look at how much more interesting and more developed characters and the environments they inhabit could be if Sega didn't stick their nose and mandate certain things, the comic overall in the eyes of many would be more enjoyable than as some put it it is right now. The reason being is because you could allow not just the cartoon and the comic exclusive characters to develop even more so, even if we don't like a certain way of how their being developed currently, but it would allow the game characters themselves to have more development even if it's just for the comic book and it's spinoff.

I mean characters like Amy Rose could have more development in character if Sega didn't mandate to Archie comics that she don't be changed much from her game counterpart. Now some fans would agree with these mandates, while others won't and especially if it comes to a character like Amy who does have her share of fans, then there is no doubt that more can be done with her character. I mean as crazy as it sounds you could have had Amy be the one that got turned into a robot and by doing so in a character developing way it would show how much she cares not only for the planet but how much Sonic means to her and the way I see it it would probably create just as much drama and have just as much a long-lasting effect, probably just as much as Sally's current situation right now is having on the comic. But again this could have only happened if Sega didn't mandate and stick their nose in the comic as much as they do.

Another character that gets some development but not as much as he should, is Tails. Fans have said that if it wasn't for Sega and their mandates, that we could see more development in Tails's character. Development which could range from not just his intelligence for building and inventing things. That we could see more character development beyond that. Heck, one of the things fans question and wonder is if Tails would ever get in a relationship, and from what we have seen, and from what fans have speculated on, the possibilities of him having a girlfriend are endless, characters like Mina, Amy, and as crazy as it sounds, Nicole are a few names being thrown around. But yet Sega doesn't allow that to happen in the comic because of their mandates. True when it came to Sonic X, Tails did get a love interest, but it wasn't until the second half of the final season. And what's funny is in the second to last episode, unlike the uncut French and Japanese versions, Tails, vocally wasn't able to show the motion that he showed in the uncut versions in our 4kids American version. And again it goes back to Sega's mandates, which believe it or not upset a majority of the fans. And just like with the comic at times, you can put the blame if you will on Sega's mandates.

Other characters like Knuckles, Shadow, and even Rouge are limited in character development thanks to Sega's mandates on the comic. I mean there is so much more that can be done with these characters and yet Sega doesn't allow Archie comics or any of the writers on both comic books to do anything development wise. I mean sure, Knuckles is the exception in some areas, I mean he does have a girlfriend/soulmate in Julie-Su, but that's about it. The other two you could do so much more with in the comics, instead of just having them appear every now and then. Again however you can thank Sega's mandates.

And speaking of characters, it took what would be/felt like 6 to 7 years to get Cream and her mother Vanilla in the main comic. And what's funny is their debut came after Silver's debut in the main comic. And yet again all thanks to Sega's mandates.

Heck, one villain that fans want to see in the comic, is Eggman Nega. And with the exception of just his ship flying by in the first panel of the first issue of the "Treasure Team Tango" miniseries of the SU comic, we have yet to physically see him in any major role in the comic or it's spinoff. Which again you can blame Sega's mandates. Now I know some you will point out the fact that he appeared in a off panel parody on the last page of one of the SU comics, but have we seen him in any major story arc physically in the comic or the spinoff? Not from what I've seen. And yet again it's all thanks to Sega's mandates.

And speaking of this villain, let's talk about the one that opposes him, no not Sonic, but one of my personal favorites, Blaze. And yet again and I know I'm repeating myself saying that, but yet again thanks to Sega's mandates and what they say can be used and who could be used in the comic, Blaze is another character that only makes appearances every now and then, and there is so much more that can be done with her character and yet Sega because of their mandates and saying what can and can't be done, we're not allowed to see it become a reality. And the same goes for her sidekick and friend Marine, so much can be done with her even though she's a newer character, that a lot more can be done in the comic and spinoff, but yet because of their mandates we don't see it.

Then we come to the biggest one, their mascot, the one character that took their Corporation to levels it's never been to before, and the one character that is not allowed in the comic book and it's spinoff to have more development than he should. And of course I'm talking about Sonic. I mean with the current story arc in the main comic and in the spinoff, so much more emotional character development can be done with him. Now true we are seeing with the Sally situation, character development with him, emotional and as some see it on the verge of literally letting all his rage and anger come out. But yet we don't see much more. I mean wer're not even allowed to see him shed a tear here as much as he should during emotional moments. When the first season of the Saturday morning cartoon happened we only had one episode were he shed some tears, but then in the second to last episode of the second/final season at the end of that episode he has a saddened look on his face but yet we don't see no tears coming down and then we see him standing outside of his Uncle's hideout just waiting and that's it. And again all thanks to Sega's mandates.

This is the one thing many fans, despite their differences with each other feel needs to be changed. They will all agree and some won't though, but most will agree that Sega needs to stop sticking their nose in the comic book's business. As far as they are concerned, let the comic be it's own entity, don't continuously say what can be and what can't be used and let the writers have free range. Because by doing so it puts all characters and I mean ALL characters on equal ground and makes them all vanulable to the same events and situations that the cartoon and comic exclusive characters are vanuable too. Now again some fans may not agree with this, but I think overall many others will.

So in closing, that me say this, it only takes ONE to start a revolution, it only takes ONE to start a fire, and what this means is that it only takes ONE to cause Sega to stop sticking their nose in areas of their Sonic franchise that they do not need to stick into.

And that's all I can say about this issue.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ending time : 11:53 AM.

If it werent for Segas mandates things would be different in Archies Sonic comic book series no doubt.rtf

If it werent for Segas mandates things would be different in Archies Sonic comic book series no doubt.rtf

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Hey, I got a great idea!

Let's keep talking about how awesome this issue is. Man is Ian pulling all stops out for the heroes.

I love it when things go balls up for the good guys - it makes their struggles seem so much more worthwhile and it builds character integrity too!

Edited by Kintobor
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Though my brain does not like to rank things, Sally has always been my favorite character. Moreso from the early days of the comic when I remember her having a personality. Even so, I love what's been happening in the recent issues. The Iron Dominion on has been some great reading.

Eggman in particular is probably the biggest part of that. For the first time in the comic's history he's actually a compelling villain. He's doing big things in a big way.

Antoine has always been near to my heart and seeing him blown up like this is just... I really hope he makes it. He likely will but I'm still on the edge of my seat in suspense over the further consequences of his actions.

I guess the backup story explains another one of those retcons that were made because of Genesis? Apparently this Eggman is now the same one we've been seeing for the comic's entire run, and not a replacement from another zone. Cool beans, because that's just the kind of superfluous continuity baggage that just makes things muddled.

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I guess the backup story explains another one of those retcons that were made because of Genesis? Apparently this Eggman is now the same one we've been seeing for the comic's entire run, and not a replacement from another zone. Cool beans, because that's just the kind of superfluous continuity baggage that just makes things muddled.

Actually, it is still a different Eggman from another zone.

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The backup story was meant to clear up a small plothole between Dr. Robotnik and Naugus.

In Satam, Robotnik and Naugus know each other and Robotnik betrayed Naugus and sealed him in the Void.

In Archie canon by the time that Robotnik joined the side of the Mobians during the Great War Naugus already had been sealed in the Zone of Silence by Kodos. This means that in Archie, Robotnik and Naugus should not know each other.

In the "Darkest Storm" arc that Ian wrote they knew each other. Ian goofed and confused Satam canon with Archie canon. The backup story fixes the plothole.

Edited by Lucy
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...maybe I missed something, but I always assumed that Archie was actually supposed to be a direct continuation of SatAM? You know, given that it uses the exact same concepts, characters and settings and what have you.

I'm guessing it was probably intended to be, before general writer goofing and Chinese-whisper syndrome caused enough inconsistencies and plotholes for that to not be possible (kind of like how you could actually fit the Sonic X comic into the anime continuity if the writers didn't make a few mistakes here and there that clash with the series).

Anyway, I got Universe 37 yesterday; I must admit, the comic's still far from spectacular in my opinion, but seeing some of the older stuff again in Super Special 2 recently (as well as the hilariously awesome 'Moment of Archie Sonic' blog) makes me realise and appreciate just how much the series has improved from its dark ages. Ian's largely tidying the world into something a lot more structured and coherent, and the selection of artists is much better than the (quite frankly) godawful stuff the comic used to have. It was really quite embarrassing and frustrating in the past that the comics had artwork by paid professionals that I could have (and I'm actually saying this quite easily with no intention to brag) outdone with a quick five-minute sketch in many cases. At least now the art is of much higher quality and relatively consistent.

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Archie was never supposed to be a direct continuation of SatAM. In fact the early issues were more like AOSTH then Satam. It wasn't till later that the comic become more like Satam. Archie Sonic and Satam differ in some places.

Anyway here are some differents between Satam and Archie.

Uncle Chuck gets his freewill back in different ways. In Satam, Robotnik learns that Uncle Chuck is a spy in the episode "SpyHog". In Archie, Robotnik learns that he's a spy during "EndGame"

In Satam Naugus found the Void.

In Archie Naugus created the Zone of Silence.

Edited by Lucy
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Also, in SatAM, there's no indication that Bunnie wasn't an original member, she was there just as long as the rest of them from what we know. In Archie, she joined the FFs fairly late on, given that it's existed since the original Knothole FFs were kids when it was set up.

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I know this is going to sound bad, but I'm looking forward to Sonic losing his cool for a bit. Gonna be epic although he may regret whatever action he does after.

Also its interesting, but it seems that sally has some sort of cognitive thinking. Its like the entire fight she was upset with him.

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Instead of just listing off random differences, how about some context: The comic was developed seperately from SatAM but they were given model sheets so they could have the same characters. I think SoA was trying to make a more complex US canon, probably to sell more toys. This plan fell apart somewhere, might have been when they realized making their canon so different from the Japanese canon wasn't practical (wouldn't be reflected in the games), or possibly when the show was caceled. Good thing for that.

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Despite what happens in the Sonic Comic, WE will still draw Fanart and create Fanvids As WE see fit

Meaning despite the character changes and the current storyarc, we will still draw fanart and create fanvids centered around the characters as we see and know them.

Comments are Welcomed

Edited by bwrosas
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I like how Mecha Sally is insulting Tails and Amy for being kids. It is the same as what she did when she wasn't Mecha except they just accepted it because she is Sally.

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I especially loved the SatAM reference that Mecha Sally said to Sonic.

'You're trying to rationalise with this unit? Where were you when the brains were handed out?'

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Bwrosas I'll say this in the most polite way but jeez for like the last 3 pages you just spill pointless crap man! Poor ol Ian has even have to go on his DA account (which he never does) to clear things up to the muppets like you!

I Think Lucy or someone else pointed out that you specifically stated you buy the subscription to the comic yet you actually stated you aint gonna rean an issue until its all resolved (which could be until June 2013) So you've just a shedload of respect there, I mean come on cancel it if it makes you THAT DEPRESSED then cancel it you plonker.

So please, with plenty of sugar on top shut the smeg up will ya its bugging a hell of a lot of people you continue to write a bible of a reply and yet some of us summed it up in 1-2 sentences. Get the Hint!

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I like how Mecha Sally is insulting Tails and Amy for being kids. It is the same as what she did when she wasn't Mecha except they just accepted it because she is Sally.

Source for your uneeded Sally bashing?

And Bwrosas, come on man you're just giving the idiot Sally haters fuel for the fire. I know you may not like what Ian is doing with the book but going into giant walls of text and posting videos every page of this topic ain't the way to go about it. I've said it to the people who whinge about romance and Sally and blah blah blah, but if the comic really pisses you off that much, don't read it.

The alternative isn't really that great anyway, I mean comics do this stuff all the time, you gotta change up the norm or else the comics go stale. Ian's put the heroes through a lot of shit and basically the comic will eventually go back to the status quo - just look at the recent-ish killings off of Thor and Spider-man for example, or comics in general, they do this stuff all the time.

Personally I didn't like the idea to begin with, but I've warmed up to it. Sally dead was a no-no for me, but a stint as Mecha Sally is actually proving to be quite entertaining

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Source for your uneeded Sally bashing?

Derp-a-durr, dude, where is he bashing Sally? Go read the Tails Minisseries or the Sonic Adventure stories, that Sally always "babied-up" and never really liked to have Tails and Amy fight is an established fact ever since SatAM. And not a bad one, either, it's a flaw that makes her interesting- she's a good leader and whatnot but like her father she's still stuck on some traditions, such as "young 'uns don't fight".

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