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Oh, Tracy... why is it not possible to clone you? We need more of your artwork (not just on Sonic), but I'd hate to see you either fall into the unhealthy lifestyle of the manga artist or get burned out like Ben Bates did.


Those sketches are superb. Thanks for digging them up VEDJ-F!

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Perhaps someone should tell Flynn now would be the prime opportunity to pitch some Nintendo comics again

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That's one I found that pretty much gives the low down, I have a link to the official word at home somewhere on my computer but that will give you guys an idea of what was said earlier in the year. Keep in mind that since then there has been updates and they have posted that some agreements have already been made which will be announced later in the year. So it is all going ahead and isn't just brainstorming.

It's especially interesting how they say other media Nintendo hasn't don't before, it strengthens the point that Archie could get in on this and pitch the comics again if they haven't already.

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Oh, Tracy... why is it not possible to clone you? We need more of your artwork (not just on Sonic), but I'd hate to see you either fall into the unhealthy lifestyle of the manga artist or get burned out like Ben Bates did.


Those sketches are superb. Thanks for digging them up VEDJ-F!


The man's been doing it consistently for nearly a decade, but one has to wonder when he sleeps. I guess it's a good thing Jamal Peppers occasionally fills in on Universe and the on-going rotates artists that are all great, so the burden's probably eased up tremendously since the end of the legal nonsense. All the same, I hope Yardley never loses his spark, because he just keeps getting better with each page he puts down.


It's sort of funny that, when they couldn't get any of the Nintendo properties, Capcom came along and offered Archie Mega Man. I hope with the success of both Sonic and Mega Man, it might make Nintendo reconsider and hand off at least one of their flagships for Archie to work with, even for just a mini-series.



Nintendo has done comics before though. 


[image snip]

Well, it'd be unfair to say they never do comics or aren't open to them. Pokémon has plenty of comics to its name, even if most of them haven't been published in English-speaking territories, as has Zelda. I do hope Nintendo plans to expand the efforts a bit though. Current Archie could potentially do some great things with Mario, for example. Though, cripes, we need to give Flynn a break and let another creative team take a crack at one of these properties, or at least rotate with him (I think Yardley's writing sensibilities would work well with Mario).

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Nintendo has done comics before though.

Famously so.

Well yeah, but it also mentions comics, the American type, in the article itself so I wasn't just going by the "hasn't done" line. Those were manga tho yeah? Like the Pokemon and Zelda manga you can find translated versions of in many comic shops.
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Well yeah, but it also mentions comics, the American type, in the article itself so I wasn't just going by the "hasn't done" line. Those were manga tho yeah? Not American style comics?


...Nintendo Power is the source. 


And if that isn't enough, there's this too

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Nintendo's done American comics. Valliant did plenty of them, for one. Nintendo Power published a lot of comics, made by manga artists, sure, but made on purpose for the American market, so I'd consider them Comics in the American sense.

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Huh I had no idea, thanks guys, never saw them here in New Zealand. The collector in me can't pass giving these a look into. Probably go for a pretty penny now they aren't in circulation tho I bet >.<

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Shame. I'd love to see an Ian/Archie Mario comic. Could be very entertaining. lol

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Looking at those pictures is just painful because it'll never be.


I do wish Ian could do that Kid Icarus comic he said he wanted to do...

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Kirby comic?! Why Nintendo, why? T_T

Seriously though, a Kirby comic would be the best thing ever. A new Mario comic would be great too. I love those Nintendo Power Mario comics, so seeing something like that again...oh Nintendo, what are you doing?

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Next thing you know Nintendo announces at their E3 Direct their partners new for merchandising and Archie's on there. Haha man can dream >.<

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What I'd really love is a Zelda comic. That would be awesome.


A crossover with Zelda and Sonic, so I can see my two favorite game villains at once.

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What I'd really love is a Zelda comic. That would be awesome.

A crossover with Zelda and Sonic, so I can see my two favorite game villains at once.

Didn't you kinda just get that with the Zelda Zone in Lost World? Just go beat up Gannon in Smash Bros with Sonic :P

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Didn't you kinda just get that with the Zelda Zone in Lost World?

No. I don't have a Wii U. And I don't think Robotnik is there.



Just go beat up Gannon in Smash Bros with Sonic tongue.png

Still no Robotnik. sad.png


Also, I'd probably be more inclined to beat up Sonic with Ganondorf.

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Well if it makes anybody feel any better Archie was close to making a Donkey Kong Country comic http://gonintendo.com/?p=152740. Unfortunately nobody emailed them about it.

But trying to stay on sonic related just imagined if this happened and how worlds collide would of been if DK was added

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Well if it makes anybody feel any better Archie was close to making a Donkey Kong Country comic http://gonintendo.com/?p=152740. Unfortunately nobody emailed them about it.

But trying to stay on sonic related just imagined if this happened and how worlds collide would of been if DK was added


I have to wonder if Nintendo would've given them license even if there was a reasonable amount of demand at the time. Isn't Nintendo's licensing push fairly recent all things considered?

I think it'd be kinda funny if Sonic interacted with DK the same way he did with Mobie all those years ago. Poor communication between the two until they find some sort of common ground... though I can't for the life of me come up with a reason Eggman would need a banana hoard. That said, I'm not into the idea of "crossovers for crossovers' sake," but that's me. They can be fun, but I don't want to encourage Archie's event fever more. I'm just glad I haven't gotten sucked into that with IDW yet.

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In reply to Zaysho who I forgot to quote.

I was kinda disappointed Sonic didn't interact with the cast of Smash Bros more like Snake did. I mean sure having him be the one that basically saves the day during the story mode is pretty cool, but because of that we never saw him do much with the other characters. Tho I love Snakes intercom message about Sonic, funny stuff.

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In reply to Zaysho who I forgot to quote.

I was kinda disappointed Sonic didn't interact with the cast of Smash Bros more like Snake did. I mean sure having him be the one that basically saves the day during the story mode is pretty cool, but because of that we never saw him do much with the other characters. Tho I love Snakes intercom message about Sonic, funny stuff.


From what I've heard, Sonic was given the okay by SEGA and added to the roster of Brawl somewhat late into the development, after most of Subspace Emissary was completed, so the fact he managed to get in to that mode at all was more of a minor miracle. Hell, it was more than (I think) Toon Link, Wolf & Jigglypuff got.


This is why I'm a bit sad that a story mode won't be in Wii U/3DS because of how pirated the Subspace Emissary cutscenes were, pissing off Sakurai; we won't get to see anything link Mario, Sonic & Mega Man interact in anyway. But given that this iteration of Smash Bros seemed to have a staggered character roster (where they were putting in new characters & stages during development), maybe that would have been an impossibility anyway.


In a perfect world, Archie would be able to do a Smash Bros. comic, and just have the best of all the franchises in it; and I say Archie because they already got Capcom & Mega Man... though given how SEGA seems unbelievably afraid of "customer confusion" when it comes to Sonic, maybe they wouldn't allow him in such a comic after all...


...I think I'm rambling right now.

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Sonic 264 http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/Archie_Sonic_the_Hedgehog_Issue_264 I knew it was coming ever since 254 when he screamed because the fumes from the broken light bulb on Chucks machine went in his face


Edit: The variant cover is Kick Ass that is the only way to describe it


I'd consider it more kick-ass if it wasn't just some promotional art from Unleashed's pre-release. :P



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Subspace story mode and it's cutscenes were the best part of Brawl for me personally. Sure the main game is still there and its still all out frantic fun, but I loved the character interactions and the levels etc for Subspace. Plus they already have shown some damn nice cutscene type material for the new one by way of the Megaman and Villager announcements etc making the lack of any of that in game all the more sad.

Maybe if they got the go ahead for a small tie in comic to tell a story around the new Smash, a mini-series or something, Tracy and Ian could flex their creative awesomeness at Nintendo and get them to ok a Mario or some other comic based on their IP to test the waters.

I'm also hoping Megaman picks up more subscribers so they can warrent a proper X spin-off. The more classic gaming IP getting comic treatment the better!

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So about Waves of Change...

Who wants to bet that Pearly's fear of Chao keeping Aquarius from hatching rather than anything Shrimp Guy or Dark Gaia shenanigans did?

Also, I'm wondering how Eggmanland will turnout in the comic. Because that always seemed a bit... odd on his part. "The sorld is shattered and I want to keep Sonic from the last Temple and build my ultimate city! It's got to be an amusement park!"

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It was a pain of a level to try and S rank with Sonic too. But hasn't Eggman Land in the amusement park sense been his goal since forever, he mentioned it in Adventure too if I remember rightly. I also seem to recall people being really hyped up that he finally got to build it in Unleashed and to a degree in Colours too. He seems to have a thing for amusement parks. Will be interesting to see how the comics handle it since in the comics he's always been more about domination and world conquering and hasn't really mentioned Eggman Land much has he?

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