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Who is your least favorite character and why?


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I can see where you're coming from. I wish Sonic would go back to being his cocky self like he used to. Taunting Eggman before a battle and getting cheesed off when he can't do something, instead he's some kind of saint who is always cheerful and nice and rarely gets angry unless it's time for a final battle.

Have you played a game called SONIC UNLEASHED? I thought he was quite cocky for the most part of the regular Sonic parts.

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No boobs.

That's not a flaw! That's just DFC!

Yes. I went there.

In all seriousness, I actually do prefer characters that don't have to rely on their massive tits to stay interesting. Examples of these characters are Rouge, Laura Croft and Bayonetta. Because really, it seems like those characters who were made purely to get 15 year old lonely men off their couches, lawn mowers, or wherever they are and out to the store to pick up the latest game from the series.

And that's why Rouge is one of my least favorite characters... that and she doesn't really do much compared to the other characters.

Edited by Edge
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And that's why Rouge is one of my least favorite characters... that and she doesn't really do much compared to the other characters.

In what games? Because I know she did more than other characters in at least one game, while pulling equal weight in the others.

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Eggman Nega and Elise for me.....I just don't get why Eggman Nega was needed and the less about Elise the better. If it counts then I guess Chris aswell. About Rouge (Who I don't mind) apparently she is the reason that Fang isn't in the games due to the thief persona taken by Rouge and SEGA don't want 2 thieves

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Cosmo really irked me in Sonic X. I think it was her dub voice which grated on my ears and she was really dull. All she seemed to do was cry and cause bother until the second to last episode where she actually did something useful. Who knew a plant could be so annoying?

I'd also have to say Storm because he was big and dumb. I can't think of him doing anything important excpet for lurking behind Jet and Wave and acting like a stereotypical tough guy.

In the defense of Cosmo. The 4Kids dub is pretty unfair to her and her characterization. Yes to start off with shes a bit of a pacifist, It's sort of understandable considering the Metarex not only made her race a wandering tribe stuck on a spaceship but also killed everyone she knew and loved - with her being the sole survivor simply because she was in another part of the ship. Due to that shes very reluctant to let anyone else get hurt on her behalf, plus she is conflicted between her anger at the Metarex and her feeling that violence shouldn't be the answer. Not to mention the Metarex are the male gender of her own race

That and she actually ends up doing a fair bit, even though she constantly apologizes for doing pretty much anything at first. The team use her to figure out whats happened to the planets or occasionally to work out where they should be headed. But considering Cosmo's never had the experience Cream and Tails have had up to that point, it's understandable that she doesn't find her place in the crew right away.


The only character I really hate in any Sonic Universe is Elise

I mean other characters can have their own element of suckatude, but most of those at least have their own thing going on and a certain amount of personality (even if they are written kind of badly). Elise hasn't much of a personality outside of the fact shes a princess, a bit of a closet furry with a thing for Blue Hedgehogs and suffers Princess Peach syndrome. Even without the whiny annoying fangirlishness, Elise is just horribly bland, irritating and the fact Amy's character is kind of screwed with just to make that ending happen is a bit of a slap in the face to fans. (on one hand its nice to see Amy less possessive maybe but I find it hard to believe she wouldn't be heartbroken watching some other lass smooching her man - regardless the circumstances)

Also Tommy Turtle from Archie was pretty annoying. He was kind of okay for a one-shot (though it seems a bit OTT to me that Sonic would actively pick even on a slow character) even though I thought the ending to that was kinda overblown. But then he survives AGAIN (destroying any sentimental value the ending to the original story had) and suddenly is a tech expert and a bit of a deus ex machina of a character. Thankfully was Put on a Bus by Ian Flynn later but I prefer proper heroes to show up Sonic, rather than random childhood friends who haven't dealt with half the stuff most of the cast put up with.

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Alright, when it comes to everything Sonic, I'm going to have to go with Chris Thorndike. Good god, if you only watched Sonic X without ever playing the Adventure games, you'd think he was the main character. Seriously, whose idea was it to make the show focus on a rich kid with parent issues?

But I suppose the games are the real subject matter here, aren't they? Then I nominate Elise. A generic, boring Princess who for some extremely weird, mentally scarring reason is set up as Sonic's love interest. Neverminding how stupid that is, she feels like the type of Mary Sue character that pops up in fanfiction. It's like some fangirl wrote a story about Sonic falling in love with her and continuously rescuing her from danger and posted it online. And then instead of hiring actual writers for their game, Sonic Team just grabbed the first thing they saw on fanfiction.net, which happened to be that.

I mean hell, that would actually explain a lot.

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I'm gonna have to say the chao they do nothing to the franchise but let you hear them scream most of the time. Also because they were a PAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN to get in sonic advance 3 OMG!!!

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In what games? Because I know she did more than other characters in at least one game, while pulling equal weight in the others.

Pretty much anything outside of Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog.

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Pretty much anything outside of Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog.

I wouldn't cut her short in games like Heroes where none of the cast did anymore than the other given the plot. She actually does a lot more compared to most other characters. But I digress. It's not like the cast has had much of a decent portayal nowadays.

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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I thought Rouge was a great character in Heroes.

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The higher ups certainly can’t decide whether she’s important or not. I mean, what ever happened to her in the future in ’06? Does she die off screen? Become teen pregnant with Silver? Do a bait and switch and order Omega to sack Shadow? Go get a tan and a Martini in Antartica?

Personally, I like the idea of a morally ambiguous female character, but at the end of the day-


-Bats aren’t sex symbols.

....Now vampires on the other hand….

Though what I could never understand about Rouge is; just what convinces her that Shadow is a mentally stable citizen? He tried to nuke the human race…….maybe twice. I think she just keeps him around so she doesn’t get the blame for all the property damage.

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I mean, what ever happened to her in the future in ’06? Does she die off screen? Become teen pregnant with Silver? Do a bait and switch and order Omega to sack Shadow? Go get a tan and a Martini in Antartica?

Come to think of it, they never really explained anything about the future outside of Shadow, Silver, Blaze and Omega. I guess everyone else just dies out.

-Bats aren’t sex symbols.

That could be said for any animal if you want to be realistic about it. :P

....Now vampires on the other hand….

Excluding Twilight. *shot*

(Ya missed again, you sorry ass sniper! >=))

Though what I could never understand about Rouge is; just what convinces her that Shadow is a mentally stable citizen? He tried to nuke the human race…….maybe twice. I think she just keeps him around so she doesn’t get the blame for all the property damage.

Well, the fact that he actually saved her life more than once and did the same for the human race twice and in plain sight of the whole world is pretty convincing. That, and he's never been mentally unstable in the first place. Even with the whole amnesia gag they ran through him in Heroes and ShTH, he's not really someone you would call unstable when he knew full well what he would be doing despite the consequences and manipulation going on.

Mentally unstable is another way of describing someone who is insane, and Shadow is too calm and collected to be such. Sure, he could probably work for or as a villian in future titles, but even then it's very unlikely for him to be mentally unstable at that point...unless the writers make him so.

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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That could be said for any animal if you want to be realistic about it. :P

I demand a sexy Tarantula!

Excluding Twilight. *shot*

(Ya missed again, you sorry ass sniper! >=))

I guess the legion of fangirls should just stick to their sharpened pencils and bathroom toilets. D=

Well, the fact that he actually saved her life more than once and did the same for the human race twice and in plain sight of the whole world is pretty convincing. That, and he's never been mentally unstable in the first place. Even with the whole amnesia gag they ran through him in Heroes and ShTH, he's not really someone you would call unstable when he knew full well what he would be doing despite the consequences and manipulation going on.

Mentally unstable is another way of describing someone who is insane, and Shadow is too calm and collected to be such. Sure, he could probably work for or as a villian in future titles, but even then it's very unlikely for him to be mentally unstable at that point...unless the writers make him so.

The character himself is up to interpretation, but to me…Sister/daughter/MainSqueeze+dead=Destroy Planet? In what strange parallel universe does this even make sense?...Wait…. He also died living in his own little matrix world in SA2, Rouge of all people seemed to be aware of that. Though I guess like many other things in the games the “will he go back to old ways” struggle was probably internal and off screen.

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I'm going to play iconoclast once again and say that Rouge was pretty bad in SA 2 as well. I get the impression that her being a government agent was something they threw together when they realized they didn't want to or didn't have enough time to work in a character who was more explicitly a government agent, because many of the thing she does are massively inconsistent with being one. Things such as aiding in blowing up prison island, being detained by security on said island, and taking time away from her mission to steal the Master Emerald. The way Shadow figures out that Rouge is a double agent is also pretty laughable.

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My least favorite character is Black Doom becauase first off he's excitence doesn't make any since it was said in SA2 that Professer Gerald Robotnik made the Ultimate life form but not once does the game say that Gerald got help from an aliean that lived in a comet. But even when Shadow figures out that it wasn't true why is it that the game Shadow the Hedgehog did not say that Black Doom was making it all up. I mean Black Doom is just this Aliean who wants to destroy the earth for no reason. Which is why I hate him ( for being such a pointless character ). :angry:

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My least favorite character is Black Doom becauase first off he's excitence doesn't make any since it was said in SA2 that Professer Gerald Robotnik made the Ultimate life form but not once does the game say that Gerald got help from an aliean that lived in a comet. But even when Shadow figures out that it wasn't true why is it that the game Shadow the Hedgehog did not say that Black Doom was making it all up. I mean Black Doom is just this Aliean who wants to destroy the earth for no reason. Which is why I hate him ( for being such a pointless character ). :angry:

... ... So because Gerald neglected to mention a big alien overlord in his notes... you now hate a character? That doesn't make any sense. And I was under the impression that Shadow WAS created by Dooms DNA and geralds genius?

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But even when Shadow figures out that it wasn't true why is it that the game Shadow the Hedgehog did not say that Black Doom was making it all up.
Because he didn't figure out that it wasn't true, because it was true. Gerald made Shadow with the help of Black Doom. Edited by Diogenes
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Well to start off, in Sonic X......


I don't like Chris because he seemed too whiny and annoying. But as he got older, I tolerated him. I still don't like him though.

Cream--She has this "goody two shoe"/"I hate violence" vibe that pisses me off. Plus she stays getting kidnapped by Eggman.

Big--He's so stupid and worthless. I don't understand why Sega has to make retarded characters that fans laugh AT not with.

The Babylon Rogues

Jet--He thinks that a hoverboard can prove that you at the fastest thing alive and he's so annoying. His attitude stinks.

Wave--She's a bully and a b----. She always picks on Tails.

Storm---AGAIN Sega created another STUPID and WORTHLESS character with a retarded voice.

Team Chaotix (Except Espio)

Charmy--He's talkative and annoying, but in Sonic X, he's not that bad, but I still dislike him.

Vector---(no comment)

Marine--She reminds me of my little cousins. Rough, stubborn, and bossy.


SONIC HIMSELF---In Sonic X, he was a lot cocky and a showoff. It's annoying. Plus, he can be mean to his friends at times.

Edited by Jus Me
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Without a doubt, Heavy and Bomb from Knuckles' Chaotix are my least favorite characters. They have no personality, they slow you down, and are basically useless. If I was any good at hacking, I'd replace them with Sonic and Tails. Close second are Mephiles and Black Doom. They're just a little too evil for my taste, and I don't think they really belong in Sonic games.

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