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Christopher Eccleston was amazing, especially in that scene. He could do dark moments brilliantly but could also deliver comedic moments too. Compare him in Dalek to the "EVERYONE LIVES" part, the man had range. 

That and he was a Northerner! biggrin.png

And again, compare the fearsome 9 in Dalek and the happy "Everyone lives!" 9 from the end of The Doctor Dances, to his sarcastic tone throughout 'Rose' for and example. It was brilliant how he kept on top of all these.

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This has to be favourite exit in Doctor Who, he just slips out leaving everyone to have fun as he wonders alone yet again. He also sheds a tear at the end too (which is admittedly difficult to see here.)

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I don't think Moffat is bad at writing females, I just don't think he's creative. River, Sassy, smart. Amy later became sassy and smart. Clara, sassy for sure, and becoming smarter.


His females are quite same-y, to me. That's why I'd not have wanted a female Doctor by him. It's not because of sexism, or any of that nonsense, it's because Moffat can't right prominent female that aren't smart and sassy...


I completely agree with you there. That's my main reason for not wanting a female doctor, not because of the 50 years of the Doctor being male.

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The problem is huge in the industry in general, I think probably it's not as bad in Doctor Who, but Moffat is still sexist.


You really think people get a bad reputation in the film and TV industry for being sexist? Unfortunately no one in high places cares, it's like, criminally under-reported. Here's a shocking video made to raise awareness of what can happen without female consent, and here's an article about some female celeb experiences that they talked about at Comic Con recently.


 If you care about this debate in the least at least check out that video and a bit of that article. Women aren't defenceless but they shouldn't need to be defended in the first place. The sexism here is acting like there isn't a problem at all. Obviously this isn't all related to Doctor Who, but you keep saying that "people have reputation" or that people wouldn't get away with sexism in these industries which is.. naive, because it happens all the time and no one is doing anything about it.


Of course there's a difference between Moffat and "someone who really hates women a lot", but there are all kinds of sexism, he's still sexist even if he doesn't do it violently or on purpose. On Doctor Who it's not a huge issue, but it still bugs a lot of people as you can see from the Google search I literally just posted. I'm not sure why you feel the need to discredit me as a feminist simply because of my sex or gender, or why you choose to conveniently ignore all the criticisms I've linked. I'm really studied in the subject and I care passionately about it and really do not like sexism in general.


To be fair a lot of people aren't bothered by Moffat's because it's not hugely terrible and it's the kind of thing you only really notice once it's been pointed out to you, which is fair enough, it's ok to just let yourself enjoy it and I enjoy it too.


But my whole point all along is that Moffat is sexist and that it's causing the show's female characters to be really negatively affected. It bugs me, and a lot of people, so I'd like for Moffat to move on from Doctor Who soon.


Sorry but males can get the shafted in the Industry too. It is a Industry, granted women probably get it more which is a problem but I don't see in this case with Doctor Who. I am sorry but I don't think he is that bad as you claim regarding Moffet.


Wait I am confused you make a big deal out of it only to say that its okay to let it slide if you enjoy it?


I think just one stupid generalization he made (which we all done ourselves, guilty here) and some repetitive writing (Davis got pretty repetitive too towards the end of time working on the show) doesn't make him to be an all out sexist in my eyes. I think all of us have said some things about Women when we think back to and cringe.


I was going to say If it bothers you that much, how about you boycott the episodes he writes if find that offensive to you and others? But you said its okay to let it slide?


Thanks for wasting my time there.

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While I can imagine a female Doctor being badass (River got a badass moment with a Dalek in the Big Bang. I think that's what the episode was called), I would just never get used to it. It may sound sexist, but the Doctor is just not a part that would go well on a female. The Doctor is an eccentric character who can also get very serious; I just don't think having a female being that eccentric would be the same. If 13 is female, cast her as a badass.

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I was going to say If it bothers you that much, how about you boycott the episodes he writes if find that offensive to you and others? But you said its okay to let it slide?


Thanks for wasting my time there.

No, I just didn't see any reason to continue the debate from my side since it was like talking to a brick wall who would clearly just happily disregard all my well-researched and valid points and not even attempt to take point on any of them on account of my sex. If I'm not female, I must therefore have no idea what I'm talking about. If I was female, perhaps you'd say I had no right to criticise how the Doctor himself is written because he's male?? Even if I give you a simple Google prompt that leads to literally dozens of critical examples of why he's sexist. But whatever. If anyone's time was wasted, it was mine, so don't worry. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Edited by SuperLink
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It should be noted SuperLink is automatically correct if only because he's insiting Moffat's SEXIST, not SEXIEST, which is a different matter altogether and quite scarier.


Also because Moffat IS sexist. Regardless, I'd rather the Doctor keep being a brit white guy. Sorry guys, I prefer what few elements have been kept for 50 years of the show to remain 50 years more.

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Moffat explains Capaldi casting:

Speaking about how many names were on the shortlist this time around: “The list went, ‘Peter Capaldi’ -- it was a very short list! Honestly, there was only one audition this time… and it wasn’t an audition so much as… he came round my house and we put him on video to see what he looked like as the Doctor and, gosh, he was terribly good!”


Asked if it was a conscious decision to cast a much older actor this time, he replied: “Not particularly. I mean, the apparent age of the Doctor makes no narrative sense at all – he’s been anything from his 20s to his 70s. Obviously he doesn’t care, he just sort of picks a face off the rack and goes with it!

“I think it’s good that we’ve got a different age, just because I cannot imagine what somebody in their 20s would do with the Doctor after Matt showed us all how to be a 20s Doctor. I don’t know what you would do after that, because he was so perfect. You’d have to be an alternative or a deliberate contradiction -- it wouldn’t work, I don’t think. So it makes life easier, I suppose, that Peter is different. But that wasn’t the reason, the reason was… the Doctor was in the room and that’s it. You don’t argue with that!”


Asked whether it was true that Peter was considered to play the 11th Doctor: “He did flick through my mind when we were replacing David [Tennant] and it didn’t feel right at all -- if you think about that, that wouldn’t have been right, not then. But there’s something about Matt’s Doctor that paves the way for Peter’s Doctor somehow. The important thing to remember about the Doctor is that it is one character, going through his life, played by a succession of different actors. and you have to get to that place each time. I can somehow absolutely believe that the strange old/young Matt Smith will turn into the strange young/old Peter Capaldi.”

Responding to what sort of Doctor will Peter be: “Magnificent! The truth is, we don’t know. I’ve seen him do ‘Doctor-ish’ stuff and it’s worked. I’ve seen him deal with the technobabble, I’ve seen him deal with the nonsense… I wrote scenes [for the audition] that were deliberately impossible -- deliberately impossible dialogue, just to see, ‘Can you do the impossible, even without gunk being poured on you?’ and now we’re going to pour gunk on you, and throw a lizard at you, and ask you to say all this stuff and explain the plot… So we don’t know [what he'll be like] yet, we’re going to work on that. Matt developed hugely as he approached the part over the first few episodes and we’ll do the same with Peter.”

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Looks like this WILL be the darkest and most intricate Doctor yet, judging from the trailer shown here.

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I really wish they had picked Damien Molony, but I guess it was about time we had another older Doctor.

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I'm not really bothered either way about Capaldi. He's a good actor, so I trust that he'll do a good job, and it will be interesting to see what direction they go with The Doctor now. But I'll just wait and see before forming any opinion on him.


As far as a female Doctor goes... while it would be nice, I don't trust them not to ruin it. Doctor Who is often clumsy with it's female characters, so I don't know if they would handle it very well. Sometimes they're great, other times not so much.


However I would like to see a Doctor that is not white. I don't care if they're black or Asian or whatever, it would just be nice to move a little away from the usual white guy. Plus it wouldn't even be difficult considering that he regenerates and when considering that River was born a white girl, regenerated into a black girl and then regenerated again into a white woman... if she can do it, why can't The Doctor? I'm also pretty sure that in the early series one of the Time Lords regenerated and looked more Asian?

Edited by Mollfie
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Normally people against it just don't want the radical change (except the ones who don't want it because fuck blacks and women amirite etc), because yes, lore-wise there's no reason for it not to happen.

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I actually totally forgot that we'd be seeing Twelve in Eleven's clothes. Seeing the new Doctor run around for a bit in the last Doctor's outfit is one of my favourite things about regeneration stories.

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I actually totally forgot that we'd be seeing Twelve in Eleven's clothes. Seeing the new Doctor run around for a bit in the last Doctor's outfit is one of my favourite things about regeneration stories.

A nice part of the transition! :)


McCoy looked horrible in the 6th Doctor's outfit. Then again, that outfit was horrible anyway.

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Niel Cross (Rings of Akhaten and Hide) back for series 8:

He tells Stuff:

“I am going back. I have got story ideas tucked away, but if I told you about them I would have to kill you. There’s a whole bunch of stuff I want to do. Steven is clearly very busy with the 50th anniversary special and Christmas special, but I have to find out from Steven what his intentions for the Doctor are and what sort of stories he wants me to write.”


Cross also spoke about Peter Capaldi’s casting: “I am really excited about writing for Peter Capaldi, and equally sad not to have the opportunity to write for Matt Smith again. I think Matt Smith has been the most outstanding Doctor to date.”


“I am familiar with Peter Capaldi’s work and I am looking forward to it. Peter has presence on the screen. I think he’s an outstanding choice. There’s something about his physicality, his image, his wit, that evokes the Doctor. There’s something about him that evokes classic Doctor Who.”


Tennant says "50th is everything I hoped":

He told EW:

 “I suppose you’d expect me to say we’re new best friends and I love him like a brother. But that is sort of how it was”


Although Tennant admits he had a few concerns about returning initially: “I had a fantastic time and that wouldn’t necessarily have been the case. I’m coming back onto a show that’s effectively somebody else’s show and used to be mine and that’s potentially quite a weird situation to be in. Going back to something I knew so well and had such fun memories of might have backfired.


He adds: “It’s a quite rare set of circumstances: Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig don’t get to play James Bond next to each other. But actually it felt familiar enough that it was like coming home and working with Matt proved to be a real joy. I hope I’m speaking for him when I say we really enjoyed bouncing of each other and playing sort of two aspects of the same character. It was everything that I hoped it might be and nothing that I feared it could be.


Doctor Who Magazine no. 464 cover:


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I am seeing a lot of Jon Pertwee in Peter Capaldi. Mainly his face though as I have never seen him in anything (minus Fires of Pompeii of course.) I am still shocked at how many people are saying that he is too old for the role however, I mean Hartnell was the same age and it's for the role of a Time-Lord.

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This is sort of Doctor Who related, but I heard a rumor that Characters construction toy "Character Building" is being discontinued.


If this is true, it could very well give The LEGO Company an opportunity to get the Doctor Who license. I heard in a LEGO store that Doctor Who is their most requested franchise to become a LEGO theme (in the UK anyway), and since DW is becoming increasingly popular overseas, perhaps they might just do it. 


A LEGO Tardis would get all of my money. Both the interior and exterior. Oh, and the Character Building stuff isn't very good, the Tardis interior set doesn't look very robust, and the Tardis exterior that I have has very poor quality bricks with spru showing. 

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Moffat's 12th Doctor hints from DWM #464:

  • Moffat is pretty certain Capaldi will keep his native Scottish accent for the role
  • At the moment, they’ve only discussed Twelve’s costume in the lightest terms
  • Moffat wanted to flip the switch the other way after having two youthful and accessible Doctors in a row
  • He’s going to be an older, trickier and fiercer Doctor
  • “Just as Clara’s learning to have a proper old crush on him, suddenly he’s Malcolm Tucker!”
  • Moffat thinks it’ll be fun seeing Clara cope with the Doctor being completely different…
  • …”I think the fun story will be – and we have the opportunity here – is this is what regeneration can do to you. He can be very, very different.”
  • “People really love Jenna, so we make the Doctor quite difficult…”
  • …Moffat likens the situation to Tom Baker’s first season: “He’s really quite difficult to take at the beginning, and you’re very grateful that Sarah and the Brigadier are there to reassure you.”

Capaldi is keeping his native accent, and the Doctor is becoming more trickier and fierce? I like this, obviously there'll be the comedic side to the Doctor, though it'll be a different kind of comedy to what Smith's Doctor had, it'll be great to see what they have in store.

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So it seems we have a minor leak on our hands...


An low-res screencap of the 50th anniversary special has leaked online from a clip shown at the Edinburgh TV Festival. Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt’s Doctors can been seen together for the first time.




Edited by Liam The Animator
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I'm gonna go weep at the fact that that could have been Eccleston standing next to Tennant and Smith now.

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