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1 minute ago, alicemichelle297 said:

Kind of a missed opportunity to call it Sonic Generations & Shadow IMO. 

I'm probably going to be calling it "Shadow's Fury" because of the comparisons to Bowser's Fury.

1 minute ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

Looks like Ian might be writing for the new campaign.

If I had to choose someone to write that, I'd choose him. It's a shame that Eclipse the Darkling from the Archie reboot (probably) won't be making any appearance due to legal issues.

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Utterly delighted by how much love they're giving to Shadow's story, it's been a hot minute. This is the most excited I've seen my friends for a Sonic game in a while... More than Frontiers, even. Fanservice sells good.

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I don’t know how to feel.  Hopefully they will change some elements of the game, like the story.  I didn’t expect for a trailer to come out so soon.(Shadow is in the game? He’s a part of the story?Oh my I am so happy!)  

Edited by NightFire
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I am SO FREAKING HAPPY! Not only will I be able to play Generations on Switch, but they’re adding Shadow content on top of that??? Sign me the heck up! 
Looks like Shadow’s campaign will include stuff from SA2 and ShTH05 primarily. Makes sense.

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There’s the rub in this - We really have to hope whatever Development Team (or subset of Sonic Team) can craft levels that are at least up to par with any of the base Generations stages. 

Overall though, Sonic Generations on modern consoles is a huge plus. It deserved a way out of the era of consoles it was stuck on (and outside of PC / Mods). 

The bonus content / story is a win for fans because the game deserved DLC back in the day, but reframing the game to also centre on Shadow (outside of him being a skin, or just the Shadow the Hedgehog game) is brilliant idea. 

Hopefully they do it all justice.

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That is an odd logo. But any Shadow the Hedgehog reference I will take. I thought people were going to make like, Sonic Forces Episode Shadow type stuff. It could still play like that but this is so much bigger in scope. Like the CGI is near identical for what is now more than 12 years later. If you told me they animated this back in 2010-2011 I would believe you. 

When in doubt, return to 2005. 

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Shadow campaign looks quite cool based on the trailer, looks to be much more substantial and fleshed out than the forces dlc they shoved out. Including westopolis and black doom in a sonic game is wild to me considering not that long ago Sega wanted to bury Shadow under the rug.

Generations “remaster” is a way of putting it though, it looks exactly the same as the original running on high settings on Steam and all the caveats that come with that game (such as all of the classic sonic stages being boring). Wouldn’t be surprised if it was just a simple port of the PC release.

That stops it from being a day 1 buy for me as I’m not exactly sure how long the shadow campaign is going to go for, they can only fit so much content into a remaster. Great for new fans who probably weren’t born when generations came out and console players who don’t own computers though

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I’m glad I can play Generations now on my PS5 at least, the only way I had to play it was on my dusty laptop since I sold my PS3 copy years ago.

Keep these remasters coming. Unleashed and SA1 are my next picks!

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The more Flynn smiles the less I like him.

Anyway, initial impressions of the gameplay are poor. Shadow appears to come to a complete stop in mid air when he initiates a homing attack, interrupting the flow of the gameplay. In the sequence where he is fighting the GUN bots on top of the building it sure looks like he has to stop and fight the enemies to destroy the sphere before he can advance, a level design trope that screeches everything to a halt and I had hoped the series had left behind.

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I wonder if we will be able to play as Super Shadow in this game like how we played as Super Sonic.

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Just realising that we're likely in for a hell of a time with the control layout.

Unlearning the Frontiers layout and go back to the traditional boost layout for the Gens content and, potentially, also going straight back to the Frontiers layout for the Shadow content.

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5 minutes ago, Cosmos Rogue said:

The more Flynn smiles the less I like him.

The more Flynn murders my favorite characters the less I like him, but to each their own. (I'm mostly joking on this front.)

That being said, I am curious as to how far Flynn's involvement is on this project. Is he the actual writer for Shadow's Fury, or just the consultant/lore maniac?

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Time will tell how the game itself is playing, but the initial footage for vanilla Generations looked good in the trailer. Doesn't seem to have the same problems as Colors Ultimate on at least a surface level. Generations is the one boost game I can really say I love, and I haven't been able to play it on console (I don't play games digitally - still waiting on that SA1/2 Switch port) since my most recent 360 died. So assuming this is coming to Switch I'll gladly buy this one again unlike Ultimate.

Regardless if the Shadow content is good, it's certainly exciting to look at. SA2 is my favorite game in the series and while I never feel compelled to return to ShTH, seeing Dooms Eye certainly excited me. Knowing Ian's likely writing Shadow's story based on his most recent Knowing Smile tweet also makes me hope that this will be a major step up in terms of story than what the original Generations offered. The trailer got me hyped and that's all it really needed to do for now. All hail the Year of Shadow.

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Just now, PickleBrows said:

Just realising that we're likely in for a hell of a time with the control layout.

Unlearning the Frontiers layout and go back to the traditional boost layout for the Gens content and, potentially, also going straight back to the Frontiers layout for the Shadow content.

Every enemy dies in a single attack in the trailer. They haven't bolted Frontiers' combat system onto Generations gameplay. The control scheme is likely mostly unchanged.

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I know we're past the point of people caring about how these games feel but can we at least push to get the Frontiers homing attack changed? That stop and start shit never felt good.

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"Sonic X [Character]" could honestly be a great format for future boost titles - the classic Sonic gameplay you've come to expect, paired with a guest character with their own story and levels. Shadow's a safe choice to start that off, since he plays pretty much just like Sonic does, but I definitely could see potential in making this an ongoing thing and shining that spotlight on others over time.

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The trailer description mentions Generations being remastered as well as some kind of bonus content? Doesn't seem to be talking about Shadow's story.

But yeah so far I'm a bit underwhelmed by Gens looking untouched, for the best maybe? After Colors...

Shadow's story has so much stuff though, the Final Chase stage is particularly fire looking, level design... too early to say but might be Forces-esque, I don't mind if it's linear or traditional boost, I just hope it's challenging because Gens and Forces sure weren't, probably not gonna be open as Frontiers of course. Doom's eye? Fuck, at least there is Biolizard (I never liked the Black Arms).

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I wonder, if it was Sonic X Knuckles, maybe we would have gotten a game based on Knuckles' Chaotix?

Or a Tails Sky Patrol or Tails Adventure campaign if it were Sonic X Tails Generations?

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This looks freaking GREAT. FINAL RUSH! BIOLIZARD! SHADOW DOING A BUNCH OF RAD SHIT! DOOM'S EYE!!!!!! (Did NOT have Black Doom appearing in a new Sonic game on my 2024 bingo card.) As a Shadow fan, I am VERY excited to see what awaits in the final game from both a gameplay AND story perspective. (Like any rad new remixes or just how Shadow's whole deal ties into Generations' main story.)

Also LOVE the way they introduced the Shadow stuff by not only reanimating the classic Gens teaser, but with an SA2B intro nod to boot! (Classic Sonic just looking all awkward in that moment made me laugh.)


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Looks beefier than the content offered by Shadow's Forces tie-in content - so thats a plus.

I'm not sure how much of the base game they are going to change up (if they change anything at all) but thats not the worst thing in the world either considering Gens was likely the most all around solid of the boost era games.



I'm more upset that they skipped over Unleashed. They could have found a way to cram Shadow into that one....

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I've been debating buying Sonic Generations so I could replay it, so I'm super glad I can wait and re-experience it with this update.

Also, did SEGA and their marketing team ever test out googling "Sonic x Shadow"?  💀

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Most of the Shadow gameplay was the cinematic stuff so I don’t have a strong opinion on the level design yet but my god it’s about time they start putting back fucking energy and flair into the levels again, something that really dazzles you and gives a level its identity. Felt like that’s been missing since SLW, Forces tried but failed in every instance but the stuff I saw there looked really cool 

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Sonic? Shadow? SA remaster? Shadow the Hedgehog remaster? Lets. Freakin'. GOOOOOOOOO! My boi Shadow is back in the house! 

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