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There has been rumors of a remake of Sonic Generations for a few days now, and they have only gotten more interesting as we found out that there's going to be some bonus Shadow content. Well, it's not a rumor anymore. SEGA has officially announced Sonic X Shadow Generations!


The announcement, which was made in Sony's new State of Play presentation, didn't have anything shocking if you knew of the rumors. But there was still plenty of things that Shadow fans, and especially Sonic Adventure era fans, are able to gush over. In fact, Shadow, not Modern and Clasic Sonic, was the main star of this trailer. The vast majority of the trailer featured his campaign.

And speaking of his campaign, "a brand-new story" awaits with Shadow. We didn't get to see many levels, but we did get some footage of what looks to be Final Chase. We also got to see the return of Black Doom and Biolizard, both of which seem to be bosses that Shadow will have to fight. However, SEGA didn't really reveal anything else, so we'll probably see more of Shadow's campaign in the coming months.

So, when will we be able to play this? Well, SEGA confirmed that it will be releasing on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC this autumn. It's more than likely that we will learn more about the game in the coming months, so make sure you stick with us as we cover what is very obviously going to be another busy year for Sonic fans!

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Pretty nice looking, with all the features and all. I like how they have added Shadow the Hedgehog into this, and I like the new things added to this as well.

So, what do you all think of this?

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Shadow the Hedgehog is back and teaming up with Classic and Modern Sonic in Sonic X Shadow Generations, an all-new collection featuring two unique experiences!

Play as Shadow the Hedgehog in a brand-new story campaign, and tackle iconic 2D and 3D stages as Classic and Modern Sonic in a newly remastered version of Sonic Generations.

Sonic X Shadow Generations is coming to PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 consoles in Autumn 2024!


Edited by Sonictrainer
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  • The title was changed to Sonic X Shadow Generations - Announcement Trailer (Coming Autumn 2024)

I actually can’t believe this turned out to real! #turnupthehype

*sees black doom*


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So the rumors were pretty spot on I guess. Enough Shadow content was shown to think he's going to have at least a mini campaign.

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The new Shadow stuff actually looks really cool. Never thought I'd see the Black Arms again.

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Hook line and sinker. That got me excited enough. Biolizard!

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I await the break down of this forum in light of this news. Looks good from that though.

Edited by castell-neath
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That was definitely more substantial than I was expecting based off of the rumors. Interesting.

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Generations looks exactly the same and the new Shadow stuff is weird and exciting. 


This... Is the best case case scenario? I'm really happy honestly.

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This definitely fits in with the leak that suggested we were getting all new levels and new content.

Insane that they actually remembered Black Doom. Looks like we're even getting a Westopolis zone.

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We've come a long away from the days when SEGA was terrified to acknowledge stuff like Black Doom. I was expecting it'd just be playable Shadow and maybe a few more stages, but damn this is looking good

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I don't know how to feel about this tbh. I don't really have any negative feelings but this feels like the weirdest choice for a remaster with new content. Guess we'll just have to see.

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The fact that this is the name for it is hilarious, but that aside, the game looks honestly pretty great for a remaster! Wanted a modern way to play this that isn’t shitty PSNow, and  even if this is bare in new content, it’s generations, so automatically will be better than most 3D current sonic games and get more play time outta me lmao


hope the appearance of the black arms means a more fleshed out story 

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A few years after the round anniversary but I suppose Shadow is as old as Sonic was at the original generations release.

Going to fill up a christmas present slot nicely.

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This level design looks like Sonic Forces. I really hope the hype is not built around Episode Shadow 2.

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Noticed something. At the end when Shadow kicks something at the Biolizard, listen carefully. I can hear a roar. The roar they used in the 3DS version (which is a recycled Dark Gaia Phoenix roar). Looks like they ditched the original sounds.

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Mandatory: "You've gat dddiiiss, Sanic"


Final Chase, Radical Highway/Westopolis, plus Biolizard and Black Doom bosses... Are we also expecting rivals, since Gens had them...hmmm.. 

Well, hyped died once I saw that the Shadow levels play like Forces/Frontiers' cyberspace.. fuck it.

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So the official URL is shadowgenerations.com.

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Kind of a missed opportunity to call it Sonic Generations & Shadow IMO. 

I'm happy to have a remaster of Generations that can be played on my PS5 and the Shadow content looks great if these are in-game cutscenes in the trailer. Some of the best animation we've seen in awhile! 

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Just now, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

Looks like Ian might be writing for the new campaign.

Or the tie in animation

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