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Well that's certainly one way to open the flloodgates.

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1 minute ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

Well that's certainly one way to open the flloodgates.

A bit shocking, but I'd actually welcome a return to Adventure like games. I just hope they do Sonic's speed and momentum the right way.

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6 minutes ago, ShinyGems said:

A bit shocking, but I'd actually welcome a return to Adventure like games. I just hope they do Sonic's speed and momentum the right way.

Personally, while I'm all for upping the involvement of momentum, I think they should at least keep the boost akin to how it is in the open-zone gameplay of Frontiers. It's a nice trick to help get around the map quicker.

3 hours ago, Darkvizardberrytan said:

True but surely after all these years they understand it was not so much the tone such as Shadow and 06 it was cause they were just BAD games (and heck i like 06 for what it SHOULD have been). It was something that bugged me back then. It was like hmm this games not doing well. must be the tone and story, no you rushed out products with what felt like little to no testing just to hit anniversaries and sale dates. 

See, the thing about SEGA is that they tend to run on the mentality of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Sonic 06 failed? Welp, they tossed out pretty much most elements pertaining to the Adventure style of gaming.

Now, sometimes, like with Unleashed, they'll latch on to what does work in a product, but just know, that the reason a lot of people were waiting with baited breath, for the reception, was because of how SEGA responds to said reception. And heck, even still, some people are worried that they'll find a random reason to veer off course if enough negative reception arises.

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2 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

Personally, while I'm all for upping the involvement of momentum, I think they should at least keep the boost akin to how it is in the open-zone gameplay of Frontiers. It's a nice trick to help get around the map quicker.

I agree. Personally, I think it would be possible to have both. It would be the best of both worlds to me.

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Just now, ShinyGems said:

I agree. Personally, I think it would be possible to have both. It would be the best of both worlds to me.

As nice as it is to see Kishimoto conversing with fans, I do hope he doesn't fall into the pit trap of trying to please everyone, to the point where his own vision gets lost, and the game becomes a mess as a result.

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1 minute ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

As nice as it is to see Kishimoto conversing with fans, I do hope he doesn't fall into the pit trap of trying to please everyone, to the point where his own vision gets lost, and the game becomes a mess as a result.

Yeah, that would actually be dreadful if something like Kishimoto trying to please everyone and the results of that happened. But yeah, I also agree that he is conversing with fans, and taking their feedback.

I remember there was this online thing after Sonic Forces came out that asked for feedback on how to improve Sonic games from there at the time. I wonder if Kishimoto was behind that?

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15 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

Well that's certainly one way to open the flloodgates.

Damn, and I actually really liked how boost played in frontiers. Oh well, gotta move on someday I guess.

I wonder what style they have in mind then, assuming they keep the mini-level cyberspace concept around.

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8 minutes ago, LegoFedora said:

Damn, and I actually really liked how boost played in frontiers. Oh well, gotta move on someday I guess.

Now, one thing to keep in mind. None of this confirmation that the boost is getting removed.

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I do wonder; if they do simply remove the boost; how would that affect Sonic Team's level design? I mean, I can imagine some aspects of the current team's level design not changing due to "inertia" if you know what I mean, even if they did want to make it like the Adventure games more.

But still, how do you guys think removing the boost could possibly affect Sonic Team's making levels?

I mean, I know there is Sonic Lost World, but to me, that was more of a different kind of approach than either the boost or Adventure games.

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Worth noting that there's nothing in that article that says specifically that the next game may cut it, just that Kishimoto is interested in making a Sonic game without boost.

Honestly while on one end it is worrisome that Kishimoto might be a little too willing to listen to people since it's a trend with him. Frontiers was a hard course correction after people listed specific complaints about Forces, and Forces was a hard "course correction" after people listed specific complaints about Lost World. Even Colors was made the way it was partly because people got fed up with outrageous ideas being bolted onto Sonic for no good reason. But that being said, so long as he sticks with the open zone format and maintains a clear understanding of what people did and did not like about the open zone format, then the next game should have a clear path towards improvement. Even beyond obvious things like pop-in, a questionable art style choice, unsatisfying physics, and so on, there's a lot that can be improved about the open zone structurally. A good sequel to an experimental title like Frontiers can be just as much about defying the foundation as it is about building upon it, so regardless of what feedback he does and does not listen to, I'm really curious about how the next crack at the format will turn out.

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11 hours ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

Well that's certainly one way to open the floodgates.

Yeah, you got that right! Well, Twitter might actually have a genuine purpose besides reeking of toxicity and tearing people apart. Again, there's no promises here I'd rather Kishimoto be focused on making a consistent follow up to Frontiers. Whether that be a rumored 2d spinoff or another fighting game. I really mind them taking the boost away though. In 2017 when Forces had it. I was sick and tired of it but in Frontiers it just has more of a purpose. The problem was never the boost it was just how the boost was executed. A lot of people liked the day stages in Unleashed cause they went at a faster pace however there was a limit... In Frontiers you don't have to smash robots or pick up wisps to boost it just comes naturally. Which is how it should have been in the first place. Unlimited speed with an exceptional story is really all I'm looking for here. Hope the fans don't overwhelm Kishimoto with their concerns I know he tries his best to put out good work.

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Even Kishimoto has enough sense to realize the boost doesn't actually pair well with rolling. If he's seriously considering cutting the former to focus on the latter then I'd say he's close to the right head space for the next game. The only "vision" I'm worried about is him having the balls to just go through with it and cut it to make a more engaging game, without worrying so much about what Sonic fans that are too attached to the modern games will think. The reality is that Sonic fans will buy in no matter what, so they're the audience you have to be least concerned about. Don't worry about pleasing them. Make an engaging game and you'll expand the appeal of the series. 

I also think that it's funny that people are worried about Kishimoto listening to feedback now, but back when it was about tone/story everyone was begging him to listen to the fans, fix what was broken and make something more like SA1/2. Mechanics will always be the fanbase's last priority. 

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Kids will definitely buy Sonic no matter what, they can even enjoy Forces, Sonic is so popular right now it is a matter of advertising for games to be played by every kid.

Older general gamers need the well polished game, I know after reading online that a lot of them haven't bought a Sonic game in ages and consider Frontiers with reservations due to the pop in and other issues here  

Fans... yeah they might buy everything but are the most passionate, I say it's fair they listen to the passionate community but they should never fall into fan feeding obsession because the devs will never be able to please everyone.

I am biased of course, I do think Fans have an obsession for rolling and momentum physics, I don't care for that personally, Frontiers is not built with those in mind, "classic physics in 3D" is something I will never care for probably, but I understand as I have my Sonic priorities too for example a good game that is enjoyable with good direction and tone, as well as other playable characters. I'd be dumb to say they should only listen to what I want and forget about momentum, in reality they should really focus on making a good game first. But interacting with fans is just communication for now, I don't see it as a negative thing so far.

For example, some creative Fans made a well written essay that Kishimoto read on how to improve the ideas in Frontiers. It's the best form of feedback so far.

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19 hours ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

Well that's certainly one way to open the flloodgates.

If the reason the spindash wasn't in Frontiers is because it already had the boost, then I guess that means...

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Do you think the other characters will have boosts in Frontiers DLC? Like would Tails and Knuckles have air boosts while flying/gliding?

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5 minutes ago, SticksSuperFan14 said:

Do you think the other characters will have boosts in Frontiers DLC? Like would Tails and Knuckles have air boosts while flying/gliding?

I am not expecting it, but honestly, I would not be surprised if that were to happen somehow.

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16 minutes ago, Razule said:

Maybe Boost could be something the player can do if they maintain a high enough speed.

I've been saying this for years, but Advance 2 got the system perfectly. The 'boost state' can be something earned and maintained through good player gameplay, not the default that the whole game is designed around. I like boost games for what they are, but it pretty much has to be rethought or given different consideration if they want to keep it around in a game where momentum and building speed is the focus.

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The main thing with a game is you want to keep it fun and somewhat a challenge but you do not want it to become to hard that people put it down. Good gameplay should be rewarded but you have to make sure its not something that is the ONLY way to get a reward cause then no one would bother with it and if its fundamental to the game will put it down


One thing I do not want to see changed is the Super sonic fights. FINALLY they are fun. Super sonic in the past has been fine but I enjoyed seeing him actually have to TRY and actually fight things with different techniques rather than another generic just ram it with your head boss fight as nearly 90% of final bosses are. Heck the combat in frontiers was just such a god dang breath of fresh air.

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I think the boost should be used to attack, almost exclusively, tbh. Smash smaller enemies with ease, bounce off shielded ones (and then engage into combat) and damage a bit bigger ones.

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Boost should be, like, an ability made for a different mode for speedrunners who wanna beat the game as fast as possible. Maybe a marathon mode that could be either tied to a 100%'d save file or just a bonus

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It looks like there's gonna be some mechanics "experimenting" going on by the 3rd major title update that will lead into what Kishimoto apparently wants to work with in the next game. The extent to which things will change remains to be seen, but it's interesting that they'll be doing some adjustments to core gameplay within Frontiers itself.


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I think it's looking like a safe bet that if Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are playable, they aren't just going to be lazy reskins of Sonic. 

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