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The Lara-Su Chronicles and Ken Penders topic - READ PAGE 164, POST 4096

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45 minutes ago, KingMario05 said:

Just stumbled upon his latest tweet shitshow. God, I wish Sega had a way to take this moron to the cleaners... but I know that's not happening, so I'm just hoping and praying to God that he has no involvement in Prime. (He says he has no interest in returning to Sonic, thank God.)

Sega will once he tries to rerelease 20 years later

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Among all of the bullshit he posted, and he posted a lot, this is the one I found quite amusing:

Here's Ken Penders - in response to someone saying about a Chronicles sequel - straight up saying that SEGA would need to reach him and get the lawyers to draw up contracts. Wanting money for it. Except one issue - Penders - despite what he keeps believing - doesn't own Shade or any of the other characters in Chronicles for that matter, and he never won that lawsuit with Bioware/SEGA either, so that's definitely not the case.

It's nuts to me that he actually, truly believes he owns characters he literally had no part in the creation in, and thinks he's owed royalties and contracts for those characters.

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Has anyone said to Ken he's a lot like Trump? The way he dodges facts, says lies and attacks others is just like his favourite politician. I'm sure he'd love it.

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7 hours ago, Zonic 2099 said:

I love how he can act like Ian's some sort of gate keeper for who can or can't appear in the comic.

My guy, Ian's politely saying that he can't legally bring back Mina or anyone created for the Archie comics because neither SEGA nor IDW own the rights and both parties don't see a point in trying to buy them back. IDW won't waste money buying the rights to characters that they'll lose should SEGA yank the license away and SEGA certainly won't want to buy back a bunch of characters they won't even use.

Hell, even if IDW did have an interest in buying up the rights to some of the Archie characters it's still up to SEGA.

Ken, you burned your bridges with SEGA. You could have played ball and been far more reasonable but you weren't. You told them it was your way (with demands) or the high way and they took off. You took a gamble and it blew up in your face.

At this stage the point of crap like this is performing for the wretched remnants of his original fanbase, and to air the continued grievances he has with Flynn for the crime of both replacing him and generally being a more popular writer. For nearly a decade now he's pulled this shit- hell, even before the lawsuit he's claimed Flynn stole ideas from him because he had Antoine and Bunnie get married. Honestly, I think what set him off here was the implication that SEGA may not, in fact, have any legitimate interest in purchasing from him or ever using his contributions in any capacity again. He's invested way, way too much of himself into the idea that his work was SUPER popular and it's what most people think of when they think of Sonic, and the longer SEGA just ignores him and the franchise continues to go on just fine without him and his work is just another reminder of the fact the defining work of his life... just doesn't matter. 

And you know, that last comment just reminds me about how he, of his own free will, mentioned how he tried to get a Knuckles movie made in lieu of payment for the settlement. And that he thinks that that is in fact a reasonable compensation for his time on Sonic, and that somehow it never occurred to him once that that's precisely the kind of thing that would convince SEGA to not want anything to do with him ever again. 



5 hours ago, KingMario05 said:

The man's lost his damn mind at this point. How he was able to swindle Sega/Archie with logic like this is beyond me...

Easy- Archie did the heavy lifting for him. He didn't win because he had a super brilliant argument. He won because at the end of the day, Archie did the one thing so stupid, so incompetent, so bizarrely DUMB that it created enough reasonable doubt that even someone as childish as Penders could win. 

2 hours ago, Dr. Detective Mike said:

So, I walked into this thread as usual seeing it was updated and expected it to be another funny thing. No. Turns, out it's one of those legitimately upsetting things that almost goes balls deep in making my head steam a tiny bit.

I don't really know... how it's possible to make so many of these kinds of ignorant tweets about one person whom you've never properly interacted with and whose work you've claimed to have never read without any kind of self-reflection on your conduct. I don't know how he can make the claim that Ian himself doesn't want to bring the Archie characters back when he should know damn well he doesn't have final say. The fact that there are way more tweets that haven't been posted here that were just flooding in one after another because of that one, really kindly answered question is like some sort of weird joke.

I listened to this question get answered, heard him say Ken Penders' name for the first time in a long time during a discussion that was mostly about Karl Bollers and had a flash of a joke cross my mind about Penders maybe responding to it. I didn't think it'd be possible for him to find out but I guess his sycophants were stalking Ian hard that day and managed to send him a time-stamp. Lord knows he doesn't actually listen to the podcast.

Despite all the ridiculous stuff he's said, I think this one is the one that made my brain blue screen of death itself.

Ken, aside from the few tiny specks of dry slug at the bottom of the barrel that still like you, who do you think is FALLING FOR THIS?!

Like, WHO the fuck do you think you're fooling with this?

I went on twitter and saw a mountain of tweets posted by you calling out this man for things you've made up in your head over a conversation that barely mentioned you and vilifying him for a bunch of nonsense and this is your follow-up tweet? This is how you're trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes so that you can pretend to be the big man by fanning your hands down at your boot-lickers and going "Hey guys, please don't attack Kyle or Ian on my behalf. You're better than this."

Maybe they are, but you're not. A mature response would be to do what Ian is currently, and pretty much always has done, and NOT engage. 

Not that this necessitated a response either way. 

It's so frustrating. The obvious difference between something like this and the usual hilarious stuff he posts is that it becomes a matter of inciting possible harassment whenever he involves Ian. So seeing a post like this where he's trying to pretend he doesn't want that makes me want to get my stomach pumped.

Someone ought to take Lara-Su, cremate her, and then dump the ashes all over his twitter. 

It's possible because Penders, for whatever reason, views anyone who contradicts him about anything as being out to get him. He started a feud with Bollers and accused him of trying to 'undermine' him because Bollers dared to mention that 25YL wasn't THE future but one of many. He got into a pissing match with the guy over the future of a stupid comic book meant to promote a video game series. Same deal with Flynn, with the addition of Flynn replacing him and daring to kill off his personal pet character Locke. There's just... something about Penders where he always takes the worst possible interpretation of anyone's actions against him, no matter how petty. Hell in one interview he tried to frame a SEGA Exec who objected to Sonic Live as a killjoy by claiming the guy just 'didn't get how fun it could be' or some crap. 

That's the world Penders exists in. Anyone in any position to contradict or question or do anything that puts a hole in the narrative he's constructed for himself is pretty much a malicious liar and enemy of the State Of Penders. I have no idea what makes him this way, but there it is. I mean for fuck's sake, the guy compares Flynn to Vichy France. 



Yep. Flynn not alienating people he's worked for and might need work from in the future, yeah, that's TOTALLY comparable to the regime that collaborated with the Nazi's. This is the purest glimpse into how Penders' mind works, and just how much of a disgusting, sniveling prick he is. 

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4 hours ago, The Master said:

Has anyone said to Ken he's a lot like Trump? The way he dodges facts, says lies and attacks others is just like his favourite politician. I'm sure he'd love it.

Probably shouldn't bring politics up around here. One spark is all it takes to start a wildfire.

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This is some of the most vile behavior and rhetoric I've seen from Penders. He is an absolute chode.

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17 hours ago, KingMario05 said:

Just stumbled upon his latest tweet shitshow. God, I wish Sega had a way to take this moron to the cleaners... but I know that's not happening, so I'm just hoping and praying to God that he has no involvement in Prime. (He says he has no interest in returning to Sonic, thank God.)

Why...why would he? He's burnt every bridge. Even if by some miracle a contract he signed or that mike Kanterovich signed to allow him to be his writing partner were to turn up and Sega or Archie one get rights to his characters after all the shit talking he's done they're never going to let him do like "Sonic '93 #160" and continue his real true continuity or anything like that.


17 hours ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

Jesus Christ, the very state of Ken Penders' ego!!

Yes, just because you created something automatically means you're above any other creator who dares to use your characters, quality be damned.

Krusty The Klown voice: It's a joke! when you give me that look it's a joke.


17 hours ago, KingMario05 said:

The man's lost his damn mind at this point. How he was able to swindle Sega/Archie with logic like this is beyond me...

It's less that he swindled and more that Archie is comically inept. Apparently they lost their contracts in a fire and didn't have back ups so that's the only thing backing up Penders claims he worked on a comic book for over a decade got paid by the company but wasn't hired by them. Since there was literally no evidence Archie or Sega had rights to these characters Penders won his case.

Sega's no better since apparently the post-reboot characters and the FF designs are Archie's property not Sega's. Say what you will about Capcom at least they were smart enough to make sure characters like Quake Woman and Gil Stern were legally theirs since that's how licensed comics should work. Like for example the only reason the character Circuit Breaker from Marvel's Transformers comic isn't Hasbro's is because she didn't appear there first. The writer wanted her to be Marvel's property so she first appears as Circuit Breaker in Secret Wars II for like 2 panels and then Marvel never used her again so what was even the point?

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14 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Among all of the bullshit he posted, and he posted a lot, this is the one I found quite amusing:

Here's Ken Penders - in response to someone saying about a Chronicles sequel - straight up saying that SEGA would need to reach him and get the lawyers to draw up contracts. Wanting money for it. Except one issue - Penders - despite what he keeps believing - doesn't own Shade or any of the other characters in Chronicles for that matter, and he never won that lawsuit with Bioware/SEGA either, so that's definitely not the case.

It's nuts to me that he actually, truly believes he owns characters he literally had no part in the creation in, and thinks he's owed royalties and contracts for those characters.

Penders has deluded himself into thinking that he's the people's champion, with all this legal drama and "sticking it to the man".

Little does he know, the reality is that he just pulled a selfish manuever to facilitate his ego that's done far more harm than actual good.

He clings to this like it was a victory to be celebrated, when doing so just drags him and his reputation down, further and further.

18 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Gotta love how Kyle responded and Penders got super pissy over that too:

What show is he referring to?

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Ah yes, Geoffrey St. John, the main star of Sally's mini series guest starring Sally herself... But for real as much as I like Sally, she's not the kind of character that I can see holding a whole book on her own. Hell, the only character I can imagine holding a book for a respectable couple of years is maybe Shadow and that's totally dependent on how it's set up.

Like, how can you have a story about Sonic trying to restore his childhood friend's family to power when you write out said childhood friend where they are dealing with their own issues fighting the same person. It's completely stupid when we all know it's gotta be Sonic the main character who defeats Robotnik.

14 hours ago, horridus said:

That's the world Penders exists in. Anyone in any position to contradict or question or do anything that puts a hole in the narrative he's constructed for himself is pretty much a malicious liar and enemy of the State Of Penders. I have no idea what makes him this way, but there it is. I mean for fuck's sake, the guy compares Flynn to Vichy France.

Yep. Flynn not alienating people he's worked for and might need work from in the future, yeah, that's TOTALLY comparable to the regime that collaborated with the Nazi's. This is the purest glimpse into how Penders' mind works, and just how much of a disgusting, sniveling prick he is. 

And yet Ian's the one with a far more successful career. He doesn't try to abuse the system and take advantage of technicalities. He's not being a toady he's being smart.

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1 minute ago, Zonic 2099 said:

Ah yes, Geoffrey St. John, the main star of Sally's mini series guest starring Sally herself... But for real as much as I like Sally, she's not the kind of character that I can see holding a whole book on her own. Hell, the only character I can imagine holding a book for a respectable couple of years is maybe Shadow and that's totally dependent on how it's set up.

Like, how can you have a story about Sonic trying to restore his childhood friend's family to power when you write out said childhood friend where they are dealing with their own issues fighting the same person. It's completely stupid when we all know it's gotta be Sonic the main character who defeats Robotnik.

And yet Ian's the one with a far more successful career. He doesn't try to abuse the system and take advantage of technicalities. He's not being a toady he's being smart.

I could see a Silver comic considering he's had several of his own arcs in Sonic Universe, or maybe a new Knuckles book written by someone who understands the character, especially since he seems to be missing a lot of lore and backstory I could've sworn he had

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The idea of Penders being out in charge of a full on Sally series after the miniseries where Sally isn’t even the main character, and the atrocious Girls Rule special is horrifying. I don’t know why he’s making a song and dance out of “no Sonic, or FF” either, taking core aspects off the series doesn’t enhance the spinoff, it makes it feel lacking and probably just a shill for his own original bullshit. Sonic Universe successfully did the spinoff thing by bouncing between all sorts of the characters while still connecting it to the main series, having plot points interconnect and allowing the likes of Sonic and other main characters to show up occasionally.

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6 hours ago, SBR2 said:

It's less that he swindled and more that Archie is comically inept. Apparently they lost their contracts in a fire and didn't have back ups so that's the only thing backing up Penders claims he worked on a comic book for over a decade got paid by the company but wasn't hired by them. Since there was literally no evidence Archie or Sega had rights to these characters Penders won his case.

They should never have hired their namesake on as an office intern.


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22 hours ago, CertifiedNobody said:

I could see a Silver comic considering he's had several of his own arcs in Sonic Universe, or maybe a new Knuckles book written by someone who understands the character, especially since he seems to be missing a lot of lore and backstory I could've sworn he had

I could honestly see Evan Stanley having an entire Silver book planned in the back of her mind. The Silver Age really felt like it was less a Universe Arc and more of a backdoor pilot.

Hell if they could work things out I think it'd be interesting if Sega revealed that Silver is the same character across all media. Like Games, Archie and IDW Silver are all the same guy. Kinda like what IDW TMNT did with Renet.

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Anyone know if we have any details to guess the plot?


what I could gather is that the alien echidnas are on a ship with a job caste system assigned to them and the cyber dark colony are villains or perhaps antagonists with a point and it’s based on survival

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6 hours ago, Leebo4 said:

Anyone know if we have any details to guess the plot?


what I could gather is that the alien echidnas are on a ship with a job caste system assigned to them and the cyber dark colony are villains or perhaps antagonists with a point and it’s based on survival

I think that's basically it. Plus Lara-Suis bummed about being Guardian despite never shutting up about wanting to be in M25YL because consistent characterization is for chumps.

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Just what is this comic book series supposed to be about?  And why hasn't Ken did anything to publish this yet?

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1 hour ago, Rabbitearsblog said:

Just what is this comic book series supposed to be about?  And why hasn't Ken did anything to publish this yet?

Apparently a coming of age sci-fi story of sorts. And I imagine between him working alone on it, his personal life (which I respect), and Twitter have something to do with the length of time since the first announcement. 

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6 minutes ago, Promethean0416 said:

Apparently a coming of age sci-fi story of sorts. And I imagine between him working alone on it, his personal life (which I respect), and Twitter have something to do with the length of time since the first announcement. 

Oh okay.  It seems like he's been on Twitter a bit too much lately.

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3 hours ago, Rabbitearsblog said:

Just what is this comic book series supposed to be about?  And why hasn't Ken did anything to publish this yet?

Because he's putting all his time on making his ground breaking app which will have comics AND motion comics.

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I'm really tempted to reply to Penders here. I'm assuming aiding mean Jon and Ian stating that they did have contracts with Archie. Ken Penders and other creators stated they did not. We can assume both sides are telling their truths. Yet Penders holds it against Jon and Ian. It's not impossible for a couple of creators to have contracts and some to not have any. Archie was clearly incompetent here.

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