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1) If that's the case, their doing a poor job seeing as how I'm rivaling them all at once, and they're usually the ones who stop responding. You've done the same.

That's because you keep bringing up the same arguments over and over and every time someone refutes that argument you just ignore it or miss the overall point to argue semantics, only to go back on your original argument later then pretending that no one has made any actual rebuttal. We've gotten tired of playing ringaround-the-rosie with you.


Your Right. I have no reason to. No one else seems to be budging at all either, no matter how many times the disproving of statements on either side occur, I appear to be the only one even inching in the other direction. I'm never going to stop loving the game, but that doesn't mean that I know that there are things wrong with it. I've gone on to state problems of the game MYSELF, and I'm on it's side. However people against this show absolutely no signs of admittance to anything at all, so in reality their the ones who are NEVER EVER going to reach a point as that.

That's because you were the one who instigated this debate in the first place, challenging peoples opinion on the game and claiming that people were being unfair to it. We're the one's who are defending our position.


What's ironic with the latter statement is that you still CAME BACK to the franchise even though 06 ruined it for you. As much as any sonic fan has ever claimed to dismiss the series because of it's awfulness is just a load. It really and truly is. If sonic 06 were as bad as people claim it to be, Sonic would be dead. But is he? No. So many people who hate the game say that this had Sonic at his lowest point because so many fans didn't want to be fans of the series anymore and they STILL come back. That PROVES that the game isn't as bad as people claim. If this game made you run away screaming, then why did you play the demo for unleashed? BECAUSE IT WAS SONIC.

That statement is completely assbackwards.


From a fan's perspective (the more dedicated ones at least), they came back because Sega pratically made it their mission to distance the next Sonic game from 06 as much as possible and put some actual effort into it. Fans came back because what Sega showed looked like a complete 180 in both look and attitude from Sonic 06, showing legitimate promise, and even then, Unleashed only ended up leaving a lukewarm impression after the fact. At release, most people were just releaved that it wasn't another 06.


And that's just the fandom's reception. Go look at any Sonic related topic on any general gaming site and at least half the posters there will still be saying that Sonic is a dead franchise that is beyond redemption, and it's only been until very recently with the release of Colors, Generations, and Lost World that people have started to put more faith into Sonic again. Really, Sonic fansites like this one are the only places where this kind of reception is not the majority. Sure a lot of the more hardcore fans stuck around, but outside of our small communities, Sonic is constantly put next toCrash Bandicoot and Spyro The Dragon as the next gaming icon to completely crash and burn.


Perhaps the only real reason Sonic 06 didn't actively kill the franchise is because it was already a cash cow franchise that's practically guaranteed to sell with enough marketing and pretty trailers (and most of the games sales come from the genrnal demographic that they're selling it to; not dedicated Sonic fans, who only make up a fraction of a games overal audience).

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A lot of people blame Sony and Microsoft for the game being rushed, even though Sega clearly made it primary rule to release the game by the holidays and the PS3 version was released a whole year later...supposedly fixing things that were still there in plenty.


PS3 came out a month later.


But you are right, it was a Sega thing, and whilst I don't think there's any differences between the versions, there's no improvements over the 360 version.

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Funny how "fixing things" for the PS3 version turned into making it even worse than the 360 version.

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Well the entire game was a rush job. So the writers will probably try to finish the story in little time due to the time constraints.


I have a question. Was it really Sega and Sonic Team's fault for releasing 06 despite it being rushed or did Sony/Microsoft or the fans have anything to do with it?

That was all Sega, Sonic 06 was supposed to be the reboot and the big main title for the 15th anniversary, in the same way that Adventure 2 was the big 10th anniversary title (and Generations for the 20th). At the time Sonic titles were almost annual and usually were developed for Summer/early Fall release. Sonic 06 was not released until mid-November (December for PS3) there was naturally pressure to get the game released so it actually came out in the anniversary year, Sega also wanted to make sure they caught the Christmas sales market. 

Sonic 06 has a LOT of problems that have nothing to do with the time taken to develop. Lousy design decisions left unchecked, bad level plan and layout, lousy physics, terrible storyline (and that's something considering Shadow came out the year before!). I do think things like the animation, music and some of the terrain design was good, but 06 was basically all wasted prospects

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1) Post-Saturn, and '06 inclusive, which Sonic games have you played? Where applicable, how many to completion?


Sonic Adventure - Completed (All 130 emblems)

Sonic Adventure 2 - Completed (All 180 Emblems)

All 3 Sonic Advance games (Completed)

Sonic Battle (Completed)

Both Riders games (All Gold Medals and EXTREME ratings respectively)

Sonic Heroes - Completed (All 120 Emblems)

Shadow the Hedgehog (All A ranks)

SONIC '06 (All 4 stories)

Sonic and the Secret Rings (All 110 gold medals)

Sonic Unleashed (Wii) (Completed)

Sonic Unleashed (360) (Completed)

Sonic and the Black Knight (All 5 star mastery ratings)

Sonic Colours (Wii) (All 180 Red Rings)

Sonic Colours (DS) (Completed)

Sonic Generations (Completed)

Sonic Generations 3DS (Completed)

Sonic Lost World Wii-U (Completed)


2) To what extent do you feel '06 has been inspired by games prior, and games following inspired by it? "Being a wakeup call" is a legitimate answer for the latter, for the pessimistic among you.


'06 was obviously inspired considerably by Sonic Adventure. You can see it in the hubs, action stages with multiple segments and power-up items. The story is also similar i.e Sealed evil in a can who wants revenge on humanity unsealed by Eggman, main characters kick it's ass in the end in a Super form showdown.


3) '06's reputation for awfulness is legendary - that in mind, what to you stands out the most as a critical flaw in the game? Feel free to name several, if equally memorable.


'06's critical flaws all strike me as being especially memorable simply because it encapsulates everything that should not be done in games in general especially a Sonic game. But I'll focus upon what especially sticks-out in terms of badness to me;


The realism premise was DoA and was a terrifically bad idea horrifically pulled-off. The colourful fantasy-ish quality to the series was completely missing with not one iota of it present. The art direction is extremely boring, unimaginative and unappealing. The colourful short anthrope characters stick-out terribly and everything, everything is simply embarrassing to look at.


The story is so extraordinarily badly written that I still wonder to this day what the flying fuck was going through Sonic Team's mind when they came up with it and thought it was acceptable. A special subject of tremendous contempt from me personally is the way Sonic got treated like absolute shit and what only compounded how worthy of disdain it was is 1 - The fact that it's supposed to be his game and 2 - This game was supposed to celebrate his 15th anniversary.


4) Likewise, if you can name a memorable positive trait, do so. Again, not limited to just one.


Shadow's portrayal. It was great to see him profit from character development as he isn't prone to Mephiles' manipulations and sees right through them.


5) Do you agree with the reputation the game has garnered over the years? Conversely, do you disagree with in any way, or outright revile, the people that don't share your view?


Yes. I do agree with the game's reputation. It fully deserved the critical backlash that it got. It's reputation for bestiality is undeserved however, as the game features no bestiality in any way, shape or form.


And no on the 'fun' subject because fun is subjective. However, those fans who incessantly defend the game and prove they know fuck-all about how to actually defend it, scapegoat the fans by citing the BS that the fans rushed SEGA and who go on to groundlessly criticize games like Colours obviously because they have a defense mechanism in criticizing (Rightly) better-received games when their precious piece of shit is in any way criticized as if doing so would lessen the harshness of '06's reception greatly annoy me.


6) What drives you to discuss this game whenever the subject is brought up? Are you aware that it may be out of some misplaced sense of allegience?


Because next to no good ever comes from '06 and because the game still has white knights who know nothing about what constitutes competent game design let along good game design in general who obnoxiously go-on about how inarguably great it is, I take some measure of satisfaction in ripping-apart their defense/arguments.


7) Given the chance and ability, would you improve Sonic '06? Again, for the pessimistic, abandoning it outright for richer pastures is a legitimate answer.


No. SONIC '06's very foundations were rotten to the core. And resources could go towards creating original Sonic games that wouldn't have the stigma of being SONIC '06 attached to them. '06 was undoubtedly this series' greatest failure and it's better off buried and never revisited.

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A fan project with many of the core level design features intact Mind you.

It's running on a completely different engine. This is grasping at straws taken to a whole new level.


I'm not focused on shifting the blame, I am focused on figuring out why these problems INDIVIDUALLY are problems here and not in other games....

This is stupid. Why should it matter whether they're problems individually? '06 doesn't expose you to these problems individually - what you're doing here is separating them to make your side of the argument look better, and it doesn't work that way because '06 does all of these things. At once. In the same game.

Of course you basically ignore this point every time I make it so I don't even fucking know why I bother. Probably because it negates virtually every comparison you've made thus far.

Especially considering you don't even pay attention to all of the posts that I've made, rarely including the ones directed to you!

Have you fucking seen the size and amount of your own posts? Do you expect me to comb through every single thing you say for something that may or may not even have any relevance to the discussion between us? Give me a break.


The most irritating thing about this is that you didn't even take the chance to re-iterate or quote yourself to prove me wrong, which would have saved a lot of trouble in of itself.


That nitpicking wasn't on my part. All of the statements that were being discussed in that set of statements was all due to your questionings.

Which were in turn counterpoints to completely arbitary picks from games with only the faintest resemblance from said games.


Claiming your victory over one part of a whole statement doesn't seem like that much of a victory since you neglected to respond to several other instances of Me proving you wrong.

So... you claim that declaring victory over a small statement is hollow (nevermind that I never did anything even remotely fucking resembling this)... then go on to not only gloat about a victory over me refusing to entertain your baseless circlejerks over and over, but even go as far as to quietly sweep select statements under the rug (all mention of the strobe glitch, most recently) as if this pedantic, obsessive imaginary requirement of referencing everything shouldn't apply to you too.

The hypocrisy is so thick you can practically drink it out of the air. It won't kill you to learn some god damned modesty.


You literally cited Escape from the city

ROLLING around at the speed of Sound.

You have a sense of humour, right? Can you recognize a joke?

I would respond to the rest of this fragment, but honestly I'm just LOLing at the way you seem to know better than the actual people who designed him. Do you even know what you're trying to prove anymore? Certaintly not anything relevant to the topic at hand.


1) If that's the case, their doing a poor job seeing as how I'm rivaling them all at once, and they're usually the ones who stop responding. You've done the same.

Quantity over quality, my friend. People have only stopped responding to you because you're acting like an obnoxious, dense brat that would sooner just plug their fingers in their ears than attempt to post anything resembling human rationale.


I remember I used to be like you once. And if you're anything like me, you'll look back on these days, facepalm and wonder how you thought this was a good idea.

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They are major problems on their own. A game whose only problem is bad writing for example is problematic. However, a game with bad writing is not necessarily either A.) as badly written, or B.) as compounded on with the other problems that I named as Sonic 06. Hence, they are still not as bad as Sonic 06 as you keep trying to prove. This is actual the argument people are making and the one you continually fail to understand.


And let me be clear on another thing: writing a lot in response to someone is not a refutation or a rebuttal or a sign that people are lying or nit-picking. Unless you are actually comprehending the arguments of a person properly, then it becomes impossible for a proper discussion to take place. What you have been doing is- either deliberately or otherwise- completely missing the overall point and context people have been making and thus strawmanning them. This is not good debate tactic and it is the reason people are fed up with you. Simply put, you're not understanding what people are saying yet you're arguing anyway.

I beg to differ.

Although I have been mistaken several times, several people refrain from bringing up several points that I've given them. Here are a few examples: 

My point of Dr. Eggman's credibility as a villain in Sonic 1 vs Mephiles with Rusty Spy

Eggman's arrogance with several other people


Mephiles' credibility vs Deadly Six credibility with Jovahexeon

Silver vs Big with BlackLightining

and quite a few more.


Arguing about points like that that go unanswered only adds up to the last statement being correct in some way, otherwise it would continue to be pursued.

There are several cases where people literally dodge a statement and go on as if nothing has occurred.

But just because I was the last to answer doesn't mean that I'm right. It just means that the other never continued to contribute to the conversation, and in these instances it was not due to me misunderstanding. 




I'm sorry but no. It stands to reason, they'd be better off actually trying to improve it.

This is a good idea, but as you can see, they did not have the time or developers willing to work on it anymore.


and where do you get those awesome gifs from? Do you make them on your own?

Oh, wait.... that's off topic...



And how many patches were made into 06?


Also, I care about story in a Sonic game, it made games like Secret Rings and Black Knight worth playing because we are intrigued on how Sonic is going to overcome the obstacles like the fire curse in Secret Rings. It is one of the advantages Sonic has over Mario, he's allowed to have a narrative.  

Very little


I care about story in a Sonic game as well. That's why I despise Sonic Colors, Generations, and Lost World for falling so flat in that section while having great potential. People say lightheartedness is a good thing, but not when it's handled this poorly. Heroes did the best job at having a simple story, but that's just me.



That's a load of bull. That's the best the game was ever going to get because SEGA doomed it's rep by ushering in that stillbirth of a product. Criticism didn't seal 06's fate, the decision to handle its development so lazily did.


If you're going to accept it as a "complete game" because you think momentous criticism halted any efforts to patch the game, then you've got another coming from those who don't accept the fact that the blame is ALL on SEGA and Sonic Team for this. Not the critics, not the fans, and not the hatred either. They sent this ship dead-into the water and chose to abandon it as such. Nothing was stopping them from at least improving on the PS3 version which came out way later than the Xbox 360 version, yet they proceeded to do nothing with 06 to improve it.

Did Lost World have as much hate as Sonic 06? No. As a result, several patches were applied to better the experience.



You certainly have a twisted perception of how people who hated a game for not meeting the full potential we were promised, think.

I wasn't really referring to everyone who hated the game. Mainly to people who dislike the level design choices. 

Do you find every instance of the level design to be completely unbearable? And I do quite literally mean every.



Man this selective memory is weird because I remember what the community was like in the run up to 06 was and it wasn't like that at all. A lot of people liked the opening trailer, and Zebrahead's leaked opening track, but a lot of people got concerned when Silver got revealed. There were already signs SEGA was struggling with 06 as they changed the engine in mid-development. Sonic Genesis had come out only months before, so Sonic fans were already kind of irritated with Sonic team about that hot mess. 

I know personally just the reveal of Elise and hearing impressions of the early demos, I had already decided I wasn't interested in Sonic 06, I was more interested in Sonic and the Secret Ring and was far from the only fan feeling that way at the time. 

The downloadable demo actually was the first sign the game was a turkey, I remember people excitedly downloading it and then taking to forums to actually *complain* about the demo itself. It was the sole reason people went from kind of anticipating it, to suddenly being incredibly cautious about picking it up. It didn't help that...as I recall, the 06 demo got delayed from Xbox 360's launch as well and released a lot closer to the games release than originally intended. A move seen as SEGA doing damage control before the title was even out.

I'm not going to argue anything else because hey, if you like the game, whatever. But don't go pretending this title was actually universally anticipated. Because that most certainly wasn't the truth, specially once people actually tried the demo, and even without that. Word spread like wildfire in the community when people started posting impressions. 


I was greatly mistaken then. 

"A lot of people liked the opening trailer"

With Elise Eggman and Silver? Why didn't they decline then?


And did you ever play Sonic 2K6?

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Did Lost World have as much hate as Sonic 06? No. As a result, several patches were applied to better the experience.


Back in 2006, people were demanding that Sonic 06 be patched in order for it to be fixed to what is considered a tolerable experience. But it can't be. The game is such a mess no single patch could ever fix it because the game is so fundamentally flawed in both concept and execution that you cannot fix it.

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Very little


I care about story in a Sonic game as well. That's why I despise Sonic Colors, Generations, and Lost World for falling so flat in that section while having great potential. People say lightheartedness is a good thing, but not when it's handled this poorly. Heroes did the best job at having a simple story, but that's just me.



I wasn't really referring to everyone who hated the game. Mainly to people who dislike the level design choices. 

Do you find every instance of the level design to be completely unbearable? And I do quite literally mean every.


What patches did Sega added to 06?


I can agree with Colors and Generations but I have to disagree with Lost World, it wasn't perfect but atleast it had some aspects of light and dark elements.


I didn't find every aspect of 06's design terrible but that doesn't excuse some very stupid likes like the ball puzzle at Silver's Dusty Desert or pretty the combat-focused levels for Shadow and Silver.

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Welp, Here I go. 


Honestly 06 is one of those games that make me question Sega's ability to make games. Even if they were given enough time to complete the game instead giving us the half-assed version we all know and love, I still can not comprehend how they thought taking Sonic & co in this direction was even remotely a good Idea. Assuming this game went in development near the end of Shadow the Hedgehog, it's understandable that sega was still trying to make a more "mature" sonic game, but the way they attempted to do this is totally flawed. Its like sega didn't even bother to answer all the complains of the passed sonic games that came before it. The story is so confusing and ridicules Its jarring to think even about it.      


The cut scenes don't help either. They feel so lifeless and detracted of personality that it makes it impossible to feel anything for the characters. One thing that completely bothers me the most was the addition of mephiles, it's like an OC somehow managed to slip into the game. He feels so out of place, even more then Eggman's design in that game. I really do wonder WHAT compelled them to make such an uninspiring character, He's basicly "Edger Shadow".  You know, Elise wouldn't of been that of a bad character if the love story had been tossed out, she actually is a pretty nice character. It's just everything els that pulls her down. I'm not going to mention it, but that one scene near the end with sonic was really unnecessary.


Another thing I disliked was how they tied to cram in as much a possible with like the love interest sub stories or the "BUIS TIGGA". I can only understand so much before my brain starts to short circuit. One thing I did like though was the music, A sonic game a can play like shit but you can be assured that the music will be great. Unless your sonic chronicles.  I feel great sadness thinking about the music, the music really did have a lot of potential. It's sad that the music was wasted on this game, there are a lot of great tracks on here. Its really a pity.    Ugh, the gameplay is so uninspiring. Silver has the most interesting gameplay It's actually pretty nice in till you get further into the game,  Also that one puzzle in the desert level. Sonic's is pretty straight forward, sometimes too straight forward, but when its not Its annoying as fu*k. Shadow has the worst of the three, his game play focuses on combat and gimmicks. His gameplay gets very tedious very fast. 


I'm so glad that the events of the game never happened, though it's sad what happened to this game. it could of been a lot better but it needs major reworking. 


Even though I Hate this game with a passion, this is just my opinion, so don't let that stop you from trying it out, who knows you might even like it! I know people like Sonikku-chan who likes this game and you know what? Thats fine, really it is. Just cause your in the minority of people who likes a game the majority dislikes, doesn't mean you shouldn't like it. Never let what the majority likes dictate how you should feel over something. Because everyone has their own perspective over things and those things never change. and so should you.

"Never change, Never stop" - stevie

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I beg to differ.

Although I have been mistaken several times, several people refrain from bringing up several points that I've given them. Here are a few examples: 

My point of Dr. Eggman's credibility as a villain in Sonic 1 vs Mephiles with Rusty Spy

Eggman's arrogance with several other people


Mephiles' credibility vs Deadly Six credibility with Jovahexeon

Silver vs Big with BlackLightining

and quite a few more.


Arguing about points like that that go unanswered only adds up to the last statement being correct in some way, otherwise it would continue to be pursued.

There are several cases where people literally dodge a statement and go on as if nothing has occurred.

But just because I was the last to answer doesn't mean that I'm right. It just means that the other never continued to contribute to the conversation, and in these instances it was not due to me misunderstanding.

All these arguments are usually beside the overall point trying to be made.


And if you want to discuss why Mephiles is bashed for being a poor villain when others, specifically Eggman seem to get away with being just as incompetent (as you claim), would require delving into a long winded analysis on characterization and motives etc., that could take up it's own seperate topic, but since that discussion alone was already way too drawn out and I have no intention of starting it back up again to satisfy you, I'll instead point you to an analysis done by Roger van der Weide. He does a good job at highlighting the strengths of his character and also where his characterization was weaker in more recent games. If you want a good idea of why people liked Eggman in the Adventure games, this pretty much nails it.

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and where do you get those awesome gifs from? Do you make them on your own?


I find some through vast exploration and the other gifs, I make. Both of which I use.biggrin.png  Thank you for the compliment.

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...does anyone else think that 'His World' and the many variants of it sounds remarkably like Doctor Who's 'I Am the Doctor' and its variants?


Not sure if this point has been made before, but regardless, you've got to admit that it is at the very least understandable if someone draws a parallel between the two.






Maybe it's just me becoming a tad too obsessive, lol

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Well, there is a fair bit of time travel in that game.







We've been had!

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Well, there is a fair bit of time travel in that game.






We've been had!

I don't get it.

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I do see... or is it hear the resemblance.


I don't get it.


It's a Sonic screwdriver.

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So what's the joke or pun?


It's a play on words.


This is the 'Sonic Screwdriver' from Doctor Who, a tool that the Doctor uses for essential things like unlocking doors and hacking into software.



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I'd have to say that when it came out, I was really intrigued. The cutscenes back then looked phenomenal, and I still enjoy them (the better quality ones) up to this day. The soundtrack was amazing; even up to this day, I listen to it. Mephiles' Theme, Crisis City Theme, Eggman Theme and the Orchestral version of "In his World" are amongst my favorites.


I really enjoyed the story back then - I hadn't seen such a developed story since Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle), which is one of my favorite Sonic games. Coming back to this game's story... Eh, despite its plotholes, the story had potential.


The gameplay, however... Well, I actually never played it. I only watched the cutscenes, and after hearing about the glitches and whatnot... I don't think I'd ever want to play that game.


Silver struck me as annoying, though. So did Amy, and Elise... Um... Well, she never really appealed to me. When it comes to Sonic, though, for some reason, I felt that this story gave the audience a different perspective on Sonic, especially when he was with Elise - something about his way of life or his philosophy. Yeah, I think Elise was only useful just to give the audience an idea of what makes this hedgehog tick.

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What on earth are you talking about? There was never the threat of Sonic disappearing over the course of one game, because games were still being developed in tandem, notably Secret Rings and the Rush games around the time '06 was still immediately revelevant. And even if there was any such threat, the critical reception in of itself would have contributed a lot more towards that than an outright cancellation would've - a concept we've seen in more than just theory.

That last part was a huge mistake on my part on my part. 



1) Post-Saturn, and '06 inclusive, which Sonic games have you played? Where applicable, how many to completion?


2) To what extent do you feel '06 has been inspired by games prior, and games following inspired by it? "Being a wakeup call" is a legitimate answer for the latter, for the pessimistic among you.


3) '06's reputation for awfulness is legendary - that in mind, what to you stands out the most as a critical flaw in the game? Feel free to name several, if equally memorable.


4) Likewise, if you can name a memorable positive trait, do so. Again, not limited to just one.


5) Do you agree with the reputation the game has garnered over the years? Conversely, do you disagree with in any way, or outright revile, the people that don't share your view?


6) What drives you to discuss this game whenever the subject is brought up? Are you aware that it may be out of some misplaced sense of allegience?


7) Given the chance and ability, would you improve Sonic '06? Again, for the pessimistic, abandoning it outright for richer pastures is a legitimate answer.


1) Sonic 1: Starlight Zone

Sonic 2: Completion + Chaos Emeralds

Sonic 3: Completion + Chaos Emeralds

Sonic and Knuckles: Completion + Super/Chaos Emeralds

Sonic 3D Blast: Completion + Chaos Emeralds

Sonic Shuffle: Completion

Sonic Adventure/ DX: Completion + All Emblems

Sonic Adventure 2/ Battle: Completion + All Emblems

Sonic Heroes: Completion + Chaos Emeralds

Shadow: Completion

Sonic Advance 2: Completion

Sonic Advance 2: Completion + Chaos Emeralds

Sonic and the Secret Rings: Completion + World Rings

Sonic Rush: Completion + Chaos Emeralds

Sonic Rush Adventure: ... I dunno that Ice Island or something...

Sonic and the Black Knight: Full Completion

Sonic Unleashed: Completion + Ps2/ Wii Version

Sonic Colors: Completion + 3DS version (which I enjoy better)

Sonic Generations: Full Completion

Sonic Lost World: Completion + 3DS version with Chaos Emeralds

Sonic Riders: Full Completion

Sonic Battle: Full Completion + Super Sonic

Sonic Riders Zero Gravity: Full Completion +Super Sonic

Sonic Chaos: Completion

Sonic Blast: 2nd Level

Sonic Triple Trouble: completion

Sonic R: All Chaos Emerlads + All Characters

Sonic CD: All Endings

SegaSonic the Hedgehog: Completion

Sonic the Fighters: Beat Robotnik + Unlocked/Played as Super Sonic

Sonic Drift

Sonic Drift 2

Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing

And of Course Sonic 06 (Wasn't the last game i've played)

... and I think that's it.


2) Adventure Style gameplay, and an improved style of Shadow the Hedgehog's. I still don't believe being a wakeup call is a good representation of the later games. 06 in Generations. Improved Mechanics taken from Sonic 06. Melodramatic Story in Sonic Unleashed. ECT


3) This is only because it is a Sonic game. A lot of Obscure Titles are way worse, and I mean WAY worse, + thier finished, Sonic 06 isn't. I'm not using that as an excuse, but 06 could've been WAAAAAY Worse, but that's beside the point.

The most dreadful part of the game for me was by far the ball puzzle.


4) I really like that this game had partner A.I. and partner switching. I enjoyed that Sonic was actually unique instead of being a poorman of the newer character. Previous games did that pretty badly... Making the game have time travel in it kinda shot itself in the back, but it did a much better job than Sonic Generations and it's time travel plot, which explained almost absolutely nothing, especially the new enemy the time eater.


5)There you go being condescending again, but I digress.

As I've said multiple times, I really don't care if people hate the game, I just wish so many people would stop trying to make other people feel stupid for enjoying it even if it was just because it was Sonic. 


6)Mine may be, mainly because I felt almost obligated to come to the defense of it when no one else did. Many people may think I'm stupid for doing such, but I don't see it as anything more than sticking up for what I enjoy. Many people would go about to defend Sonic Colors or Sonic Generations or Sonic Unleashed if it came across as a something completely abysmal. Either that or Many other people are just more mellow than I am.


7) I would, most certainly. I really would've enjoyed to see this game in it's hayday, I honestly wish very dearly that the game could've been finished properly, but since it didn't what else could you do with it other than play it? I've seen people alter the PS3 and XBOX360 Player.dat file to improve character gameplay, and it looked pretty solid. 



Last I checked, "average playthough" doesn't include pulling off stunts that would normally get you killed in game and thus finding glitches as a result. 'Cause that's pretty much the general find behind the really glaring glitches. And funny how even in that forum, you still have people stating some were actually fun  and STILL not nearly as bad as 06.

Again, these people have gone through these glitches on average playthrough, and even though they say that it's better than 06's glitches, they still are glitches and as such is bad programming.


Let's all remember the best bit of Sonic 06, where it actually does this to itself to save everyone even needing to refer to this game in any relation to the rest of this series ever. So SEGA already sorted that for you.

Sonic Generations would like to have a word with you.


I wouldn't call that irony.  Also I know quite a few folk who were Sonic fans and stopped being fans after playing this game and haven't come back since. So, no that's not bullshit.  I'll concede that Sonic 06 wasn't a FranchiseKiller.  It could've been, but it wasn't.


That doesn't prove a thing.  Sonic Unleashed is what brought some fans who were abandoning the series back.  It has nothing to do with Sonic 06.  06 is still considered terrible but some fans considered Unleashed so interesting and/or impressed with its demo that they decided to give the Sonic series another try.

Sonic 06 is not as insulting as many claim it to be though. Many people make it seem like Sonic 06 made Sonic a pink bunny rabbit that farted carrots to attack and his arch nemises was darker pink punny that farted dog bones. Sonic 06 was not that insluting to the franchise and if you think it is than you are sadly mistaken. Although the game was a bit of a departure from the series it wasn't anything too drastic, and if that, then Sonic and the Black Knight should be considered terrible as well. Whether or not it had glitches. I seem to recall Indigo Rush saying that the environments were bleak and too realistic, but what keeps Black Knight or Secret Rings from falling under this scope?


Unleashed has alot related to Sonic 06. A LOT.

The only reason people don't see it as that is because the new character is now a tiny chihuahua pup (or y'know a god that's meant to protect the earth, same thing), instead of a princess. And the gameplay isn't glitchy.

Hub Worlds, Hub Missions, Intense Speed Based Gameplay, Reused Game Mechanics, ect.


And Again, If 06 was that bad, then WHY did people even bother trying the demo? It doesn't matter if the game had nothing to do with 06, they are both Sonic Games, and seeing as how Unleashed made such a great profit, it's almost as if no one even cared about 06 ever happening. The only time a game sold more than unleashed So far was Sonic Generations. That means that Sonic Colors wasn't the piece of pie that everyone made it out to be.



Funny how "fixing things" for the PS3 version turned into making it even worse than the 360 version.

Evidence Please


Sonic 06 has a LOT of problems that have nothing to do with the time taken to develop. Lousy design decisions left unchecked, bad level plan and layout, lousy physics, terrible storyline (and that's something considering Shadow came out the year before!). I do think things like the animation, music and some of the terrain design was good, but 06 was basically all wasted prospects

I believe quite the contrary. The Story may not have been perfect, but the script writing and story arcs/prospects were developed quite nicely as well as the choice of music. 06 set the Tone for many of the scenes very well too, especially with the music. 

And I'm quite sure that the only reason people see plotholes in it is because of the Time Travel feature, look at Sonic Generations.


I still don't believe Bad Level Design is anything but opinion here, except for a few cases like the lava spout coming out while running on the wall(in Flame Core), but that's all there really is as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong. I don't recall level instances of the game making you die other than that.



It's running on a completely different engine. This is grasping at straws taken to a whole new level.

That's beside the point. The Level Design is intact, and if not there, than here?

Level Design has nothing to do with what engine it's running on. You always do this, and you say I come up with random conjectures from no where...



This is stupid. Why should it matter whether they're problems individually? '06 doesn't expose you to these problems individually - what you're doing here is separating them to make your side of the argument look better, and it doesn't work that way because '06 does all of these things. At once. In the same game.

Of course you basically ignore this point every time I make it so I don't even fucking know why I bother. Probably because it negates virtually every comparison you've made thus far.

You were the one who said that these were problems individually. If anything all your doing is showing how stupid your original statement of this was to begin with.

Your not making any sense, you want me to see both sides of your statement even though they both directly negate each other. huh.png



Have you fucking seen the size and amount of your own posts? Do you expect me to comb through every single thing you say for something that may or may not even have any relevance to the discussion between us? Give me a break.


Your being a hypocrite, yet again. You want me to understand every little thing that you bring up by reading over what you've stated as well as many others several times, yet you yourself is cannot be bothered to do so yourself. Give ME a break.dry.png 


The most irritating thing about this is that you didn't even take the chance to re-iterate or quote yourself to prove me wrong, which would have saved a lot of trouble in of itself.

I actually have done that, several times. I may not have quoted myself, but I did re-iterate my statements several times. 


Which were in turn counterpoints to completely arbitary picks from games with only the faintest resemblance from said games.

How exactly are the examples of said problems being in other games nitpicks? It can only be a nitpick if the problem conceived in the first game is a nitpick. And said problems in 06 were pointed out by either you or someone else here. Seeing as how both games that are compared both have these problems and only 06 has been seen counting these problems on several cases it's be overly critical because people generally see it as being bad. Do you honestly expect someone to completely rip apart a game they adore?


So... you claim that declaring victory over a small statement is hollow (nevermind that I never did anything even remotely fucking resembling this)... then go on to not only gloat about a victory over me refusing to entertain your baseless circlejerks over and over, but even go as far as to quietly sweep select statements under the rug (all mention of the strobe glitch, most recently) as if this pedantic, obsessive imaginary requirement of referencing everything shouldn't apply to you too.

Using Game Set and Match is indeed declaring Victory, contrary to your belief. Not Directly, but still nonetheless

Neglecting to show proof that you didn't contradict yourself fails to leave the impression that I was baselessly circle jerking.



Wait a minute...

Weren't you the one who pointed out the absence of the spin attack? The Homing attack is Superior to the spin attack in several ways. As such the developers omitted it. Now it's a problem that the Spin Dash is almost useless and it IS present? Your contradicting yourself.

The Spin Dash and the Slide are interchangeable. You use them considering your circumstance. Both moves share one feature and both have a pro and a con countering each other. The slide is slow, but it hits enemies and goes through small gaps. The Spin Dash is fast and it hits enemies but can't go through gaps. Seeing as how the game rarely have these crevices that the player can go through. Using the spin dash is more convinient because it keeps sonic running instead of almost slowing him down to a halt.

And this is only ONE INSTANCE


The hypocrisy is so thick you can practically drink it out of the air. It won't kill you to learn some god damned modesty.

Look who's talking dry.png



Isn't that exactly what you were doing? Assuming that the player would think these things before the boss fight. Being Hypocritical again. That's the third time I believe. 





You have a sense of humour, right? Can you recognize a joke?

would respond to the rest of this fragment, but honestly I'm just LOLing at the way you seem to know better than the actual people who designed him. Do you even know what you're trying to prove anymore? Certaintly not anything relevant to the topic at hand.

It isn't a common occurrence for video game designers and character designers to make a character an animal without having a proper choice. Primary examples include:

  • Mickey Mouse
  • Star Fox
  • Donkey Kong
  • And Many Sonic the Hedgehog Characters

I don't recall Tails or Knuckles being the characters they are because neither of their collective species can fly or glide at all.


Quantity over quality, my friend. People have only stopped responding to you because you're acting like an obnoxious, dense brat that would sooner just plug their fingers in their ears than attempt to post anything resembling human rationale.

The Reasons above stand to prove otherwise


I remember I used to be like you once. And if you're anything like me, you'll look back on these days, facepalm and wonder how you thought this was a good idea.

Trying to make me look and/or feel stupid doesn't really add anything to the discussion of Sonic 06, and it's quite off topic.

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Also, I found this neat Tidbit in the game. Because I don't have an awesome capture card like many people and my only camera is my crappy phone, I've conveniately found evidence of the Game Grumps Finding a Chao Garden Cameo in Crisis City, perhaps that's post apocolyptic Station Square? 



Skip to 9:53

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That's beside the point. The Level Design is intact, and if not there, than here?

Level Design has nothing to do with what engine it's running on. You always do this, and you say I come up with random conjectures from no where...

It has everything to do with how well the game plays overall. A game with a bit of decent level design doesn't count for much if it still plays like shit, and yet again this is just you cherry-picking one aspect of one game (or a mod in this instance) and trying to get off as if it applies to an entire game.


EDIT: Also, did you just link me to the machspeed section as an example of decent level design? Seriously? It's almost literally a straight line!


You were the one who said that these were problems individually.

I also said they were problems as a collective, and you gloss over that every single time. EVERY single time. Why you continue to bring back up a small side comment and continually ignore the main point I've stated in literally every single post I've made in relation to you is something I just can't comprehend.

So yet again, I must reiterate. You can't just cherry pick single problems from other games to compare to '06's wealth of absurd awfulness, at least from the standpoint of declaring a game overall awful. Other games get away with it because they have redeeming traits. '06 doesn't. There's your answer.


Your being a hypocrite, yet again. You want me to understand every little thing that you bring up by reading over what you've stated as well as many others several times, yet you yourself is cannot be bothered to do so yourself. Give ME a break.dry.png

I'm not the one quoting literally every single other participant in the thread and expecting a single person to read the entirety of it. Of course, now that it's out in the open, why aren't you replying to it now? Are you afraid?


How exactly are the examples of said problems being in other games nitpicks?

Your response to "Sonic '06 sucks as a whole" is basically "well Lost World has glitches and '06 has glitches therefore Lost World is as bad as '06". This doesn't prove that Lost World is as bad as '06 because this is only one angle of comparison. And literally every comparison you've made to other games is some variation of this, only swapping out games between LW, Colours and the Adventures. And all it would really prove even if you were right would be justifying your silly vendetta against the former two by dragging them down to '06's level, whilst simultaneously forgetting that you're actually supposed to be portraying '06 in a positive light here.


How is this not nitpicking?


Using Game Set and Match is indeed declaring Victory, contrary to your belief. Not Directly, but still nonetheless

Neglecting to show proof that you didn't contradict yourself fails to leave the impression that I was baselessly circle jerking.

If you check back on that fragment again you'll realize I was drawing attention to a contradiction rather than declaring ultimate victory over every statement you've ever made. Context is more important than you think.


In response to the latter, I stopped responding to them specifically because it was circle-jerking built specifically to cherry-pick which arguments get to apply and which don't, and I'm not falling for that bullshit again.


And this is only ONE INSTANCE

 I can't even tell what this is in response to because you've left the original quote out. But I'm assuming this goes back into things the character designers themselves have proven as inspiration for the character on the record, in which case good fucking luck with that.

It isn't a common occurrence for video game designers and character designers to make a character an animal without having a proper choice. Primary examples include:

  • Mickey Mouse
  • Star Fox
  • Donkey Kong
  • And Many Sonic the Hedgehog Characters
I don't recall Tails or Knuckles being the characters they are because neither of their collective species can fly or glide at all.


And here you are saying that Sonic should be an armadillo because "they're better known for rolling".


It's worth noting that I was actually advocating this brand of "realism" never really applied in the first place, so once again I thank you for making my argument for me. Actually did it better than I would've, to tell the truth.


Trying to make me look and/or feel stupid doesn't really add anything to the discussion of Sonic 06, and it's quite off topic.

I don't give a flying fuck if it's off topic, because I honestly sympathise with you, and feel sorry for you. Including myself I've seen so many new people on the internet start out like this. I can't stand that people are willing to do this to themselves if it means some kind of attention and recognition, even if it means unanimous revile from everyone who has the displeasure of interacting with you.


You brag about how you're a "one man army" and how you're fending off everyone in the topic at the same time, declaring premature victory over the fact that people have stopped responding to you without ever considering why. Why? Because you're obnoxious, bull-headed, hypocritical and frankly just fucking annoying to put up with, and it's too much for most people to bear. This isn't a credit to your debating skills - this is a justified insult to your overall character. People are specifically ignoring you because you are a horrible debater and every attempt to reason with you is either ignored or sidetracked to the point it might as well be.


I don't say this out of any malice or hatred. I say this because I am legitimately concerned about you. Sooner or later someone had to draw attention to this because not only is this the reason I and many other people don't enjoying participating in this topic anymore, it's also a crap trait to have later in life, and I hate to think there's a chance you could grow up still behaving like this. It's unacceptable.


EDIT: I'd also like to say that Soma said this far better than I could, so yeah, just take his advice. He's probably the better role model.

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I was greatly mistaken then. 

"A lot of people liked the opening trailer"

With Elise Eggman and Silver? Why didn't they decline then?


And did you ever play Sonic 2K6?

I seem to recall the early promo trailer for Sonic 06 was the CGI opening with just Elise. I mean I think everyone can agree, the opening and any of the CGI scenes not running in the in-game engine actually look pretty cool. Sonic fans were already used to the ritual of adding new characters. So bit silly for anyone to go "whelp I'm out" basically on basis of a new character. My reasonings for passing were broader as I said, I wasn't a fan of Silver (I recall pre-reveal I even wanted him to be a time travelling gal), I didn't like the implied hints in the trailer that Sonic and Elise were going to have a "thing", the world style looked a bit dull, and I wasn't going to buy an Xbox or PS3 in the next year or so at least as I was in the Nintendo camp. 

There was also a general feeling at the time about the style being used in 06, sure the Sonic characters looked good, but people were not really for the realistic setting or Final Fantasy style, people thought it was throwing a lot of the fun design styles the series grew up on out of the window. When presented of the choice of the rather stoic looking 06 and "Wild Fire" - people were much more excited about the new Wii game as it still had the fun design styles that 06 lacked. 

Realistic Eggman was actually reasonably well received...but if he was any other iteration of Sonic, he'd look horribly out of place outside of 06's world. 

Also I have played Sonic 06, I got a 360 about 2-3 years later and decided to give it a try just to see if it was really *that* bad, I gave up halfway through that godawful snowboarding level.


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