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It's annoying what mine is. Its from a game several years ago. Its not Unleashed. At least I could complete EggmanLand. No mines is


Having to press several buttons at the same time then immediatly swap to another one and again and again!! I could NEVER do this game. It is the only game I have never completed because of this one challenge Graugh!!!

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It's a close one as there is a surprisingly large number of hard levels out there to play. I completely agree with Unleasheds Eggmanland, DCKRs Golden Banana Temple and SMG2s Grand Master Galaxy [Daredevil Run]. But because I was playing it recently and lost over 40 or more lives, I think I'll pick this...but I couldn't find a picture of it, only a video...

Hardest Area / Level / Stage:


Super Mario 3D Land: Special 8 - (Crown symbol)

Just got all golden flags for every level? Good for you. Here is your reward. An...evil, evil level!

Beat the first part, yay! Died on the second part. Restart, died on first part. Restart, made it to third part, but died. Repeat process...

Even with the Tanooki suit, I kept falling to my doom. I tried carefully to land on the small blocks, only to miss completely or moving too slow to land on a platform. I lose all my powerups battling the two Mid boss koopas and further on, getting killed by Bob Ombs, spinning ball flames, flamethrowers or that troublesome shadow Mario with the squeaky voice that follows you.

On the off chance you make it near the end, your walking on a several platforms that read "Thank You!" And I'm thinking, "That's the worse thank you I've ever had". Luckily I got the gold flag on the first attempt, but the completionist in me demanded the level to be complete with Luigi.

That's the best moment to learn that Luigi is not just a simple skin change. You can't use the same approuch for the younger Mario Bro. As I learned the hard way. He jumps slightly higher, and although it can help on some jumps, it can hinder on others. Like jumping to a small platform, only to accidentally jump over it. The only thing that got me through this level, was alot of trail and error and two tanooki suits. There will be no powerups on this level to help you.

Edited by Dan-imeJ86
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I'll be the oddball with Day 11 and say...


The second area in Haunting Ground.

Quick description of Haunting Ground first. Haunting Ground is a game where the protagonist Fiona has escape from a castle with the help of her dog but she needs to hide from these serial killers because she can't fend them off.

Now then the second area is a pain in ass for me so far. I struggled a bit with the first part but now it got a bit harder. First off after beating the first stalker Fiona runs into the maid and has the key to the next area but she's tried so off to bed with her but then we finally get to play we get treated to this...


Ma'am I think your off your rocker

But anyways then starts a big chase scene and it turns out she harder to fight off when compared the previous stalker which was a pretty big guy. Getting away was kind of hard but I did managed to get past her and found the door that the key takes me to. But then once I go through another chase scene but I fought her back but it didn't go too well. And it turns out her weakness is MIRRORS and there was one right in front of me. D:

But I'm actucally still stuck on this part of the game. The maid is somewhere screaming her head off and I'm lost between 3 rooms. And I really don't have a clue on what to do. I suppose I should go watch a playthrough but that wouldn't be as fun you know.

But if you really need to see this for yourself well...

..its in spoilers. :P

Runner Ups:

Mission 6 (I think) - Devil May Cry 3: This was rather stupid of me but I thought you had to beat all the rooms in the trials part. But I kept going into the strength trial and it was rather hard for me. Everything else was a cakewalk though. :P

Eggmanland - Sonic Unleashed - I don't have anything else hard that I can think of.

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Unlocking The Kid in Super Meat Boy

You should be able to tell from the video how ungodly hard this is, but basically you need to get through all three of these levels armed with nothing but a double jump. I have never experienced anything more satisfying than finally pulling it off...twice (once on 360, then again on PC).

This is pure evil.

EDIT: Just noticed that the video only shows the first of the three levels. Imagine that but even harder and you've got the last two.

Edited by Swiss
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Whilst part of me does want to say Eggmanland... it's really a learning experience, once you beat it you more or less can beat it all the time and you're times will also get a lot better, I used to be able to do it between 20-30min... so I think the award for...

Day 11 - Hardest Area / Level / Stage in a Video Game.

Should go to this...


Catherine: Babel mode.

So this is what it's like...


Hmmm so I just beat Catherine... man that was fun... but whats left to do now?


Babel mode? Whats that? Sounds interesting... Hmmm climb the tower to the top as quickly as possible? Sounds easy! Bring it on!


Wha!? Whats going on! The blocks! They won't stop! The traps! Theres so many! It's too fast! STOP! STOP NO!!! NOO!! NOOOO!!!




Babel is Catherines extra mode, it's a tower that seems to go on forever, to beat the stage you must climb to the top... ... . .. and it's one of the hardest things you'll ever do in gaming. The difficulty of these stages is cranked as high as it can go, the blocks fall (almost) at random meaning you need to call on every trick and technique you learnt in the game to beat it.

The difficulty can be relentless at times, the blocks below you will suddenly start to increase their drop speed, you'll be faced with a wall of bombs or monster blocks which can and will crush you or knock you off, you can trap yourself so easilly that you know it's game over.. .. ... BUT YOU STILL TRY TO SAVE IT!

Babel is so hard, that on singles mode, only 30 people in the world have beaten it! In co-op it's a lot easier but single play is like challenging the love gods themselves.

You can't even begin to imagine how hard Babel is until you play it, if you watch a playthrough you may get some idea, but until you try it yourself, you have no idea.

But my goodness... it's so addictive and so rewarding once you beat it, the sense of satisfaction is off the charts, Babel is such a fun game mode especially considering it's difficulty that the player keeps coming back for more and more.

So keep your Eggmanlands, your Zelda dungeons. Manly Men take on Babel!

And when you finally beat Babel! It's time to celebrate! Take off your clothes and pose like this!


But wait... make sure you answer the door... as one of the NPC's will come to your house... to seduce you!

Honorable mentions (Because hard levels do not mean rubbish levels)

Catherine: Final Nightmare (On Hard).

Catherines hard mode will test you... no it really will test you, you've got to be so quick and so on the ball that if you lack concentration you ain't getting that gold trophy at the end of the stage...

But... thats nothing when you finally challenge Thomas Mutton and his stages... they're so difficult, even watching a video guide won't help you as the stages can sometimes be filled with random blocks or monster blocks which change constantly, you need to know how to play the game, you need to know what you're doing otherwise you're history.

Oh yeah and...


Thomas Mutton effectively becomes a Death Egg at the end of Catherine which is constantly attacking you.

I'll probably think up some more later on... Wipeout HD is coming to mind... Zico and Zeus... *shudder*

Edited by Hogfather
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Gonna echo some already posted ones:


Grandmaster Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy 2

Yeah, I wanted a more challenging special final level than we got in Mario Galaxy 1... but not like this. NOT LIKE THIS. Q_Q As Grumpy Old Guy said, The Perfect Run final mission is crazy hard, and requires nothing less than... well, yes, perfection. The Hammer Bros final section gets notable mention as being the meanest part.

...But even that was nothing compared to...


Special 8-♛ from Super Mario 3D Land

If you thought Grandmaster Galaxy really tested every last skill in the book... well... you were wrong. Really GrandMaster Galaxy is just a really harsh obstacle course. It's more about reaction time. THIS stage is what really tests every single jumping move you have. Multiple jumps onto blocks only as big as Mario himself, moments where you must jump on multiple flying enemies in a row to get across chasms (don't worry if you mess it up and the enemy has been left dead - you'll be dead too so they'll respawn next time! 8D). Absoloute craziness. Mad props to anyone who can beat this without a Tanooki suit. I will say though, unlike GrandMaster at least this one had a LOT of visual flair to really feel like a triumphant victory lap as much as it is a final challenge.


Final Mizar Boss Battle from Jet Force Gemini

I'll feel dumb if there's a "hardest boss" day but I'm sure I'll come up with some others so I'm not just repeating myself if so... Anyway, yes. This boss was hellish. Only ever beat it once with Pooshoes assisting me as Floyd too (many many MANY years after totally giving up). It's crazy long and his attacks can whittle down your health SO fast if you don't dodge them all perfectly.


Sacred Grounds from Cave Story

Damn I'm so proud of merely having the patience to finish this. Hours and hours poured into a roughly 10 minute long stage. No checkpoints, FIVE boss battles in a row at the end, etc etc. Never felt cheap though. Don't think I'll ever dedicate the time to beating it outside of Easy Mode in the various remakes.

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Day 11 - Hardest level


Metropolis Zone.

It wasn't hardest in a sense, just hardest to... keep going. It's long as crap, and the monsters here are annoying. We got those stars that like to shoot in five directions, and those insect things that troll at the corners. You go up a cork screw and then all your 100+ rings are GOOOOONE. I didn't favor teh boss at the end either... an annoying stage is what it is.

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Day 11


Chemical Plant Zone.

Nightmare from childhood.

From the first Sonic game I played, yet it was a long time before I got past it.

I remember so many deaths, for me and friends.

The water, that music signaling your end is near, still haunts me,

So traumatic.

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Hardest level? Megaman X5 - Sigma stage 1.

The lasers piss me off. You can't fuck up even once. If a laser touches you, it's all the way back to the begining, and you have to do the whole thing over again.


Honestly, this guy makes it look easy.

Edited by Solkia :U
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Day 11 - Hardest Stage

First of all,

But that won't do for teh badges would it?

So here is my choice:


Phantasy Star Online - Subterranean Desert

This is the final area of episode 4 and boy is it hard! It can be both the frustrating and the fun kind of hard depending if you are going solo or have a good party (of friends) with you.


FUCK. THIS. GUY! (not the white one)

The enemies in this stage can be quite annoying if you are alone, for starters you have the recurring monsters of EP4, Sand Rappies who are not particularly threatening, Satellite Lizards (and Yowies) who are the bane of any ranger and of course, the always annoying Zu (makes you wonder how the heck can such a thing fly or even fit in this place)...

Then you have the exclusive enemies, the Goran family is a bunch of annoying mooks with medium to long range attacks and the ability to teleport from one place to another... Regular Gorans will try to teleport next to you, Pyro Gorans will try to teleport behind or to your left or right.. Or basically, teleport themselves far enough so you can't hit them with melee weapons but still close enough so they can hit you. I haven't really noticed a pattern for the giant almost miniboss-like Goran Detonator, but they are big and have a really long range of attack so they can become quite annoying for... let's say... a hunter. (more precisely, my HUcast dry.png )

But those are just the regular guys! we also have Merissas who will annoyingly jump around any melee attack and try to freeze you or stomp you, and the actual miniboss of this stage is the dreaded Girtablulu, a monster who will drag you to it's position with some sort of gravity-like power and then proceed to pummel you with fire, ice and lightning (causing many negative status effects)... You will have lots of troubles trying to deal with this guys alone (especially when they come in big groups) so having a party is highly recommended.


Even the earth wants to kill you with poison (unless you are a CAST... CAST supremacy yo!)

Ambiance wise, this is not what you would expect as a final stage, is actually quite plain and not so nice looking (like pretty much all of EP4), but music wise, this one is amazing... Unlike previous episodes where the music tried to fit with a more dark, scary or threatening mood, this one is quite upbeat... It's like comparing (from Sonic 06) Solaris phase 1 and 2.

(So calm yet so amazing)

(Epic battle theme, it makes me think of Sonic Riders for some reason)

And let's not forget the awesome

(and I'm well aware I linked some of these before, but I believe they deserve to be listened again)

BTW Here is a video of the boss (Once again, kind of disappointing considering this is the final stage):

I should probably mention, the guy would be way more powerful in Ultimate. (and this one is the easiest of 3 possible similar encounters)

So yeah, I chose this stage because it's not only hard, but it can become the fun kind of hard if you have some friends with you! (And fun with friends is the best kind of fun biggrin.png )

Again, too many honorable mentions to list, but I guess Eggmanland counts as one.

Edited by gato
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Day 11 - Hardest Level/Area/Stage

Assorted Levels in VVVVVV.

(Won't let me post all three as videos, so...)

Veni Vidi Vici


Not As I Do


The Tower


Veni Vidi Vici has one of the longest and most twisted corridors of spikes I have ever seen. Those ones from Megaman don't have anything on this. It has it all, sharp angles, dead ends, and once you reach the top, you have to go back the same way. All for a single, shiny trinket, whose only purpose is to unlock songs in the jukebox. And if you accidently come back on the wrong side, too bad, you have to do it again. Is this really worth it? It sure feels like an accomplishment.

Not As I Do deserves special mention, because while it certainly isn't as bad as Veni Vidi Vici, it is mandatory. When you rescue your blue teammate, the game adds a new gameplay element to the next few levels. Whenever you are on the same side as him, he will try to follow you, even if this leads him into spikes. Most of these rooms are moderately easy, but it passes a threshhold right at this point. This one room took me at least ten minutes to complete.

The Tower. This game has a scrolling level. Enough said.

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Day 11 Shadow Moses, The Tank Hangar


Go on ahead and laugh MGS fans, laugh at how much I suck at this magnifecint game.

Having not played MGS for 7 years, I decided to recently go through the game again. But I forgot all the controls and most of the game.

Holy shit, this game is hard when you come out of retirement and play through it again. I remember blasting through levels on hard, but the other day I was stuck on normal in the first room of the game for 20 minutes!

After spending 45 minutes before reaching what should have been 15 minutes into the game, I got into the Tank Hangar. I had no fucking idea what to do for the first 30 minutes, I ran around the first floor, ran upstairs, got caught, ran away, died. Rinse and Repeat. I had raged so much I actually considered throwing my controller at the wall. I needed to look for the elevator, only thing is, I didn't know where it was. I ran around, died alot, did all this stuff, wasting my time, until I found the elevator in a BIG BLUE COLOR AT THE FRONT OF THE ROOM WHERE THE CAMERA IS ALWAYS POINTED TO. (╯°□°)╯

Then, cut twenty minutes later when I get the C4's, I had to blow up a weak wall in the room in order to reach Ocelot. Only problem? The point in the wall is all the way in the lower corner, which you could not possibly fucking see without going into first person. After I did that battle, I spent another thirty minutes on Floor 1 of the Tank Hangar again.

So all in all, I spent over an hour and a half in the first area of the game, when it should have taken me only 30 minutes. I don't blame the game, it's beautiful, and a marvelous entry that challenges you. I just suck at it.

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This one is coming from recent memory.

The Land of the Livid Dead (Rayman Origins)


This stage is platforming hell. Since Rayman Origins controls are so smooth and precise, this stage takes advantage of that and demands EXACT reaction time in order to get through all the stage's various obstacles, ranging from skeletal grannies to torrents of fireballs. I can't even count how many damn times I died in this stage because, it was so much. The thing that really gets me is that every part of the stage is basically the Tricky Treasure stages 10-fold past the first area. When you think it's going to end, it doesn't. The boss at the end isn't too bad but, the stage itself has to be one of the most difficult things I have ever experienced. Never played it Co-Op, it would probably be a bit easier on you if you had a few friends along.

Edited by Crow T. Robot
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Day 11 and the most difficult area in a game. I am going to be the oddball of the posters and say the Nordschleife from NFS Shift 2 Unleashed at night. You thought you mastered the green hell and know every single corner of the track. Think again as you switch over to night mode. You lose almost all your reference points for breaking and turning for the corners. Visibility is barley beyond the headlights of your car and thats only without other cars in the way. With a full grid its the most nailbiting experience in a racing game I've ever played.

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Day 11 - Hardest Area / Level / Stage in a Video Game

Mecha No Mistake

I really raged in this level.

The dificulty really goes off charts in Mecha No Mistake, the level design makes me remember Super Meat Boy with all those saws blades and wall jumping.

After many tries I was able to beat it, some time later I went for Rayman Origins platinum trophie and guess what?

I had to beat this stage with enough Lums to get the complete medallion wich was a pain in the ass, not to mention the Speed Run trophie...

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As far as things go in the sonic universe....hands down...Eggmanland from unleshed HD....Seriously!!! That level is just a-holeish! it pisses me off thinking about it....Now I see the use to swap between both versions of sonic in the level...but 4 times? 4!? A sonic level SHOULD NOT take 30 min to complete!

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Land of the Livid Dead from Rayman Origins


Holy fucking shit, this stage was a nightmare. I don't think I ever had died on a stage in any video I ever played more than this stage. On each section of the level I died probably upwards to about 20-30 times, no joke, every-time I cleared one back breaking section of this level like the undead snake or the vertical running/wall jumping sections, there was one right around the corner ready to utterly rape me. Many curse words were shouted that day.

But at least I know whenever I fucked up, it was always my fault and not the stage's, and that really is the true mark of some excellent game design if you constantly fuck up on a stage, bringing your piss to a boil, but still won't quit out of anger or frustration, no dammit! You persevere! The boss was incredibly annoying though, fuck that bitch and her razor sharp jewelry,

The great irony is that this stage is also in Rayman 3, but put in a totally different light.


It's beautiful, calm, serene, and a fairly easy stage. Unlike that unholy demon from Origins.

Edited by Grooseinator032
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This one would definitely go to Eggmanland. This was by far the hardest level I've ever come across (Somewhat more difficult as the Werehog doesn't have a shadow in some areas of the level). I've gotten several game overs on that level, and when I finished it the first time through, I got a B (?) with an outstanding 45 minutes. The Sonic sections of the level were pretty easy sometimes, but the Werehog was just gruesome. Fighting three titans and those magic witch monster things were just frustrating. This was a pretty big jump in difficulty from Adabat night.

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Cave Story's Sacred ground's.

This thing quite frustrates me, I can go with the spikes on the walls, I can definitely shoot those guardians out of the way, but combine the flying twerps with blocks raining out of the ceiling with various sizes, and then you have a problem. Now this thing at the same time..I like it, it adds some challenge, but even then It is really hard for me to even touch it as I feel that the moment I click on the game to play it, I will lose (mind you, I did actually get to the mini boss at the end a few times, but the final TRUE boss only was one time..).

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Day 11 - Hardest Level


The Kid's Level(s) - Super Meat Boy

Super Meat Boy is a hard game. If you know anything about this game at all, then you would at least know that much. Super Meat Boy was a platforming game designed specifically to unleash the hidden rage inside of any player, no matter how calm and patient they could possibly be when it comes to continuously trying a level over and over again. These levels to unlock the character from "I Wanna Be the Guy" are not just hard. In fact they're more than "hellish." I'd say the designers literally put these three levels just under the difficulty of "fucking impossible."

Your objective in the screenshot above is to guide your hero (on the left) to Bandage Girl (Pink girl on the right) in order to finish one single level. It looks pretty hard, right? I mean, just look at those tight spaces and the bottomless pits! Yeah, those can cause problems for you..but the worse thing are the GODDAMN SPIKES. Those things kill you. Obvious, right? Well, the thing is they kill you in one hit. And the word "checkpoints" is something a game like Super Meat Boy doesn't take kindly to. In which I mean, there are absolutely none throughout the entire game. So, what does that mean?

It means you have to go through the entire level, without touching a single spike, mistiming a jump by the slightest second or pixel, and getting from point A to point B flawlessly without even a single scratch on you. The game offers you some mercy by giving you unlimited lives, but even then it doesn't freaking matter! It doesn't matter if you were one jump away from rescuing bandage girl, if you mess up, you have to start ALL. FUCKING. OVER. Plus, notice those spaces in between spikes. Those little..tiny..insignificant..spaces. You need to land on those and plan, hold, and position your jumps to a freaking T if you want to get passed this.

This level caused me to rage..and rage..AND rage...AND RAGE! AND RAAAGE AND FFFUUUCCKKKIINNGGG RAAAAAGE MORE THAN ANY OTHER GAME EVER HAS. I don't think I've ever shut off a game more times than I have when I played this monster. When I finally finished and unlocked the character, I vowed to myself..never..again. I felt like the freakin' god of video games at that point, like I was unstoppable. These levels are ones you force people to play through in order to torture them and make them feel immense pain and suffering. I played through this one time..and I am never going back.

Oh, and did I mention, there's THREE levels like this before you can unlock The Kid? Each of them different in level design, but just as frustrating, if not more. And if you happen to shut off the game or if it even freezes while you're in the second or third level, once you go back, you need to start from the first one. You need to go through all three in one sitting if you hope to unlock this character. Good fucking luck.

Edited by krazystitch
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Hardest Stage.

I had to think way back to my childhood, back to when I had time to no-life every game I had. and While thinking of Megaman, I remembered this sonuvabitch:



Goddammit I hated this stage so much. The first spot is tricky because there are platforms that disappear and reappear, thus putting you in awkward situations at times. Well, that's the easy part. After that, you enter through a large clusterfuck of buttons and doors that you need to activate to progress. Run out of a Tornado Hold, and you're screwed for the most part since there are a lot of big jumps. The area's so big, that you can't help but backtrack. After all of that, you get caught in a room that's descending into sand (Think Avatar: The Last Airbender's sinking library). After jumping like a maniac to avoid dying, then you come back to an area just like the first part. What happens after that? MORE DAMN MAZE PUZZLES! and of course, this one is a lot harder. My first time playing this, I was stuck on the last puzzle part for about an hour. At least it was sort of worth it because Astro Crush is one of the best weapons in the game

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Day 10 - Most Difficult Level in a Video Game

Dark Souls is a game already notorious for it's difficulty. Hell, the difficulty is what made its predecessor, Demon's Souls, popular in the first place. I'll talk more about the games as a whole on a later day. ;D

I can easily say that this level is the hardest out of both games. Screw Blighttown. With a stick. Filled to the brim with tons of enemies, archers with toxic darts, and giant bugs, this place not only looks disgusting, but is absolutely miserable to play through. To top it all off, the whole architecture of the level is suspended over a poisonous swamp that you have to slog through to gt to the boss. Screw Blighttown. With a rusty spork.

Hell, just Google "Blighttown" and all of the rage-heavy essays can do the rest of the talking for me. This place is ridiculous. Almost as bad as Mad Space, actually.

T-Man's Take:

World 9-1 from Donkey Kong Country Returns. It’s quite long. There are no checkpoints. It’s just you, possibly Diddy, a bunch of enemies and a lot of flying pieces of fruit. It’s essentially Platform Hell (if this game hadn’t devolved into it already, given its difficulty). The platforms you have to jump on are pretty narrow and are generally moving back and forth. The enemies will give you a lot of trouble, too, although you can use them for a boost to aid in platforming. It’s not cheap, but this will probably give you a more intense challenge than any other area in the game – and that’s saying a lot.

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Well, I hardly have to explain this one! But I want that badge, so I will anyway.

You be the princess. I'll be your Toad. Following behind you on Rainbow Road. Protect you from red shells wherever we go...

Except that's impossible. Rainbow Road is, for lack of a better and less punerific term, a "highway in the sky." It has very few walls and where the walls should be are drops to the atmosphere. It doesn't help that the levels always requires you to make tight turns, and when you've got First Place Jitters, this isn't easy to do.

As hard as this level was the first time, they make a new version every time a new game comes out. Why? Is it popular? Or do they just like watching us squirm?

Anywhoozle, Rainbow Road seems to feed off of my insecurities.

Oh wait, that's my mother-in-law. Nyaknyaknyaknyak. Rainbow Road combines my fear of heights and the fact that I suck at turning to create a hellish experience, especially online.

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No picture until later since I'm using my phone.

For me, Buttville from Earthworm Jim was a hard level. First you had to use your helicopter head to avoid spikes as you fell, then you face a hard level full of instant death monsters and then you face the final boss. That boss ranges from moderately difficult on easy to gutbustingly evil on hard. While the PC version lets you start from the latest level if you die, you're going to die a lot.

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