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BiTMI (Battle in The Mysterious Isles



(this should be quick enough) SO, if you hadn't seen on my account, I REALLY like BFDI, or Battle For Dream Island. a core memory of my childhood is watching these videos nonstop while eating or doing other task (Ive watched it about 5 times now). with the continuation of BFDIA (Battle For Dream Island Again), I thing its appropriate to expand on this idea.

Basically, I'm trying to make the same Happy-Go-Lucky Show, but sprinkle some mystery and seriousness in it. think BFDI, but Gravity falls or Amphibia. There is 20 contestants, the prize itself, unknown. this would be on youtube, with unique characters and locations on the islands. with a mix of seriousness and heartfelt moments, I think it would be just as influential as BFDI!

I have a criteria for this, and if I stick close to it, it could be interesting.

  • 15-20 Contestants

The first BFDI and II (Inatimate Insanity) had 20 contestants, while BFDIA and EE (Extraordinary Entities) had 22 and 10 respectively. the problem with having too many contestants is that mostly, its hard to have intertwined and interesting friendships in the story. With too many Contestants, the series can be WAY too steched out. episode after episode, its gonna get bland, and FAST. every episode, with influence of the Audiance, an contestant gets Eliminated. when so, the count goes down until the final 2. BUT, people can rejoin, lets talk about that actually

  • Keep Rejoins Minimal

See, with 20 People, we don't need the series to end so fast. to keep it interesting, BFDI introduced Rejoins, where with the choice of the viewers, a person has a second chance at the prize. with too many rejoins, the series again gets stretched out, thus, bland.

  • 3-Min Episodes

The usual length of some small Object shows are WAY too short, but some are very long. there's nothing wrong with a long video, but it shouldn't be too short to enjoy. most song lengths are like, 2-4 mins long, so 3 is a good setpeice, so the story is fleshed out, as if the show actually aired.

  • Child Friendly

Again, nothing wrong with a Teen-Aimed show, but yall, there's no reason a kid-Aimed show can be so sus. id put in some adult humor, but not anything crazy, like objects based on adult thing. speaking of

  • No Over-Complex Character designs

Why are yall dressing up objects? the whole point is to be an OBJECT. that, and no objects that would be hard to make into a character. for example, a trombone. legs, or no legs? Wheres the face? what about limb placement? there are so much more to slaping stickers onto a object. Now, lets talk about the Objects themselves.

Most of them aren't fleshed out just yet, but I got it all down. first is the Host themselves, Prism (I was really fascinated with prisms back then, ok?). His past is that he was in another Object show as the winner of "Object Adventrue". As a reward, he now gets to host his own show, but For one, he's just the host, and he doesn't know what happens. all he gets is a letter saying what to do. then, there's fireball. Fireball is Ambitious, charming and friendly, and dives head-first into things without knowing whats lies ahead. Hes a tad Immatrue when he has to sit out, but he's a born leader. Yarnball, on the other hand, is Cautious and Smart. Although claustrophobic, shes kind and timid, and also dependable. Flower Pot is Fragile, but is Very up-Front. she makes friends with anyone and protects than with all her strength, but she usually gets backstabbed or bullied because of that. behind all that, she is very witty, and pulls tricks anytime. Now, we are about to get colorful with Obsidian, because shes Genderfluid. A lone wolf and independent, she is very strong.  there are 13 fleshed out ones, but I do NOT feel like writing them all down. including Obsidian, 3 of them use different pronouns. The other are:

  • Razzleberry (Non-Binary)
  • Arcade Token
  • Mangosteen
  • Dragon Fruit
  • Marble
  • Dime (Agender)
  • Apple
  • Immunity Token
  • Lucky Coin

The Unfleshed ones are

  • Espresso
  • Pizza
  • Beanie (Or Tobagan)
  • Yo-Yo
  • Mint
  • Soda Can
  • Smoothie

Heres a WIP Script I was working on a Long Time ago:


BiTMI Ep. 1 "Welcome to Socooli Island" Script:

Act 1

*scene starts with Prism, the host leaving his house.*


*Sniffs in, and exhale* Another day, another memory to enjoy!

*Prism looks down to see a package at his door*


*look of confusion* Huh? What's this?

*The package reads: To: Prism, The next Superstar! From: The Betta Hills Producers.*

*Prism brings in the package and places it on a table. He then opens the package to a letter.*


Huh? What could this be? *Opens letter with an eyebrow raised*


*Reads letter out loud* “Dear Prism, we come to you with a deal of a LIFETIME. We have seen your victory in The competition show ‘Object Adventure’. Since your win, we have been trying to reach you.” Ah, that's why I get those calls labeled spam *Continues to read* “We want to propose you a spot in our new show, Battle in The Mysterious Isles!! All you have to do is Give us a call and send these letters to the chosen contestants. We will be sent you all transportation to Socooli Island. From– The Betta Hills producers.”

*As Prism drops the letter in shock, the camera shows his expression. He jumps for joy.*


No. Way. *jumps* YES, OH MY COD YES!! MY LIFE DREAM!!

*Prism busts out of his house, and leaves his phone, making him stop mid-air. He goes back inside to get it, then before jumping again, locks his house, THEN jumps in the air, in slow-motion. He runs to his car, then looks at the letters in order, with fireball first.* 

Act 2

*As the camera zooms into the letter, the camera cuts to Fireball, returning from a hike with a Thershesy Candy Bar in hand, and a green backpack. He steps into his house and hears his mom calling him. The letter Prism has is Opened by Fireball, as he looks with surprise and shock. He runs into his room with glee, and thanks his mom*


*in his head* (OH MY COD, I GOTTA TELL EVERYONE) *Fireball runs to his room, as the camera cuts to a top view of his bed, with him snatching his phone, with a half open-letter that reads “CONGRATULATIONS!”. You can hear a rustling of Fireball packing his bag, along with some household Commotion.*

*The camera fades to a top of a desk, full of school supplies and homework. The camera goes up, to see Yarnball hard at work, and a door behind her opens. Yarnball’s Dad, Yarnbundle walks in inaudibly to tell her about the letter. He places it down on the desk, then leaves. Yarnball does some more work, then looks at the letter skeptically. She decides to read it. The camera snaps to her face, with a scared expression, with a little blush. She then runs out of her room.*


What's wrong? You will meet kids your age! Isn't it great?


I can't! There will be too many people!!


You’ll be ok! The island is secluded, nothing is dangerous, and you’ll have so many people to make friends with!! It's perfect! Even your friend flower pot is going. Isn't that great?


*in a whisper* I-I guess?*

*The screen fades to a 4-way split screen that shows inaudible reactions of Obsidian, Arcade token, Razzleberry, and Mangosteen. They all looked shocked. The four screens split to Prism standing on a dock, confident against the moonshine. We hear footsteps on the Dock, with a glow from Fireball. The camera switches to the contestants walking up. We see Fireball glowing, and Flowerpot with Yarnball. Obsidian behind them, with headphones on. The camera switches to A.T. and I.T. hugging. Razzleberry comes too, along with mangosteen talking. Lucky Coin also comes, giving a side-eye look to Dime, who is doing the same. Apple is behind L.C. looking a bit nervous. Marble, with a Carefree look, also arrives with the jolly Mint, Soda Can with an unenthusiastic look, and Espresso, with a joyful look.*


Welcome contestants! Nice to meet you all here on this breezy night. *turns to the moon* Don’t you all just love it?  Just the joys and wonders of summer.


Oh boy, oh boy! I can't wait!!


Yeah! And I can't believe Prism is our host! This is going to be fun!!


Yeah, cool and all, but why out of all of us, would we be contestants?

Lucky Coin:

Yeah, I second that: most of us are just teens. And we are going to some stranded island? That seems sketchy…


Well, it's not stranded, just a forgotten Island with some rather interesting history.


I mean, he isn't wrong. It has many ancient temples, some underwater, along with statues and beautiful scenery, and it was inhabited by an ancient civilization. Its know as Socooli Island, or as many people call it-


“The tropical Wasteland”?


Correct!! We are just waiting for the Ship to get here, then we should be on our way!! So in the meantime, Socialize! Make friends! We are going to split you into teams, anyway.

*everyone starts talking and getting to know each other. We see a pan of the dock, with contestants talking and interacting. We zoom in on Obsidian standing alone looking at the moon. We see Marble coming up to them and reaches her arm out for a tap. But before she could, Obsidian speaks*


What? Don't you see I want to be alone?


Oh, sorry, I just wanted to know your name. You look like a cool… person?


*sigh* well, the names Obsidian. Yours?


Marble! Nice to meet ya!


*slight chuckle* You too, kid.

*as marble walks off cutely and happily, Obsidian smiles. The camera switches to Razzleberry, mangosteen, and Mint all talking together.*



AAAAA, how EXCITED you guys are for this?!? I’ve never thought I would be on TV!!



Ahhh, me too. It's nice to get out of the house for a while and answer Advetrue’s call!!


Say what you want, I just need a break, some fresh air, and somewhere to kick back and relax.


Now you get it! *sigh* that's the life for lil’ mint!


But I wonder how the others are taking it?

*The camera shifts to A.T. and I.T. talking*


OMG, Cousin, I can't believe you’re here!!


Me too! I can't wait to be on TV! My mom was being a bit overprotective, so she told me to call her every night. But I didn't think to see you!!

*The camera shifts to Apple sitting on a box, and L.C. leaning on it, looking down. Soda Can Walks in Tired. This makes L.C. look up and speak.*


Ugh, what do you want?

Soda Can:

*chuckle* H-hey, I just wanted to make a pact here, like an alliance? We all do not want to be here sure, but that 10,000 dollar prize is too good to pass up, but at the same time, WAY too good to be true.  If we end up on the same team, we can help each other and split the cash. Any objections?


Yeah, how do we know you're not going to double-cross us?

Soda Can:

Uhhhh, pinky promise?

*Apple and L.C. look at each other with an unsure look*






Ehh, what we got to lose? I might not be here anyway. Welcome.


Soda Can:



*in head* (phew, good thing they accept me now. I don't need to be a lonely lost cause anymore…)


*We see dime thinking to themselves.*






*Ugh, I can't believe I'm here. Let alone Flower Power coin over there. Can't we just get a move on yet?*

*We hear in the background a ship tooting its horn as it pulls itself into the boarding area. The ship lets down a walkway, then everyone walks up.*






Welcome aboard, everyone. Hop on!





Wowie!! This place is great! It almost has everything!! *runs to the side of the cruise* uhhhhh….





Alright, everyone!! Right now, we are headed on a 1-day trip to Socooli Isle, the main island. You can socialize for right now, but in 5 minutes, we will start the challenge!





Wait, we are starting the contest before we get there?





Hey, yeah, what IS the challenge anyway?


*We see Prism standing right beside a bag of blue and red dodgeballs*







We’re doing dodgeball!!







*group yeah*





But first, we need team captains. Any volunteers?






Pffft, me of course!





I’ll join too. We need a positive force to fight him!!






Ok, that just leaves Esspresso, Fireball, marble, yarnball, flowerpot, apple, dime, I.T. and A.T., soda, Lucky Coin, mint, and Mangosteen.


*all of the characters shift to camera as Prism calls their name.*





Ok, captains, pick your team members!





*in head* (if I'm gonna win, I need the best of the best…) L.C., you look tough, join the team.


*he walks over*




Fireball, you could be my ally!!


*Fireball says yay in the distance, and the camera shifts to yarnball, quivering.*






*looks over to see Yarnball* are you ok? *Yarnball nods yes*


It's okay if you're scared, but you shouldn't be. Your smart, agile, and more. Don't worry, if we get separated, I will believe in you.




T-thank you…











Pick Apple, he has good throw.




Ok, Apple!


*we get a split screen of the two calling out names*










































*In head* (oh no…, her again? Well, I guess so, she’s nice.)









I guess that leaves me with you, I.T!!




Alright! With that out of the way, let's get this show underway! The rules are the first team to get all of their players out, wins and gain immunity from being voted out. Get into position!


*everyone stands behind their respective line. Flowerpot winks at Yarnball, hinting Good Luck*













*the intro starts playing. We see everyone and their name right beside them. It ends with the name of the show, with palm trees and sand on the acronym on top, with the words that make it drop down.*


*We see the red team (Odsidian’s team) running to get some dodgeballs. Yarnball still shaking behold the line. The blue team does the same and gets some. We see as everyone else is playing and having a good time, Obsidian sees Yarnball in the corner*







Hey, you! Get over here, we need help!




I-I can't! I don't have arms! How am I supposed to throw?





I Dunno, *Dodges ball*  kick?













*yarnball gets up with terror. She goes to a dropped ball and kicked it wimply, then ducks scared.*






Ugh, nevermind-


*a ball hits Them in the face. The camera shifts to flowerpot, in a dynamic pose.*








*The camera shifts to Razzleberry throwing a ball at marble, which she swiftly dodges. The camera switches again to Apple, Winding his arm to throw. He sticks his tongue out, then throws at Espresso, who dodges.*




Hah!! Power has no match against me!





L.C., another one.

*L.C. gives him another ball, then he throws again, hitting someone else instead by complete accident. It hits I.T., and this puts Apple in complete shock.*










Dear Cob, how did you do that?





Eh, what can I say, all in the wrist.


*Dime tries to do the same thing by copying him. He throws, and it hits espresso by dodging the wrong way.*







HAH!! I did it!!





Heh, so far that power of positivity aint working too well. 










So far, I.T., Espresso, and Obsidian are out. Whos getting out next?





The wimp in the corner, that's who!!


*he throws, and misses because she is in the corner*





HUH?? Grrrr!


*he throws again and misses*





Save your energy, Plant-Based, I got this.


*He Throws, but it curves because of strength and hits Mint so hard, it chips her.*






Mint!! Are you ok?





Yeah, I'm fine. My Head’s lil numb, but I'm ok!!





Jeez, I was joking the first time, but this is seriously going nowhere. There is just Yarnball, Razzleberry, and soda can. How will they get outta this? *sips from a mug that says ‘Hug in a mug’*




Don't worry, guys! I got the can, and Apple can get Yarnball!


*He throws a ball to Can, but he catches it, and Yarnball gets hit.*






Just a can, huh? *he is tossing the ball up and down.*


*A.T. is astonished. And sulks as he walks away.*




It's ok, cuz. At least you didn’t go down like I did.


*we see Razzleberry sweating and speaks*






Ok, ok, I'm out. We already lost…





Welp, that wraps everything up for today's episode. Team Blue is now up for elimination. Viewers!! To vote, go down to the Description to the link to see who gets to say “hasta la Visa” to everyone else!




(I had a good laugh Rereading this) So, leave your thoughts in the comments below, Caio!

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