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About this blog

Hi! I'm JPearce! (Or Joshua. Use either.) Here, you will find posts about games, shows, movies, and books that I'm currently interested in. Hope you enjoy!

Entries in this blog

Hello and Welcome!

Hi! I'm JPearce. I've had this blog up for like what.... 4 months with it being completely empty? Geez. I have been told I don't keep promises. As you probably know, this blog is named "JPearce's Random Bucket of Stuff!". I was gonna name it "JPearce's Random Bucket of Shit, but I decided against it because that's gross. Anyways, like the blog description says, you'll find reviews of anything I'm interested in or watching currently. At the end of each post, there'll be a list like this: Las


JPearce in JPearce's Random Stuff

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