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  • SadVlad 6
  • Cuz 2
  • Dreadknux 1

Super Mario RPG the Journey So Far



I'm an old SNES hat who grew up on Square's gift to Nintendo: Super Mario RPG. I remember banging my head agaisnt Valentina and Smithy and the ever looming bundt and raspberry cake. Scouring the world for Frog coins, and enjoying the number of mini games on offer. Lately I've been watching a friend play the remake of Super Mario RPG and guiding her along the way, and while I'm aware the game offers an easy mode this time around, I'm struck by just how easy the game is. I wonder how much is the tweaks like how perfect timed hits add splash damage, or the ever present team special attack, and how much is the simple maturity that makes the game so much easier. 

It's probably the easy mode and additions, but I never considered the orignal SMRPG hard by any means. Here I find enemies melt away to mounting splash damage. It wasn't until the swift offensive magic wielding gouls of the sunken ship that we had to us our first pick-me-up, and even then only because Greapers are so ungodly fast with the crystal magic. We're coming up on Yaridovich or Speardovich if you'd prefer. 


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