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Game Idea: Sonic & Tails Pt. 1; Mario & Luigi Overview



So, this is going to be a 2 or more part series where I talk about a Sonic RPG Based on the cult classic Mario & Luigi series. A Status Update from @lorekitten, She was Talking about if Nintendo and SEGA came together to make an RPG like the M&L series and the first 2 Paper Mario games. As a joke, I Whipped up titles of a "Sonic & Tails" Series, thinking I'm never gonna come back and try to make it real.

Well, guess what? yeah, you saw it coming, but first, let's look at the M&L series before we jump to Making Possible Stories.

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVED the M&L series. I pray that Alphadream makes their triumphant return one day, working under Nintendo, or giving Sonic a good name in the RPG Genre and being under SEGA! who knows, honestly? The games brought life to the Mushroom Kingdom, More than the King and Princess, the toads, and the bros. themselves! Pi'illo Island, The Beanbean kingdom, inside Bowser?! There is so much Alphadream did to expand our Plumber's world. and now, their gone. The last game Alphadream did for Nintendo was the Toyko Olympic games. It sucks to know that there's so much they did for them, and Nintendo may or may not help them, but they sank down. sure, they can still make more M&L games, but will it be the same? As soon as The company behind Paper Mario went away, so did the magic behind it. Personally Speaking, My first M&L was Dream Team, And I LOVED it. Sure, not the dream parts, it sucked to platform, but the BATTLES, DUDE! it was thrilling to nail all the attacks, and finally, FINALLY defeat dreamy Bowser. it was tough, but one word: Items. anyways, My Second Game was Paper Jam. Being a Paper Mario Fan before M&L, this seemed all too interesting. I never used the cards, or the Trio attacks, but it was fun having Paper Mario of all people. Sadly, Paper Luigi sat out, as always, but they at least could've add the Partners. that would add a twist more than the cards, honestly, and the PAPER. TOADS. i hated them. they don't DO anything! they sit around, carry The boxes, all that! i hated it! and the final boss, oh GOD it was so bad. the only challenge was the battles before! i beat that thing 1st try, and all it took was memorization, and good, HARD hits! 

Well, I'm done venting about that. lets talk about Sonic's One RPG: the dark brotherhood.

I don't know what makes me throw up here, the fact I want to talk about this, or the pale, nerdy Teachers pet with pimples right next to me (Or probably the lack of eating anything since 7:30 AM). after seeing review after Review, it just LOOKS like a pain to play. The music, the final boss, the locations, dude, the NPC's look like Nickelodeon Characters! I'm fine with the overworld, it is a old game after all, but the writing in the beginning, the Cliffhanger at the end, and the icing on the cake: the battle system. i don't even FEEL like diving into that, mostly because I'm in school, but because there's so many parts. all I can say is, battle times REALLY may vary.

Now that we know the problems of the 2 series (Comment if I missed something), we can start brainstorming! Stay tuned!

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I love seeing someone springboard off an idea of mine and develop their own concept based off it. I also enjoyed Dream Team (though I never finished it because I hit a timed challenge in a dream segment that was too frustrating for me to bother trying to complete), and I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the game too.

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3 minutes ago, Lorekitten said:

(though I never finished it because I hit a timed challenge in a dream segment that was too frustrating for me to bother trying to complete)

lemme guess, the Drill-Mole thing in the overworld? maybe not because it was a Dream Segment...

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9 minutes ago, Cyb3rkn1ght said:

lemme guess, the Drill-Mole thing in the overworld? maybe not because it was a Dream Segment...

No, it was a timed challenge with platforms where you could use Luigi's face on the touch screen to speed up or slow down time, and I couldn't really switch between screens fast enough or hit the platforms accurately enough to complete it.

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9 minutes ago, Lorekitten said:

No, it was a timed challenge with platforms where you could use Luigi's face on the touch screen to speed up or slow down time, and I couldn't really switch between screens fast enough or hit the platforms accurately enough to complete it.

Yikes. i think someday you should give it another shot!

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If I ever give the game another shot, I'll probably start out from the beginning so I can experience it all again. Right now I don't really have the energy for video games because of chronic illness.

...which doesn't mean I haven't been buying video games, because I know the Switch is on its way out and that Nintendo is not great at game preservation, so I've learned to buy games I'm interested in when I can so I won't have to spend ridiculous amounts of money for older cartridges.

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27 minutes ago, Lorekitten said:

so I won't have to spend ridiculous amounts of money for older cartridges.

Im so offended, but it is a tad old, so

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I think a more "realistic" idea (and by "realistic" I mean "Extremely-Unlikely-Pipe-Dream") is a "Luigi & Tails" RPG in the same vein as the M&L games.

Maybe the story can be about a new villain kidnap Mario, Sonic, Bowser and Eggman in order to take control of both the "Mario" and "Sonic" worlds, forcing Luigi and Tails to work together to save both worlds and free their heroes in distress in the process.

Imagine the kind of combos those two sidekicks could pull off in this game, and what sort of power ups they could gain as well.


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54 minutes ago, MGA_Gamer said:

I think a more "realistic" idea (and by "realistic" I mean "Extremely-Unlikely-Pipe-Dream") is a "Luigi & Tails" RPG in the same vein as the M&L games.

Maybe the story can be about a new villain kidnap Mario, Sonic, Bowser and Eggman in order to take control of both the "Mario" and "Sonic" worlds, forcing Luigi and Tails to work together to save both worlds and free their heroes in distress in the process.

Imagine the kind of combos those two sidekicks could pull off in this game, and what sort of power ups they could gain as well.


Just so long as they don't go the 'Mario is Missing!' route, it could be really cool. If the new Big Bad builds badniks based on classic Mario enemies, it would be glorious.

...somebody needs to draw some of those.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if there's already at least three people on the internet who've drawn this sort of thing.

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44 minutes ago, Lorekitten said:

Just so long as they don't go the 'Mario is Missing!'

I’ve heard bad things about that game, but what is this route you speak of?

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1 hour ago, Cyb3rkn1ght said:

I’ve heard bad things about that game, but what is this route you speak of?

Basically it was a bad edutainment title. I don't really know anything else about it outside a video that Lockstin and Arlo did about it a few years back.

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