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About this blog

A place where I talk about Game Design, Character Writing, World Building, any anything else that'll come to my mind. All about Sonic The Hedgehog of course!

Entries in this blog

Sonic the Hedgehog and the Decline (and revival?) of Rails in 3D:

Hello there. I'd like to discuss something that's been brewing in my mind for the past week and it's about Rails. Oh rails, an alternative to the usual past pace acting with the rather slow and bare bones automation. But rails never used to be this way. Take a seat friends, as we discuss The History of Rails in Sonic the Hedgehog. It all began June 2001, when Sonic Adventure 2 was released, the first game that featured Grind Rails. these type of rails functioned similarly to how they are to


KingSonicFan134 in Game Design

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