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Maria's Blog of Thoughts

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Thanks to @Dreadknuxfor the blog [and blog name] idea! Here, I'll post my game reviews or my impressions of games. 

Entries in this blog

2/25/24 - Side Order review (Spoilers)

Welcome back! It's been a while, hasn't it? Oh, I have so many games to review now, so you'll hear from me again soon. Today's topic: Splatoon 3's Side Order. I'll get this out of the way first: There will be spoilers here.   Also, fair warning: I suggest not playing this DLC if you are relatively new to Splatoon. Click to unhide spoiler  to see review:  


Maria.Sosori in Game Reviews

2/2/24 - Orion and the Dark Review

This may be another subject matter than the ones I usually cover here, but don't worry; a game review of The Legend of Zelda: The Mininsh Cap is coming soon! I just have to beat it first.  NOTE: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. IF YOU WANT A SPOILER-FREE SUGGESTION, WATCH ONLY SELECT BITS OF IT. ONLY WATCH THE SEGMENTS WITH DARK AND SKIP THE OTHERS. AT A CLEAR END OF DARK, LEAVE THE MOVIE. UNHIDE SPOILERS FOR THE REVIEW.  


Maria.Sosori in Other Reviews

1/21/24 - Time is Solid Here Review

Time is Solid Here is a horror puzzle game about helping others move on. It takes about 30 minutes to beat, but it makes you reflect. I liked all the stories for each soul. The last painting really "hit" me and got me thinking. That said, the backtracking you must do is annoying--after clearing each painting, you must walk back. The last one has the worst of them all. You have to walk without dashing through a long winding road, and in the first one, you have to travel through the maze again. Th


Maria.Sosori in Game Reviews

1/19/24 - Goodnight Meowmie review

Goodnight Meowmie is a tiny little horror game combining two opposite genres--horror and "cuteness". The game surprises you with an incredibly bittersweet ending. (Well, you can see it coming but it still hit hard anyway.) The art style is adorable, and yet captures the scary tone when it needs to. The game isn't necessarily complicated; Meowmie needs food (or medicine), so you must adventure through dark dangerous hallways to reach said food/medicine. There are cat skulls that with attack you i


Maria.Sosori in Game Reviews

1/18/24 - Folder Dungeon Review

Folder Dungeon is a neat little dungeon crawler with a twist--it's in a computer's file manager! In the game, you have two meters to be aware of: your health and temperature. Your health, is, well, your health bar. Get attacked by enemies and it'll drain. The temperature bar goes up higher every time you perform an action (collecting items, going to another room, etc.)  Get it too high and you begin to overheat! Overheating will drain your health, eventually killing you. The temperature bar is w


Maria.Sosori in Game Reviews

1/18/24 - Sonic Advance 3 Review

Please be aware that I started this game in 2023, so my memories of most of the zones are a bit muddy (I was trying to get all the chaos emeralds). Warning for spoilers!   Story The story isn't much. Sonic and all his friends must stop Eggman, but he has a trick up his sleeve: a robot named Gemerl. Gemerl is similar to Emerl in Sonic Battle (gee, I wonder), but without all that childlike innocence that Emerl had. Honestly, the only written parts I can remember are when a character


Maria.Sosori in Game Reviews

1/16/24 - George and the Printer game review

George and the Printer is a cute short indie point-and-click puzzle game about a guy named George fighting his printer. It's short and sweet and requires some thinking. A thing about it is that you can't click on anything at any time--which kind of takes the fun out and makes it more challenging (but not in a fun way, IMO). It was awkward figuring out which items I was allowed to click, and it also revealed what I was supposed to do. It wasn't particularly a challenging game, but it does puzzle


Maria.Sosori in Game Reviews

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