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  • Community Interview: Archie Comics Artist 'WB' on Sonic HQ and Chip n' Walter

    Archie Sonic Comic artist. We talk to WB about Sonic HQ, C&W and other things.

    WB, known in real life as Jonathan Gray, has had a big hand in shaping the landscape of the current online Sonic the Hedgehog community. Not only is he an incredibly talented artist (which led him to now doing lots of work for Archie Comics), but he has also supervised the operation of Sonic HQ for many years. Sonic_Hedgehogs catches up with WB to learn more about his time at the site, his career and his personal projects, such as the web comic Chip n' Walter.


    TSS: Hey WB, Merry Christmas and thanks for taking the time for the interview!

    WB: Thank you for having me here! ^_^

    TSS: No problem man. First off, who are you in the Sonic Internet Community and what makes people think of you when they think of veteran Sonic Internet guys?

    WB: Well - my name is Jonathan H. Gray, but a lot of people know me better online as WB or Dub. :-) Surprisingly I've been a member of the Sonic community online since 1997, my grad year of high school (which is an obscenely long time, but hey, I love the people online whom I talk to regularly and we all share common interests). I was a co-administrator at Sonic HQ for several years and later on became an admin at the TSF Message Boards. Both of which I still hang out regularly at, even though I've stepped down long ago. When people think of me I guess they think of how silly or goofy I always am around everything. :-)

    TSS: How did you get involved with the Sonic HQ, which most Sonic community people see as one of the first major Sonic websites that is still pulling in a lot of visitors daily.

    WB: I came across the place when I was looking up info on the old Genny Sonic games. :-) I had no idea Sonic was so intensive at that time. Zifei Wu, the guy who initially created the site, was looking for some help in running the page. SHQ had kind of gotten real big and he was thinking of maybe asking people on The Mofo (SHQ's MB) if they'd like to be on staff. That was when the Mofo was on one board and cramped and everything else. ^^

    I figured, "why not?". I had already been there for maybe a year and joined up afterwards. When Zifei stepped down there was some confusion over who would take over the site, so it was later decided that I'd handle the small stuff while Vector (the other admin) handled the technical stuff. The staff and the board always felt like one big online family to me, so I just kinda stayed and that was that. :-)

    TSS: When did you gain full control of the Sonic HQ and what things do you remember most from your webmaster days of the HQ that have helped you along other projects?

    WB: Oh geez....To be honest I don't remember the exact day Zifei left and I got control. But it had to be '98 or '99 I think. I didn't choose to officially leave the site and my position as board administrator until last year. If there's one thing I learned from doing SHQ that has benefited me GREATLY now, it's that I now know how to build webpages, as well as knowing when to not go too far on them (anybody who remembers how SHQ used to be drowned with midi's will know what I'm talking about XD).

    I also learned how to deal with people. Being an admin at the SHQ and TSF boards kind of helped me get a thicker skin to everything around me. Not everybody you meet IRL or online are exactly the nicest you'll have met. Though I try to get along with everybody I meet. ^^

    TSS: When did you decide it was time to hand the Sonic HQ down and retire from being the webmaster of the site?

    WB: It took a long time for me to make that decision. To be honest. I had grown tired of it. It wasn't the people I disliked or anything else, but the work of administrator had become a chore, so to speak. So I was rather conflicted as to what to do.

    For a long time I had wanted to do a webcomic much like my longtime online friend Ian J does (he writes and draws RPG World for those who are familiar with it). I had my own characters that I've always wanted to do something with in the future, and all these stories in my head and whatnot. And then there was SHQ.

    Also at the time - I was going to Tennessee State University and I was nearing my junior year. I wasn't really happy with the way my major was going and it felt more and more like SHQ matters were getting in the way of my animation career that I wanted to pursue - as well as my pet project ('Chip n' Walter' and 'Time Trouble') that I had always wanted to do. So I made some pretty big decisions since obviously something had to go.

    I couldn't do SHQ for the rest of my life, so I chose to step down. Because I wasn't happy with TSU as far as my major went, I also decided to transfer. I sat out one quarter to save some extra money and then I transferred to the Savannah College of Art & Design. During that off time I finally bit the bullet, resigned from SHQ (though I stayed on as board admin there and at TSF), and I pretty much started CNW/TT at Keenspace from nothing.

    I've never regretted the decision since, and I'm a lot happier. :-) I left the board positions when Archie rolled around. And that's that.

    TSS: Tell us about your online comics, 'Chip n' Walter' and 'Time Trouble'? is it sort of a daily comic, a comedy? And when did you think of starting it?

    WB: Right now it hasn't been updated in a while. I usually ceased production on it during Final Exam and Registration time, but during my grad exams something kind of came up that halted production of it for a bit ;-) Chip and Walter and Time Trouble are actually two entirely different webcomics with entirely different stories. It's just that they are both on the same page because I didn't want to separate them.

    CNW harkens back to my love of the old 'Disney Afternoon' cartoons. You know - back when studios actually cared about what they put out. ;-) Chip and Walter is the story of four children: Chip, Walter, Wendy, and Artie Duckbill, and how they have to adjust to their new life after the mysterious death of their father at the hands of the NSFFS Corporation.

    The story is all about being a kid (or an adult) and learning how to adjusting to a new situation - something I'm sure everybody can relate to. When their world is basically destroyed overnight, they have to learn how to be kids and trust people all over again, Baxter Taft - their godfather - must now adjust to being the sudden father of four children, in addition to his nephew whom he already takes care of. And Professor Wetbread (recurring villain and fave character amongst the people that have stuck with my strip) has to learn how to build his life over from scratch after the death of his best friend - of which he has been blamed and is now driven mad over....

    I make it sound a lot more serious than it actually is (CNW is actually the most fun of the two IMO), but you get the gist of it. :-)

    Time Trouble harkens back to my love for all of the old fantasy stories I read as a kid: Wizard Of Oz, that sort of thing. Seven kids get whisked away to a land full of magic and intrigue and travel. In their haste to get home, however, they become embroiled in a mystery about the children that preceded them in coming to Timeland. What happened to them, how they relate in the grand scheme of things.

    It's hard to say which is my personal favorite, but with Time Trouble I can deal with a lot of stuff that wouldn't work in CNW - racism, death, and everything else. At the end of the day its seven kids finding their place in the world, growing up with each other through good and bad, and creating their own destinies and legends.

    TSS: Do you plan on creating any other comic series to go along with your current two? And do these two comics relate in anyway?

    WB: I have other ideas in my head for comics and whatnot, but CNW/TT have been with me since middle school. TT has been with me even longer than that. Those two are my babies so to speak so for now I'm sticking with them. ^_^

    They do relate to each other in small ways, but not too much. I prefer to keep the stories for the two comics separate so you aren't forced to read one to understand the other. :-) When I'm in a goofier mood I mix the two casts and just go completely random. XD The best example of this would be the first birthday strip (where my long time LNR gag was introduced ;-)) and the "Computer Funeral" strip that I did when my old computer of 5 years died on me, which people STILL tell me is their absolute favorite. XD

    TSS: I'd hate to put you against your creations, but of the many characters you've created, who would you pick as your favorite or most memorable character?

    WB: For CNW - Cameron. I love characters who are complete and total idiots, yet somehow manage to outsmart everyone else around them. XD For TT...... Sterling Silver. Most loathsome character I've ever had a hand in creating ^^

    TSS: So, I heard a story that some crazy artist joined the ranks of Archie to do the Sonic comics, is this true?

    WB: I have no idea whom you could be referring to, good sir. :D

    TSS: You of course, Mr. WB! ^_- So, how did you get a job helping out the Archie Sonic comics? Did they find you?

    WB: Actually - the people I have to thank for that are J. Axer and Karl Bollers. Coolest guys alive. :-) The staff needed one more artist and Axer asked me if I would be interested. I said yes (ecstatically), submitted some stuff to Axer as samples, later talked with Karl and submitted some more stuff and voila. :-) If it weren't for Axer I'd never have had this opportunity to finally prove myself.

    TSS: Sounds great! So what have you done so far in the comics and which issue did you start in?

    WB: My initial submission was actually four pages of Sonic #132 (which Dave Manak drew), but it was way too late to even think about getting the whole story done in time, since Dave's pages had already gone into production. I'll post those up on my portfolio page after that book comes out.

    I finished Sonic #134 last month, which was the epilogue to the four-part "Home" story arc. That will be out in March. :-) I've also been working exclusively with Karl Bollers since I got on at Archie, and just recently I finished doing about 10-12 new character designs and color references.

    My next books, which I am currently working on, will be a full four-part story arc that I'm drawing that begins in Sonic #138. :-)

    TSS: Whats it like working on the comics? Is there something that you enjoy about it most?

    WB: I love it. :-) I like the fact that I'm allowed to get away with some things since I'm mischievous like that. ^^ StH #134 will be RIDDLED with easter egg cameos - from Flickies to Chao to Billy Hatcher. I love doing that kind of stuff. One character cameo in particular will be bound to get a select group of Sonic fans to develop a BIG GRIN. XD

    I like the fact that I'm having FUN on it. At the moment it doesn't feel like "a job", even though it is, you know? There are a few issues here and there but overall its been a fun and very good learning experience for me, especially in the field that I want to pursue.

    The thing I enjoy the most though would have to be consulting with Karl on story stuff. I'm flattered that he values my opinions good or bad on story stuff, and I think that in the end - when the creatives work together more closely - it results in better stories and artwork. He critiques me on stuff and vice-versa, like talking to an old friend. I don't feel pressured or thrown into situations over my head.

    TSS: When did you first become a Sonic fan, and why do you like him and the Sonic series so much?

    WB: 1997. Because I love how the characters all interact with each other as well as its storyline (just so you know, I prefer the game storyline, probably followed by Archie. We will not speak of Sonic Underground because that does not exist ;-))

    And I like it because.... I dunno. It's a charming series, no matter which way you look at it. One the surface it seems like Sonic is just a speedy blue rat, but when you examine it you find friendship, death, goofiness, seriousness, and all sorts of things that make a good story or a good character work. It's hard for me to pinpoint one thing about Sonic that I like because I like a lot of things about the series, games, and characters as a whole.

    TSS: Which character do you find the most complex and a favorite of yours in the series? And what do you think about the recent games like the Sonic Adventure series, Sonic Advance series, upcoming Sonic Heroes to the classic 2D Genesis games?

    WB: Most complex? I would have to say Knuckles on all accounts, though I highly prefer the SEGASonic Knuckles to ArchieSonic Knuckles. My favorite character however would have to be one of the more obscure ones - Bean The Dynamite. :-) I've always seen Bean as being the Looney Tune of the Sonic Universe for some reason. I'd kill to be the one to introduce him and Bark into Archie if I could do it right. :-)

    As far as recent games - I like the Adventure series, although (like everybody has said) they need to work on that camera ;-) Sonic has made a pretty good transition to 3D, unlike most characters. And that says something for me at least because I'm not quick to jump on the "LETS DO 3D CUZ EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING IT" bandwagon. ^^

    I didn't like Advance 1 that much (wasn't bad, wasn't great), and I thought Advance 2 was a great improvement. I liked the boss system, though it could do without that batshit insane Chaos Emerald Special Ring system. XD There's still a few aspects from the Genny games that I wish they'd bring back to 3D though - branching paths, larger levels, bosses at the end of the levels, and special stages.

    I see a few have been brought back for Heroes - including the Chaotix. So I have high expectations of it, much like all Sonic games I play. In the end though, as long as I have fun playing it, that's what matters. ^^

    TSS: What do you want to see in the near future with the Sonic game series? Is there any type of Sonic game that you hope one day is made, or do you have your own ideas?

    WB: I don't see how it's possibly feasible, given the speedy aspect of Sonic, but I would love to see a Sonic RPG in some format. I know a LOT of people would too - and the storyline has been developed enough that it is not entirely improbable. It'd just be hard to execute correctly. :-)

    Also - and this is a pipe dream, of course - but I wish there was some better way of tying the games to the comics. But I suppose its better to keep the two branches separate in the end.

    TSS: For all the great things you've done so far in your young life, who do you thank the most in helping you or showing you how to live and so on?

    WB: Three people. My mother, my grandmother, and my grandfather. They are the three most influential people in my life, and still are to a great extent. I also thank God for such a wonderful talent that I was given. When others around me are happy, I'm happy. And I'm glad to know I can make others happy with my artwork :-)

    My only wish is that someone out there will read whatever comics I do - be they CNW, TT, or Sonic - and be given a huge grin when they see every page. I care about every page and panel that I do, and I have a very strong work ethic - that's something all three of the people I mentioned taught me, and it's something I hope to teach to my kids.... someday.... waaaaaaaaaaaay down the road when I'm ready for them. XD XD

    I wont put my name on something if I don't believe in its quality, 'cause everything that I put out represents me and what I believe in, and I don't want to marr that under any circumstances. ^_^

    TSS: What do you expect to accomplish - and want to accomplish - in the coming years, and where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?

    WB: My ultimate goal, of course, is to be an animator/cartoonist. Own my own studio and really innovate the industry and make cartoons that are FUN to watch again and earn respect. IMO, cartoons are not just for children. That's always been my dream; to produce my own stuff the way I WANT to see it done.

    In five to ten years? Hopefully I'll be in that position or on much closer to it. Sonic is just the beginning of what I can do as far as I'm concerned. :-) And maybe by then I'll be ready to settle down too. As for right now I still have plenty of time. ;-)

    TSS: Would you like to add anything before we wrap this up and ship it out?

    WB: Umm... hello to everybody out there. I hope you like my work as much as I liked doing it! And please feel free (and don't be afraid) to visit my message board and tell me what you think of my Sonic work (and other work) - both good AND BAD (oh, and please don't be jarred by the old stuff thats on my page XD). I can't grow in what I do if I don't know what it is people do and don't like. ;-)

    And I hope you enjoy my tenure on Sonic The Hedgehog! ^^

    TSS: Thanks for taking the time to do this fun interview WB, and Merry Christmas!

    WB: Merry Christmas to you too :-)

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