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Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3


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Word's on the street that Lupinko apparently confirmed Phoenix Wright at some point for this expansion.

As for Ultimate MvC3, this is one of the few occasions I'm perfectly fine with shelling out the extra cash since I played MvC3 for weeks and I still love it. Marvel 3 is certainly still worth a good deal at trade-ins and discount that from a £39.99 price, you can't really go wrong.

I'll be honest though, right now my biggest hope is that this "huge story" or whatever that the developers spent so much time hyping up will somehow be made a reality. It was just annoying to see that potential lost.

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It'd at least be less egregious if the "Ultimate MvC3" was DLC for the original MvC3 rather than selling it as a standalone retail game.

Except it would probably cost the same amount of money in the end, and you wouldn't own any of it.

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It'd at least be less egregious if the "Ultimate MvC3" was DLC for the original MvC3 rather than selling it as a standalone retail game.

I mean, fuck, I thought DLC was invented to PREVENT developers from having to release a completely separate game whenever they make an update.

I actually prefer it this way.

I mean I'm not saying it doesn't piss me off; I knew that the character roster they came up with was small, I mean going from MvC2's awesome line up to the measly amount we got in MvC3 was just lame and screamed to me they were gonna pimp out DLC for the extra $$$ which is part of the reason I hate DLC because gamemakers think they can make a half-assed attempt at a game rather than going all out and giving us the best thing in one go, but I do actually prefer a whole new full game rather than DLC.

I hate DLC and when I buy something want to have a physical copy of it in my hands. Getting 12 additional characters would be great although actually having them originally on there would've been ya know....the decent thing to do.

I kinda hope they do this sort of thing with Sonic Generations. After that less than spectacular level list was leaked and people keep claiming "oh but wait for DLC" I just hope we can get an ultimate edition for that including more levels that should've been in that game. I'd pay again for it.

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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, you say?

Meh, screw that. I'll wait another year or so for the inevitable Arcade Edition with improved online mode and Evil Ryu.

But yeah. I really should learn to never buy a Capcom fighting game on its release date. (Or, its second release date, for that matter.)

Edited by HuntressTSF
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we learned not to do that in the nineties. :|

Not me. Every time I buy 'em on day one, and I'm all like, "i cant wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and play all these capcom fighters", only to discover "FUCK CAPCOM IS RERELEASING ALL OF THEM .............".

Then somebody always has to tell me "I WARNED YOU ABOUT CAPCOM BRO!!!! I TOLD YOU DOG!".

Man, I'm just so annoyed at how IT KEEPS HAPPENING.


Edited by HuntressTSF
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Not me. Every time I buy 'em on day one, and I'm all like, "i cant wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and play all these capcom fighters", only to discover "FUCK CAPCOM IS RERELEASING ALL OF THEM .............".

Then somebody always has to tell me "I WARNED YOU ABOUT CAPCOM BRO!!!! I TOLD YOU DOG!".

Man, I'm just so annoyed at how IT KEEPS HAPPENING.



But in all seriousness, I really did see this coming. Just LOOK at all the SF4s running around. Too many. I say we just wait for the "Better than the Definitive Ultimate Super Edition", buy that, and go about our merry ways.

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The only reason why shit like this happens is because Capcom knows they can get away with it.

Regardless, I am awaiting Comic-Con so I can see for sure what portions of this are true and which aren't.

More importantly, I want to see the Soul characters being revealed officially, of course but that isn't relevant here.

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The odd thing is the game was purposefully designed with the approach of DLC just so expansions wouldn't happen since Marvel signed a contract for just one game. I guess they must have been pleased as hell with the results.

At this point, hints that Lupinko dropped in a little game that GAF was involved in have confirmed Strider and Phoenix Wright to be in the game. Some hints were dropped about Carnage and Dr. Strange too I think.

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Strider Hiryu, Phoenix Wright, Dr. Strange, Psylocke, Red Arremer, Dazzler, Frank West / Chuck Greene, Gambit and even a Felyne from Monster Hunter have all be hinted at as possibilities. Among other things like some kind of Mega Man of course.

I'd have no problems with any of those. Even the Felyne because that would be a really amusing Monster Hunter representation and arguably one of the best they could have gotten.

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Among other things like some kind of Mega Man of course.

I'd like to see Classic or X. Some how, I have an idea of Dr. Weil as a fighter, but fat chance of that happening.

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Strider Hiryu, Phoenix Wright, Dr. Strange, Psylocke, Red Arremer, Dazzler, Frank West / Chuck Greene, Gambit and even a Felyne from Monster Hunter have all be hinted at as possibilities. Among other things like some kind of Mega Man of course.

I'd have no problems with any of those. Even the Felyne because that would be a really amusing Monster Hunter representation and arguably one of the best they could have gotten.

Why? I'd rather have this


or this


as the Monster Hunter represenative.

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Japan generally loves anything cute, compared to us here in the West who love anything that's cool and/or edgy.

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Strider Hiryu, Phoenix Wright, Dr. Strange, Psylocke, Red Arremer, Dazzler, Frank West / Chuck Greene, Gambit and even a Felyne from Monster Hunter have all be hinted at as possibilities. Among other things like some kind of Mega Man of course.

I'd have no problems with any of those. Even the Felyne because that would be a really amusing Monster Hunter representation and arguably one of the best they could have gotten.

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I'd love for Phoenix Wright to be in it, but Capcom seem to have this idea that no one is interested in him over in the West. Hence why we are not getting Ace Attorney Investigations 2 and apparently why they are trying no to release Ace Attorney vs Professor Layton here either.

They. Are. Insane.

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I'd love for Phoenix Wright to be in it, but Capcom seem to have this idea that no one is interested in him over in the West. Hence why we are not getting Ace Attorney Investigations 2 and apparently why they are trying no to release Ace Attorney vs Professor Layton here either.

They. Are. Insane.

Capcom never said no one was interested in Ace Attorney. They said no one was interested in Ace Attorney Investigations, which is easy for them to make a logical assumption out of since Ace Attorney Investigations sold like shit, even though Capcom is part to blame for that due to terrible localization.

And I don't know where you got the idea that Capcom are trying to not release PLvsAA. The game isn't even out yet in Japan and it would be incompetent of them to not release it, since their franchise has a free ride on another franchise's back, and both Capcom and Level-5 are very much aware that Layton is probably the best selling third party DS series besides casual titles such as Brain Age. In fact, Capcom Unity were gauging the interest for the title's release over here the minute it was revealed.

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Capcom never said no one was interested in Ace Attorney. They said no one was interested in Ace Attorney Investigations, which is easy for them to make a logical assumption out of since Ace Attorney Investigations sold like shit, even though Capcom is part to blame for that due to terrible localization.

And I don't know where you got the idea that Capcom are trying to not release PLvsAA. The game isn't even out yet in Japan and it would be incompetent of them to not release it, since their franchise has a free ride on another franchise's back, and both Capcom and Level-5 are very much aware that Layton is probably the best selling third party DS series besides casual titles such as Brain Age. In fact, Capcom Unity were gauging the interest for the title's release over here the minute it was revealed.

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Not to mention Nintendo would throttle Capcom if it wasn't released in the West. They own the rights to the Layton series over here, and they do quite well with it. They wouldn't want to miss out on a possible million seller just because Capcom is a pussy.

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Not to mention Nintendo would throttle Capcom if it wasn't released in the West. They own the rights to the Layton series over here, and they do quite well with it. They wouldn't want to miss out on a possible million seller just because Capcom is a pussy.

You just gave me the mental image of Reggie literally strangling a Capcom employee. It made me giggle.

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