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Sonic Frontiers (2022) | MT | General Discussion (DO NOT discuss leaks here please)


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7 hours ago, StaticMania said:

Sonic has an idle animation for playing with the Koco, exclusive to Japanese DLC...

An idle based on an American sport is exclusively in Japan.

SEGA Moment™

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I feel like this is the absolute best Sonic game since Adventure 2. 


Is it perfect? Absolutely not, but it's such a massive step in the right direction. 

I thought the stages were fun, the map was fun too but could use some fleshing out in future games. 

Sonic goes at the right speed finally or close enough to it. It's great to go fast, but in Forces for example at max speed you can't even see the obstacles if you're going through the stage the first time. 


The physics aren't perfect but they work incredibly well. Every Sonic game going back to childhood and the Sega Genesis has had wonkyness with physics in one way or another. I thought they did a good job. 


The story is interesting enough and not in your face. The characters are more realistic and not parodying themselves. 


So much to build upon in the next game if they continue down this path. If they made this from the ground up I can only imagine how good a sequel can be. 

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Just 100% completed the game.  Gotta say I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Frontiers.  My top pick of modern 3D Sonic games still goes to Generations thanks to the more responsive and snappy controls.  But this would certainly be a close second between this and Unleashed (Though I never finished Unleashed).

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Finally finished it. 40 hours! (Main Story, Side Story, 100% Map and all Cyberspace levels unlocked). I can't believe how much replay value left there is on this title! I honestly get why they didn't budget price this now. Worth. Every. Penny. 

But errm, yeah. Loved this one and it comes as such a relief after Sonic Forces, you can see the effort put in here (even with the jank and clear unfinished / cut / redistributed content aside). I think presently it ranks as one of my favourite 3D Sonic titles since Generations and Lost World... but potentially, I like this more. I think what I valued the most though is the tonal shift back to the adventure series era, I mean... in all but name this game practically is Sonic Adventure 3 if you ask me. There is soooo much that ties back to the legacy of those titles that's lovingly imbued into this one. 

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Final impressions. So I've been the game. It took me a little longer than I want to admit mostly do to the final final boss. Holy hell that if in any other game would have been amazing, did not fit very well as a final boss. 

Visually, I will still say this is the best looking sonic game next to unleashed. If you can write off the pop-in. Cyber space, it's grown on me. Please Sega, drop an update that let's you change those controls. Especially the 2d. It works but the massive complaint of momentum, really sticks out here. But overall I really like this game. The CS music while not the greatest in the series, had some pretty catchy songs. And since the stages are bite size, still most of them, it didn't stick around for to long. I did really like the call backs to older games. Green forrest and metal harbor to name a couple. Really felt like they were testing if old state design can still work in the boost gameplay, and for the most part it does. 

Now back to the main attraction. The boss fights. Visually impressive. No complaints there, even for "THE END". My only gripe, which could have been a issue on my side... The wyvern boss fight. The final QTE, I kept having to repeat it. For some reason it was not taking all of my inputs and I was smashing the controller. But aside from that, I loved 3/5 of the fights.  And the boss ost. God tier in my opinion. Unmatched, personally dethroning some of my favorite vocal tracks in the series. Othani had no reason going that hard. Fun fact. I really thought all of the main vocals for the boss fights were female. Little did I know that was actually kellin's voice. Yes I eventually YouTube'd him and well bash me later.  Staying on this topic, did anyone else notice how the 3 bosses, their vocal tracks kinda matched their pilots and sonic characters for the island aside from Amy? 


Final thoughts. Not a perfect game like many said. But it is a step in the right direction. A step I'm more than willing to walk with. I had my doubts with iizuka and kishimoto, correct me if my spelling is off. But if they keep improving and fighting for well needed delays, they will forever have my support in putting Sega and sonic back on the top. Just don't release sonic up against God of war. Could have been a fatal mistake. I really think the game leaking actually helped the sales but that is just me. 

As for my actual rating. 8/10. For obvious reasons that's all I'm giving it. There was no generosity given here. Work on cyber space and let the next game cook as long as needed, also the title (you know what I'm talking about) on it and there you go.

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So given the ending does anyone think it’s possible Sage could be a recurring character after this game?

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First week sales data for Sonic Frontiers' Japanese performance is out (from Famitsu/Media Create), it sold 46k physical copies across Switch, PS4, and PS5. It's the best opening week the series has seen in Japan since Adventure 2, and is already the best selling game domestically since Heroes. This week was fairly packed with other games like Tactics Ogre and God of War: Ragnarok, but Sonic seems to have sold pretty respectably. 

EDIT: For comparisons' sake, it's about 4x the opening sales of Forces

04./00. [NSW] Sonic Frontiers <ACT> (Sega) {2022.11.08} (¥5.990) - 26.067 / NEW
07./00. [PS5] Sonic Frontiers <ACT> (Sega) {2022.11.08} (¥5.990) - 11.111 / NEW
08./00. [PS4] Sonic Frontiers <ACT> (Sega) {2022.11.08} (¥5.990) - 9.098 / NEW

Total : 46.276

10./00. [PS4] Sonic Forces <ACT> (Sega) {2017.11.09} (¥5.990) - 5.960 / NEW <40-60%>
13./00. [NSW] Sonic Forces <ACT> (Sega) {2017.11.09} (¥5.990) - 4.899 / NEW <20-40%>

Total : 10.859

(from Install Base:)


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1 minute ago, ZinogreVolt said:

First week sales data for Sonic Frontiers' Japanese performance is out (from Famitsu/Media Create), it sold 46k physical copies across Switch, PS4, and PS5. It's the best opening week the series has seen in Japan since Adventure 2, and is already the best selling game domestically since Heroes. This week was fairly packed with other games like Tactics Ogre and God of War: Ragnarok, but Sonic seems to have sold pretty respectably. 

(from Install Base:)


I notice there isn't any data for Forces!

I wonder if this will be matched by its international sales as well.

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1 hour ago, MGA_Gamer said:

I notice there isn't any data for Forces!

I wonder if this will be matched by its international sales as well.

That's cause SEGA didn't share data regarding Forces sales performance I believe. 

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17 minutes ago, Zoomzeta said:

That's cause SEGA didn't share data regarding Forces sales performance I believe. 

Really? Where they that embarrassed by it that they refused to disclose just how poorly it sold?

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2 hours ago, ZinogreVolt said:

First week sales data for Sonic Frontiers' Japanese performance is out (from Famitsu/Media Create), it sold 46k physical copies across Switch, PS4, and PS5. It's the best opening week the series has seen in Japan since Adventure 2, and is already the best selling game domestically since Heroes. This week was fairly packed with other games like Tactics Ogre and God of War: Ragnarok, but Sonic seems to have sold pretty respectably. 

EDIT: For comparisons' sake, it's about 4x the opening sales of Forces

04./00. [NSW] Sonic Frontiers <ACT> (Sega) {2022.11.08} (¥5.990) - 26.067 / NEW
07./00. [PS5] Sonic Frontiers <ACT> (Sega) {2022.11.08} (¥5.990) - 11.111 / NEW
08./00. [PS4] Sonic Frontiers <ACT> (Sega) {2022.11.08} (¥5.990) - 9.098 / NEW

Total : 46.276

10./00. [PS4] Sonic Forces <ACT> (Sega) {2017.11.09} (¥5.990) - 5.960 / NEW <40-60%>
13./00. [NSW] Sonic Forces <ACT> (Sega) {2017.11.09} (¥5.990) - 4.899 / NEW <20-40%>

Total : 10.859

(from Install Base:)


I can't believe it, we're just below Adventure 2. Considering how rock bottom the series has been, that's an absolute win for growing the franchise back up, and making SoJ care more.

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Those are very impressive numbers for Sonic Frontiers in Japan, legit the best sales for the series since the Adventure games 20+ years ago. I hope this means that SoJ gives a shit about the series more moving forward.

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The best thing for Frontiers is that it also has the legs Sonic Advance had, or close to it. That game may have had a worse launch than SA2, but it made up for it with those legs.

Though considering the situation, even Japan is leaning towards the Nintendo platform, which will make it even harder for Sega to even consider dropping it in the future. Here's hoping for better hardware soon.

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To clarify, those sales for Sonic Frontiers do not count digital sales, only physical sales. So it might have easily surpassed SA2.

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29 minutes ago, ShinyGems said:

Here is some stuff with, well, at least the UK sales. Plus, some Japanese sales, but that is already mentioned, right?

And the US?

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Man I tell ya, if they keep building on this game, improve the physics, make the cyber space levels way better, and put more of the traditional Sonic atmosphere in there...

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Man, I can't believe that Sonic Frontiers is actually performing well in Japan.  If that's the case, do you think that SEGA will make the Sonic games better since they now have a Sonic game that's doing well in Japan?

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2 hours ago, Rabbitearsblog said:

Man, I can't believe that Sonic Frontiers is actually performing well in Japan.  If that's the case, do you think that SEGA will make the Sonic games better since they now have a Sonic game that's doing well in Japan?

Well, the fact that they're hiring more personnel for the dev team is definitely a good sign.

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I’m finally bringing myself to comment. I just finished the 4th island last night and found the Metal Harbor stage (i love those moments when i find the SA2 stages and my muscle memory Kinda just kicks in).

 I’m really enjoying it all around. From the openness (open world-like is hit or miss for me, but this somehow hit a nice balance that I enjoy. Not too big, plenty to do that feels to me like it ties together) to the Cyberspace to the combat to the story (the tails portions especially got me). The towers felt like some crazy platforming. Some animations in cutscenes felt a little..stiff? But not the biggest deal. Playing with the drop dash on island 3 was fun.

 Main gripe: pinball…all the titan door opening puzzles really, as they were sorta pace killers, but man did pinball feel the worst 

For the record, I am playing on the Switch. I’m pretty impressed with the performance on it. Yeah, the visuals are reduced, but i don’t mind that as long as it feels stable, and Man it felt stable to me.

i hope they can keep Ian in with the story/dialogue. The characters felt so good. I really liked Roger’s performance especially, as well as the rest of the cast.

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