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Yo-Kai Watch (Season 2 premiers August 1st with 50 episodes)


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Be sure to post your thoughts on episodes 20 and 25, those are the best of the ones that have been subbed so far.


Also, that segment on ep 4 :)

Having just recently gotten through the episodes you've mentioned, you were certainly right about them! Episode 20 got both WTFs and laughs out of me and episodes 25 had my feels.

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Having just recently gotten through the episodes you've mentioned, you were certainly right about them! Episode 20 got both WTFs and laughs out of me and episodes 25 had my feels.

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What's your take on   and Jinmenken? Also gotta love Nagabana, his schtick never gets old to me xD

Jinmenken is one of my favorites! He's really funny and has given me some good laughs! Komasan is adorable.

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Nagabana is a contender for my absolute favorite at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here's Hasbro's video on localizing Yo-Kai Watch that was shown at Level-5 Vision. Like with Inazuma Eleven, the songs will be dubbed rather than making new ones, and I'm liking what I hear here, I know the ones that have been watching the japanese version might feel it sounds different but what works in the japanese language won't necessarily work in english, this needs a bit of westernization to be appealing to american kids. Level-5 themselves are working with them so it should go well.


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So here's Hasbro's video on localizing Yo-Kai Watch that was shown at Level-5 Vision. Like with Inazuma Eleven, the songs will be dubbed rather than making new ones, and I'm liking what I hear here, I know the ones that have been watching the japanese version might feel it sounds different but what works in the japanese language won't necessarily work in english, this needs a bit of westernization to be appealing to american kids. Level-5 themselves are working with them so it should go well.


That's certainly good news! The dub voices don't sound too bad either. Whisper sounds a little odd, but hopefully it'll grow on me overtime.

It's also been revealed that Alicyn Packard will be doing the voice of Jubanyan. Another article reveals that Keita and Fumi has been renamed to Nathan and Katie respectfully. I'm not surprised about the name changes, though it looks like Whisper will keep his name. No word on the others so far though. I have a feeling that a bunch of things are going to be changed once it comes to the west to make it more appealing over here.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So I finally got to watch the first four episodes of Yokai Watch and, yeah, I like it. It's pretty funny at parts and even quite heartwarming (the fourth episode made me all teary eyed actually!). I also really like the designs of the different Yokai and how they're based on actual Yokai from Japanese folklore. It'll be interesting to see how they localise this in the West since it's a pretty Japan-centric game and anime.


I heard it gets better in later episodes, so I'll keep watching it for sure! =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Disney XD has picked up the anime and it'll be airing later this year. So far they're airing 26 episodes. Here's the trailer:



If that's the intro, then I'm disappointed that they didn't use a translated version of Geragerapo No Uta, though I'm not surprised that they would use a shortened intro to begin with. I just hope they didn't change too much in the dub itself.

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I'm not surprised, really. I can't ever expect a song like Gerapo to ever be as big as a hit like this.

The song here isn't bad, but the singer needs work.

Wait, didn't they dub the Exercise song from the previous trailer? Why not use that? The original song wouldn't work for an opening at all but they could've changed the beat somewhat.

(Speaking of which, if they fully dub that song, will they keep the line about poop?)

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And yet no release date, what the hell. I hope it starts airing sometime in autumn. If it catches on it will help the game's sales.

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I started watching Yo-Kai Watch a few days ago and I'm up at Episode 28 right now. I gotta say... I'm absolutely enjoying the anime! The humor is pretty funny and there are sweet and emotional moments throughout the series (I just loved Episode 25, so so muany feels in that one). Komasan is just so adorable and I really like the designs of the Yo-kai in this.


I've look at the gameplay of the game and it's really interesting and now I want to try it out for myself. So, looking forward to that one when it comes out.

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Ok so my weird ability to at random catch the most relevant episode of the show continues and thus that bit about the transformers makes sense, that robot ghost is from the future and they kind of do a terminator reference but then the actual terminator theme is playing and then I realize that one who's always on his phone is basically a ghost spirit... Do they all need their own vocilization?

Anyway, perhaps they want to rephrase how the describe the youkai, the way they put it when they localized it makes it sound like Scientology, and for some reason iOS capitalizes that.

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I just loved Episode 25, so so muany feels in that one.


Then you can look forward to ep 47. I'll just say this: The witches are back and they have a new target.

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  • 1 month later...

Saw the Yo-Kai Watch movie today. It feels pretty much like the movie the Pokémon movies try to be but fail cause of bad writing(The plot is actually a bit similar to Pokemon 4ever). With a good sense of atmosphere, a heartfelt story and great jokes, It's a very good movie that is a must watch for fans of the anime. You can find it in sites that host anime movies.

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I recently started watching this and it's cute. Just cute. Amazingly cute. OMG too cute. Just fucking cute.

I like the fact that the characters aren't particularly driven by hamfisted morals or ambitions (or if they are, such as in Jimenken's case, it's played for laughs), but more relateable, slice-of-life based flaws which at least allows it to be more easily consumed by older audiences. Keita himself is a normal child which includes all of the selfishness and emotional fault therein. He wants to buy disposable shit, not embarrass himself in school, stay up to watch the adult shows, and show off for Fumi. Subsequently, interacting with and collecting the Yokai isn't so much part of some endless journey so much as it is the natural fallout of their effect on his attempts to live a normal life. As a result of his normalcy and ignorance he welcomes Whisper's guidance to try and help him out, which makes the whole joke about Whisper needing to rely on Wikipedia for Yokai information that much more funny and endearing. There's so much good about it, particularly as something meant to compete with Pokemon when you realize how badly it could've gone like every other collectible/toy-based anime trying to ride Pokemon's coattails. Crossing my fingers that the dub keeps the spirit intact and the series blows up a little bit in the west.

Also, I want a life-sized Whisper plush. He's so fucking huggable-looking.

Edited by Nepenthe
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I recently started watching this and it's cute. Just cute. Amazingly cute. OMG too cute. Just fucking cute.

I like the fact that the characters aren't particularly driven by hamfisted morals or ambitions (or if they are, such as in Jimenken's case, it's played for laughs), but more relateable, slice-of-life based flaws which at least allows it to be more easily consumed by older audiences. Keita himself is a normal child which includes all of the selfishness and emotional fault therein. He wants to buy disposable shit, not embarrass himself in school, stay up to watch the adult shows, and show off for Fumi. Subsequently, interacting with and collecting the Yokai isn't so much part of some endless journey so much as it is the natural fallout of their effect on his attempts to live a normal life. As a result of his normalcy and ignorance he welcomes Whisper's guidance to try and help him out, which makes the whole joke about Whisper needing to rely on Wikipedia for Yokai information that much more funny and endearing. There's so much good about it, particularly as something meant to compete with Pokemon when you realize how badly it could've gone like every other collectible/toy-based anime trying to ride Pokemon's coattails. Crossing my fingers that the dub keeps the spirit intact and the series blows up a little bit in the west.

Watched ep 25? That's usually the fan favorite for obvious reasons. Also what's your take on the surprising focus on pop culture references from both westtern and eastern culture?

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Watched ep 25? That's usually the fan favorite for obvious reasons. Also what's your take on the surprising focus on pop culture references from both westtern and eastern culture?

I've not gotten there yet. Just finished episode 18. The part where Keita just grabbed Whisper's tablet himself was pretty funny, doubly so when he ended up throwing him into the monster's path. Downright disrespectful. xD

As for the pop culture references, I think they fit into the overall spirit of the show. The monsters are obviously Japanese-inspired which is to be expected, and realistically the children are naturally going to be into modern pop cultural trends which in Japan also includes a lot of borrowing from other cultures. It's cute and cheesy, but most importantly it doesn't impede or overshadow the main draw of the show like a really bad DreamWorks film, and if anything the stuff like the Terminator Jibanyan I feel are going to make the show more accessible in the west. Pop cultural stuff is perfect for a show like this to me. x3

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As a result of his normalcy and ignorance he welcomes Whisper's guidance to try and help him out, which makes the whole joke about Whisper needing to rely on Wikipedia for Yokai information that much more funny and endearing. Also, I want a life-sized Whisper plush. He's so fucking huggable-looking.

Oh boy, in that case ep 47 is gonna be one I'm sure you'll love. It adds alot of depth to Whisper's character.

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Is there any good sites you recommend for watching the anime? I've only been able to find the first few with subs on Youtube.

It's pretty cool

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Which is absolutely fantastic because I feel Whisper is literally just the best fucking thing ever. 8D Which is weird, because I wasn't on board with his design at first when starting the show. But seeing the way he moves and talks is just to die for. I seriously need a little Whisper in my life, even if he is ignorant as shit.

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