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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:: READ POST 11156/PAGE 558


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If this is canon in season 3, then that means Sweetie Belle will undergo an ugly colour change and somehow become an alicorn.

Sweetie Belle is actually Celly's secret lovechild from one of her Molly phases.

Also, apparently this character is not an Alicorn based on the toy, so disaster averted I suppose.

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Also, apparently this character is not an Alicorn based on the toy, so disaster averted I suppose.

Huh? But I could have sworn those were wings sticking out from her back... Or is it just me?

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That's what I thought too. I'm going based on what people who claim to have seen it firsthand are saying in the comments.

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"I should update EFT" edition.

In Her Majesties Royal Service:

Gee, remember this one?

It was a comedic story about royal guards, it had 4 chapters and it had a sequel...


Well... Has... it's still going... Yeah... I almost forgot about that too. :U

The third chapter of this story bring us even more hilarious situations, all of this while the guard trio must deal with Equestria's public transport system...

You'd think most of the jokes would come from making the system look incompetent and uncaring about the user's well being, but this one manages to be funny without recurring to that... Mostly...

This chapter deals mostly with the burdens and responsibilities that these ponies must bear with now that they are wearing the royal guard uniform, and yes, it's good.

Also, I lol'd at what would be the first SMS conversation in Equestrian history. laugh.png

Edited by gato
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Wow. Seems just like yesterday when Veggie was known purely for his Adult Scoots stuff.

Where does the time go?

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This is one swag-looking pony. Seems kinda like the Flim Flam Brothers in his 'aura'.


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Now this is interesting. A security guard at Bronycon apparently got to ask Lauren some questions while on the job, and some of these tidbits are VERY interesting. Now of course you shouldn't regard this as 100% fact and Lauren is unable to confirm or deny and blahdy blahdy blah but I think this is worth a watch.


Condensed version:

- She intended Scootaloo to be handicapped in a sense. The idea is that she would have to live without being able to fly and focus on her scooter instead.

- Ditzy and Derpy are NOT the same character after all. (Though of course by this point fanon has ran with it for so long that I doubt it will make a difference)

- Lauren always intended to introduce Celestia and Luna's parents and just never got around to it.

- A scrapped episode idea was about Rainbow and Applejack finding a young pony who was raised by deer, and they would argue over whether or not they should let him be or tell him that he's actually a pony

- Canterlot is based off of Gondor

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Now this is interesting. A security guard at Bronycon apparently got to ask Lauren some questions while on the job, and some of these tidbits are VERY interesting. Now of course you shouldn't regard this as 100% fact and Lauren is unable to confirm or deny and blahdy blahdy blah but I think this is worth a watch.

[insert youtube vid here]

Condensed version:

- She intended Scootaloo to be handicapped in a sense. The idea is that she would have to live without being able to fly and focus on her scooter instead.

- Ditzy and Derpy are NOT the same character after all. (Though of course by this point fanon has ran with it for so long that I doubt it will make a difference)

- Lauren always intended to introduce Celestia and Luna's parents and just never got around to it.

- A scrapped episode idea was about Rainbow and Applejack finding a young pony who was raised by deer, and they would argue over whether or not they should let him be or tell him that he's actually a pony

- Canterlot is based off of Gondor

Interesting about Scootaloo, and it makes sense. I always got the idea that Scootaloo's wings were never really going to develop right. Seeing just how TINY they are and how they're unable to lift her weight, when it seems like everyone ELSE can fly just fine. Wonder if they'll fix that later on, as it sounds like the idea of her being "handicapped" in that sense was just Faust's idea. And she's not working on the show anymore,

Shame about the scrapped episode though. That would've been NEAT. It's a strange concept, and kinda sad, but just the idea of a pony prancing around like a deer is hullarious and cute as heck. Plus, another Applejack and Rainbow Dash buddie episode is always nice to have~

Hope they can at least take some of those ideas for a future episode!

... also I love that tidbit about Canterlot. The hibernating LotR fanatic buried deep into my soul just squealed reading that.

(...oh, right, hi fellow pony fans. I like ponies too. 8D;; )

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Scootaloo.... ;_; Part of me hopes this will be explored later in the series, but something tells me it ain't gonna happen... i can hope though. Shame we didn't see the deer pony episode though... hope we'll see fan art of how he/she might look though, cause that sounds pretty adorable!

And I knew about Canterlot being based off er... that one place in Lord of the Rings, (I've never read the books or saw the movies, okay, sue me.) for quite a while since I've heard Lauren and a lot of the staff are Lord of the Rings fans, and there's been quite a few Lord of the Rings references throughout the show, I belive.

Edited by Lyra Heartstrings
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Well, if nothing else, the Scootaloo thing can join AJ's parents are deeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaad as things the fanbase totally called and ran with already anyway.

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A security guard at bronycon

oh god what happened? Did he break up some antibrony scuffle or arrest some brony for-

Asked lauren some questions while on the job

oh thank god :D

Poor Scootaloo :( Will this actually be a thing or will it be something like she can fly but her dead/neglective parents never taught her to fly? Either way, Diamond Tiara is going to hell for making fun of her (implied) disability in the Newspaper episode and threatening to print it as a slander story. Little bitch. This will make more fics pop up, no doubt.

Also, I always thought Canterlot was a play on Camelot

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Also, I always thought Canterlot was a play on Camelot

The name, yes. Just not the general look of it. Now that I know this, I'm surprised I didn't see the resemblance before being the LotR nut I am.

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I haven't watched the little Q&A yet but it doesn't hurt to remind you guys that Faust's view on Equestria doesn't really apply to the show anymore (well, when she was working on it there were also things she wanted in and couldn't happen either)... Having said that, it doesn't mean the show isn't going to run with it (or something similar) I just wouldn't expect it to be mentioned at all (like AJ parents).

Oh well, time to keep driving myself crazy with pony music...


Episode 2: Wooden Toasters... How do They Work?

Those of you who are into the brony music thing should be able to tell by the title that in this post we are going to talk about Glaze. But wait! Wasn't B-Side supposed to be a post to show multiple artist who haven't posted enough tracks to get a playlist?

Well... It is, first of all, if you pay attention you might be able to tell that Glaze didn't release enough stuff to be playlisted.

But most importantly, we are still showcasing other artists... You see, Glaze is a particular case in the bronydom, he publishes stuff that tends to become quite popular between the fans, and between these fans are a lot of eager remixers that want to give their spins on the songs.

That's what I'm going to show today. 7 songs, 14 remixes... Let's do this!

1 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbIGnY_DSIE.

We start with a remix of Avast Your Ass... So I guess I'm cheating here... Oh well. The remix was made with MSPaint a bunch of Fluttershy's yays and got a PMV to go with it... Needles to say, it went viral, and we got some pretty impressive things from it, but if I had to chose 2 of them I'd go for these ones:

01 )

By Lunar Monday.

I picked this one more than anything for the unique take on such an active sound, to turn it into something calm and quiet it's something I have to give credit for...

02 )

By Pokey Smokes


This remix combines what is pretty much the most popular Fluttershy tracks into one (the only thing missing is Flutterwonder) and it does it in a pretty good way, not a big fan of the original voice though.

2 )

(ft. Mic The Microphone)

Dat intro...

You know? While making this list I find myself lacking words to describe what parts of the song I like, because I happen to love most of them... So I hope you excuse me if you find me more silent than usual.

But yeah, that melody in the background and the intro are simply amazing, and while I like Mic's voice I can't stop thinking this would sound better as a full orchestra piece...

03 )

By StormWolf

Thank you, based fandom...

This piece is amazing, sounds like epic RTS music.

I wonder if this can get more epic...

04 )

By Cyril the Wolf


Good enough! :V

I love the way he does the intro and the chorus (and the ending).

And of course, the guitar, can't forger the guitar!

I might do an exception and talk more about this artist on the future.

3 )

Speaking of things that go viral, Glaze also made this one... The on that inspired entire fictions and animations.

The track itself is amazing, I love the mix of piano and bass... I also love the strings at 1:57, they really contribute to the theme of the piece.

Sometimes I wonder how it will sound if it was pure electronic...

05 )

By GaugeN

Oh hai there!

I'm not sure it sounds creepier than the original but the "moar wubs!!!" approach certainly makes it sound more diabolical... Also amazing, but I already knew that.

BTW, I love that *squee*!

06 )

By HexAsH

Now this is something different, keeps the electronic stuff but makes it sound a lot more mellow.

And for some reason it makes me think about Eastern Europe...

4 )

(ft. H8_Seed)

Oh man, this piece is incredible.

First of all, isn't it awesome when music has a story behind it? Second, the music is mind blowing, the voice goes really well with this and the lyrics are really good.

It's also the last song Glaze got out tot he public, and still got remixed!

07 )

By Tremil

This has such an odd mix or rhythms, gotta give some credit for being one of the only (if not the only) that didn't just re-arrange the thing.

08 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVVUk1ZFa6s

By metadragonart

You know, I had other orchestrals (and even one steampunk, which would sound more unique than all the orchestral I'm putting so far) to pick from but the reason I chose this one is because it sounds like it was composed as background music...

Also, it gives me a better impression of the music behind the original, I used to think the original was one of the cheery tunes with depressing lyrics one tends to hear from time to time but hearing this made me realize that ir's more like a hope spot, something you see changing for good in an horrible ambience that didn't seem like it was going to get better anytime soon.

And yes, I don't like that sudden cut it has from time to time. XD

5 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z5eizH0u1I

Do I even have to introduce this one? XD

Kidding, kidding, truth to be told I have something to say about this one... And it's that I don't really like it.


The melody sound boring to me at times and the lyrics were kind of dumb on my opinion, to this day I still wonder how the heck it exploded in the way it did... But I'm glad it did, because almost all of it's remixes were awesome and it made me love the original in a very odd way...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egY6TO-Q6L4 but I already linked that one way to many times, and I think we've all heard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QybkjWrL_ZM at some point right? So here have others that I consider worth a listen...

09 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsI1lgTwdMw

By StormWolf

Oh yeah he's back, and yeah it's orchestral again... Because it's epic!

It's hard to point what I like so much about this one... it's like... It's title screen music.

Makes me think of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzRwDHVoIz8 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_hgtuxokEo, you know, the kind of music that makes you go "Fuck yeah! Adventure time!"

10 ) Beyond Her Garden

By WolfOfSadness

I'm starting to think ti was a bad idea to put the titles of the track...

WolfOfSadness (And looking back, he is like the third wolf I linked today... Odd) is an interesting artist, all he makes belongs to a dubstep genre whose name I don't know but I like to call it consensual ear rape... I'm not sure if I'll get to talk about him in a future but in case I don't, listen to some his tracks, like nothings changed. This guy's stuff is full of energy.

And yes, this remix is also good... What do you mean I did this just to link to Sadness channel like I did with Replacer last week?




6 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji4IQR9Zbwo (ft The Living Tombstone)

I have quite the story with this song... I didn't like it at the beginning because the idea of a love song to a pony unnerved me a little (yeah, I know I linked similar stuff, but we are talking about past me here so deal with him for a while), but with time I learned to stop worrying and wuv the wub...

And by that I mean I freaking love what Tombs did here, those melodies you hear in the background at the beginning (and the rest of the song, but it's more noticeable at that point) and the chorus? they are freaking stuck in my head since the moment my brain registered them and they don't plan to leave anytime soon. This one is actually my fav piece from tomb and spend an hour or so struggling with myself trying to not put this one in Tombs list, because I wanted to use it here.

Of course, I'm all over the remixes people made of this one.

11 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt9XtBIc8j8 (Musical Cover for Fallout Equestria)

By Warbalist

Okay, this is unique and all sorts of amazing. laugh.png

Seriously, hear this one... I can't believe they made something like this out of the track above.

If the title doesn't hint you, it's a mix with the musical style of the 50's or so. (and a romantic/sad one at that)

12 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_ytlIuKiXQ

By Blaze~


And now for a more "traditional" mix...

I love everything about this one! It's just so party hard worthy, there is another version but this one has just the perfect timing to start doing what in my land we call pogo (no, not the musician) which is jumping at the rhythm of the music. (maybe bumping with and pushing other people as you do so)

7 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjo4mFzBGoc

I had s similar story with this one as I did with Beyond Her Garden, I heard the first few seconds and went "eh" and closed it... But it took one remix to make me hear the whole thing and see how good the thing was.

13 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=gVtvrG9VOPs

By Eternal Insomniac

Gotta love how different this one is from the original... especially the glitch and the piano. (man I seem to have a weakness for these things, that and the repeated use of the word "pony")

14 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3ObO3BTwO8 (Nu School Han Breaks Remix)

By Likonan


This remix... Is amazing...

This is the remix that made me see the original in a different way, Likonan is a very interesting case in the bronydom, he has a particular flavor (oriental flavor) and while most of his stuff is average if you dig in his channel you can find little, precious jewels like this one...

And the use of oriental instruments really do wonders to the track (it made me notice the amazing chorus that I grossly ignored on the original), sounds like something that came out of the Empire of the Rising sun (and I'm linking because I know none of you wil get the reference).

Now I must leave... The land needs to be worked... And the lifestyle or arduous hard work must be presserved...

But not without saying that this is how we close B-Side Episode 2 ! Summoning musicians of immense power without wearing the proper ritual mask.

Man this one was ambitious for me, trying to get 14 remixes out of one single artist wasn't easy for me (mostly because I limited myself to 2 per track, I could have filled the list with Beyond her Garden, Nightmare Night and Rainbow Factory and call it a day), but I could still have done a bit better... You see, we didn't even get to see all Glaze has to offer us, I didn't add some very good tracks like Pinkie's Lie and Ctrl+S (not to mention the tracks HE remixed) so you should check his Youtube channel and Soundcloud when you have time... Maybe I should have tried to look for mixes of those track too... Eh... Too lazy for that.

Sadly, I must add that the chances of getting a playlist next week are slim (due time constraints) but next thursday that sees me with some free time I'll post Episode 11: Personality Disorders.

Edited by gato
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Is this show REALLY as good as it sounds? Because it would have to sound DAMN good to get over how gay it looks.

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Is this show REALLY as good as it sounds? Because it would have to sound DAMN good to get over how gay it looks.

There's no trick or anything: the show is, simply put, that good.

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No, go back. Go back. Now. Leave. It'll suck you into a black hole if you don't.

-walks away slowly-

Thank you, VEDJ-F. You will be remembered in song for generations to come.

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Is this show REALLY as good as it sounds? Because it would have to sound DAMN good to get over how gay it looks.

I feel like this is an insult to good cartoons and animation everywhere.

Because, to me, it's visually appealing and animated pretty damn well on top of it.

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