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Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Saga


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A gif so you all can see how beautifully and lovingly animated this doegh is:




the ear


actually clips through the body


are there even any words

That's the most beautiful animal created in video games ever.

#doge#YOLO#Shit Square Enix does

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Ladies and gentlemen


I give you






Yes, that is an actual screenshot. Yes, that is from this game.


This franchise has become such a glorious source of comedy gold as of late.


I actually think the dog's cute.

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Ladies and gentlemen


I give you






Yes, that is an actual screenshot. Yes, that is from this game.


This franchise has become such a glorious source of comedy gold as of late.


What in God's name. That looks like a N64 model.

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Seriously, was anyone in the develpment team even trying when this game was made...like....at all? Even at this series lowest points, i could always say "Well at least it looks beautiful" in FFXIII, or "Well, at least the soundtrack is wonderful" in the original FFXIV.


I can't honestly think of any redeeming factor in this game. None at all.

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If this was, say, a Capcom game, or an Activision game, that focuses most on gameplay, i could have reacted more lightly.

But this is freacking Final Fantasy from Square-Enix, the company that always had in their mind having the most advanced and polished graphics as a (supposed) selling point for their products. And with that in mind, the fact of that screen is simply unexcusable: i already had some doubts when i saw the models of the characters merging each other in the demo they showed here in Milan, but combining that with those screen and the previous bad textures of buildings and floors makes this probably the worst graphic that SE ever had (of course, in relation to the system its published on).

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I don't mind it if anything maybe it shows that they focused more on the actual game than on making things look pretty which I think should always come first. But I do think that dog looks creepy.

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All their resources are going towards Final Fantasy XV I suppose.


That's not really an excuse.


Squeenix is a massive company. They have enough people that they could easily work on 2 or 3 FF games at the same time.

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That's not really an excuse.


Squeenix is a massive company. They have enough people that they could easily work on 2 or 3 FF games at the same time.


I look at it this way. Lightning Returns is just here to get some extra dough (dat milk, not to mention that the Japanese love Lightning) and Final Fantasy XV is the game they actually care about.

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I don't really think that makes sense when Square has been losing more money by making 2 sequels to a game that didn't meet their sales expectations.

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I don't really think that makes sense when Square has been losing more money by making 2 sequels to a game that didn't meet their sales expectations.


True say...either way, I'm still getting this game eventually. I just need some closure. That's just the way I am. I've played the first 2 so I might as well end it.

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I don't really think that makes sense when Square has been losing more money by making 2 sequels to a game that didn't meet their sales expectations.

Didn't meet their sales expectations doesn't mean that they're losing money on the series. If they were losing money on the series they would've ended it at XIII. They are obviously making some money off of it otherwise they wouldn't have made two sequels in the first place.

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Didn't meet their sales expectations doesn't mean that they're losing money on the series. If they were losing money on the series they would've ended it at XIII. They are obviously making some money off of it otherwise they wouldn't have made two sequels in the first place.

All the more reason to question why it's so difficult to actually create a dog that looks and animates like at least a PS2 looking one. They are a major player in the 3rd party business, and you are implying they still are making quite the buck off of this. So if that's the case, why is the visual aspect so crappy. 


And honestly, even if they are focusing more on gameplay this time, that is no excuse to give us piss poor low poly looking visuals.  In this day in age, I expect visuals that don't look bland and boring AND something I can enjoy gameplay wise. Not one or the other. IMO you need both to create a interesting and engaging experience.

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All the more reason to question why it's so difficult to actually create a dog that looks and animates like at least a PS2 looking one. They are a major player in the 3rd party business, and you are implying they still are making quite the buck off of this. So if that's the case, why is the visual aspect so crappy. 


And honestly, even if they are focusing more on gameplay this time, that is no excuse to give us piss poor low poly looking visuals.  In this day in age, I expect visuals that don't look bland and boring AND something I can enjoy gameplay wise. Not one or the other. IMO you need both to create a interesting and engaging experience.

Hey, hey, hey, don't get me wrong. I never said they were making money off of this game, NOR did I say they were making a lot of money off the past two games. ALL I said is that they made enough to warrant two sequels, which they would not have made if they were making these games at a loss.


Since Lightning Returns is the latest one (and presumably final), there's nothing to suggest if it made a profit or not. XIII-2 at least made enough that it wasn't a loss and to warrant a sequel itself (despite complaints from many people).



I never made any comment on the visuals. The dog does look incredibly unimpressive. Most of the other visuals I've seen have been quite good, though, certainly not any better or worse than the past two titles, and certainly not PS2-quality (other than maybe that dog).

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I really just have to wonder just how this game is going to stand with the critics. Despite the fan reactions, both XIII and XIII-2 got fairly solid reviews, but this one seems so blatantly cheap (not to mention being a big departure from the previous games' style) that I'm interested to see if even they'll be kind to it this time.

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I really just have to wonder just how this game is going to stand with the critics. Despite the fan reactions, both XIII and XIII-2 got fairly solid reviews, but this one seems so blatantly cheap (not to mention being a big departure from the previous games' style) that I'm interested to see if even they'll be kind to it this time.


One of the many problems with the gaming journalism/game reviewing hybrid is that big franchises are often awarded bonus points mostly just for being big. I remember at least one publication that gave New Super Mario U nearly perfect marks mostly for just being another Mario game. I expect that, as long as the game isn't broken per se (glitches, etc.) and plays at least decently, they'll give it solid scores. 


I can't wait for a Mass Effect 3-esque situation where reviewers beat around the ending bush by labeling it "challenging" or "provoking."

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One of the many problems with the gaming journalism/game reviewing hybrid is that big franchises are often awarded bonus points mostly just for being big. I remember at least one publication that gave New Super Mario U nearly perfect marks mostly for just being another Mario game. I expect that, as long as the game isn't broken per se (glitches, etc.) and plays at least decently, they'll give it solid scores. 


I can't wait for a Mass Effect 3-esque situation where reviewers beat around the ending bush by labeling it "challenging" or "provoking."

Final Fantasy XIV (the original) and All The Bravest got thrashed by critics.


It ain't immune.

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A Japanese player utterly owning in this game. He/she makes the game look like Devil May Cry or something...and it's also surprising that he/she is playing the 360 version.



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So turns out the demo was accidently made available on Xbox Live, but it was taken down a few hours later. It's up for download on the web though, if you know how you can put it on your 360 via a USB stick.

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So turns out the demo was accidently made available on Xbox Live, but it was taken down a few hours later. It's up for download on the web though, if you know how you can put it on your 360 via a USB stick.

A DLC costume had the same thing happen to it as the demo.




It's like Square Enix has this big button you don't press until the time comes, but someone presses it for a laugh.

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Alright! I finally played the demo (thanks pppp for helping me get it in the first place) and now these are my impressions.


Graphics and Technicalities

They're...alright. It's a MASSIVE downgrade from 13 and probably even 13-2 BUT that is to be expected as this game is like a million times bigger than those two games. Textures are pretty low res and the game runs lower than 30 fps most of the time. The 360 is an old machine, it's really trying its hardest to churn out these graphics so I have to give it some slack though, but even so there are a ton of open world games which are prettier than this and are on the 360 as well (GTA V being the prime example, but Squeenix don't have over 5 years of development time for this game). Lightning Returns: FF 13 Definitive Edition maybe? ...Na. The CGI is pretty as always and it's not compressed to oblivion like it was with the first 13 on Xbox 360 which is nice.



I like it. A lot. It wipes its ass with the previous games battle system that's for sure. The Schemata (or however the hell it's spelt...wow, it's a real word) is a lot better than the Paradigm Shift from the previous game and the customization possibilities really are endless.


According to the demo each Schemata has two locked moves and two open slots. I guess this is done to give each Schemata some uniqueness but it might change in the retail release. Switching is instant which is good and when you want to execute one move you just hold down the button instead of mashing it Sonic Unleashed QTE style. 


Lightning moves really slow though, it's not like Ni No Kuni for example were you can run around the field and actually evade attacks...luckily her defensive moves work well. There was Guard, Mediguard (it heals you as long as you're guarding), Evade (time it and dodge the attack altogether. It's not very good for exploding attacks however) and Counterblow (when the enemy strikes you evade the attack and hit them hard). It seems like you can't switch targets and I thought this was the case, but it's not as you can switch targets by pressing left/right on the D-Pad. Lightning is a lot more interactive on the field as well since you can sprint, jump, climb, slide and attack. The gear you equip also affects your mobility so I guess it will be possible to move really fast in this game if you equip the right stuff.


Overall. It's pretty good gameplay wise IMO.



Yeah, I don't get it. Lightning is Bhunivelze's angel and she saves souls I think. Bhunivelze is not a god now but God with a capital G, which implies that he's the only God in their world. That is not the case though as they're many deities in their world but Bhunivelze is just the most powerful. Either the other gods died or Squeenix added more ingredients in the convolution soup. If anyone can makes sense of this to me then please be my guest. MAYBE it'll make sense in the full game but I doubt it to be honest. Snow is a mayor or something and Hope is a kid again for some reason...I dunno. Yes this is old news but I still don't get it. I also have no idea why Lumina looks like Serah but whatever.


Will I buy it? Yes. The gameplay is very fun and I personally need closure so that I can end this series and welcome FF XV with open arms. I've recorded the demo but don't expect it to be up until tomorrow.

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As attractive as the gameplay sounds I still can't really get into the idea of getting this, sure ive been wanting square to move out of the SRPG thing for awhile with one there FF's but its in a story that I don't care too much about, maybe when the demo comes out on PSN I might change my mind.

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Alright! I finally played the demo (thanks pppp for helping me get it in the first place) and now these are my impressions.


Graphics and Technicalities

They're...alright. It's a MASSIVE downgrade from 13 and probably even 13-2 BUT that is to be expected as this game is like a million times bigger than those two games. Textures are pretty low res and the game runs lower than 30 fps most of the time. The 360 is an old machine, it's really trying its hardest to churn out these graphics so I have to give it some slack though, but even so there are a ton of open world games which are prettier than this and are on the 360 as well (GTA V being the prime example, but Squeenix don't have over 5 years of development time for this game). Lightning Returns: FF 13 Definitive Edition maybe? ...Na. The CGI is pretty as always and it's not compressed to oblivion like it was with the first 13 on Xbox 360 which is nice.



I like it. A lot. It wipes its ass with the previous games battle system that's for sure. The Schemata (or however the hell it's spelt...wow, it's a real word) is a lot better than the Paradigm Shift from the previous game and the customization possibilities really are endless.


According to the demo each Schemata has two locked moves and two open slots. I guess this is done to give each Schemata some uniqueness but it might change in the retail release. Switching is instant which is good and when you want to execute one move you just hold down the button instead of mashing it Sonic Unleashed QTE style. 


Lightning moves really slow though, it's not like Ni No Kuni for example were you can run around the field and actually evade attacks...luckily her defensive moves work well. There was Guard, Mediguard (it heals you as long as you're guarding), Evade (time it and dodge the attack altogether. It's not very good for exploding attacks however) and Counterblock (when the enemy strikes you evade the attack and hit them hard). It seems like you can't switch targets and I thought this was the case, but it's not as you can switch targets by pressing left/right on the D-Pad. Lightning is a lot more interactive on the field as well since you can sprint, jump, climb, slide and attack. The gear you equip also affects your mobility so I guess it will be possible to move really fast in this game if you equip the right stuff.


Overall. It's pretty good gameplay wise IMO.



Yeah, I don't get it. Lightning is Bhunivelze's angel and she saves souls I think. Bhunivelze is not a god now but God with a capital G, which implies that he's the only God in their world. That is not the case though as they're many deities in their world but Bhunivelze is just the most powerful. Either the other gods died or Squeenix added more ingredients in the convolution soup. If anyone can makes sense of this to me then please be my guest. MAYBE it'll make sense in the full game but I doubt it to be honest. Snow is a mayor or something and Hope is a kid again for some reason...I dunno. Yes this is old news but I still don't get it. I also have no idea why Lumina looks like Serah but whatever.


Will I buy it? Yes. The gameplay is very fun and I personally need closure so that I can end this series and welcome FF XV with open arms. I've recorded the demo but don't expect it to be up until tomorrow.

The history of Bhunivelze is actually explained quite a bit prior to this game and a lot of it was heavily hinted at in the first XIII as well. They probably didn't have all the details fleshed out at the time, though, of course. Most of the details about the backstory of the world were revealed in early 2011.



From Final Fantasy Wiki:


The universe of the

Fabula Nova Crystallis series is divided in two – the Mortal World, the realm of the living, and the Unseen World, the realm of the dead. Mwynn is the god Bhunivelze's mother, and was killed by her son who wanted to take full control of the Mortal World. As a result, Mwynn was sent into the Unseen World.


Despite achieving his goal of total control of the Mortal World, Bhunivelze became troubled. He believed that Mwynn had placed a curse on the realm of the living so that it would one day be destroyed. To put a stop to the curse, Bhunivelze sought to destroy his mother once and for all, but was unable to reach the Unseen World without giving up control of the Mortal World. To find the entrance to the realm of the dead, Bhunivelze created the fal'Cie Pulse, tasked with searching the world for the door to the Unseen World.


To assist Pulse, Bhunivelze created the fal'Cie Etro, but became distraught to discover that he had unknowingly created her in the likeness of Mwynn and as a result, Bhunivelze gave Etro no powers. To replace Etro, Bhunivelze created the fal'Cie Lindzei, tasked with protecting the world and Bhunivelze himself. With the fal'Cie at work, Bhunivelze put himself into a deep crystal sleep, to be awoken only when the door to the Unseen World was found.



Etro became distressed over her lack of power and purpose in the world. Out of despair, Etro killed herself and disappeared from the Mortal World, entering the Unseen World. In the Unseen World, Etro discovered Mwynn being consumed by an energy mass known as chaos. With her last breath, Mwynn tasked Etro with protecting the balance of the universe, for if the balance between the Visible and Unseen Worlds was to be disrupted, the universe itself would collapse. Mwynn told Etro she must protect the world balance, before being fully consumed by chaos.


Everyone is calling Bhunivelze "God" because he's the highest God they know about at this point in time. According to the backstory there is at least one higher God, but where she comes from nobody knows... and we'll never find out, either. (Not that anyone else here really cares.)

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