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Story in Sonic Games-How we want it


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Basically, what I want from a Sonic story is a nice blend of light heartedness( if that's even a word) and high stakes. As long as we get adequate characterization and a nice feeling of triumph for beating the game, I'm all good. Unfortunately, the stories in Colors and Generations fail to deliver on that. I know the writers of those games are generally well liked, but I find them severely over rated. What ever happened to the Unleashed writers, anyway?

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I think the point Ragna is trying to say is that although SatSR and SatBK have good characterisation and narrative they don't have any sort of test or tense action in the middle, instead of a roller coaster of storytelling its more of a gentle incline to the climax at the end, the story doesn't dip and rise in terms of action and tenseness...I guess

A story should look like this





See, there is that rise in tension in the middle,

This makes the story tenser for a while and keeps the person reading/playing/whatever engrossed and interested, not that the games aren't interesting but the emotional roller coaster isn't there, not a one point do you wonder what sonic will do or if he will succeed at all until the big climax at the end

Edited by Jolt_TH
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For me, Sonic Colours (the Wii version that is, not the DS one with the shoehorned in characters :P) had it pretty much on mark except for one thing....the character development. All the characters asides from Robotnik, Orbot and Cubot (so basically Sonic and Tails, then :P) felt 2 dimensional and lifeless, a problem that exists in most New Sonic games.

You can't just take a characters and go 'this one likes adventure', 'this one likes inventing things', 'this one is angry', 'this one loves Sonic' etc. It doesn't work like that! A character needs more then one personality trait to them to make them feel alive and likeable.

The other thing is, I know a lot of people on here like darker, serious plot-lines - but for a series about a blue hedgehog that collects rings, jumps on monitors and saves the day from a fat man with a moustache, it doesn't quite fit.... Yes, having dark/serious moments is perfectly fine, if a story implied a walk in the park it wouldn't be much of a story, or a video game for that matter ;). But forced 'darkness' and mandatory 'monster of the week' plot-lines don't cut it for me ;).

And I personally prefer the story to be told in cute, silent cut scenes like in S3K and Sonic 4 Episode 2, but fully voice acted cut scenes can be fine if done right, so...

Also, probably my first post in ages, yay or something!

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I personally prefer a storyline with a deeper meaning that is shown at the surface, Preferably something that would be considered serious, yet not shallow or unemotional.


The only problem is the potrayal, which as proven time and again is executed rather poorly.

Edited by Turbo19
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I think the point Ragna is trying to say is that although SatSR and SatBK have good characterisation and narrative they don't have any sort of test or tense action in the middle, instead of a roller coaster of storytelling its more of a gentle incline to the climax at the end, the story doesn't dip and rise in terms of action and tenseness...I guess

A story should look like this





See, there is that rise in tension in the middle,

This makes the story tenser for a while and keeps the person reading/playing/whatever engrossed and interested, not that the games aren't interesting but the emotional roller coaster isn't there, not a one point do you wonder what sonic will do or if he will succeed at all until the big climax at the end


I like this way of putting it. A rise in tension, it relaxes, and then the villain suddenly smacks you with a new source of tension.


In retrospect yes the Storybooks do lack a middle... as much as I love Black Knight I must admit this. Consistent story all across the spectrum rather than crammed all into one place sounds like the best approach. There was so little meat to the middle of most recent games. There might have been a cutscene or two to represent something but there was practically nothing.

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