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Message added by Dreadknux,

This fan article was originally posted on 20 July 2004 by @Cake.

[Archive] Sonic Games Evolving



A discussion of the progression of Sonic over the years.

Well, once again, we find ourselves reading an article written by me. However, today, I'm writing an article that will discuss the evolution of the Sonic games over the ages, what Sonic was, what he is, and what people expect him to be. From the fans who know Sonic from the old Genesis/Megadrive games, to the newer fans that know the blue blur and pals from SA:DX. Each fan has his/her own opinion on Sonic, and I'm here to express mine.

"Doc! This Time Machine Brought Us To 1989?!"

Well now, Sonic was brought to the world with the miracle of high-speed sidescrolling. Sonic games were the coolest thing around, and Sonic brought a style of gaming that would forever remain in the minds of just about anyone who played them. Who could forget the catchy music, wonderful sounds and amazing speed that Sonic the Hedgehog had to offer? For it's time, it was a game to be praised. Could things get any better? Yes. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 came out, and it too was a great game, closely followed by S3 then S&K; then finally S3&K.; Truly great games. Games that many Sonic fans still call "The best Sonic games ever!". Those three games and their sidescrolling action possesed an essence that made them special, and today are known as great classic Sonic games. Of course, there were other Sonic games that also appeared around this time of the year, including Sonic 3D, Knuckles Chaotix, and a few more games on the Sega Gamegear, but the three Megadrive games truly stood out compared to the rest.

"Doc, We Gotta Go Back To The Present!"

"Great Scott!" How things have changed! It was the year 1999 when the Sega Dreamcast came out in the U.S. U.K. and Canada. With it came a brand spanking new game, Sonic Adventure. Sonic Adventure brought Sonic and friends into a whole new world and pitted them up against Eggman and Chaos, a god to a species known as the Chao. Other characters introduced were Big the Cat, Froggy and Tykal (I think I spelt that right). Some older fans who loved the classic Sonic did not like Sonic Adventure because it did not have the original fell of the classic Sonic games.

Soon to follow was Sonic Shuffle, which was a Mario Party style game. Fans of the classic Sonic didn't like it because Eggman was not the villain, and once again, it did not posess that original feeling to it.

After that, what many call the game of the year for 2001, Sonic Adventure 2 was released. It possesed many great things to do, Hero and Dark sides to the story, the introduction of Shadow and Rouge, Tails in the Robot Walker, Eggman as a playable character. It had great aspects, and introduced a new feel for Sonic, as well as a great plot, and it still managed to feel like it was in the "Adventure" series. Snazzy! Soon Sonic Adventure was re-released as Sonic Adventure DX and SA2 became SA2:B for the gamecube. Enhanced graphics and more features were added to the games.

Soon the games Sonic Advance 1, 2 and 3 were released. The Sonic Advance games had the old sidescrolling gameplay, but they still didn't feel like classics, as many of the "N00B" oldies delighted to point out. Never a good comment. Sonic Advance was about as close to the classic games as you could really get. Sonic Advance 2 introduced the cute Cream the Rabbit, but the gameplay was simple : Hold down on the right button. However the Special Stages were difficult to get to. Sonic Advance 3 utilised the "team up" technique, so that you could use your partners special abilities (Tails could fly and carry you across a distance).

Now for everyones favorite punching bag : Sonic Heroes!! A great game in my opinion, many people did not like it. Storyline was crap, Shadow is back, they ruined Metal Sonic. You name it, someone had a reason. But of course, the N00B oldies (please note that not all oldies are N00BS. Some, like me, love ALL the Sonic games) who bashed the Adventure series because it was diffrent from the classics also decided that this game was crap for the sole reason of not resembling the classic Sonic styled games. Holy Bejesus! Stubborn people eh? So now you've seen how Sonic games have evolved from the classic MegaDrive games into the Adventure series that many people loved, others hated (with acceptable reasons) and others hated (because it did not resemble the classic Sonic Style).

"Marty! Don't You See? We're In The Future!"

This is the part of the article where I can get creative. It is where I stop quoting "Back to the Future" and start asking "What does the future hold in store for Sonic?". Many people hope that the next Sonic Game will be better than Heroes. Others are hoping to play some classic Sonic style games. The only thing I can really tell you is this : You cannot remake a classic. It is a classic, because it is old. If Sega/Sonic Team (whatever!) used the same sprites, same style and same everything like they did in S3&K; , nobody would be impressed! WE LIVE IN 2004 FER CRIPES SAKE! A 2D game would totally destroy the Sonic franchise unless it was in a collection, or on a portable video game system! People will have to learn and deal with it. I'm talking not just to the N00BS, but everyone here!

Sonic is going to enter another dimension and then another. The Adventure series will not last forever. Sonic will have to change with the times. Sure, with change, there is risk. Look at Heroes. It presented a new "Team" based gameplay style, and many people bash it constantly. Why? Because the change wasn't good to many of the fans. The risk didn't pay off. However, that's not always the case. When Sonic made the jump from the Classic games to the Adventure series, it payed bigtime no? Shadow, Rouge, Big, Chaos and all the Chao would never have existed had Sonic not made the risky leap to the Adventure Series.

"Now I'm Going To Destroy The Time Machine!"

In other words, it's time for me to wrap up this little article of mine. I hope you found reading this article of mine interesting and informative. Maybe now some of the people who shunned the Adventure series aside because it wasn't classic will realize their error. I also wanna send out a message to anyone who may have lost hope in Sonic after Heroes : Keep playing. Sonic took a risk, and yes, they may have blown it, but hey, like I said, there's no change without a risk. Some people may not yet know it, but change can be good. Life, the world and Sonic will change, but just always remember that the Sun will Rise in the Morning.


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