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Message added by Dreadknux,

This fan article was originally posted on 16 June 2005 by ManicFanGirl.

[Archive] Rants & Rambles About Sonic Underground



ManicFanGirl expresses the good points about SU.

Sonic Underground. This show came on very early, and it was up against Power Rangers. It didn't last long. Sonic Underground is hated by some people because it had nothing to do with games. So what? It's still Sonic the Hedgehog, and that's what we as Sonic fans are looking for, Right? Because it was on early, up against a very popular show, and didn't have to do with any other series, or any game, well,....it was taken off the air. Sure, in some places you can still find it, some lucky places.

The one good thing that happened with this is that once, a resturant called "Denny's" got two Sonic Underground plush toys. but, ONLY Sonic and Knuckles. So, the characters that were only in Sonic Underground, such as Manic the Hedgehog, Sonia the Hedgehog, and Queen Aleena, were not given a chance to be more popular... If Denny's could have gotton at LEAST Sonia and Manic plush toys, and Sonic Underground was on the air a little longer than it was, we may have been able to see them in games. One problem, DiC owns it, NOT Sega. But, One DiC character appeared in a game...it was Sally. I'm not sure in what game, but I know it happened. All S.U. got was ONE Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comic appearance in a Sonic Super Spiecial. But Sally,....is almost in all of them,....right? Now, back to the subject..... (Hand hurts from typing)

If the show came back, I think MAYBE Sega would do something to it like add a character like Chris Thorndkye, who has nothing to do with the series...Maybe I'm wrong, maybe Sonic Underground shouldn't come back. But, I am just saying it should have been given more of a chance. SatAM (Cartoon Series: Sonic the Hedgehog) got more of a chance than that,.....Now, Manic: His style and everything, if you know who he is, would be very liked. Also, Sonia would be as popular as Amy, Rouge and Cream. It may have been a good idea to keep it around, but, there are bad things about possably bringing it back. 4Kids t.v. (Fox) puts Sonic X on. I'm sorry, but I don't like SonicX, and let's save the reasons why for another ramble.

Well, a few of my points here today. First, Sonic Underground didn't last long because it didn't have a chance, and fans complain that is doesn't have to do with games. Second, it was owned not by Sega, but by DiC, whitch ment it had less chances of still existing in a game or something. Third of all, the characters Manic and Sonia, if given a chance could have been very good and popular characters in the Sonic Universe. (Not just the shows, Games, Plushes, Toys, Comics, and ex.) Last, SatAM is still in the Archie Comics, because it was more popular, but I don't see why.

That's all I have to say about this. Maybe I'm wrong about every word I just typed,...but hey, I'm 12, trying to bring back a show that I think could've done better with a bit more of a chance...


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