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  • 'Sonic Origins Plus' Rated in Korea

    Could additional retro games be incoming?

    It looks like an updated version of classic compilation Sonic Origins is in the works, as the Game Rating and Administration Board of Korea has recently listed a product titled ‘Sonic Origins Plus’.

    The listing, spotted by Gematsu, simply details the name of the product. No other information has been unveiled, but given the original compilation was released on a number of modern platforms (including Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series and PC), it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume this ‘Plus’ version would be destined for the same.


    The listing suggests that SEGA is preparing an updated version of the Sonic Origins package with some new content - possibly new games?

    The original Sonic Origins release contained a slew of classic Mega Drive Sonic titles - Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. However, references to Sonic Spinball, Sonic 3D Flickies’ Island and Knuckles Chaotix are included in the game’s menus and museum mode. Could we see these games represented in a ‘Plus’ revision? Or perhaps a selection of 8-Bit Sonic titles to fully represent the blue blur’s 1990s roots?

    When more detail comes, we’ll be sure to let you know!

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    The pessimistic side of me is saying that this will just be the physical release of the digital deluxe version. Do I want to be wrong? Yes, but.. SEGA. Well, I do hope they actually add some more content. Stuff like Spinball, 3D Blast and Chaotix would be good, seeing as they had the soundtracks in the game and felt odd they weren't included. My biggest wants would be adding the original Genesis versions of the games as an option in Classic mode and some additional content in the videos section of the museum.

    Trying to not overhype myself with possibilities, but here's hoping I'm pleasantly surprised by this Plus version.

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    Really hoping it's more than just a physical version of the digital deluxe edition. That survey from a frontiers event makes me think they'll add a bit more to it, however minor. I'm betting mighty/Ray at the very least since most of the work for them is already done thanks to Mania Plus. Most they'd have to add new is maybe some new cutscene/ending sprites and that's it.


    Chaotix returning would be enough to sell me on it alone. Doesn't even have to be remastered, I just want a legal way to play this game finally. 3D Blast being added would be nice, if they did the Saturn port. When 3d blast gets ported to anything, it's always the genesis version. It'd be cool to see the Saturn version get it's first re-release since what, the pc back in the 90s?


    8 bit games would also be cool, but those are moreso neat novelties at best so their absence wouldn't really detract from anything, nor would their addition benefit it either imo. If they're added, then neat but otherwise it isn't really a big loss.







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    Maybe they can charge five dollars to have the Sonic 3 music not be recorded off the shittiest Genesis clone they put their name on.

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    More than anything, I want:

    *The Drop Dash to be fixed in Sonic 1, Sonic 2 and Sonic CD

    *Knuckles in Sonic CD

    *Restoring the things they cut from the remasters (Sonic 3 not included) like Sonic+Tails in Sonic 1 or the save complete level selects

    *Filters (CRT at bare minimum)

    *ONE cool bonus thing at LEAST (Be it a new character, a new game, or even just letting Headcanon handle the entire package)

    *All the DLC included (seriously, the DLC was shit that should've been in the game)

    I feel like all of these are the bare minimum for a "plus" version of this game, so I'm gonna be pissed if they can't even do one of these things.

    Also, I found this take and I was wondering if you guys agree with it? I'm personally not sure myself


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    It was overpriced as fuck for being such a basic collection full of bugs and cut content, especially when a month later we got the TMNT Cowabunga Collection, which just puts Origins to shame, and it was cheaper even. No excuses. I saw the game is 50% off RN on PSN, and I still not getting it, it's just not worth it.

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    This will be the same deal as Mania Plus.

    Optimisations, bug fixes etc will be a free standalone patch for the base Origins and either built into Origins Plus by default, or a day 1 patch for it.

    New content and features will be what you're paying for. Anyone who already bought Origins will likely be able to upgrade to Plus via a DLC.

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    Actually one other thing I really want them to fix (but I know they won't) is the timing for the ending cutscene for Sonic CD. The people they outsourced the "remastering" to did a really bad job thinking they could "fix" it by speeding it up when it's supposed to be a low framerate. So the sound effects and sirens at the start are cut off and the song starts immediately to compensate for it. That, and missing voice lines in-game for Sonic CD.


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    Saw this on Sonic Retro


    This was almost believable but then they ballsed it up at the end of the first sentence.

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    That is a regular/legitimate Sonic Retro poster though!!   so it must be at least somewhat accurate info. 


     Today at 10:34 PM #5855
    The Joebro64

        That’s all I know, unfortunately. Don’t know what games are being added (though I’d imagine Spinball would be one of them) or how Amy will work. Only other thing I can say is that we should be getting official confirmation in March.



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    59 minutes ago, DaBigJ said:


    Also, I found this take and I was wondering if you guys agree with it? I'm personally not sure myself


    It'd be the right thing to do and I'd applaud them if they do it, but it's silly to expect Sega to do right.

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    6 hours ago, Shaddy Zaphod said:

    Having now played the game gear games in-depth I can honestly say I'm amazed anyone wants any of them. Chaos and Triple Trouble can be okay. The other platformers, the two kart racers and the 8-bit versions of Mean Bean and Spinball are crap.

    I can live without all of them except Sonic 1 8bit and Tails Skypatrol... those are fun, both of them, and Sonic 1 8bit has excellent music.

    Skypatrol has some cheap level design, but it's also very short and highly replayable, so after a while you learn the unfair parts and just go past them without much trouble... Sonic 1 8bit plays more like a Mario game than Sonic, and the collision system is not perfect, but it's still a great game IMO. All the other games are kinda forgettable (except Sunset Park in Triple Trouble, that's kinda memorable), but I can still play them and have fun just fine... Blast and Spinball suck though.

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    50 minutes ago, DaBigJ said:

    Saw this on Sonic Retro


    This was almost believable but then they ballsed it up at the end of the first sentence.

    .... connect to... Netflix's Sonic Prime? Why not Mania or Adventure 1? lol IDK, Retro or not, I don't think I buy this.

    Playable Amy is dope tho'.

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    Here is one Sonic game that will probably never make it into the collection if they do add more games.

    Sorry, but I had to.

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    Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon


    12 minutes ago, ShinyGems said:

    Here is one Sonic game that will probably never make it into the collection if they do add more games.

    Sorry, but I had to.

    Add Sonic's Schoolhouse, cowards.

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    Don't make Prime canon, please, don't. This said, I think there's gonna be some new content to justify the "plus" in the title, it's not going to be just bugfixes.

    If the Sonic Prime connection is real, my guess is that there will be an encore mode for the story mode (that mode where you play all the games connected together), and it's set in some parallel dimensions thanks to the paradox prism (parallel dimensions = same levels but color swapped). It won't be literally connected to Sonic Prime, but it will feature the Paradox Prism and a similar story setting, in the same way as how Mania used the Phantom Ruby but its story is (almost) separated from the one of Forces.

    "more games", it's a bit hard to believe, unless they are emulated... I can see one game being remade (maybe Chaotix), but a whole set of games is a bit too much for a DLC. I'm a bit skeptical about emulated games in this collection since it goes against the vision of the collection itself, that is to mess with the original games by altering them and extracting selected content to make challenges and new modes such as boss rush, impossible to do with an emulated rom unless you hack it.

    I'm calling that the Ultra Instinct Sonic from those old Frontiers leaks is going to be this game's final super form with the Paradox Prism.

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    1 hour ago, DaBigJ said:

    I'm a regular member of Sonic Stafium, does that make anything I say about games accurate?

    😆 🙂  Yes, it's true!!  i wasn't sure how else to say it. 

    My understanding of Retro although i'm not a member there personally, is that there is no incentive for him (Joebro) to make something up, it takes quite a lot for people to get hyped over there as much as it also does here. 

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    2 hours ago, DaBigJ said:

    Also, I found this take and I was wondering if you guys agree with it? I'm personally not sure myself

    I personally said it before, but I thought after Sonic Origins came out the way it did that the reason they did not update it further was because the makers of the game were technically working on Sonic Origins Plus, and I had a feeling that was getting made.

    Not that this is a good excuse for the original Sonic Origins to not get fixed, but yeah, I always saw a Sonic Origins Plus as the reason there were not many fixes for the original. I do imagine that there will be many fixes, by the way.

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    3 hours ago, DaBigJ said:

    I'm a regular member of Sonic Stafium, does that make anything I say about games accurate?

    First you have to start a blog with your leaks. Then you have to vaguepost things that are probably accurate just because you give so little detail that you almost certainly will stumble across a decent accuracy rate ("Nintendo may or may not have cancelled a sequel to this" or "Sonic game announcement coming soon!"), even when you actually have a reliable source of information because you're stringing everyone along to get the maximum attention to what you're saying. Then you have to find promotional material that has existed for years and mistakenly claim that is new and imply it is proof of a new game and spectacularly flame out off of all places on the internet outside of your own personal castle blog when people question it.

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    Honestly hard for me to expect a lot from this. I'd love to assume we'll get more games, more content, playable Amy, etc, but between some of the glaring omissions Origins gave us to begin with (No playable Knuckles in CD, for example), and the fact Taxman was very public about his dissatisfaction with how SEGA forced them to rush S3&K's port job to completion, possibly burning bridges with them for outing that information in the first place, it's hard for me to say how likely any of that is, unless SEGA is willing to overlook it, or Taxman already had the work done prior to Origins' release (doubtful, given the unpolished state of Origins initially).

    I'd love for a playable Amy, and more games, and a playable Chaotix, and all that jazz, but we're talking about the same game that couldn't be arsed to even make sure the main trio was playable in all titles on release, let alone having to figure out a new character playstyle completely from scratch. 

    Frankly wouldn't be surprised if Plus ends up being 3D Blast (Genesis, of course, because god forbid the Saturn version ever see re-release), Spinball, maybe the port of Fighters that was in Lost Judgement, and the Game Gear titles, along with the digital deluxe DLC from the base game, released physically on top. As much as I'd love it to be a actual complete collection of classic titles, Chaotix and R included. But I don't know. Both depends if SEGA was willing to let Taxman and Headcannon continue on with development, or if they decided to head their ports themselves, which given the bugs present in S1-CD from their handywork, I think there's a fair amount there for caution. 

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    Isn't Lost Judgement just emulating the arcade version of Fighters? Would make more sense to just throw the existing HD version up there, especially since Honey sort-of gets to exist now.

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    1 hour ago, Shaddy Zaphod said:

    Isn't Lost Judgement just emulating the arcade version of Fighters? Would make more sense to just throw the existing HD version up there, especially since Honey sort-of gets to exist now.

    Could go either way, but between them likely deciding to dummy out/remove features the HD version had (I have my doubts SEGA would run servers solely for Fighters’ online mode in Origins), but I could see them take the emulation route as the easier route since the work was already done for Lost Judgement, compared to whatever they’d need to do to port the existing HD conversion to PS4/PS5, Series X, and PC.

    Again, there’s a reason Lost Judgement went the emulation route, and my hopes for Sonic Team/SEGA going the extra mile to port and convert the HD conversion to additional consoles is just not there. Frankly, it’s the only reason I’d see Fighters included is because Lost Judgement already did so.

    Personally, if I had my way, it’d have the work included to make it the definitive collection. Sonic Mega Collection and Gems Collections as a full bundle with the HD conversion of Fighters in along the Classic remakes, as well as a feature complete version of R compiling the best of what the Saturn and PC versions have to offer, but again, I have my doubts SEGA would go any extra miles beyond giving us Spinball, Mean Bean, and 3D Blast for the umpteenth time.

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    1 hour ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

    compared to whatever they’d need to do to port the existing HD conversion to PS4/PS5, Series X, and PC.

    The HD port of Fighters is backwards compatible on Xbox, the work for getting that version of the game running on modern hardware has already been done. They may have to slightly tweak it per platform, sure, and remove multiplayer. But besides that, there isn't a reason for them not to use the HD port outside of wanting to stick to the "true, authentic experience".

    Maybe PC could require a bit more effort, but even then I'm sure sega could find a way to make it work.

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    I really don't see how they can tie Origins Plus to Prime lmao, I get it both are relevant right now, but what about a Prime costume for Frontiers? That's more likely.

    The only thing that comes to mind is that Prime has the flashbacks from Origins, Hidden Palace and mostly the Tails origin story. That's all the ties I can think of. Not cross promotion though.

    Please Amy be playable, please Amy be playable.

    11 hours ago, Wraith said:

    It'd be the right thing to do and I'd applaud them if they do it, but it's silly to expect Sega to do right.

    That's basically impossible, the noble thing to do but I don't expect anything. Still, I have no idea what to do with digital Origins if it gets a physical release with an artbook, I'm interested in getting it, I just should have done it like other people and not have bought the original.

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    6 hours ago, LegoFedora said:

    The HD port of Fighters is backwards compatible on Xbox, the work for getting that version of the game running on modern hardware has already been done. They may have to slightly tweak it per platform, sure, and remove multiplayer. But besides that, there isn't a reason for them not to use the HD port outside of wanting to stick to the "true, authentic experience".

    Maybe PC could require a bit more effort, but even then I'm sure sega could find a way to make it work.

    To my knowledge, it’s not as simple as that. Series X Backwards Compatibility is essentially the devs and/or Xbox themselves just going back through the game with a fine toothed comb, and ensuring that there’s no severe glitches and problems that occur from the BC (IE, what happened with quite a few of the OG Xbox games that are on 360).

    Even then, it’s not perfect, usually the 4K work comes from a upscale method, or frame rate enhancements aren’t as perfect. We have a perfect example of that in this series - Generations runs perfectly at 60fps on PC, because the PC port was built with higher frame rates in mind. The Series X BC version on the other hand has a serious bug on Chemical Plant Act 2 when playing at 60fps which completely locks off a route because Modern Sonic can’t homing attack to a crane for some reason. You can even tell it’s running via emulation because it uses the 369 menu, assets and achievements, it runs in a ‘360’ mode. It’s just not locked out from using the Series X’s power to enhance itself.

    The Series X BC versions aren’t proper ports to new hardware, they’re the 360 versions running with enhancements, and a double check to ensure there’s no major bugs, and even then, it’s not a perfect check. Fighters’ port on Series X doesn’t mean much because it’s still the original 360 version that’s running on a Series X, and still using all of the things built for the 360 version years ago, servers included. It’s not just as easy as slapping that onto PS4 and call it a day.

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