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  • 'Sonic Origins Plus' Rated in Korea

    Could additional retro games be incoming?

    It looks like an updated version of classic compilation Sonic Origins is in the works, as the Game Rating and Administration Board of Korea has recently listed a product titled ‘Sonic Origins Plus’.

    The listing, spotted by Gematsu, simply details the name of the product. No other information has been unveiled, but given the original compilation was released on a number of modern platforms (including Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series and PC), it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume this ‘Plus’ version would be destined for the same.


    The listing suggests that SEGA is preparing an updated version of the Sonic Origins package with some new content - possibly new games?

    The original Sonic Origins release contained a slew of classic Mega Drive Sonic titles - Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. However, references to Sonic Spinball, Sonic 3D Flickies’ Island and Knuckles Chaotix are included in the game’s menus and museum mode. Could we see these games represented in a ‘Plus’ revision? Or perhaps a selection of 8-Bit Sonic titles to fully represent the blue blur’s 1990s roots?

    When more detail comes, we’ll be sure to let you know!

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    Would love it if the Plus version includes a port of Knuckles Chaotix, adds the option of the finite lives system to Anniversary & Story Mode and makes Knuckles (Tails AI) combo playable in S1, CD & 3K.

    Realistically I'm expecting a physical release with a patch to fixes the remaining bugs and maybe some new missions.

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    Obviously going to wait to see if the rest of the bugs have been fixed or not, but I'm pretty hopeful with how often the Steam review branches have been updating over the last several months. The plus is the biggest unknown though; wonder if it will stop at basics like characters and move additions, or if it will extend to game additions outright.

    Please don't disappoint like the Colors Ultimate updates lol

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    Please be related to that survey from one of the frontiers gameshow showcases. Even if it's just something basic like a rom of chaotix, that's more love it's gotten since release.

    Mighty/Ray added to the games would be cool to. I imagine most of the work for them is already done thanks to mania plus existing.

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    The ambitious side of me wants to believe that they finally managed to emulate Knuckles Chaotix and will add that along with Sonic 3D, Sonic Spinball (and maybe Mean Bean Machine).

    The more realistic side of me thinks any added games will likely be limited to the 8-Bit games. Which would still be a W in my book. I just hope they’d include both Game Gear and Master System versions of the 8-Bit games, as the two platforms often had various differences (also because I prefer the MS version of Sonic Chaos’ soundtrack) and for full preservation purposes.

    Fingers crossed for Chaotix!

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    Angsty Arachnid CC14


    Glad that I waited for a physical release. Seems like it's following the example of Mania's release to the last letter. REALLY hope that the "Plus" includes Chaotix. Getting just the soundtrack in Origins previously when it DESPERATELY needs a port on a modern system was SUCH a disappointing cocktease.

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    2 hours ago, Badnik Mechanic said:


    Real talk. SEGA actually charged money to slowly slightly pan the camera across across menu backgrounds. "Island Tour" is the most egregious case of pay walking useless, shitty content ever. The only reason people aren't more up in sense about it is because it was lost amongst that silly pre-order bonus chart, and the fact that I don't think anyone bothered buying the base version alone. 

    Anyway... Yeah, I'm interested in this. Origins needs patches, and if it's anything like Mania Plus then the patch will come at the same time as the Plus expansion. I don't know what it'll include though. Emulated ROMs for Classic Mode seems like a bit of a stretch. But then, so does extra titles like Chaotix. Maybe Game Gear games? But who would really care about those (apart from JezMM)? Extra characters, perhaps. But first they'd have to actually add Knuckles into CD. 

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    I'm just gonna repropose the wishlist I had, for both the original Origins and my ideas for further content, but yeah I'm expecting something in the vein of Mania Plus, but sadly I'm not expecting multiplayer this time, Mania already had multiplayer in the base game, this doesn't outside of the original classic features.

    - Bug fixes and optimization

    - Playable Knuckles in Sonic CD

    - Island Tour controls available outside of shitty extra price

    - Extra missions available outside of shitty extra price

    - An art book like Mania Plus

    - More games: Sonic Spinball, Sonic 3D Blast, since the islands are already there, maybe the game gear ones and Tails Skypatrol. The latter is canon and acknowledged in a recent comic, so who knows.

    I would also love R and Sonic the Fighters (with online and extra characters for the latter, since we already got that in a Xbox release) but I really think it's unlikely, like 0,1%.

    Knuckles Chaotix is the one game I don't want to see again, unless they found a way to make it fun to play.

    And finally:

    - Playable Amy and Metal Sonic, this was in the DLC survey, and they are already in the game but barely used, their new content is basically the sound test and cutscenes... the easiest option is just add them to some of the classics, I would love a "game remix" mode akin to Sonic Megamix hack but I'm not expecting it at this point, the safest option is add them to the classics or some of them.

    Now this is all a pipe dream especially the "game remix", let's say if they have 2 or 3 out of these I will consider myself happy.

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    Cautiously optimistic, but a playable Mighty and Ray are probably a safe bet. 

    I do not expect Amy to be playable, and if she is, I wouldn't expect them to wholesale use her Advance 1 control scheme. They'll probably go with something that'll work with the one-button limitation, and if that's the case I'm curious to know what they end up settling on. 

    More games (emulations or otherwise) would be nice, but general bugfixes and finally getting Knuckles to work in CD is something that should be part of a free patch. 

    More missions. More museum content. Game Gear and Master System games, etc.

    The pie in the sky for me is a recreation of Sonic World from Sonic Jam. That's not gonna happen though, but I'm throwing it out into the universe just in case.

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    Emulated versions of Spinball and 3D Blast are the most obvious and likely additions they could add. Maybe throw Mean Bean Machine in there too to cover all the Mega Drive games.

    Knuckles Chaotix would be a fantastic inclusion considering it's never gotten a re-release and it's unlikely to get one standalone. Similar for the 8 bit games, I don't see them doing a seperate collection for those so bundling them in here would be a good way to make them available again.

    I don't think they'll want to take away Origin's main focus being those 4 remastered games so I don't think we're getting anything like R or Fighters.

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    For the record, this is what was in the survey for DLC

    Additional classic games

    Additional playable characters for classic games

    Behind the scenes making of material

    More animated shorts

    Doesn't mean everything will be in Plus but these were the possible ideas.

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    Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon


    3 minutes ago, Red Hot Jack said:

    For the record, this is what was in the survey for DLC

    Additional classic games

    Additional playable characters for classic games

    Behind the scenes making of material

    More animated shorts

    Doesn't mean everything will be in Plus but these were the possible ideas.

    It does bring to mind how receptive Kishimoto has been lately on Sonic Frontiers' feedback, and how he has stated that feedback can very much be implemented. 

    Now, we haven't gotten to see any massive updates from that feedback yet, until the DLC updates come in, this does get me thinking for Origins Plus. 

    Note that the game even has a similar cast to that of Fontiers in regards to the heroes. So I wouldn't be surprised if we get playable Amy.

    But furthermore, given how a lot of Frontiers' improved qualities upn release were obtained by taking note from playtesters, does lead me to consider the possibility that SEGA are going to allow Sonic Team to advance further off of concentrated player feedback.

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    I don't think they'll include Knuckles Chaotix, because then the expansion would be called Sonic Origins Minus, lolololol



    Including Spinball and 3D Blast (and yes, Chaotix) would be neat, though I will say I'd want them tucked away in like, a "bonus games" menu if they're to just be emulations.  Emulated versions would require save states and the like to be enjoyable by most these days, and it'd be kind of messy and confusing to have half the games in the product presented one way and the other half another, you know?

    Being able to choose between Mega Drive, Saturn and PC 3D Blast would make it worth it for sure.  Hell, they acknowledged the Director's Cut in official Sonic media too - maybe?  You never know?

    Moreso than those games, personally I'd love to have the Master System and Game Gear library accessible officially again.  (If they just do Game Gear again, leaving the better versions of 1/2/Chaos to the wind to yet another generation of newcomers, I'd be kinda mad.)

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    Flicky's Island is already dedicated to the extra stuff. I'm bouncing off of @JezMM's suggestion to tuck away the extra games in their own menu. 

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    Just give me Sonic 1 8bit and maybe a playable Amy with the Advance gameplay (adapted to 1 button, it's totally possible), and I'm fine. But I want the retail version, else I'm not interested.

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    I knew it! I knew something like this was going to happen!

    Anyway, I would like Sonic 3D Blast, the Knuckles’ Chaotix game and maybe SegaSonic Arcade to be playable.

    I also knew there was a reason why they did not fix the rest of the bugs in the original. I thought they were planning a Plus version of this game to be made.

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    I knew this would happen. Still, it could just be a physical release and nothing more. Sonic 3 finally patched and extra characters/ games would absolutely change my mind about finally buying this thing.

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