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  • New Sonic Heroes Moves & Abilities Details Revealed in Latest EGM

    Gaming magazine revealed extended information on the new Sonic game.

    Fresh details of Sonic Heroes' gameplay have been revealed, courtesy of the latest issue of US magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly. We learn more about the available skills and abilities of each playable character, as well as the length of the game itself and some hints relating to Metal Sonic!

    According to SFGHQ forum member 'Epon', who picked up a copy of the latest EGM issue, the four Teams in Sonic Heroes (Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose and Team Chaotix) will all have similar movesets, but styled differently to match each particular character. For example, all 'Speed' type characters in a team will have a homing attack and a 'rocket acceleration', but Sonic will be able to perform a Tornado Attack, "a twister to fly up poles or hurt enemies", Amy uses her Piko Piko Hammer and Espio is able to turn invisible like a ninja.


    'Power' characters will be able to attack enemies at close range, but for Knuckles this will involve him chucking Sonic and Tails at baddies like meteors, while E-123 Omega in Team Dark will use a bazooka to do the job. Big the Cat, in Team Rose, will use a fishing rod and Vector the Crocodile uses his mouth to spit Espio and Charmy at Badniks.

    Finally, you have 'Fly' type characters, who can use 'Thunder Shoot' - which uses the other characters as bullets to take out airborne enemies while flying.

    In terms of other details, it seems like Metal Sonic will be involved in the game as an antagonist in some way - or at least, the character's designer will be! "Sonic will face a brand-new villain, very similar to Metal Sonic," reads the EGM article. "They have the original designer here on campus who is updating that character (o.o) You definitely won't be disappointed if you're a Metal Sonic fan."


    There will be 14 missions in the game, but apparently each will play a little differently depending on your choice of Team. Team Chaotix might use stealth, for example, while Team Sonic would just blast through the same area at mach speed.

    You can read the whole SFGHQ post from Epon below, for context.


    Team Sonic:

    Sonic's attacks include the homing attack and Rocket acceleration, which Tails and Knux push you into baddies at high speeds. His special moves include the Tornado Attack (they create a twister to fly up poles or hurt enemies), Light Dash (that ring homing stuff), and the Triangle Jump (a leap off vertical walls)

    Knux's include: Fire Dunk, he palms Sonic and Tails and hurls them at baddies, as seen in the video. His special is the Triangle Dive... clasp paws with your pals in a skydiving triangle to catch updrafts and reach higher areas

    Tails: Thunder Shoot...he uses this to toss Sonic and Knux at any airborne dudes nearby.

    TEAM DARK BIZATCH! (who are the bad guys going against Eggman)

    Shadow's are the same as Sonic's... Homing and Rocket Acceleration. He also has the tornado, light dash, and triangle jump.

    Omega, the big GAMMA looking dude's got MACHINE GUN (obvious ;p), Omega Bazooka (strap the other characters to your arm and fire them!), and the ability to gain new weapons as levels require.

    Rouge, who's now sporting some PSO-esque clothing, has Thunder Shoot like Tails. :E


    Amy has all the same as Sonic and Shadow (lame) But she also has the Hammer Swing, using her Piko hammer to do stuff...hover, etc!

    Big has his fishing pole/umbrella combo that he can glide down or attack stuff with.

    Cream has Thunder shoot (lame) and CHEESE! Attacks weaker baddies and gets items/rings.


    Espio, the speedster of the group, has the same as the other speed guys, except he has Invisibility and "other ninja moves" (word) he's also gone goth with his nice bracelets. As for the ninja moves, "Sonic Team's being tight-lipped on the specifics, but he'll be able to use ninja-esque moves as well" o_O;;;

    Vector's got MOUTH ATTACK (o.O)... he swallows his two pals and spits 'em out at baddies!

    Charmy, the flyer, has Thunder Shoot and Stinger, he thrusts his point ass at baddies and other areas that "aren't specified by Sonic Team yet"


    As for other news, it is confirmed once again that this is NOT a sequel to Adventure 1/2.... it's a new game. But it isn't the end of Adventure, rather a new beginning of a new series. (hmm...) As for Metal Sonic, "Iizuka explains that in this game, Sonic will face a brand-new villain, very similar to Metal Sonic (GENESIS *shot*) They have the original designer here on campus who is updating that character (o.o) You definitely won't be disappointed if you're a Metal Sonic fan."

    As for the Chao, no Chao other then Cheese will be in the game. (meh)

    It also seems that there's 14 mission based levels ranging from Green Hills-esque zones to water worlds, to stages made of twisting rails. (I hope it's not linear, Sonic Team :E)

    It also seems that each 14 levels will be similar, but each team will have "it's own story, different cut-scenes, different endings, and different mission!" In Chaotix missions, you might need to find an item or use stealth while other teams need to find different routes, etc. Each team though IS after Eggman and Metal Sonic. If you get through the game with all four teams and get all four endings you got something else after that.

    Source: EGM (via Sonic Fan Games HQ)

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