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Unleashed Daytime Gameplay: Good or Bad?


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The first time I played it I couldn't wait to get the feeling of running thru those environments. But when I finally did, damn was I bored. He basically maneuvers thru the levels for you with ease. It's like watching a movie. I still don't understand how it's possible for sonic to boost on the rails. That doesn't even make sense. Despite moving at high speeds while not boosting, it still feels like you're going slow, so the game tricks you into wanting to boost all the time. Boost thru the enemies, boost thru the tables and chairs, ugh! Playing Sonic Unleashed is the reason I don't want to buy Colors.

It's not just me, I let my sister play it and she got bored before even finishing the apotos level. With the exception of Sonic 06, I have more fun playing any other 3d sonic.

So yes the gameplay is bad. It's not broken, but it certainly isn't good. I don't get why a majority of the people who don't like the game, don't like it only because of the werehog. Time and time again I see the quote "If the game had all daytime stages it would've been awesome." It's weird to be in the minority with these kind of things, like being one of the few who enjoyed Shadow the Hegehog and was dissapointed in Twilight Princess.

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Exactly, he shouldn't be able to stay in place while charging it.

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For me, unleashed daytime gameplay had lost all its appeal as a stand alone concept during Unleashed. It needs to be changed so that going 300mph has more depth to it with regards to gameplay or trash it all together so that they can come up with a new solution for Sonic gameplay in 3d.

Edited by Burning Neoxor
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I never played the Wii version of Unleashed, but ironically from watching the videos of it, sonic's gameplay looks way more appealing to me. The way he moves it actually looks like you're in control. And when you boost it doesn't look as chaotic as the HD version. Still I don't want to buy it because the graphics look so depressing and there's no way I'm going to suffer thru 65% of the game's slow beat em up sections. If the werehog sections had co-op, then it'd be fun to actually tag team some moves with another friend and just demolish bad guys in seconds. Who even enjoys playing beat em ups alone? Even if it's a good one, there's nothing like having a friend to help you and yell and scream and laugh at all the funny things that can happen.

As for Colors, I'll probably pick it up when it's $10 or $15, like I did with NiGHTS JoD.

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I never played the Wii version of Unleashed, but ironically from watching the videos of it, sonic's gameplay looks way more appealing to me. The way he moves it actually looks like you're in control. And when you boost it doesn't look as chaotic as the HD version.

That's because the Wii version is boring.

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i have to say that i don't have a problem with the physics from unleashed but i do wished that the level design give you more paths to chose, not shortcuts but rather different ways to go through a an level. i know that some levels have kind of shortcuts that you can go to but normally they are few and little.

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i have to say that i don't have a problem with the physics from unleashed but i do wished that the level design give you more paths to chose, not shortcuts but rather different ways to go through a an level. i know that some levels have kind of shortcuts that you can go to but normally they are few and little.

This is the one thing the Wii daytime gameplay did right. If they could have the multiple long routes of the Wii version, and populate them with the amount of intricacies, hazards, and general stuff to do as the 360 version, I think we'd be onto a winning combination.

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Good in that it somewhat pulled Sonic out of the rut he was in previously, and in that it delivered quality and high speed gameplay.

Bad in that it became too restricted, too fast, and more linear than the previous games and doesn't look like a lot can go into it.

So yeah, it should be better.

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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too restricted, too fast, and more linear

Restricted I agree with, and too fast as well, if you mean that you can't have good slower sections anymore, but it's not less linear than previous games.

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Restricted I agree with, and too fast as well, if you mean that you can't have good slower sections anymore, but it's not less linear than previous games.

People want this...

Got no problem with that really...

What I do got an issue with is paying 60$ for just running around in 1 city the entire time. Also if sonic became THAT then it will no longer be a Sonic Game.

or more or less it will no longer be a Platformer.

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People want this...

Got no problem with that really...

What I do got an issue with is paying 60$ for just running around in 1 city the entire time. Also if sonic became THAT then it will no longer be a Sonic Game.

or more or less it will no longer be a Platformer.

Huh!? Where did you get the idea that this is what people want?

On another note, what does "linear" means exactly? It seems different people use this term to mean different things.

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Huh!? Where did you get the idea that this is what people want?

On another note, what does "linear" means exactly? It seems different people use this term to mean different things.

Its exactly what it sounds like: Straight line gameplay, or more streamlined to be more specific, its basically a game that focuses more on getting from A to B rather than exploring or taking multiple routes.

The problem with Unleashed is that's its a speedy game with some platforming, when it should be the other way around.

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I am another fan of the Werehog mode, QTE aside it makes the game feel different.

Just to a moment to breathe, and venture into unknown territory.

Now without the QTE, playing as the Werehog would be faster. I can't disagree, I never was a big fan of QTE.

Although I loved Shenmue, remembering all those patterns did drive me bananas.

But to see the day / night time aspect come back into Generations. This could be the most open ended title yet.

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Whether you guys like it or not The Unleashed style is here to stay, while I do agree that it needs a lot of tweaking expecting Sonic Team to throw away a concept that actually works for them, was critically acclaimed by not only fans, but plenty of critics...is beyond stupid. People can hate all they want, but since ST wants to change they way they handle Sonic Games, this is what we got.

If you don't like it then you can go play Mario or something till something comes out that suits your fancy...its that simple.

Its like Telling Nintendo to change the way they make Zelda Games after Ocarina of Time. Even with Windwaker there was a still general concept that didn't change and that formula has worked all this time to even now.

Let them do their thing and I'm sure the Unleashed style will bloom into something grand just give it time.

Edited by Voyant
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As I mentioned in another topic recently, Unleashed's gameplay feels... sonic. In the literal sense of the word. I feel like I'm going at the speed of sound, and it's such an adrenaline rush. I agree that it could use more platforming sections (or more specifically, more CREATIVE platforming sections, like SA2). But I wouldn't trade that speed for SA2's speed. I think they can make this formula work... they've been getting closer with every game.

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Ah, those narrow corridors, boost-fest and enemies no-one-gives-a-shit-about, because you take them down like ninepins?

No. It's not the style for Sonic to keep. It sure was fun in Unleashed, but since Colors it started becoming boring, because it's all the same shit. The adventures style of gameplay was much more flexible, there was more space for actually good level design and it was actually 3D gameplay.

Unleashed gameplay was fine for one game. It was OK for two games.. I'm not so sure if it'll be as fun for 3 games (Generations being the third). I don't think Sega should keep it. It's becoming boring, every Sonic game looks the same in terms of gameplay. No innovations.

The only good part in SU gameplay is speed of course. It's fantastic. I think Sega should mix the adventure type of gameplay with unleashed. Something like 60% SA gameplay and 40% Unleashed gameplay so that there could be a lot of exploration in 3D, platforming in 3D AND speed sections in 3D. And get rid of those stupid 2D parts. Leave them to 2D Sonic games where they belong. If I buy a 3D main Sonic game, I expect to see 3D gameplay, not some Sonic rivals like 2,5D stuff.

Edited by ArtFenix
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Whether you guys like it or not The Unleashed style is here to stay, while I do agree that it needs a lot of tweaking expecting Sonic Team to throw away a concept that actually works for them, was critically acclaimed by not only fans, but plenty of critics...is beyond stupid. People can hate all they want, but since ST wants to change they way they handle Sonic Games, this is what we got.

If you don't like it then you can go play Mario or something till something comes out that suits your fancy...its that simple.

Its like Telling Nintendo to change the way they make Zelda Games after Ocarina of Time. Even with Windwaker there was a still general concept that didn't change and that formula has worked all this time to even now.

Let them do their thing and I'm sure the Unleashed style will bloom into something grand just give it time.

Chill. People are just saying whether they like Unleashed's gameplay or not, and saying why. Don't go provoking people and this'll just turn into another Iizuka Interview thread.


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Chill. People are just saying whether they like Unleashed's gameplay or not, and saying why. Don't go provoking people and this'll just turn into another Iizuka Interview thread.


I'm not trying to start anything or come off as being a dick. I just trying to input realism into people which is something this fanbase severely lacks.

Sega at the end of the day is a business...Sonic Team is one of their development fronts, now I understand that Sonic Team for the past decade has been acting like the Sonic is just another throw away franchise like movie games, but the obvious effort of trying to become a development team is there recently. Even with all of Iz's stupid ass interviews every 3 seconds he wants him an his team to be looked at with good light and professionally...even if most of the time...(like all development teams tend to do) he is just blowing shit out of his ass that he has repeated ten thousand times.

I am not entirely satisfied with The Unleashed play style, I'll be the first 1 to agree that there is a lot more that can come out of it, but I not some sort of Fanboy Saint saying all the time that I know what best for Sonic, his fans, and his success as a franchise. (We have enough of those)

At the end of the day I want Sonic to be in a great game developed by a great team. Not every game that comes out will always be best for me or anyone else. Hell Generations might suck for me, but I'm not going to sit here and say scrap the entire idea and start again...cause that's not going to happen and me thinking that's going to happen 24/7 is not going to help make it happen nor is it good for myself as a person. I rather the team develop at least a pillar to stand confidently on, after that you be surprised what people can do once they have a good base to stand on.

I'll call the Team out if they produce lazy shit like Sonic 4, but as long as they are providing quality stuff that looks like at least they gave a fuck about what they were doing...I'm game.

Its called humility...no other franchise except Sonic's Jaded Fanbase is this fucked up.

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Its called humility...no other franchise except Sonic's Jaded Fanbase is this fucked up.

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Alright, this is where I draw the line.

You think the Sonic fanbase is the cesspool of the internet? You're the one who needs a logic checkup.

The fact that this jaded fanbase produces some of the greatest works of art in the form of remixes that get featured on SEGA blogs, fan art that actually gets featured in SEGA's games, and fan games that set the bar higher than SEGA themselves have raised should be enough to demolish such a presupposition.

Every corner of the web has their weirdo's. We're no different, but the weirdo's are the exception, not the rule. The sort of mindset that panders towards the cynical presupposition that the worst represent the whole is one that never fails to make me cringe. Do you really think all Christians are bull-horn closet pedophiles waiting to see others burn? Do you really think all Muslims want to ride in a plane and blow up anything colored red, white and blue?

And do you really think that all Sonic fans complain about eye color, game design and froth out the mouth over whether or not Sonic is voiced by Ryan Drummond or Jason Griffith? People do this, yes, but do all of us? Are all Sonic fans on the internet to begin with? You can't even make a proper assessment at this point if you can't see the fanbase in it's entirety.

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