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Sonic 4's Soundtrack(s)


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UPDATE 02/12/2010:

Sonic 4: Episode 1 OST

Though it originates from a wholly god-awful source, (the game from which the soundtrack comes is, quite frankly, an absolute travesty) Sonic 4: Episode 1’s fantastic BGM is a monstrously marvellous electro masterwork, with fiery synth, rockin’ retro beats and a shining and prominent influence from the styles and moods of the tunes of the classic titles - it truly is a glorious flashback to the halcyon days of chippy-trippy MegaDrive music, and is an absolute godsend to anyone who’s been hankering after a taste of a fresh, modern, Sonic-style take on the genre since the series changed its musical fashions so dramatically when guitars took over the audio side of things in Sonic Adventure.

With blindingly awesome tracks such as Splash Hill Zone Act 3 (which truly is the alpha of the pack, sporting supremely catchy chord sequences and a massively memorable melody) and Mad Gear Zone Act 1, (a far jumpier, more dance-orientated affair, which contains more saw-wave licks and syncopations than you can shake a glow-stick at) the Sonic 4 OST is most definitely an album to be remembered and revered as one of the true greats that the Sonic series has managed to produce, and despite a couple of minor niggles, (the instruments aren‘t exactly what I‘d call “authentic“ in terms of their ability to re-create a realistic retro sound, and, right from the off, it’s crystal clear that the track entitled “Boss 1“ was booted from the final cut of the Sonic 3D Soundtrack for a very, very good reason) is the epitome of excellence in modern electronic video game music - it’s by no means perfect, but extremely good and wonderfully well-formed nonetheless.

Rating: 8/10

Summary: Solid, superb, though sadly not superlative, Sonic 4's awesome OST is an excellent example of synth-pop brilliance, and delivers all of the goodies in spades. Personally, I'm absolutely ecstatic with it!

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UPDATE 10/10/2010: Seeing as predictions no longer apply to the Soundtrack of the first episode in this mini-series, I've edited the topic subject, and will soon add my Sonic Stadium Soundtrack Squad Reviews of the OSTs of all three segments of the game as they are written and released. In the meantime, however, you can discuss your hopes for the the audio for the second and third Sonic 4 titles, as well as your opinions on the music of the first. Keep posting!

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Right from the very beginning, Sonic titles have always had great soundtracks; from the cheery chirpy chiptunes of the early 90s all the way to the ridiculously awesome rock licks of the post-Adventure period, the Sonic franchise has (almost) always been a source that I could count on to produce brilliant music. So now, we're presented with a brand new instalment in the series, and lovers of all things audio are doubtlessly wondering, pondering and fantasizing about what wonderful tunes Sonic 4 will have in store (if you'll excuse the lame-ass rhyme).

So, without further ado, I'd like to present you with a question: what do you want Sonic the Hedgehog 4's soundtrack to be like? Would you prefer a tantalizing mix of metal and electro, a powerful yet soothing selection of serene jazz (yeah; as if that would ever happen), or even a return to the chiptunes of old? The choice is yours!

Edited by eXtaticus
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I agree with Mort somewhat. I liked the soundtrack for Sonic Unleashed, and wouldn't mind something in that fashion, but I also wouldn't be disappointed if they did chiptunes or something Sonic Rush-like. Honestly, Sonic level soundtracks are one of the few things I feel haven't really declined over the years.

In terms of style, I hope they kind of bring a broad spectrum of different styles in. I hope they have a few tunes that date back to the original tunes, at least remixed. Some happy stuff with a bright brass section. Something a bit jazzy for the darker or casino levels. A good boss dig, and something nice and intense for the last levels. I feel Sonic has always done a pretty decent job at setting the mood for these different locations and certainly expect no less for Sonic 4.

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I would want a mix of modern and old-school Sonic-style music. The music of recent titles are good, but it would be awesome to hear some new songs with the classic style in mind.

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Not like the snippet they posted on Tuesday, I can tell you that much. I can't see that fitting with the style of the rest of the game, even if it is a return to the classics.

But aside from that I'd probably be fine with whatever they come up with. For the most part I've been happy with the music in the series even when everything else is going to crap. If I had to pick something to shoot for...Unleashed-esque.

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Unleashed's soundtrack seems to be the one to beat... I certainly wouldn't argue with something to that effect. Each of Unleashed's songs felt very suited to its level, which made them feel more unique. Games like Heroes, Shadow and especially the Storybook games weren't as good about that, though their soundtracks were still good.

One thing I'd really like to see (or hear, rather) is Eggman's theme from '06 and Unleashed returning in some form. I love that kind of consistency.

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I'd like to see the game's soundtrack sound in general like the old chiptunes, but with modern technology making it sound a more up-to-date to go with the updated visuals, if that makes any sense at all. I don't want to hear any rock music though, because I just don't think it fits with the generally chirpy and vibrant atmosphere these games are meant to have (plus after all these years it's just too damn samey). If I had to pick an artist for the sound team to use as their primary inspiration, I'd say Michael Jackson, because I'm sure that his musical style has life left in it for another game or two, and with modern technology far outstripping that of the MegaDrive you can be sure it wouldn't just sound like Sonic 3 again.

I'd also quite like to see some zones feature soundtrack homages to or remixes of certain classic tunes, similar in a way to how Kenji Yamamoto revisited a number of old Metroid tracks while working on the Metroid Prime trilogy, or how several iconic pieces of Zelda's musical history were resurrected by Koji Kondo for Twilight Princess.

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One thing I'd really like to see (or hear, rather) is Eggman's theme from '06 and Unleashed returning in some form. I love that kind of consistency.

Well that would be badass no lie. But me personally, I'd like to see the return of E.G.G.M.A.N. theme from Sonic adventure 2 (battle). That was one of the best theme's ever created. But then again I couldn't see how it would/could fit with sonic4.

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I'd rather see Eggman's theme from SA1 return than his more recent one.

Bring back any of the following composers and the soundtrack will automatically be good:

Spencer Nilsen

Masato Nakamura

Junko Shiratsu

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I'd like to see the game's soundtrack sound in general like the old chiptunes, but with modern technology making it sound a more up-to-date to go with the updated visuals, if that makes any sense at all.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly. If they wanted to make a complete 16-bit soundtrack, they should have actually made the game 16-bit (which I wouldn't have liked anyway).

Classic feel but modern approach. That's what I want.

Edited by Top Cat
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I want Crush 40 and their influence to stay as far away from this game as possible.

As long as the soundtrack for the most part is a mix of modern tunes (Unleashed for example) with classic styled melodies (catchy, very gamelike) then I'd be completely satisfied. This game is aiming to go back to the classics, so I'd appreciate it if for once we just got an entirely instrumental soundtrack.

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I would liike to see either Masato Nakmura, Howard Drossin, or Jun Senoue work on the soundtrack in a Mega-Drive Style.

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It has that retro feel to it that reminds me of the Classic games, while adding features like the guitar and drums that keep it in the modern era. This song has always reminded me of Sonic, old and new.

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I'd personally love a soundtrack like Sonic Rush Adventure or Unleashed just without random lyrics and a better variety in the tempo to fit the lack of "ZOMG Boost".

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The things that really made the classic games' soundtracks a really pleasurable experience for me is that they all fit into the category that they were made for: Green Hill was upbeat but gentle, Casino Night brought a jazzy flare to the table, Ice Cap was epic yet icy smooth (pardon the pun), The boss music all conveyed a sense of struggle against insurmountable odds (In my mind, anyway). Basically, THIS is what I want for Sonic 4's soundtrack: Music that fits the stage/scenario. If this means that SEGA needs to use multiple musical genres to pull it off, then I say go for it!

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Not Unleashed. It may have been 'varied', but the quality was much lower than other games, I feel.

Best case scenario would be a mix of all the composers they've had.

I posted this in another thread, but I don't remember which.

Assign an act to one composer, have the second act remix done by another composer, have that stage's boss theme done by the first stage's composer, then have the composer that did the remix do the first act for the next stage.

Like this:

Zone 1 Act 1: Masato Nakamura

Zone 1 Act 2: Howard Drossin

Zone 1 Boss: Masato Nakamura

Zone 2 Act 1: Howard Drossin

Zone 2 Act 2: Jun Senoue

Zone 2 Boss: Howard Drossin

Zone 3 Act 1: Jun Senoue

Zone 3 Act 2: Naofumi Hataya

Zone 3 Boss: Jun Senoue

Zone 4 Act 1: Naofumi Hataya

Zone 4 Act 2: Fumie Kumatani

Zone 4 Boss: Naofumi Hataya

...and so on.

Plus, incorporate a mix of both Megadrive sound and real instruments. A lot of the stuff in Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles had guitar parts, for example. Likely because Nakamura and Drossin are a bass guitarist and electric guitarist respectively. But not just limited to guitars, of course.

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I want Richard Jacques back.

And no I'm not talking about the Jacques that brought us the Black Knight soundtrack, I'm talking about the Jacques that delivered the godly soundtrack to the Saturn version of 3D Blast. It is undoubtedly my favorite Sonic soundtrack ever, and I honestly couldnt care less if that would sacrifice any nostalgic music that would have been present otherwise.

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I'd like for the veteran Sonic music composers to handle this game. While it'd be a Dream Come True (lol) for Masato Nakamura to lend his talent to the soundtrack, I'm pretty sure Jun Senoue, Kenichi Tokoi, Richard Jaques, Hideki Naganuma, Howard Drossin and several others would be an appropriate fit for this game. Just because the gameplay and style is retro, doesn't mean the music has to lose overall quality because of it. Sonic CD certainly didn't limit itself to chiptunes, and neither should Sonic 4.

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Sonic 3&K really pushed the envelope when it came to music. Sure, they were chiptunes, but they tried all they could to be something more. So I really think this game should really continue in the series' tradition of great video game music with a classic air. In my own opinion, I'd like to see a soundtrack sort of like the Sonic OVA's or Unleashed's.

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I think it would be awesome if they'd bring back Dreams Come True, Spencer Nilsen and/or Howard Drossin. I just hope that that sound clip from the Sonic 4 website doesn't reflect the sound quality of the game's OST. I love the Genesis music to death, but the visuals of Sonic 4 do not match the Genesis-quality music. If Sonic Team were to handle this game with 16-bit graphics, then I'd be all for it. The jingle itself wasn't bad, but if it does make it into the game, I hope it's sound quality is more akin to Sonic CD's.

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Personally, I like the idea they've had with the music so far. Create a 16-bit sounding soundtrack by using similar tempo's and beats, but modern it up a bit. I came across a remix of Emerald Hill on YouTube I think would fit into the game quite well. XD

- it sounds really funky, I think it'd sound great in Sonic 4.

I posted somewhere before I'd love for the first Zone to have remixed music from the old games. Act One could have Green Hill, Act Two Emerald Hill and Act 3 Angel Island Zone (Act 2.) Of course, I really wanna hear some new music too, but I think remixes for the first stage would be awesome. A remix of the Sonic 1 boss theme for the end of stage bosses would be cool too, something epic sounding like this!

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I'd personally like the kind of music some of those classic games (1, 2, 3&K and CD) had but the music like Unleashed and Rush games had wouldn't be any worse. If I had to choose from those two I'd definitely stick with the classic style music but make it sound more up-to-date, like Patticus said. :)

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Yea, something near the quality of ice cap and marble garden, flying battery, lava reef, etcetera

In other words. Near 3 and knuckles's quality

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Personally, I like the idea they've had with the music so far. Create a 16-bit sounding soundtrack by using similar tempo's and beats, but modern it up a bit. I came across a remix of Emerald Hill on YouTube I think would fit into the game quite well. XD

- it sounds really funky, I think it'd sound great in Sonic 4.

I posted somewhere before I'd love for the first Zone to have remixed music from the old games. Act One could have Green Hill, Act Two Emerald Hill and Act 3 Angel Island Zone (Act 2.) Of course, I really wanna hear some new music too, but I think remixes for the first stage would be awesome. A remix of the Sonic 1 boss theme for the end of stage bosses would be cool too, something epic sounding like this!

I liked the first tune a lot. I'd love Sonic 4 to have a soundtrack with music like that. The boss music was a bit lackluster for me. I think the direction they were going for was good, but the execution wasn't so hot. I'd like to get some awesome, dramatic boss themes in Sonic 4. It would rock my world if Mecha Sonic would hover down from the top of the screen to a hard rock rendition of the Sonic 2 boss theme!

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I liked the first tune a lot. I'd love Sonic 4 to have a soundtrack with music like that. The boss music was a bit lackluster for me. I think the direction they were going for was good, but the execution wasn't so hot. I'd like to get some awesome, dramatic boss themes in Sonic 4. It would rock my world if Mecha Sonic would hover down from the top of the screen to a hard rock rendition of the Sonic 2 boss theme!

I agree with you completely, the idea is great and I think the Sonic 1 boss music could fit an orchestral style very well- but that remix in particular is a bit lackluster like you said. =P (If anyone knows any better ones, please feel free to share!) Something along those lines would be awesome though, epic orchestral boss themes for Robotnik would make me happy too. As long as it's not a remix of the Sonic '06 Eggman theme again though, like in Unleashed. ;O;

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