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Ahem. We certainly do have an interesting topic going on here, eh? It's only a matter of time until mass influx of new porn of Rotor to arrive.

And I'll be stuck tagging it. ;_;

Anywho, I don't know much about the Archieverse (nor do I even know what Cobar looks like), but I don't really think that if Rotor was confirmed to be homosexual canonically it would be that much of a big deal. Sonic Team pulled it off with Louie Montaine in Sonic Unleashed anyways, so I certainly don't think it's taboo to the Sonic series.

Edited by HunterTSF
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I'm glad to see that this board is taking a "mature" stance on the issue unlike another forum that shall not be mentioned here.

Well, if you call "mature" spoof drawings of Rotor being fabulous. :lol:

I kid. Actually, I am for the idea of homosexuals in any series. I mean, it is no different than including a woman, someone of a different race, or disability. And with all of the people saying "well, it teaches kids and promotes the "homosexual lifestyle" which is "wrong" ( a weak statement which is a joke in itself,) all I need to say is step back and look at all of the comics, T.V. shows, movies and other media outlets that have heterosexual couples. Surely it promotes their "lifestyle" and you don't see anyone ranting and raving about them (except if they happen to be interracial or not married.)

Now if you excuse me, I have a Dr. EggmanxChuck Thorndyke pairing to promote. ;P

Louie Montaine in Sonic Unleashed

Now I never played Unleashed, but who is that may I ask?

Edited by Kintobor
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Now I never played Unleashed, but who is that may I ask?

Oh! Louie Montaine. To quote myself:

Louie Montaine is the second human to fall madly in love with Sonic. Except, instead of being a 17 year old princess, he is a perverted 38-year old homosexual man with the hots for Sonic. When you first meet him, he treats Sonic like any tourist to Empire City searching for the right way to go. However, as the story progresses, he suggests that Sonic be a student and take some of his "lessons of love". (He is a self-proclaimed Love Guru, after all). After each lesson, it became obvious that he has taken a liking to Sonic, even holding himself back from saying so "Sonic, I have something that I have to confess...I love-- No! I can't say it! I can't reserve my love for one person! I love this whole city!" (or something to that extent...this is by memory). And, even going to extents of stalking Sonic during a werehog mission, and sending him to retrieve a present for his "secret admirer" (Him). I find Louie to be downright creepy, but he gave me some great uncomfortable internal chuckles throughout his storyline.

tl;dr ver.

Louie Montaine is a creepier, human male version of Amy who stalked Sonic during his stay in Empire City, and gave our little blue hedgehog protagonist romantic lessons on how to treat a girl. Granted, that girl was intended to be him, and he did make quite a few unsettlingly specific remarks about which of Sonic's physical attributes he found to be sexually attractive during these lessons... but that's exactly what made Louie so entertaining. So squicky. I'd like to see him return as an NPC or something. Amy's reaction to Louie would be comedy gold.

He was cool.

Now if you excuse me, I have a Dr. EggmanxChuck Thorndyke pairing to promote. ;P

[selfpromotion]Oooh! Feel free to make use of The Shipping Thread![/selfpromotion]

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You know, I could so totally see Big as being gay within the official game canon. Not sure why. D= Feels like it'd kind of suit him, though.

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Big can't be gay, he's a pussy magnet.

I'm with the crowd that thinks that if you're going to include gay characters then it's better to just treat them like any other character i.e it doesn't need to be a big plot point. I'd actually love to see more series doing this with characters, considering the cast of most series are large enough that you can safely assume statistically not everyone would be straight.

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I have kind of wondered if Rotor and Antoine would have made a good couple had Ant not eventually hooked up with Bunnie. I suppose Rote's shy/reserved personality would be an interesting comparison/contrast to Ant's more energetic, somewhat wacky persona.

Uh, the french guy being gay? isn't that a bit stereotypical?

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Uh, the french guy being gay? isn't that a bit stereotypical?

Moreso than a fat guy into oily wrenches? :3

This topic is made of sun-dried, Swarovski-decorated win, by the way. Good to have a little humour on the boards coupled with sort-of serious discussion. It's how I wish all our topics and posts would be like in here, SSMB. But you never end up treating me right. D:

;) As for the Rotor thing, I'm of two opinions on the whole topic. It's good that Penders thought to get the message to kids that gay people are 'kool' and everything. But on the other hand, I worry how they would have worked that into the plot. Kids rely on blatancy to get messages across. Look at Captain poxy Planet - a shiny turd of a man in underpants just to promote the idea of not littering.

With that in mind, I would have hated to have seen an animation studio try to work Rotor's apparent gayness into the cartoon. Would have probably done more harm in stereotyping than good in social acceptance. XD

Either that or it would have worked out like Bungle from Rainbow, which would have been ultra-win.

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Uh, the french guy being gay? isn't that a bit stereotypical?

Not any more than his cowardice and arrogance already do. Thos are far more stronger French sterotypes than being gay. I mean, the French have procriated until now, haven't they?

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Not any more than his cowardice and arrogance already do. Thos are far more stronger French sterotypes than being gay. I mean, the French have procriated until now, haven't they?

I thought they just stole their newborn population from neighbouring countries. :) Best cover up ever.

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Oh yeah I've seen that, Roarz! I was waiting for someone to mention that. I didn't know one of your friends drew that. :blink:

He actually did a second part but haha, that one is way too graphic XP. Yeah, we're close friends :F.

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I told a friend of mine about this, since he used to be a big SatAM fan back in the day. I think his exact words were, "Well no shit. A purple walrus who loves playing with tools." Made perfect sense to him.

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A good friend of mine drew this one, I thought it would be topical =O.


Hahaha, good ol' Emerald-Physics. <3

(I came, by the way.)

Me and the rest of the Sonic Retro covered this subject in our latest podcast, for anyone interested. The ultimate conclusion? This should not change anyone's view of anything unless you're "a shallow fuck with an irrational dislike of homosexuality." The notion that a cartoon character's sexuality should even be brought into question in an official context is up for debate in and of itself, but at the end of the day it doesn't really change the Rotor character in any way that wouldn't have already been alluded to.

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Pfft, that picture lies. Rotor is clearly a sub. =P

Also, for those who have said "If they wanted to make him gay, they shouldn't have drawn attention to it because that singles it out", I see your point, but how else are they supposed to go about it? The whole concept is basically one of accepting someone who's different from the norm, despite said difference.

Okay, to do that ideally, they could have Rotor show up paired with another guy, and have the other characters think absolutely nothing of it and not even make a discussion out of it at all. But then, how would that be normal? How would that reflect real life? Yes, in an ideal world people would think nothing of it and wouldn't question it, but that's not how it works, at least not yet.

Also, if it's trying to get the message of acceptance across to kids, I'd say pointing it out would be better. If they just have him show up with another guy, that's simply going to have them running to their parents asking why, which is likely to provide a less constructive and understanding explanation than the comic probably would.

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I want to read more reactions from more LGBT fans on this new revelation. I'm not really surprised at all. Before I found I was gay, I knew there was something different about Rotor.

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That Rotor/Tails pic is old news to me, but then, I browse FurAffinity a lot.^_~

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They always make the uglier ones the poofters. They should just admit Tails is a faggot =O.

Well Tails has a rather big butt so I could see that XD

But really, I found this to be interesting. I mean that would have been a major shock, but this is the wrong comic series.

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Not any more than his cowardice and arrogance already do. Thos are far more stronger French sterotypes than being gay. I mean, the French have procriated until now, haven't they?

Yeah, and they've gone to great lengths to subvert that in recent years. I find his SatAM portrayal pathetic and over the top, for the record.

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Yeah, and they've gone to great lengths to subvert that in recent years. I find his SatAM portrayal pathetic and over the top, for the record.

He was pretty much the easy way out for comic relief in that show. Only that explians why they added him to a mission when he always managed to screw things out.

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He actually did a second part but haha, that one is way too graphic XP. Yeah, we're close friends :F.

Aww, it's not that bad. :C




i dont even

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