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TSS REVIEW: Sonic Generations

Message added by Dreadknux,

This topic was good and got turned into TSS REVIEW: Sonic Generations at some point.

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Out of all the reviews for Sonic Generations this is one of the worst, Its way too cynical. I actualy liked the hub world and the modern stages.

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Posted By: dark ninja


Amy’s VA needs to be fired. It’s like needles in my ears

Is it just me or did Amy’s new voice sound like Minnie Mouse?

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On 11/8/2011 at 10:42 PM, Slingerland said:

Sonic R is pretty shitty, man, but it’s got some sort of strange appeal with me. I don’t know why. I was, like, 10-years old or some shit. I just got super good at its awful controls.

Haha, it’s the same story with me; I know Sonic R isn’t all that special, but strangely I love it all the same. I suppose it’s the music, and maybe how the courses are designed. But its short length and “meh” controls do mark it down a little.

I only skimmed the review for the moment (I don’t want too much of it affecting anything I plan on writing any time soon…) but I do agree with some of the points you made, particularly with regards to level selection, the short length, the bare-bones (if not annoying) writing and the game’s reliance more on nostalgia and celebrating Sonic’s 20th rather than pushing further––perhaps explaining how these games all fit together in the Sonic mythology. I thought the level design was consistently strong for the most part in the game, and there wasn’t one that really stood out as horrible… (though Planet Wisp is offensively long, I admit). That said, it’s a fun ride, even it’s a short one.

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Posted By: Generalization

Way to generalize Brad, some of us who were born in the early 90’s still grew up with classic Sonic, and were just as concerned about the physics as you 80’s folk. You didn’t even mention that Sonic Team put the Insta Shield in from Sonic 3, among other nice easter eggs that you have to earn. What’s that called again? Replay value, LONGEVITY! FUUUUU!

Also you can turn off Omochao what the hell?

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Posted By: Beau

Wow, completely disagree with this review. I’ve loved the gameplay since Unleashed, and it’s tighter than it’s even been in Generations. I had very few problems with the game – I even felt at times the levels were very well designed to PREVENT cheap deaths, even if you’re boosting. As for classic Sonic, his movement and jumps do feel a bit limiting, but when I embraced the design decisions and developed my skill, I felt like a pro by the time I reached Crisis City. It’s not exactly how it was, which is kind of disappointing – but perhaps that’s not what they were really aiming for, despite their implications.

I don’t want to come off as a fanboy and say that everything was perfect in the game, but I think it was pretty dang close. I think that the modern half, in fact, has been the most fun I’ve had with Sonic since S3&K. This review feels really snobbish to me – Like “it wasn’t exactly how it used to be” and “it’s not what a modern Sonic should be.” Nitpicking what a game wasn’t instead of appreciating what it is says ‘fanboy’ to me way more than glossing over flaws because of how much you enjoyed it.

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Posted By: Will


Is it just me or did Amy’s new voice sound like Minnie Mouse?

You and me have the same opinion. When I heard her voice i said why is minnie mouse speaking over Amy’s voice.

On 11/9/2011 at 12:23 AM, Goma said:

I’m surprised you didn’t mention any of the glitches in this game, because there are A LOT. At one point, I was attacking Time Eater, then suddenly both Super Sonics turned around and boosted in the complete opposite direction!!

Anyway, we’ve still got the 3DS version to come yet! You might think it’s not got any hope, but it ain’t over till the Eggman sings!

Actually there are a lot of people who think that the 3DS has a lot of hope. Me included.

On 11/9/2011 at 12:42 AM, Dantemustdie00 said:

I will definately agree with the Level selection, Especially with the towards the 3DS version.

the stages in that are even less diverse than the consoles.

Green hill – tropical
Chemical plant – factory
Sky Sanctuary – Sky
Speed Highway – City
City Escape – City
Seaside Hill – Beach/tropical
Crisis City – City
Rooftop Run – City
Planet Wisp – Green field/base

Green Hill – tropical
Casino Night – Casino
Mushroom Hill – Jungle/forest
Emerald Coast – Beach
Radical Highway – City
Windmill Isle – Town/Island village
Tropical Resort – Space/Carnival

yeah the 3ds version doesn’t have diverse level tropes 😉
Especially since having 4 city stages is very diverse indeed

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Posted By: waaurufu

On 11/8/2011 at 10:42 PM, Slingerland said:

Sonic R is pretty shitty, man, but it’s got some sort of strange appeal with me. I don’t know why. I was, like, 10-years old or some shit. I just got super good at its awful controls.

Oh, Sonic R, it controls like you’re ice skating with skates made of butter. Can you feel the sunshine, man?

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Posted By: Will

Shadzter, I don’t agree that much with the first review, but he has a lot of strong arguments that you should have counteracted with your second opinion.

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Posted By: Dr. Robotnik

I enjoyed the game. My complaints are:

-Way too short, could have added more zones. Like 1 from Sonic CD, S&TSR, and heck even 1 from Shadow the Hedgehog.

-Too easy, seriously I’ve got S ranks on almost all the stages and bosses on my first try.

-The challenges are lame and could have been put to more zones and bosses. I mean look at all the old bosses they could have re-done bio-lizard, Metal Overlord, Black Doom, Dark Gaia, Iblis, Mephiles, Any Eggman boss.

-Shadow and Amy’s VA! Seriously they SUCK ASS! The 4kids actors for those two were much better. The other characters were decent though. Mike Pollack still kicks ass as Eggman!

-Planet Wisp. Seriously I hated the wisps in Sonic Colors (and that game). I felt they were annoying broke the flow and were hard to control. When I heard there was going to be a Colors stage I cringed, fearing they would use those damn wisps and to my dismay they were there and as annoying as ever. The spike was way too overused and once again clunky to control. The rocket wasn’t hard to control but still annoying as hell. Just like the original level the stage was only good when you were ”in the green” and started sucking once you got to the factory.

-Classic Rooftop Run the level design was very weird and disoriented. Too many cheap hits.
-The Story was bland and forgettable. I’m the one who is ”gameplay first, story second” but it’s like they didn’t even try (which was probably the point). I mean there’s got be a perfect balance (the Adventure series) but they don’t want to focus on Story too much and forget about the gameplay (Sonic 06 and Shadow).

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Posted By: Will


I enjoyed the game. My complaints are:

-Way too short, could have added more zones. Like 1 from Sonic CD, S&TSR, and heck even 1 from Shadow the Hedgehog.

-Too easy, seriously I’ve got S ranks on almost all the stages and bosses on my first try.

-The challenges are lame and could have been put to more zones and bosses. I mean look at all the old bosses they could have re-done bio-lizard, Metal Overlord, Black Doom, Dark Gaia, Iblis, Mephiles, Any Eggman boss.

-Shadow and Amy’s VA! Seriously they SUCK ASS! The 4kids actors for those two were much better. The other characters were decent though. Mike Pollack still kicks ass as Eggman!

-Planet Wisp. Seriously I hated the wisps in Sonic Colors (and that game). I felt they were annoying broke the flow and were hard to control. When I heard there was going to be a Colors stage I cringed, fearing they would use those damn wisps and to my dismay they were there and as annoying as ever. The spike was way too overused and once again clunky to control. The rocket wasn’t hard to control but still annoying as hell. Just like the original level the stage was only good when you were ”in the green” and started sucking once you got to the factory.

-Classic Rooftop Run the level design was very weird and disoriented. Too many cheap hits.
-The Story was bland and forgettable. I’m the one who is ”gameplay first, story second” but it’s like they didn’t even try (which was probably the point). I mean there’s got be a perfect balance (the Adventure series) but they don’t want to focus on Story too much and forget about the gameplay (Sonic 06 and Shadow).

Colors is a great game in my eyes. What controls were you using? I felt the nunchuck and wiimote combo difficult to handle and the wiimote by itself to be a better control scheme for me.

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Posted By: Kevin X. N

So glad there are other people absolutely swooning over 30 Second Trial mode like I am. If it weren’t for the fact that you’ll eventually push yourself further than any of your friends (or yourself) will ever be able to top, this mode alone would almost make the purchase completely worth it.

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Its one thing to be critical, and another to be honest. Sonic hasn’t always had a solid delivery every time to some. Personally I have never had a beef with this remix of the classic and modern combined. 06 was an interesting journey that I would never forget taking, because it was the comeback that almost killed the franchise. For this generation the gaming audience is getting tougher to please because more of them want something else. And Sonic (like a certain plumber) don’t seem to fit in that world anymore.

Generations to me, is the best birthday cake possible. It delivers something that we may not ever see again.

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I always hated how short this game was and how easy the bosses were. I did love how they made Shadow’s battle interesting, instead of just hit and run…er…run and hit. The level design wasn’t that bad. Sure Classic Seaside Hill was…and Classic Rooftop Run was…and those invisible walls…but still pretty good. Also, this game is REALLY glitchy, but unlike in Unleashed or Colors, some of these glitches are actually fun to perform, like having that 3D-style camera for Classic Sonic in Rooftop Run. Most of the time, glitches involve screwing up your speedruns by making you stop or wedging you inbetween a large platform, making you restart the entire thing…

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Posted By: Will

On 11/9/2011 at 6:24 AM, kadosho said:

Its one thing to be critical, and another to be honest. Sonic hasn’t always had a solid delivery every time to some. Personally I have never had a beef with this remix of the classic and modern combined. 06 was an interesting journey that I would never forget taking, because it was the comeback that almost killed the franchise. For this generation the gaming audience is getting tougher to please because more of them want something else. And Sonic (like a certain plumber) don’t seem to fit in that world anymore.

Generations to me, is the best birthday cake possible. It delivers something that we may not ever see again.

So says the critical success of both galaxy titles.

Well lets hope that the 3ds can please this reviewer.

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Posted By: Advanced Challenge!

Nice review. Of course fanboys are gonna disagree with you. fans will see a few flaws that are present but don't really fuck the game up and fanboys are in denial. but overall the game is ok. i knew it wasn’t gonna be perfect. this is sonic in 3d.

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Posted By: kakashiisagod

I guess my biggest complaint is that lack polish Sonic games are getting these days. Even a game like Sonic R, which to was short, had a sense of polish for its time. I may have not been totally aware of it at the time (I was in second Grade), but the old Sonic games I would say up to maybe Sonic Adventure 2 felt complete, finished products. Its hard to put in to words… but the lack of CGI movies especially the intro made the game feel less epic to me. Think about how you felt watching the Sonic Adventure Opening on your Dreamcast for the first time, or even Sonic Unleashed’s opening. Both of those games had, in my opinion, truly epic opening movies. plenty of CGI was shown leading up to this release, i wonder what happened to it…

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Posted By: FoxBoy

On 11/8/2011 at 10:42 PM, Slingerland said:

Story: It’s super important, amirite?

Depends on the game. This game has a great excuse.

But for most other Sonic games, as long as it’s gonna be there it mine as well be good for a change. lol Sure, a lazy story like we’ve had recently is alright, but a more well-written story would just be better. And don’t assume I want a Sonic 06 over-complex story with far too much drama. That’s going overboard and isn’t “more well-written” at all. XD

On 11/8/2011 at 11:13 PM, ProjectZuel said:

I think people hated Transformer movies because the writing was terrible and the characters bland. I don’t want to see a giant robot pissing on someone, thankyou.

I hadn’t heard that anyone really hated the Transformers movies until the second one came out and got bad reviews. And even then most people I come across still liked it enough to find the reviews I told them about way too exaggerated. I now hear SOME ppl hate on those films, but most ppl still love them. Thus the third film gained a LOT of success on release until Harry Potter kicked it’s ass. lol

Otherwise I also recall the first one being quite popular.
Oh well. To each their own. I love those films. Mostly the first one admittedly. xD


Call me an optimist, or a bad sonic fan, but I actually really love this game.


Nah no one’s gonna call you a bad sonic fan for that. And maybe you are an optimist. That’s not really bad.
And most people agree with you so far. I do. This game is GREAT except for the final boss. lol

On 11/8/2011 at 11:22 PM, Darkgomugomu said:

I did find the story really lackluster. But i find a strange irony in the fact that people begged for Sonic to have a simple story since 06. Now we have it, but now people complain about it? I’m not poking fingers, but i just found it strange. Also i didn’t find the 3D sections that bad. The controls were more tight than any other 3D sonic game, and the 3D/2D was way more balanced than Unleashed or Colors.

Nah. People wanted something more simple than 06, not so simple a 3 year old would understand it.

Then there were other people who DID want to pretend to be a kid again and asked for plots simple enough for a 3 year old to comprehend! (Something on par with the new stupid My Little Pony series. lol)

Overall, this is what it was taken as and Sonic Team is writing incredibly simple plots.

Those who asked for it are pleased and those who didn’t are mostly just tolerant but not impressed. (And few are even disappointed)

That’s what you’re seeing. lol

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Shadzter, I don’t agree that much with the first review, but he has a lot of strong arguments that you should have counteracted with your second opinion.

I didn’t see Brad’s review beforehand. We were both giving our thoughts on the game, not debating them.

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Posted By: Shadow Belmont


You and me have the same opinion. When I heard her voice i said why is minnie mouse speaking over Amy’s voice.

And I though that the last story of Shadow was filled with crap children talk, but when I listened the repetitive kids screams in Time Eater, that’s, yes sir, is an absurd…

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Posted By: Silver-Sama

From 2007 to 2011 and can not play the other characters in the adventure games I think it should be Tim Sonic Aato chance for the characters of other games and we want a long life in the future and not just Sonic alone playable

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This is the best review I have seen for this game. Finally someone else out there agrees that modern sonic is too complicated to control. Maybe its just me, but I think that modern sonic for the most part should be a pick up and play game like classic sonic. I understand the arguments that you just get used to it, but its still not solving the problem. I mean you have to use every button on that damn 360 pad for some of these levels. Maybe its just me but I find it hard to believe that Sega cannot simplify the controls for modern sonic.

I hate to compare him to mario, but Mario Galaxy is essentially a 3 button game. Sonic has now gone from being a one button game to a 8 button game at times. I love all the idea they do in Modern Sonic and want to keep playing it, but a part of me wishes for something with a more streamlined control system. Also I have no problem playing Modern Sonic, I just got used to it. I just wish it didn’t have such a steep learning curve in my opinion. Also whenever you are in a 3d environment with him WOW. its like the game just comes to crawl. It seems their way to fix this problem is now to just guide you through the 3d sections with homing attack. Platforming is still a complete mess in 3d, and I wonder if they could ever actually fix it at this point. I know this post sounds negative, but I actually really LOVE the game I am having a blast playing it. Just have to get around the issues.

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Posted By: Trogdorbad

I have to say, this is spot on for the most part. I turned off Omochao the day the game came out, and haven’t turned him on since. Sure, Time Eater and the last hit on Silver were bitches to figure out, but I did it anyways. Time Eater is a pain as well, but easy enough when you figure out what to do. I don’t know how you could have trouble with Shadow – his fight’s not hard to figure out. Grab two Energy Cores, boost-to-win into meteors, boost-to-win into Shadow. I will admit, the bosses are surprisingly easy on Hard Mode. I went and fought almost all of them with Splash Hill Zone playing for absolutely no reason other than I could. Sure, the story is short, but then doing the missions can be fun. Best mission ever is Rooftop Rail Grind and you all know it. Super Sonic is probably the biggest disappointment for me – Classic Super Sonic isn’t any faster than normal Classic Sonic, and all he does is jump higher, be yellow, and be invincible. Modern Super Sonic is ok, but holy shit quit flying I don’t want to fly I just want to do a normal boost. Also dammit SEGA quit calling Classic Robotnik Classic Eggman. HE WASN’T EGGMAN BACK THEN. Also where are Classic Amy and Knuckles? Come on, SEGA, if we have Classic Tails, why not them as well?

Oh yeah, one more thing – why can’t we use Super Sonic to fight Perfect Chaos? You crushed my dreams with that one, SEGA.

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