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TMNT Goes Nickelodeon

Senator NinjaShark

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Fun fact about the newest episode:

Tang Shen was voiced by Minae Noji, the actress who played Karai in last year's TMNT movie. Needless to say it doesn't take much to be better than her role there.

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New titles and descriptions for September from Zap2It!

S3E24 Dinosaur Seen in Sewers! (September 20th)

Raph makes a new friend in Zog, an alien Triceraton.

S3E25/26 Annihilation Earth (September 27th)

When the turtles get word of the Kraang's return, they realize there is an even bigger threat coming to Earth.

Keep in mind that the episode numbers aren't completely confirmed, as the pages on Zap2It are hidden, but they're assumed correct judging by the fact that Annihilation Earth appears to be a two-parter and those are usually reserved for Season Finales this late in the game. If these are accurate, we don't have a title for Episode 23 yet, but it's speculated to be airing September 13th, meaning that we may be looking at a two-week break following The Creeping Doom.

Speaking of the first episode mentioned above, an extended version of the preview clip that I previously posted for it has been released. Mild spoilers and Mirage references ahoy!


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New titles and descriptions for September from Zap2It!

S3E24 Dinosaur Seen in Sewers! (September 20th)

Raph makes a new friend in Zog, an alien Triceraton.

S3E25/26 Annihilation Earth (September 27th)

When the turtles get word of the Kraang's return, they realize there is an even bigger threat coming to Earth.

Keep in mind that the episode numbers aren't completely confirmed, as the pages on Zap2It are hidden, but they're assumed correct judging by the fact that Annihilation Earth appears to be a two-parter and those are usually reserved for Season Finales this late in the game. If these are accurate, we don't have a title for Episode 23 yet, but it's speculated to be airing September 13th, meaning that we may be looking at a two-week break following The Creeping Doom.

Speaking of the first episode mentioned above, an extended version of the preview clip that I previously posted for it has been released. Mild spoilers and Mirage references ahoy!


Sounds like this is going to be the set up to Season 4. Rather odd though, considering Season 3 started up around September. But then again, maybe if Nick would stop with the stupid breaks, it wouldn't be so late for a season finale.

That said, I'm excited to see how they plan on topping The Invasion from Season 2.

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It's not really late, though. Season 2's finale aired on September 26th last year, so this appears to only be a day later. Season 3 actually started up in early October, so I wouldn't be surprised if they follow suit with Season 4 this year. (Season 1's finale aired in August with Season 2 starting that October, so that was really the only seasonal transition with any significant break in-between.)

Also quite interested to see how Annihilation Earth is handled. With both the Kraang AND the Triceratons involved, that's gotta be one heck of an invasion. And the boys had trouble when it was just the Kraang.  

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I personally think what will happen is either the turtles are forcefully teleported to space (My guess being the Triceration Home Planet) which means the city will be dealing with them while the turtles are on their adventures in space. The second idea I have is The Turtles put themselves at risk to save the city but it results in the Tricerations being pushed back while the turtles are flung into space.

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Whatever the case, I'm looking forward to the Mutanimal action that will inevitably follow the Turtles leaving the planet for an extended period of time. (I'm hoping they do like a whole episode just focusing on what's happening back on Earth while the Turtles are gone. That'd be super sweet.)

Oh, and speaking of Mutanimals, the SDCC panel hinted that Muckman and Mondo Gecko will be joining their ranks in Season 4! Makes sense. More Mutanimals to battle more aliens. Another hint from said panel also said that we'd be seeing more of the EPF. Methinks a certain Agent could be arriving later on. ;)

Edited by CC14 Bad Blood
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Hoooooooooly crap. So a new TMNT book just came out called "Mutants in Space," which, as you can probably guess, retells the events of the upcoming first few episodes of the Turtles in Space storyline. These include the Annihilation Earth two-parter, which, judging from some of the details that have been let loose by TMNT forum members who picked up the book, might well very easily top Season 2's finale. Not gonna let loose all the juicy bits here, but four simple words:


Agent Bishop and Utroms. Oh, and Triceratons vs. Mutanimals.

Season 4 is going to be AMAZING. :D

Edited by CC14 Bad Blood
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Hoooooooooly crap. So a new TMNT book just came out called "Mutants in Space," which, as you can probably guess, retells the events of the upcoming first few episodes of the Turtles in Space storyline. These include the Annihilation Earth two-parter, which, judging from some of the details that have been let loose by TMNT forum members who picked up the book, might well very easily top Season 2's finale. Not gonna let loose all the juicy bits here, but four simple words:


Hidden Content

Season 4 is going to be AMAZING. :D

This is gonna be awesome! :D

 I was hoping for Agent Bishop to appear! 

I'm hoping they make some kind of joke towards Utrom Shredder from the 2003 series

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And if he created the EPF specifically to battle the Kraang, then Bishop is basically mirroring Ch'rell's approach to warring with Mortu's crew when he first arrived on Earth. Kinda funny how that works out. He's like two 2k3 references in one. XD


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Woah, that sounds awesome!

So are Utroms related to the Kraang like Nutrinos from the original series? or a seperate race? and I figured Bishop was coming, next season sounds sweeeeeeetttttt!

Also I still think the turtles theme is the key to breaking Karai's mind control.

Can't wait for the new episodes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, September schedule is now fully out, so here's the full skinny.

S3E23 The Fourfold Trap (9/06/2015)

S3E24 Dinosaur Seen in Sewers! (9/20/2015)

S3E25 Annihilation: Earth! (9/27/2015)

S3E26 Annihilation: Earth! (9/27/2015)

"Dinosaur Seen In Sewers!" and the "Annihilation: Earth!" two-parter remain at their previously revealed dates, but Episode 23, now revealed as "The Fourfold Trap" will air on September 6th. This means that the show will be taking next week off after today's new episode. It'll return on the 6th with "The Fourfold Trap" before taking another week off. Then it'll return the next week with "Dinosaur." Here's the synopsis for "Fourfold Trap:"

The Turtles are baited by an unknown enemy into deadly traps.

Hm. Wondering who this enemy might be...


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Hm. Wondering who this enemy might be...

Wow, this episode totally doesn't sound familiar in the slightest.....



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Minor schedule update: Apparently, Zap2It made another mistake and there most likely isn't going to be an episode on the 6th. However, Brandon Auman has said on Instagram that the show actually returns on the 13th, so that's probably as good a confirmation as any that we're dealing with a two-week break as previously predicted rather than a weird "back-one-week-but-gone-the-next" thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New episode was good, the Karai story thread is finally coming to a head. Also this episode marks the first time Bebop and Rocksteady have been truly bested by someone(other than that time Rock got taken by Karai), being well Splinter, generally they hold their own/win in regards to battle as they are generally able to hold their own. We are approaching the finale and things are coming to a head, I expect Karai to be back for the finale. Also Stockman was nowhere to be seen in this episode despite suspicions.

We're in the final 3 can't wait to see what happens next!

Edit: also that's cool one of the traps was a reference to one of the out of ideas toys for the original show


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I'm glad Karai finally got that brain worm out of her. What I didn't like is that they ended up using that deus-ex machina healing mantra from Deadly Venom instead of what they actually obtained two episodes ago. One episode of getting a brain worm and the other of trying to reverse-engineer it, only for this episode to open up with "Oh gee, nowhere close to getting this done, too bad, she's a goner." What a waste of a plot-point if you already have an alternative that worked so well before but still out-of-nowhere-and-barely-built-up-to. And yet again, she's conveniently separated from both parties so she'll yet again someone for the good and bad guys to play tug-o-war with. Although Splinter did say they may not ever see her again, so maybe they won't be as keen in finding her like before.

But other than that, good episode. Mikey's fear-induced image of him as a girl was very reminiscent of Venus from Next Mutation.:lol:  

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Dinosaur Seen In Sewers was fantastic. It sets up the finale quite well and I loved Raph trying to maintain his friendship with Zog.

Also, I LOVED the NES Advantage and graffiti reading "Venkman Was Here" inside of the Statue of Liberty. XD

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Just finished watching today's episode and the finale.

Wow. After a rather disappointing finale last season (well, most of season two was pretty bad, IMO), and a fairly rough start this season (it picked up after the Mutanimals appeared), I think this season ended really nicely.

I was impressed with how they reversioned Bishop for this new incarnation, and I think making him a Kraang, or rather part of a race that broke away from the Kraang, an Utrom, was a very interesting direction to go with this. I always thought it was odd that they modeled the Kraang after the Utroms, but made them evil like, well, Krang from the Fred Wolf show, so dividing them into two factions (rather than just having that one exception such as with Ch'rell in the 4Kids series) was a good move. Given the EPF had already premiered, I had fully expected Bishop to be involved with them, but that doesn't appear to be the case this go around, so presuming he's not dead, hopefully we'll get to see more of him after the Turtles find a way to fix this new mess (maybe they can get in touch with Renet...?).

I also loved seeing the Triceratons, and I loved seeing how Raph and Zog teamed up. It's kind of a shame it was temporary, and I found it a little odd that Zog regained his senses after being able to breathe properly again, when other incarnations (specifically 4Kids--I don't think they made a breathing apparatus for him in Mirage) his mind is just completely gone. I guess I was hoping he'd be able to assist the Turtles in some fashion further, but he still goes out in a pretty fitting fashion. There were lots of cool allusions to "Return to New York, part 1", with Raph in his Northampton gear meeting Zog in the sewers (it's basically shot for shot when Zog surfaces).

It was also cool to see everyone throw in to try to stop the Triceratons. Somehow, I'm not too surprised Shredder stabbed Splinter in the back, but just... damn, I didn't expect for that to happen. Nick!Shredder is just that much of a petty asshole, isn't he? It was a real gut punch, and I have to wonder what kind of future the character will have if/when the planet gets restored and if he'll be around. Or will the Turtles have to carry on without their father?

I'm not sure what to make of all these events, but now that the Turtles have teamed up with the Fugitoid, I'm actually really looking forward to what's coming next!

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  • 3 weeks later...

New York Comic-Con panel has come and gone along with the usual new season peeks. Not quite as many as SDCC, obviously, but still some neat stuff. Starting off...


Meet Sal Commander (Punny!), voiced by Keith David, AKA, Goliath from Gargoyles. He looks to be a Salamandrian like Newtie and Mona Lisa. Next up...


Probably best known as the creepy, flesh-eating mutant flatworm from the Archie Comics, this take on Wyrm more resembles his old Playmates toy. Also, judging by his clothing, I'm guessing this version's an alien rather than a mutant. He'll be voiced by Dwight Schultz, AKA, "Howling Mad" Murdock of The A-Team, Dr. Animo from Ben 10, and Mung Daal from Chowder.  

Last, but certainly not least...


In a special crossover episode, the Nick universe will receive a couple of interdimensional intruders in the form of the 1987 Turtles and the fellow above, the original Krang! Cam Clarke, Barry Gordon, Townsend Coleman, Rob Paulsen (Duh.), and Pat Fraley are set to reprise their roles. They showed a clip from the episode at NYCC, so that'll probably be up on the web soon. 

Pretty cool stuff. Looking forward to Wyrm and the crossover episode. Still, though...WHURZ MAH WINGNUT?! :P

Edited by CC14 Soul Snatcher
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Why do I have a feeling the 1987 crossover episode will be related to the attempt to restore earth? also, totally hoping for a classic Casey/modern casey interaction


Say when is the show back on? soon I hope

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Season 4 premieres on the 25th.

Also, video of the panel in full, INCLUDING CLIPS:

Touching upon the three clips...

#1: It appears to be from Episode 2, "The Moons of Thalos-3," which a recent children's book featuring Mona Lisa adapted. Sal Commander is indeed a Salamandrian and Mona's superior.

#2: Appears to be another episode from earlier in the Season, judging by how finished it looks. Wyrm is an alien this time around, but also a sort of evil genie who needs to grant three wishes in order to free himself.

#3: The '87 Turtles crossover, most likely taking place much later in the season when the Earth comes back due to still being in animatic form and being said to feature Kraang Sub-Prime teaming up with his other-dimensional "cousin." The Nick Turtles will indeed also cross into the '87 world and a Mirage world trip was even teased, so think of this as "Turtles Forever Too." (As in "the Nick guys are going all these places, too." XD) Nick Raph's comment about not being able to see his butt in 2D made me laugh. XD

Anyway, awesome stuff! Makes me even more ravenous for that crossover. (Though, Armaggon will keep me occupied. XD)

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  • 3 weeks later...

November schedule time and we've got a packed one!

S4E2: The Moons of Thalos-3 (November 1st)

S4E3: The Weird World of Wyrm (November 8th)

S4E4: The Outlaw Armaggon! (November 15th)

Special: Half-Shell Heroes: Blast to the Past (November 22nd)

So Mona Lisa next week, Wyrm the next, ARMAGGON THE NEXT, and a little Half-Shell Heroes fun the week of Thanksgiving! Armaggon being so close and debuting the same month that Slash did in Season 2 has me squeeing so hard right now. :D


Edited by CC14 Soul Snatcher
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