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[Roleplay] SSMB Heroes Academy: Uprising - A Multiversal Adventure Beyond Fiction and Reality (Please Read First Page Before Joining)


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Monokuma looks at Monaca. "Well, looks like Masaru failed again."

Monaca shakes her head, although a cruel smirk forms on her face. She looks at Masaru and nudges Monokuma. "Hey, Big Sis Junko... let's give it everything we've got..."

Monokuma looks at Monaca with a twinkle in his red eye, a button rising from the ground. Holding a hammer, he lifts it up and cries out...



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Credit to Miwashiba

"Wait you're punishing him..?" Ayumu said with shock as he pushed some rubble away, "even if he tried to kill us he didn't deserve it..." Ayumu felt sympathy for Masaru despite beng on opposite sides.

Kirumi and Sion tried to help the others up after all the debris crashed down. "He came in fighting us willingly knowing this was the consequence" Kirumi said as she cleared some of the debris. The maid seemed to give cruel words but nothing is more crueler than the harsh truth of reality.

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6 hours ago, Captain Metallix said:

"AGREED! EVEN I COULD DO BETTER THAN THAT!" said Omega, launching a barrage of attacks at the mech while it was... 'preoccupied'. Crash would've joined the others in attacking the mech, but was too busy laughing at the mech's ridiculous dance moves to actually do anything. Aku-Aku, having to recharge his magic after giving Crash temporary invincibility, could only look in confusion at Crash and the mech. This was certainly shaping up to be a very strange day for him...

"THE CHILD'S TOY IS DOWN! WE ARE VICTORIOUS!" Omega prematurely announced. However, Aku-Aku was so sure, judging from the looks coming from Monokuma and Monaca up above them. "Hold on! I do not think our fight is over just yet..." he said, attempting to keep the Skylanders focused. Crash, unfortunately, wasn't paying any attention to his guardian. Instead, he was too busy letting out a victorious "Yeeehaaa!!" and pulling off his trademark victory dance. Yep, that one...




"Pretty nifty spins and moves there Bash!", Sonic said to the Bandicoot! However, soon the heroes found it best to sav the festivities until the very end!

1 hour ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

As the rocks began to fall, Knuckles, Yuta and Kat dived behind cover along with everyone else. However, the rocks was the least of the Skylanders worries as suddenly the mech began to rise up once again, as it's form began to change massively. The red aura started up again, every single piece of the mech shot out with additional metal slabs and armour that made the entire thing invulnerable and where Yuta threw a rock through the mech's eye, a massively bruised and bloodied Masaru could be seen seething with rage as he began attacking with everything.

However, luck seemed to be on the Skylanders' side for once. Because the massive metal bar that feel down onto the mech smashed open the entire right side of it's head, leaving the cockpit exposed for one final attempt at stopping Masaru. 

1 hour ago, Failinhearts said:

Kyubey smirks as he jumps into the air. He leaps from falling boulder to falling boulder as fast as he possibly can before jumping into the cockpit. He uses one ear flap to grab Masaru's hand, doing his very best to restrain the android.

"Someone needs child therapy!" Kyubey scolds as he holds the boy back for the other Skylanders to strike.


"A little physical therapy never hurt too!", Tron Bonne declared as she flipped over into her Gustaff mech! "Alright kiddo! Downtime for you! GUSTAFF RUSH STRIKE!", she yelled, prompting her mech to rush into the cockpit with rockets from its back propelling it for all the damage upon impact!

1 hour ago, Emperor Robrainiac said:

Upon seeing Kyubey restrain Masaru, Aspen and Ashlyn looked at each other... This time, they smiled at one another, knowing what they would do next.

"Double drop punch?"

"Double drop punch."

"Yo! Save some robo blasting room for us too!", Sonic shouted. He hopped up and spindashed fast enough to hover in the air, before rocketing down into and out fo the weakened mech, leaving holes in it!

"Tails! He's all yours!", Sonic called.


"You got it Sonic!", Tails shouted as he jetted, full frottle with his tails, two fits right into the cockpit and its occupant, before he flew back out and he and Sonic both landed beside Tron.

47 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

"Sorry about this kid". Kat said, as she kicked into Masaru. Knuckles smashed his fist into his control panel, causing him to lose control of the mech once and for all. With that, the mech finally fell onto the ground, destroyed and unable to continue.

Masaru fell onto the ground, beaten and bruised. Most of the damage had come from himself, instead of the Skylanders. When the group got outside, they looked up to see the audience mocking and laughing at Masaru, the hero banners having been vandalised to mock and laugh at him further. 

"And this is why heroes don't do most of whatever that kid bot was trying to do", Tron Bonne grumbled. "You get egg on your face like this! Something my Megaman would never do!", she boasted, prompting eye rolls from some of her teammates.

28 minutes ago, Crow the BOOLET said:

"Wait you're punishing him..?" Ayumu said with shock as he pushed some rubble away, "even if he tried to kill us he didn't deserve it..." Ayumu felt sympathy for Masaru despite beng on opposite sides.

Kirumi and Sion tried to help the others up after all the debris crashed down. "He came in fighting us willingly knowing this was the consequence" Kirumi said as she cleared some of the debris. The maid seemed to give cruel words but nothing is more crueler than the harsh truth of reality.

"Ultimate Maid here has a point", Tron Bonne agreed. "It was him or us, and it's not our faults he fell victim to something they were probably gonna do to us before", she added.

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Amid the chaos, Genocide Jack reverts back to Toko and she, Alisa and Daniel remerge from cover. Alisa used her God Arc to clear some debris as they struggled to find there footing. 

6 hours ago, Failinhearts said:

Monokuma looks at Monaca. "Well, looks like Masaru failed again."

Monaca shakes her head, although a cruel smirk forms on her face. She looks at Masaru and nudges Monokuma. "Hey, Big Sis Junko... let's give it everything we've got..."

Monokuma looks at Monaca with a twinkle in his red eye, a button rising from the ground. Holding a hammer, he lifts it up and cries out...



"I...I should've seen...this coming..." Toko was so exhausted that she collapsed to her knees once she made it out of cover. Alisa and Daniel were concerned and ran to her side while glaring as Monokuma.

"What do you mean? What does that horrible creature mean by punishment?" Alisa asks as she grabs onto Toko's arm and wraps it over her shoulder to support her while she stands back up, Daniel tries to do the same on her other side, but being so short made it tricky.

Daniel was about to say something which was probably going to be stupid but seeing everyone's worried expressions made him think it would be best to remain quiet.

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8 hours ago, Failinhearts said:

Monokuma looks at Monaca. "Well, looks like Masaru failed again."

Monaca shakes her head, although a cruel smirk forms on her face. She looks at Masaru and nudges Monokuma. "Hey, Big Sis Junko... let's give it everything we've got..."

Monokuma looks at Monaca with a twinkle in his red eye, a button rising from the ground. Holding a hammer, he lifts it up and cries out...


Upon hearing this, Crash and Aku-Aku immediately tried to object the ruling. "No! How can you do this?! Hasn't he gone through enough pain?!" the mask said. Crash was in total shock at this too. Did their cruelty really know no bounds? Omega then had a surprising reaction to this. "AGREED! I SUGGEST AN ALTERNATIVE!" he said...


...Before pointing his weapons directly at Masaru. "THE BOY MUST BE RELIEVED OF FURTHER PAIN. I CAN MAKE IT QUICK AND PAINLESS FOR HIM." It seemed he wasn't bluffing, either. Crash and Aku-Aku looked at each other, in complete disbelief over what they heard. Neither of them knew how to react to Omega's 'suggestion'.

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19 hours ago, Failinhearts said:


"Punishment? Sonic, what does she mean by that?", Tails asked nervously. He rembered the harrowing tales that Sonic had told him about when Monokuma had taken over the Skylanders' HUB HQ, but he'd never been too fond of going into detail about what had happened to most of the criminals they'd caught. And for good reason too!

12 hours ago, DanJ86 said:

"I...I should've seen...this coming..." Toko was so exhausted that she collapsed to her knees once she made it out of cover. Alisa and Daniel were concerned and ran to her side while glaring as Monokuma.

Tron Bonne didn't say anything,  but silently,  she agreed. Maybe, if she'd had a chance,  she could've reprogrammed the bot, convinced them to join the Skylanders,  but now it seemed that bot was resigned to a fate without redemption. Unlike his real counterpart, the legacy she'd remember it by was that of a fiendish enemy, who relished in the suffering of others. No redeeming qualities as far as she was concerned. She reminded herself that they were in an illusion,  and that it was best not to get too attached to its occupants,  let alone their hunters. What mattered was saving those in need, to complete this mission. 

And so,  with a heavy breath,  she prepared for whatever was due to come before their very eyes. 

10 hours ago, Captain Metallix said:

Upon hearing this, Crash and Aku-Aku immediately tried to object the ruling. "No! How can you do this?! Hasn't he gone through enough pain?!" the mask said. Crash was in total shock at this too. Did their cruelty really know no bounds? Omega then had a surprising reaction to this. "AGREED! I SUGGEST AN ALTERNATIVE!" he said...

...Before pointing his weapons directly at Masaru. "THE BOY MUST BE RELIEVED OF FURTHER PAIN. I CAN MAKE IT QUICK AND PAINLESS FOR HIM." It seemed he wasn't bluffing, either. Crash and Aku-Aku looked at each other, in complete disbelief over what they heard. Neither of them knew how to react to Omega's 'suggestion'.

*Gulp* "Geez,  even Omega's taking pity on the poor kid bot", Sonic said,  slightly shaking from the apprehension of the punishment that was incoming. He knew these feelings of nerve wracking tension all too well from the Killing Games. 


12 hours ago, DanJ86 said:

"What do you mean? What does that horrible creature mean by punishment?" Alisa asks as she grabs onto Toko's arm and wraps it over her shoulder to support her while she stands back up, Daniel tries to do the same on her other side, but being so short made it tricky.

Sonic turned back to Tails and Alisa to answer the question at hand. "Guys,  you may want to look away. If this is anything like the Killing Games, let's just say the one sentenced is not,  and I repeat not going to make it out alive. And what's coming is anything but merciful!"

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"Punishment? Oh no, oh no, oh no..." 

Pixels began to gnaw the end of his glove. Although he knew the Masaru before them was not the real one, he still felt very helpless. The fox had no idea what he could do, especially since he used up all of his power for the finishing blow. There really was nothing Pixels could do... He was forced to watch the punishment unfold.

"A punishment? What do they mean-" Suddenly, a familiar memory popped up in the back of Aspen's mind, causing his eye to widen, "Oh no no no no nooo! Pixels, he's not gonna... execute him is he?!"

Pixels could only remain silent.

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18 hours ago, Failinhearts said:

Monokuma looks at Monaca. "Well, looks like Masaru failed again."

Monaca shakes her head, although a cruel smirk forms on her face. She looks at Masaru and nudges Monokuma. "Hey, Big Sis Junko... let's give it everything we've got..."

Monokuma looks at Monaca with a twinkle in his red eye, a button rising from the ground. Holding a hammer, he lifts it up and cries out...



Masaru weakly looked up towards Monokuma and Monaca, and looks around towards the group of kids that were laughing and mocking him and his failure. He managed to get the strength up to talk.

"...Big Sis Junko....why...?....y-you told me the...demons were evil monsters....they had to be destroyed to make the multiverse better and save everyone...." Masaru said, trying to get himself off the ground but failing.

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2 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

"...Big Sis Junko....why...?....y-you told me the...demons were evil monsters....they had to be destroyed to make the multiverse better and save everyone...." Masaru said, trying to get himself off the ground but failing.

Monokuma chuckles. "From a certain point of view... maybe. Maaaaybe the same goes for you, too. What is a hero? What is a villain? I dunno, I'm just a bear! Maybe everything you've done was in vain the entire time!"


With the smack of the hammer, the helmets of all the children in the Killoseum begin glowing and shaking, inputting new commands into the minds of the controlled kids.




The remains of the mech sink into holes in the Killoseum's floor, and Masaru is left injured and distraught. The children creep up to him and drag him away. He kicks, screams and begs for mercy from both Monokuma and Monaca. Pleas for life can be barely heard, cries of "Big Sis Junko" and "Monaca" echo throughout the Killoseum.

...But as Monokuma said, everything he's done was in vain.

The kids tear Masaru's body parts limb by robotic limb until the robot is active no more, his headphones being all that remain...

...as well as an iconic phrase to some Skylanders written on a wooden sign, placed intentionally just to add an extra bit of irony.

Heroes Never Die

If such a phrase was true, Masaru was never a hero at all.

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Voidica shut her eyes and turned away from the grisly scene. She wished it hadn't come to this; that there had been some way to help the android without killing him...

Tesla and Amber, however, were more accustomed to seeing people die in front of them, and just looked on. They were more accepting of the fact that, like it or not, a real life was at stake and took priority over that of a robotic copy. Still, Tesla couldn't help but empathise with someone often so wide-eyed as Voidica, even through her usual cynical worldview.

"Sigh..." Tesla groaned, patting Voidica on the back once it was all over. "Look, kid, we didn't have a choice in the matter. We couldn't save this Masaru, but we've saved a Masaru. Maybe it's not the same one, but at least one of them's getting a happy ending, OK?"

Voidica chose to remain quiet.

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Komaru looks down. Reliving these moments is just terrible and scarring...

However, Monokuma couldn't help but laugh.

"Extreeeeeme! I haven't executed someone in soooo long! Ahhh, I missed this!" The bear cackles.

Makoto begrudingly holds out his hand at the bear. "There. We defeated the robot. Release the real Masaru, now."

Monokuma sighs and gestures Monaca to do it herself. Monaca presses a button on her armrest, creating an opening in the Killoseum's roof. A cage is seen being lowered slowly and slowly.

"Fair is fair, but don't get too lucky! There's still three left!" Monokuma says as he and Monaca descend as the floor they stand on opens up to reveal an elevator to take them away, leaving the Skylanders alone with their new, freed captive.

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Omega, Crash and Aku-Aku just stood in silence upon witnessing the fake Masaru's 'punishment'. Deep down, Omega believed that he should've just pulled the trigger on the kid, before the audience ever got to him. But, what's done is done. Displeased with the results, Omega deactivated his weapons. "READY TO PROCEED..." he said.

Crash looked down at the headphones that remained on the ground, saddened at the sight of them. Aku-Aku attempted to lift the bandicoot's spirits. "It is unfortunate, what happened to the child..." he told Crash. "At least now, we can ensure the safety of the real Masaru." Crash looked at Aku-Aku with a smile, now feeling a little better.

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"What...What was the point of that??" Alisa yelled with outrage. "He was defeated, why would they - " Toko interrupts.

"Don't! It's worthless trying...trying to understand that sick...bitch in bear skin...let's just save the brat and get the hell out of here..." She strains herself trying to talk. She may have been hurt when the roof partially collapsed. Alisa and Daniel assist in walking her to the lowering cage.

While Dave is still on Komaru's shoulder. He pats her head softly in an attempt to comfort her.

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Yuta simply winced upon seeing Masaru's demise. He had to watch enough executions when he was trapped in Towa City, it made his stomach unsettle seeing another one up close. 

"...I really want to kick that bear's teeth in". Kat said angrily as the cage began to lower down. 

Knuckles didn't say a word, he hadn't seen anything like that before and hoped not to see it again.

Finally the cage finished lowering as the blue electric bars surrounding it disabled. 


"Oh hey it's Big Sis Komaru! Long time no see!" A red-haired boy shouted as he jumped out of the cage, seemingly not affected by being trapped in this case. "You guys were totally sick taking down that mech!" 

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"...Big Sis?" Kyubey asks.

Komaru sighs in relief. She leans down, getting on Masaru's level. Her face turned from fear into that of concern.


"Masaru, thank goodness you're safe... but are you okay? No injuries or anything?"

She then sits in silence, looking at the ground and robotic scraps. "...Are you feeling alright, seeing your past?" She asks, additionally.

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6 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Finally the cage finished lowering as the blue electric bars surrounding it disabled.


"Oh hey it's Big Sis Komaru! Long time no see!" A red-haired boy shouted as he jumped out of the cage, seemingly not affected by being trapped in this case. "You guys were totally sick taking down that mech!"

Aku-Aku was surprised, and relieved, to see this kid acting so... happy. And a good kind of happy, too! Crash was just glad to see that the kid was safe after all. "Yeehaa!" he shouted, about to do another victory dance... but Aku-Aku signalled him not to. Unfortunately, Crash would just have to wait until another time...

Omega looked at the real Masaru. He was presumably happy to see that the boy was okay, if what he said next was anything to go by. "THIS ONE DOES NOT APPEAR TO WANT TO INFLICT SELF-HARM UPON HIMSELF. AM I RIGHT IN ASSUMING THIS IS THE REAL CHILD WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR?" he asked the others.

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2 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

"...Big Sis?" Kyubey asks.

Komaru sighs in relief. She leans down, getting on Masaru's level. Her face turned from fear into that of concern.


"Masaru, thank goodness you're safe... but are you okay? No injuries or anything?"

She then sits in silence, looking at the ground and robotic scraps. "...Are you feeling alright, seeing your past?" She asks, additionally.

Masaru looks down, his smile fading slightly as he looks down towards the ground. Unfortunately for him, it caused him to look down directly at more robot scrap parts and his robotic duplicate's remaining set of headphones.

"...I-I'm feeling about as good as I-I could be expected. I feel like I'm going to barf seeing this place again". Masaru said.

"B-But it's alright! Because you brought your friends and we're gonna take down Junko and Monaca once and for all!" Masaru said, bursting his head up high with a smile again. "We'll prove to you that we can do good this time, promise!"  

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Komaru nods. "Yeah. I trust you got your custom-made weaponized drill ready? There's some dangerous Monokumas out there."

Just as Komaru said that, the Arkeyans were seen as the last of the audience, watching the Skylanders join up with Masaru. As the group of robotic bears communicate in ancient Arkeyan dialect, the Juggarnaut busts a hole in the Killoseum before they jump off, ready to cause more havoc out in Towa City.

Meanwhile, as Monokuma and Monaca land underground, he looks down at the damaged head of Masaru's mech, retrieved from the battle.

"Here. Got the first piece. You better whip this thing up quick."

Clanking from a pile of scraps can be heard. "Yeah, yeah! Don't worry! This fucker will be done in nooo time as long as you get the right ingredients!"

Monaca stares at the figure talking from the junk. "You better do this work right for Monaca. It's strange how you've been reprogrammed as a mechanic."

The figure jumps out of the junk.



"Welp, it's better than being a fuckin' advisor! That sounds like office cubicle bullshit!" Kurokuma remarks.

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Voidica looked up at Masaru, and she began to feel a little better, seeing him so happy. "I-It's great to see you're safe and sound, Mister Masaru!" she said, waving to him.

Amber, meanwhile, sat on the ground and scratched her ear. "OK, that's one bad android down," she mewed, "where do we go for the next one? Do we get a free ride for that one too?"

"Please," Tesla growled, "the last thing I want is to be displayed like a zoo animal again!" This experience had also soured her on the idea of tomatoes quite a bit.

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6 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

Komaru sighs in relief. She leans down, getting on Masaru's level. Her face turned from fear into that of concern.


"Masaru, thank goodness you're safe... but are you okay? No injuries or anything?"

She then sits in silence, looking at the ground and robotic scraps. "...Are you feeling alright, seeing your past?" She asks, additionally.

"Wow...she just witnessed a horrible thing and is still able to move on and show concern for others. She's so...angelic." Daniel looks at Komaru with amazement. Prompting Toko to glare at him. "Are you perving on Komaru now?" "Me...? Perving??" "...and get your little sidekick off of her!" Toko yells and Daniel can only nervously obey.

"D-D-Dave! Leave the angel alone. Y-You have a floaty arse so use it!!" "...Fine" Dave reluctantly complies. "But she smells much nicer than you."

With Marasu safe and no threat currently after them, Daniel wishes to ask an important question.

"Erm...is there a Skylander present that can heal? I think Toko Senpai is hurt..." Toko didn't want anything to do with crazy magic and tries to deny her pain. "Sh-Shut up! I'm fine...so lets go already..."

She wasn't fooling anyone as Alisa and Daniel still helped her walk despite her claims.

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6 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

Komaru nods. "Yeah. I trust you got your custom-made weaponized drill ready? There's some dangerous Monokumas out there."

Masaru nodded and proceeded to begin looking through a small backpack he had with him, throwing out several books, a Future Foundation badge, and a torch, until suddenly he pulled a giant drill-like weapon out of his bag.


"You know it. I'm ready to get some payback on Monaca for what she did to me and the others back in Towa City!" Masaru said, as he began spinning the drill around with his hand until the machine revved up...and seeing Yuta in front of him.



"I-I-IT'S A GHOST. HE'S HERE TO GET REVENGE ON MY SOUL" Masaru practically lept out of his skin and hid behind Komaru.

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Kyubey looks at Masaru and Yuta. He couldn't help but cough to bring some levity to the situation."Well... this is gonna be awkward." He mutters.

Komaru looks at Yuta and back to Masaru. "Yuta... I-I..."

She's unsure what to say herself, or even how Yuta would react. Vengeful? Angry? Scared? Sad? Apathetic? It could be practically anything at this point.

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28 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

"Oh hey it's Big Sis Komaru! Long time no see!" A red-haired boy shouted as he jumped out of the cage, seemingly not affected by being trapped in this case. "You guys were totally sick taking down that mech!" 

"This is so... surreal, man." Aspen scratched the back of his head.

Ashlyn nodded in agreement. One moment, she saw the same kid calling them demons, and threatening them, and harming himself, both mentally and physically. the next he's here, chipper and upbeat, and praising them for a job well done. Even so, the twins were relieved that the real one was unharmed, and seemingly in better shape than the imitation.

"Th-thanks, kid." Pixels said, a little surprsied and relieved at the real Masaru's appearance.

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The Doofs were a bit suprised but still relived to see the Masaru kid back to his old self, it sure feels nice to not have him spouting on about demons and such.

”Uh...don’t mention it kid.” Burnie said rubbing the back of his head.

Mo took the compliment to heart. “Thanks buddy.” He thanked. “Not everyday you get slaved against your will being treated like monsters by kids and fighting a dancing robot!”

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12 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

Kyubey looks at Masaru and Yuta. He couldn't help but cough to bring some levity to the situation."Well... this is gonna be awkward." He mutters.

Komaru looks at Yuta and back to Masaru. "Yuta... I-I..."

She's unsure what to say herself, or even how Yuta would react. Vengeful? Angry? Scared? Sad? Apathetic? It could be practically anything at this point.

Yuta looked towards Masaru, his legs shaking slightly as he did so. It was unclear if it was out of nervousness or out of fear, but he didn't react at first, he simply began walking up towards Komaru and Masaru, looking at the two for a bit.

There was a brief moment of silence, before Yuta lowered himself to Masaru's level and simply held out his hand for a high-five. "I'm not a ghost, and I'm not going to hurt anyone, don't worry". Yuta said with a smile, his voice shaking slightly but Masaru didn't pick up on it, he simply reciprocated the high-five.

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