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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

PSI Wind

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I'm happy waiting till next year for footage, I'd rather let Nintendo work on the game and get it finished then rush them into wasting time showing it off and ending up with what happened to Wind Waker. I personally don't want another tedious Triforce fragment collection quest...

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Like taking a day or two to throw together a trailer would set them back. I know what you're getting at but a simple trailer is hardly going to cause them to go so far off schedule that they have to add some lame ass triforce quest type shit to fill the void that putting together a trailer caused.

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I think you're forgetting that it's not as easy as throwing something together, a trailer would have to show something worth while and choosing what to and what not to show would take time and energy despite how far into the project Nintendo may be. It could also be that Nintendo are still playing around with some ideas for the project and certain things that they show might be dropped like what we saw happen for Twilight Princess where the first trailer had some elements that were radically different or not present in the final product. Besides, it helps keep the surprise for when Nintendo DO show us something.

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Miyamoto's reasoning is that he didn't want to tease people with a game looking "almost finished" if it wasn't going to be released for a few years, so he'd rather tease us and say "it's coming" instead.

Guess he doesn't want a repeat of the mess that was TP's release date huh?

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Yeah, Nintendo has adopted a new way of revealing games ever since Brawl and TP have suffered from overhype. I don't really blame them if they do it, because people seem to always seem to set expectations too high.

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Well if not Zelda then what for the Oct. event? Will we just see more on what was revealed at E3? Or do you think they could announce other new games that aren't quite Zelda status, but still are good? I know it seems unlikely but I really hope we see Zelda. : (

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Do Nintendo always do an October Event? I got the feeling they did one last year because we were disappointed with E3 '08, but '09 went down pretty well so maybe they won't see the need.

If it is happening though then I look forward to it! Maybe we'll hear more about Kirby Wii (finally)? I don't think we'll hear about Zelda though, next E3 will be the big press reveal.

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They have had the event for the last 2 or 3 years I think. I assume they will have one every year, but who knows.

Next years E3 feels really late to show off Zelda IMO. Sure they don't want to announce it 3-4 years ahead of time like TP because too much hype builds that the game can't live up to. However with a game like Zelda you do want to build some hype. It seems unlikely that they would reveal it next E3 and have it ready for release in 2010. So then we would be looking at a mid-late 2011 release which to me seems kinda late in the Wii life cycle. But maybe it's just my love for the series multiplying my impatience.

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I dunno, I'm perfectly willing to wait 'till mid 2011 (the inevitable final release date after delays), so long as we get some other nice games next year (SMG2, Metroid, Golden Sun, probably more)

But then again 2011 does seem a little late huh? If I'm impatient about anything though it's Nintendo's next console, or an HD Wii. Ah to see a Zelda game with the visuals and atmosphere other series' have already been getting for years...

Edited by SuperLink
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That's the thing though, by mid-late 2011 Nintendo's next console will most likely be right around the corner. If they're going to make me wait until then for the next Zelda they might as well put it on their next console so we can have the pretty graphics. The Wii is pretty dated now but by then.....yeesh. :blink: That's what I mean when it seems kind of late for Zelda. I fear it will face the dreaded "approaching end of console life" curse, much like MM did.

Plus, I don't know, it just feels kind of odd for Nintendo to have a new Mario and Metroid ready sooner then Zelda when they (Mario & Metroid) both have had more recent entries then Zelda. Then again Mario Galaxy 2 is using a lot from 1 and Metroid is a co-developed thing. Also they might be trying to go the extra mile with the new Zelda. I don't know it just feels really long since we've had a Zelda, especially considering TP was basically finished a year before it's release.

Edited by speedfreak
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Nintendo is doing so well with the Wii (and Sony/MS have both yet to bring forth their motion devices, which they'll wannt some years to experiment with) that it's quite possible that this generation will be a rather extended one. Which would mean that 2011 most likely will not be near the end of the generation. Beyond the halfway point, probably, but not at the end.

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You could be right Ashurbanipal, but who knows for sure. All I'm saying is if we get Zelda Wii late 2011 and a "Wii 2" comes out within two years of that, then I'd rather they waited and put it on "Wii 2". God knows how long we would have to wait for a Zelda on "Wii 2" if Zelda Wii comes out at or NEAR the end of Wii's life cycle.

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If anything I think the Wii should die faster because it's so outdated, especially when Natal comes along. Nintendo have their install base which is quite a lot to be getting along nicely with, but if they wanna keep grabbing people then... basically I want Wii2 sooner rather than later. An extended generation from Sony and MS I'm good with, but not Nintendo thanks...

Of course, no matter how much I want the Wii2, in all likliness we won't get it before 2013 or 2014...

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To be honest, as much as I like ym 360, I don't think Natal will last. My guess is that it's going to try to establish the same userbase as Wii, but it's high price will draw away consumers. Non-casuals will see very few, if any, games geared towards them, so they won't buy it.

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To be honest, as much as I like ym 360, I don't think Natal will last. My guess is that it's going to try to establish the same userbase as Wii, but it's high price will draw away consumers. Non-casuals will see very few, if any, games geared towards them, so they won't buy it.

Yeah, seriously. Two HD cameras and the hardware for bodily recognition. I'm assuming that it has some kind of DSP inside of it made specifically for tracking a person. That's going to be pretty pricey. Chances are the kind of people who would buy this probably already have a Wii that they never use, and I doubt they're going to add a 360 and a pair of HD cameras they never use to the pile.

Also, how many people actually have enough space in the place where they play games to use this? I'm sure you heard about people breaking stuff with Wiimotes, which tells me they wouldn't have enough room for this.

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Link confirmed for WoW!

This is the way I see the whole motion control thing:

They're nice, and some games benefit greatly from them, but they haven't revolutionised gaming in the sense that we find it hard to imagine gaming without it, 'cos come on, no matter how good motion control gets, for some people it will just never compare to a controller in your hands. (we can't usually imagine home gaming without rumble, or analogue for example)

Because of this, I think the Wii's controls are still a gimmick and probably always will be, albeit a popular one with competition. On the other hand, I think the DS' touch screen has made any handheld gaming that doesn't use one feel lacking in comparison (great success!)

But you're right Natal won't last, it sounds expensive, and it sounds like there will be very minimal developer interest (I'm talking first/second party developers and that's it)

So yeah next gen will be when motion control is more or less implemented into all systems, and Nintendo have no choice but to go HD in order to keep their audience (:D). Next gen DS with 8GB Cards, ossum graphics, smooth accurate touch screen with capability to recognise two or more touch points. *droool*

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The definition of 'Gimmick':


1. A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick, especially a mechanism for the secret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus.

2. An innovative or unusual mechanical contrivance; a gadget.


1. An innovative stratagem or scheme employed especially to promote a project: an advertising gimmick.

2. A significant feature that is obscured, misrepresented, or not readily evident; a catch.

3. A small object whose name does not come readily to mind.

So even if the Wii's control form is a gimmick, that's not a bad thing in the least, and once the competition's primary control methods also rely on motion the term gimmick will hopefully be reserved for something else. Analogue sticks were a gimmick once too, you know.

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Yeah I know that, but my point is that while the DS' touch screen was a gimmick, it isn't any more, I honestly don't think that will happen with motion control for quite a while.

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NP had the art in great detail and was big. Looks better than I thought.

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I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy recently and I'd just like to say, I hope this game has as much polish and love put into it as that one did. Twilight Princess was good and fun, but it seemed to lack that magic touch that Mario Galaxy had. I'm hoping Nintendo really push the Wii with this one, taking advantage of it every way they can; graphics, controls, the motion plus, etc.

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I'm just hoping it's more engaging than Twilight Princess was, I kinda lost interest in that game some ways in.

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IMO one thing this new Zelda needs to do is focus on developing Link, (and assuming they are in it) Zelda, and Ganondorf. If there was one thing that really annoyed me in TP it's that Midna and Zant stole the spotlight from the key players of the Zelda series.

Also I do want Ganondorf in it but it's forgivable if he isn't as long as we get a villain that measures up. The villain in PH for example was just plain awful. A stupid mindless jelly fish thing that I felt little motivation to hate or want to beat. Like I said though, I'd rather have Ganondorf again. He needs to make up for being so damn easy in the last few games. : (

Now Princess Zelda I say is a MUST for the game. I hate when Link leaves Hyrule and Zelda either doesn't appear at all or appears for a second in a scene. It's called the Legend of ZELDA. Why do they bother calling certain entries that when they completely write her out?

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