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  • Some Sonic 3 Levels in Sonic Origins Will Have Different Music, Composed by Jun Senoue

    Senoue will adapt original music made in 1993 to replace some stage BGM.

    Today's Sonic Official on YouTube confirmed a long-standing concern about Sonic 3's soundtrack in Sonic Origins. During the stream, Katie Chrzanowski, social media manager for SEGA, notes that the game will not have all its original tracks. Instead, the game will have new original-hardware adaptations of the songs composed by Jun Senoue.

    The comment from Chrzanowski comes at around the 36:00 mark in the video above:


    I know one question that we've seen over and over is, what is the situation on the music in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. So, while unfortunately we can't use all of the original sounds from the SEGA Genesis version of the game, Jun Senoue's been working really hard to adapt the original music that was composed in 1993 for Sonic Origins, and he's been going so far as reproducing it with the same soundchip as the SEGA Genesis and using is own digital audio tape collection to make this, like, as faithful to the originals as possible.

    Sonic 3 has long had issues with re-releases due to music contributed by Michael Jackson and Brad Buxer. This includes Carnival Night Zone, Ice Cap Zone, Launch Base Zone, the Multiplayer menu, the Sonic 3 Act 1 boss music, and the Staff Roll. Unreleased beta versions of Sonic 3, as well as the 1997 Windows PC version of the game, used significantly different compositions in place of the tracks.

    While it's a shame that we won't be hearing the iconic sounds of Ice Cap once again, it's definitely encouraging that we'll be getting new versions of the alternate songs from Senoue, who contributed to the original soundtracks of both Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. Though if you're really itching for those original sounds... probably a good idea to keep an eye out on the modding scene after it launches.

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    2 minutes ago, Jake_LeOFFICIAL said:

    Well, there it is.

    We're getting new(?) tracks for Sonic the Hedgehog 3

    I just hope they aren't as short as the tracks he made for the Sonic 4 Episodic Series.

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    Ice Cap is my favourite track from the classic series, so it does really sting that it seems that's gone.

    That said on the flip side, what they were saying Jun Sunoue is doing to make the "new" tracks era authentic sounds really awesome and is definitely a really dedicated effort.

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    Just to be clear this is exactly what Katie said:

    "So while unfortunately we can't use all of the original sounds from the SEGA Genesis version of the game, Jun Senoue has been working really hard to adapt the original music which was composed in 1993 for Sonic Origins, going as far as reproducing it with the same sound chip from the SEGA Genesis and using his own digital audio tape collection to make this as faithful to the originals as possible".

    So IMO proto tracks (for CN, IC & LB) here we come!

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    Just now, TheOcelot said:

    Just to be clear this is exactly what Katie said:

    "So while unfortunately we can't use all of the original sounds from the SEGA Genesis version of the game, Jun Senoue has been working really hard to adapt the original music which was composed in 1993 for Sonic Origins, going as far as reproducing it with the same sound chip from the SEGA Genesis and using his own digital audio tape collection to make this as faithful to the originals as possible".

    So IMO proto tracks (for CN, IC & LC) here we come!

    LC? Don't you mean LB for Launch Base?

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    I'm quite amazed they actually confirmed this. I was half expecting radio silence about it until release, but good on em' for clarifying! I prefer the prototype tracks personally, so this is good news for me.

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    I do hope Jun brings back the Super Sonic theme for Sonic 3 and Knuckles. The one that was also a prototype form of music for Sonic 3.

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    If you’re looking for the clip, here’s one:

    I guess I was bracing myself for this, so it’s not a huge disappointment. I was just hoping that Buxer’s music would be snuck in there as a secret bonus or something.

    I’m quite excited to hear fresh/re-interpreted Mega Drive work from Jun Senoue though!

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    Hard Times for the fans of the Genesis' tracks. 

    I like the PC Collection tracks better because they're the ones I grew up with, but the original Ice Cap, ngl... Will be missed.


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    Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon


    With Jun working on these, I wonder if this means we'll get good remixes that maybe even manage to pay subtle enough homage to the Boxer tracks as well.

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    So, was there some kind of lawsuit going on that they couldn't use the original music from the games?

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    Just now, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

    With Jun working on these, I wonder if this means we'll get good remixes that maybe even manage to pay subtle enough homage to the Boxer tracks as well.

    Most likely not. Judging by the info these'll most likely be just the proto tracks but finalized

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    As someone whose first time with Sonic 3 was via the PC Collection, I'm fine with this. Plus it gives Origins a bit more of a unique flair.

    Still a shame they couldn't get the more problematic Mega Drive tracks, but if the choices given are between making this compromise or not getting any more (non-emulated?) re-releases of 3, I'll take the former.

    (...though it does make the loss of the original 360/PS3/PC ports sting a little more.)

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    If anything I’m hoping for the inverse: exporting the music for use in Sonic 3 A.I.R. (although doing it the way you said would be nice too).

    I’m interested in Sonic Origins (particularly for the Story Mode feature) but not quite enough to buy it when it drops so having access to the exclusive features of it outside the game would be an apt substitute.

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    Oh man… although expected… this sucks. 

    I suppose getting new tracks does take the sting out of this a little bit, so it is sort of exciting… although Jun’s work on Sonic 4 was very much a 50/50 affair for me (quality / annoying tunes).

    Would have gone with Tee Lopes recomposing these personally, especially after the bangers from Mania - it’s more of a surprise they didn’t actually…

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    As Someone who played so Sonic 3, I really like the Original Music of the Game and I think I am sad about the themes not returning but I will get used to the Tracks from the PC Collection Port of the Game, and I was worried that Tee Lopes might rearrange this but I am excited that Jun Senoue (one of the composers of the Original Version) might be remixing the Prototype Tracks for the Sonic Origins version of Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

    Also I think If they add Mod Support, People will port the original MJ Tracks to the Game and I like the PC Collection Tracks and I think The Ice Cap Zone Theme will be the same and it is not the same as the Original, It is a remixed version of the Prototype Version of the Track and I gotta say This Game is looking good. 

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    If I knew we were just getting the PC collection/Beta versions of the music with the genesis remixes we heard in the beta version and various fan hacks, then I would have no problem with this. I'm skeptical about entirely new tracks. 

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    Deep Dive Devin


    3 minutes ago, McGroose said:

    If I knew we were just getting the PC collection/Beta versions of the music with the genesis remixes we heard in the beta version and various fan hacks, then I would have no problem with this. I'm skeptical about entirely new tracks. 

    Well...I don't think they are entirely new, that's why they said Senoue is adapting music from 1993. Thing is, even though the beta tracks we've heard sound way better than the PC versions, they probably weren't final. I'm guessing they're just gonna futz around with the mixes a bit until they've got it sounding the way they want to.

    Worst-case scenario, you rely on mods to get the version you want, which you were probably already gonna do anyway since the PC/beta version of ice cap is way less cool than hard times.


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    Monkey Destruction Switch


    This is pretty sad and disappointing. Ice Cap Zone is one of the best pieces of music I've ever heard from a video game, and the other copyright-unfriendly tracks are good too. I was already not interested in Sonic Origins for various reasons, but adding another reason to the pile is not pleasant :(

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    Just wondering, would you guys like to see these tracks redone in the game if they are using the prototype versions?


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    I've been saying for years that the PC soundtrack has always been my personal preference, but obviously this is going to sting for a lot of people. It's just a shame that SEGA couldn't come to an agreement with the rights-holders regarding the final Mega Drive soundtrack. 

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: Metal

    New music is unexpected. I certainly just thought the beta/PC tracks were gonna be used instead. Neat though, now we have 3 official soundtracks for a number of these stages.

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    It was expected, but yeah, this really stings. Honestly, more than I thought, too. Like, yeah, the beta tracks are all really good and I love listening to them; the Carnival Night tracks, the Competition theme, and Launch Base Act 1 are all bops. Playing through the game hearing those tracks is definitely not a bad time by any means.... but for me, it pales in comparison to the original tracks. The original version of all 3 level themes fit so perfectly, the idea of not hearing them in the definitive official version of 3&K just feels wrong, man. They give those levels such a distinct flavor (especially Carnival Night Act 2 and Launch Base Act 2, absolute perfection in terms of level-song pairing) that it's hard to forgive losing them, despite how necessary it is and how good the replacements are.

    IDK man, it really does suck that the best game in the franchise can't be remade without compromises like this. Worse for me too, since my platform of choice is Xbox and I can't just mod in the original music there. All that said, however, I'd rather this happen than not get the game at all, and I'm excited to hear the finished versions of those beta tracks, considering how good those tracks were to begin with.

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