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  • RUMOR: A Sonic Frontiers Sequel Is In Development!

    Let's do the Cyloop again!

    Sonic Frontiers was a sales success, we know that much. The open-zone formula still has a lot of potential too. So, it isn't out of the realm of possibility that Sonic Frontiers will get a sequel someday. Sure enough, not only is there now a rumor swirling around that it will, but it is actually in development right now!

    What makes this rumor a little different from the others isn't just the fact that it's about the next 3D Sonic game. It's that not one but two well-known insiders have actually shared information on it. The insider that originally shared the news is DanielRPK, who did so via his Patreon. DanielRPK is mainly known for insider information on movies and television series, he does occasionally offer some info in relation to video games. So, it's not all that surprisng that he's done this.

    Of course, if you're looking for corroboration from a more video gaming focused insider, you don't have to look far. Midori has tweeted that, yes, it is correct information. However, it is worth clarifying that the game is only being considered a sequel to Sonic Frontiers because its gameplay is similar. It may have another name entirely, and said name is subject to change. Remember that Sonic Frontiers was originally going to be called Sonic Rangers when it was in development.

    That all said, this isn't official information from SEGA and/or Sonic Team. Because of this, I must remind you once more that, as long as it remains that way and nothing is officially confirmed, always treat rumors with an open mind. Sometimes rumors are confirmed true, sometimes they're confirmed false. Sometimes they had been true at the time the insider's information was shared, only for the developers to change their mind behind-the-scenes. There's a lot of factors involved to keep in mind. Nevertheless, whenever SEGA announces their next 3D Sonic game, we'll let you know! In the meantime, here's Midori's tweet providing additional details about the rumor:


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    Shiny Gems

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    I'm all for a Sonic Frontiers 2 especially with them fixing all the things that had gone wrong with the first one all I can really say is I'm excited and I'm hoping the rumor is true, Let's just hope Sega doesn't chicken out this time, or even rush this production cuz we all know how that turns out. (Cough cough- Forces cough). 

    I wanna see more thoo! XD

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    Posted (edited)

    I enjoyed Sonic Frontiers immensely so I'd be pretty excited for this. Just have to fix the pop-in and touch up the graphics to not look like Unreal Engine default graphics and we've already improved a lot from its predecessor!d3dmsow-78d4b2e7-ec60-4042-8838-aa9cfd6e0227-1903110037.gif.28b3db87ecfa4f9a37661a2d8a070e0a.gif

    Though a Sonic Adventure 3 would be more then tempting...

    Edited by KingSonicFan134
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    1 minute ago, SpeedyChilidogs said:

    I'm all for a Sonic Frontiers 2 especially with them fixing all the things that had gone wrong with the first one all I can really say is I'm excited and I'm hoping the rumor is true, Let's just hope Sega doesn't chicken out this time, or even rush this production cuz we all know how that turns out. (Cough cough- Forces cough). 

    I wanna see more thoo! XD

    I am hoping the same thing. I, no no, we don't want no rushed game!

    But I would like to see the extra playable characters return, and have them do things that were in the updates for the first Sonic Frontiers. Not just the new adventure mode in update 3, but the challenges that lead to the new Koco in either update 1 or 2 of the same game. Those challenges were fun!

    1 minute ago, KingSonicFan134 said:

    I enjoyed Sonic Frontiers immensely so I'd be pretty excited for this. Just have to fix the pop-in and touch up the graphics to not look like Unreal Engine default graphics and we've already improved a lot from its predecessor!

    Though a Sonic Adventure 3 would be more then tempting...

    I think they could do that eventually. The graphics thing though does sound like a neat idea!

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    Cosmos Rogue


    Sure, why not. They as much told us a Frontiers 2 was inevitable when they kept banging on the point that Frontiers was the future of the franchise.

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    11 minutes ago, KingSonicFan134 said:

    Though a Sonic Adventure 3 would be more then tempting...

    Yooo, Honestly real, If only there was a chance it could happen. 

    10 minutes ago, Shiny Gems said:

    I am hoping the same thing. I, no no, we don't want no rushed game!

    But I would like to see the extra playable characters return, and have them do things that were in the updates for the first Sonic Frontiers. Not just the new adventure mode in update 3, but the challenges that lead to the new Koco in either update 1 or 2 of the same game. Those challenges were fun!

    Yes! I would love that lol, I just know it's gonna be so much fun to explore in this game, at least I would hope lol!

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    Just now, SpeedyChilidogs said:

    Yooo, Honestly real, If only there was a chance it could happen. 

    Yes! I would love that lol, I just know it's gonna be so much fun to explore in this game, at least I would hope lol!

    I hope so too! Hopefully, they improve and expand on what was in those updates, from the Koco challenges to the Adventure mode and it will be great! I, personally, will be set for life if they do these things right!

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    4 minutes ago, Shiny Gems said:

    I hope so too! Hopefully, they improve and expand on what was in those updates, from the Koco challenges to the Adventure mode and it will be great! I, personally, will be set for life if they do these things right!

    Lmao, Same here! They literally have the best formula of a good game all they gotta do is not mess it up, I guess all we can do is hope lol 

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    Just now, SpeedyChilidogs said:

    Lmao, Same here! They literally have the best formula of a good game all they gotta do is not mess it up, I guess all we can do is hope lol 

    Yep, we can only hope. At least they supposedly have a bigger team this time around; not that it would make too much of a difference, but it does help some.

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    3 minutes ago, Shiny Gems said:

    Yep, we can only hope. At least they supposedly have a bigger team this time around; not that it would make too much of a difference, but it does help some.

    Ayy, A bigger team can help, which means more ideas are being pushed around which is a good thing in my book. As long as they try to put something good on the table I'll be good with it. All I ask is don't put something in that doesn't make sense lmao. Sonic Frontiers had great potential, and in all that they offered they dished out a great game, now it's time to use the missed potential here. :ok:

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    Just now, SpeedyChilidogs said:

    Ayy, A bigger team can help, which means more ideas are being pushed around which is a good thing in my book. As long as they try to put something good on the table I'll be good with it. All I ask is don't put something in that doesn't make sense lmao. Sonic Frontiers had great potential, and in all that they offered they dished out a great game, now it's time to use the missed potential here. :ok:

    Exactly, SpeedyChilidogs!

    Still, Sonic Frontiers was made by a smaller team, and missed potential or not, I'd say how the game turned out with such a team is saying something, and does so some promise. Maybe not by a large margin, but still.

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    5 minutes ago, Shiny Gems said:

    Exactly, SpeedyChilidogs!

    Still, Sonic Frontiers was made by a smaller team, and missed potential or not, I'd say how the game turned out with such a team is saying something, and does so some promise. Maybe not by a large margin, but still.

    Lol Agreed! :)

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    CrownSlayers Shadow


    Part of me wants to say “damn, already?!” Cuz it’s only been two years since the first one.

    But we might not hear it too soon.

    Then again…

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    Just now, CrownSlayers Shadow said:

    Part of me wants to say “damn, already?!” Cuz it’s only been two years since the first one.

    But we might not hear it too soon.

    Then again…

    I honestly do think it is going to be a while before we hear of Sonic Frontiers' sequel. I mean, as a sequel to said game, it should have big areas that will take time to make before they can show anything.

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    7 minutes ago, CrownSlayers Shadow said:

    Part of me wants to say “damn, already?!” Cuz it’s only been two years since the first one.

    Two Years??? Well, Gosh Time flies by fast I had honestly forgotten... :ded:

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    Shade Vortex

    Posted (edited)

    This is such a nothing-burger 'news' article. So we might get a gameplay-style sequel... to a game that sold well... That Sonic Team already indicated was the approach going forward for the series? I would post shockedpikachu.gif but instead I'll just say "this is about as useful as predicting micro-transactions for the next mobile Sonic game".

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    1 hour ago, Shade Vortex said:

    This is such a nothing-burger 'news' article. So we might get a gameplay-style sequel... to a game that sold well... That Sonic Team already indicated was the approach going forward for the series?

    Well, since it's Sonic Team, there's never really an obvious way to go for Sonic Team really. Sonic Team doesn't exactly do the obvious.

    3 hours ago, Shiny Gems said:

    I hope so too! Hopefully, they improve and expand on what was in those updates, from the Koco challenges to the Adventure mode and it will be great! I, personally, will be set for life if they do these things right!

    For sure! The ideas are already, well, good ideas, but having a larger Dev Team, and more time to have the game's balance adjusted, those ideas could possibly evolve into great ideas!

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    Shade Vortex

    Posted (edited)

    22 minutes ago, KingSonicFan134 said:

    Well, since it's Sonic Team, there's never really an obvious way to go for Sonic Team really. Sonic Team doesn't exactly do the obvious.

    For sure! The ideas are already, well, good ideas, but having a larger Dev Team, and more time to have the game's balance adjusted, those ideas could possibly evolve into great ideas!


    Except that Iizuka has already stated this to be the case 2 years ago and nobody seems to remember...Sonic Team might always put things in a positive way for PR sake, but they don't outright lie about their future plans... They tend to do the things that they say that they're going to do, or at least try until it seems non-viable to continue.

    If one article from one site isn't enough, there's others, too.

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    Just now, Shade Vortex said:


    Except that Iizuka has already stated this to be the case 2 years ago and nobody seems to remember...Sonic Team might always put things in a positive way for PR sake, but they don't outright lie about their future plans...

    Oh...forgot about that article. Guess I didn't really pay much attention to it.

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    Sonic Team sticking to a certain gameplay style instead of switching to a new one with every game? I must be dreaming.

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    Sega DogTagz

    Posted (edited)

    Frontiers 2 is the most obvious sequel the franchise has tee'd up for itself since Adventure 2. Or at the very least since Rush 2.

    Its the first time since Adventure 2 that we all will be able to predict whats the next thing to come out of the main series tubes. We all know its coming. Speculative articles to that effect are just beating a dead horse for clicks.


    Saying that Frontiers 2 is in development is akin to telling me the sun is going to rise tomorrow. and the next day, and the next day.

    Edited by Sega DogTagz
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    Frontiers had good ideas but poor execution.

    Cyberspace was just a lazy excuse to reuse levels from previous Sonic games, exploring the islands was fun at first but got old somewhat quickly, the performance under Proton on my Linux machines at launch was unacceptable despite other Hedgehog Engine games working perfectly, the combat literally just boiled down to mashing buttons and the Titans were only fun once. I also found the game's photorealism to be boring to look at. I commend them for making the game a collectathon platformer, but I felt the token requirements rocketed up way too much on Ouranos Island

    Also, Sonic Frontiers kind of ruined Sonic lore. No, the Chaos Emeralds didn't have to be brought over by aliens and all that does is confuse matters. I'm also mixed on the Ancients being Chaoses - after the hype of "Whoa! It's that guy who I use as my desktop background!" wore off it just started to feel forced. I think they need to stop using aliens as a plot point because it's literally the third time they've done it.

    I can praise a few things though. Sonic Frontiers came out at the height of my Mega Man phase so I was all over the idea of sentient AI. Sage definitely scratched that itch. I also commend them for NOT making the game fully open world as that makes the development.

    For the sequel I'd suggest going for more, smaller islands with a greater variety of visual themes. I would also bring back the classic rolling physics because they're just plain fun and lean more in the collectathon direction; something like Mario Odyssey for example. As for combat, I'd likely simplify it and make it so that combat moves can also be used for platforming.

    As for the visual style, make it more colourful and make the animations more expressive. And, finally, stop rushing the games!

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    Please... Less cubes and pop-in, and I'll never ask for anything again... 

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    Sonic Frontiers was ambitious and actually seized upon its lofty goals but it was rough around the edges and had a long way to go in its design decisions.

    If Sega is just like "let's just do that again" then that isn't going to go over well with me. Environmental design integration is probably the biggest one for me (melding the setting and the Sonic-style gameplay that all the floating platforms and trick objects were trying to convey would go a long way).

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