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  • TSS REVIEW: Sonic Generations

    A decent adventure elevated by a rush of nostalgia gets its most thorough review yet.

    We’ve been celebrating Sonic’s 20th anniversary all year with various online and real-life events, contests and videos. It’s only right that an actual game be a part of the festivities. Sonic Generations is an interactive tribute to the series’ longevity and is one of the most fitting anniversary titles ever to be released. Why? It’s not because classic levels are re-imagined in 3D or that Sonic’s previously portly self is present.

    No, Sonic Generations is fitting because - in eerie, yet hilariously appropriate fashion - the game starts off incredibly strong, falters hard in the middle and yet shows a glimmer of hope at the end. It sums up the series’ history so perfectly, allowing you to ride the highs and lows of 20 years in one convenient, 4-hour package.


    The following review had the potential to be the most pointless thing I’ve ever written. Normally, a review is to help you decide whether or not to buy the game, but let’s be real here; if you’re at The Sonic Stadium, you’ve bought the game. You more than likely love the game. That being the case, I’m going to be more thorough than your typical TSS review, like how I review on Sonic Retro.



    I don’t need to go into detail on the story. You’re at The Sonic Stadium. You know what the story is and it simply serves as a device to get both Sonics logically in the same game. That’s all a Sonic story should be.

    The writing is substantially weaker than Sonic Colors. Tails is your source for exposition, Modern Sonic supplies the most groan-inducing quips in series history and Classic Sonic is as endearing as ever, saying more than anyone with simple body language. All of the other characters never say anything of worth and bombard you with inane “tips” when you battle Time Eater. The highlights are when the game attempts self-deprecation, riffing on bad decisions and rattling off inside jokes.

    Due to the writing, Roger Craig Smith doesn’t turn in a good performance here, but Kate Higgins does an admirable job doing not one, but two motor-mouth versions of Tails. Mike Pollock is… still untouchable. All of the other voices are garbage. There, I’m done talking about the story and voice acting.

    JUDGMENT: Thumbs Up

    FAVORITE SCENE: “That pink water makes me nervous.”


    Gameplay & Design

    Follow me here.

    The game begins and you’re thrown into a reimagining of Classic Green Hill. If you were born in the eighties, you’ll immediately feel that something is off at the first jump. Is it better than how Sonic 4 handles? Clearly, but it’s still not ideal. That amazing feeling of being in total control of a seemingly out-of-control character isn’t entirely there, and it’s an expected let down at this point - yet not game-breaking.

    Rolling still is abysmal, a disappointing trend that would be rectified with the proper game engine. Spin-dash is back, but it’s ridiculously over-powered, allowing Sonic Team to propel you to a more-than-fast-enough roll where you don’t notice that the walls and loops are scripted and don’t function well (even when you’re near the game’s speed cap).

    If you were born in the nineties, you probably won’t notice and life goes on. Everything is great. Nothing is bad.


    If you think it’s super funny that the original Sonic the Hedgehog is included to showcase all of Generations’ faults, you’re not alone. It’s super funny. For all the self-deprecation the game’s cut-scenes lay down on the Sonic franchise, the choice to include Sonic 1 is the crown jewel.

    It’s Modern Sonic’s turn now. This time, you’re not looking to 1991 for gameplay, you’re looking all the way back to… 2008 to Sonic Unleashed. Yeah, you thought I would say Sonic Colors, right? Well, unfortunately, Generations’ base is the Unleashed engine, as the welcome, minor improvements made to Modern Sonic in Colors are absent. Platforming at low speeds in 3D is, of course, a mess and doesn’t belong. The amount of moves Modern Sonic has to perform at such an insane speed also muddles the experience. Modern Sonic is at his strongest in 2D or when in an area that focuses on the “quick step.” Those two kinds of sequences are when Modern Sonic is at his absolute best.

    Again, if you grew up with Sonic in his current incarnation, you’re none the wiser. It’s another happy day in the park for you.


    Now, all of these issues are alleviated with thorough practice. Like, dude, I’m the best Sonic R player around and that game controls like a fresh turd. It’s such a bad game. Why am I so good at it then? The presentation in Sonic R has some strange charm that draws me to replay it and, unlike modern games prior to Colors, Sonic Generations has an appeal that can encourage your perfectionist desires (which I’ll elaborate on later). If you can survive all that frustration and memorization, have at it. You’re the man.

    You might be asking yourself at this point why I’m focusing so much on the game's flaws. Neither Classic nor Modern Sonic are unplayable. They’re competent, given the series’ history, but I have to highlight the flaws to make the following point: the gameplay of Sonic Generations is not actually a tale of two hedgehogs. It’s a tale of a developer that understands, and then somehow doesn’t understand, its own game.

    I mentioned earlier that Sonic Generations mirrors the path of the Sonic franchise in terms of quality over time. At the game’s outset, in the Genesis Era of the game, Sonic Team designs its levels in a way that minimizes the amount of times you encounter the game’s shortcomings. If you miss a jump or accidentally fly astray, there are lower paths that catch you - they're usually less fun and possess fewer red rings, but at least you didn’t fall in a pit and die. These stages are wide open and provide enough wiggle-room to accommodate the controls and physics. Green Hill, Chemical Plant and Sky Sanctuary are a blast for both Sonics and feature sprawling paths that require exploration and a bit of screwing around - leaving the player feeling satisfied and wanting to replay them.


    In the Dreamcast Era, some things appropriately start to slide, but it remains a fun experience. Bottomless pits, scripted sequences and grind rails start to become a bit more prevalent and the overall pacing of the game is definitely on the fast side of things, as one would expect from the Modern Sonic stages. Hitting all of the highlights, from helicopters to street-boarding, haven’t lost their rush after all these years. Those sequences are as great as you remember them. Seaside Hill has its moments, but it’s kind of forgettable.

    But, wouldn’t you know it… the Modern Era opens with Sonic 2006’s Crisis City and it’s… terrible? That’s the damndest thing! Ham-fisted platforming meets the dated Sonic model of killing the player for making the slightest mistake. Crisis City Classic is surprisingly neat, but the mixture of gale-force winds and sluggish acceleration will test your patience. Rooftop Run is not memorable at all. I just played the level to specifically insert a moment into this review, but I forgot what it was before sitting back at my computer. Planet Wisp, like Colors to the Sonic series at large, starts to win you back, but it’s somewhat tarnished by its monotonous, near 10-minute length.

    The inherent problem with the Modern Sonic stages is that they are just that: Modern Sonic stages. Instead of continuing to design around the limitations in their engine, the designers felt compelled to try and make Modern Sonic levels authentic to their respective source material, where a player’s curiosity will cause Sonic to go flying off into pits or fall through floors. The source material didn’t work in their respective, flawed engines, so why did they think it would work in Generations’ flawed engine? If they would had stuck to simply using a level’s theme and graphics and adapting well to the Generations design, then we would all have less problems.


    Even though he’s strictly 2D, Classic Sonic is not immune to issues in the latter half of the game. Modern levels punish the pudgy one for the tiniest misstep, putting crucial platforms just out of horizontal or vertical reach, all above nefarious pits. There are less branching paths and more cheap shots. Again, Sonic Team, your controls aren’t that tight. Design for the engine that you’ve built and not for what you think you have built.

    Sonic Generations’ gameplay proves itself to be convoluted through the return of the robot Chao, Omochao. If you need constant text, voice and button prompts during gameplay, that’s bad game design. Video games are best when they illustrate what you have to do through gameplay. If you have to constantly prompt the player to press buttons at all these given times with limited warning, then maybe there are too many actions for the player to handle or you didn’t give them enough time in a controlled environment.

    At the main menu, you can turn Omochao and the control tutorials off because we all know he is obnoxious. However, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage during a majority of the boss fights and the modern era stages. You have no idea what to do unless you read a walkthrough or turn Omochao on.

    With tutorials/Omochao on, the game is patronizing. Without them, the game doesn’t teach you enough through gameplay. There’s no middle ground. The latter third of the game is one, giant Carnival Night Barrel. Each stage presents its own set of rules and moves, so it’s difficult for a new player to quickly adjust and learn. The biggest offender here is Time Eater. When you approach him, a homing attack reticle appears on his weak spot. Throughout the course of the game, you are taught to press X to attack when you see this reticle. Well, that doesn’t work and the player is left alone in one of the worst boss fights in recent memory.

    When you need all of that explanation, you’ve made things too complicated and it noticeably impacts the game’s flow and direction. Maybe that’s why you only lose 25 rings at a time…

    JUDGMENT: Thumbs... Neutral

    Like Sonic 4, your mileage may vary depending on your Sonic history and experiences.

    FAVORITE PART: Breaking a bridge with Modern Sonic’s stomp in GHZ and uncovering a cool, new path to explore.


    Level Selection & Game Navigation

    Since I’m reviewing a compilation title of sorts, the level selection and hub world deserve their own section and verdict.

    If you’re like me and in your mid-twenties (or older), you probably feel old knowing that it has been 20 years since the original Sonic the Hedgehog crashed into our living rooms. You know what makes you feel older? The fact that Sonic’s ever-changing, inconsistent modern form has been around longer than the often fawned-over classic design.

    Taking that fact into consideration, it’s understandable why two-thirds of the game is post-1998. There are more modern games. What doesn’t make sense is repetition of level tropes. The Genesis Era takes you from a lush, green landscape to an intimidating facility to a ruin adrift in the clear, blue skies. The variety opens a vast well of creativity, giving the player something new to see and do as the game progresses.

    After that amazing rush, it gradually comes to a halt. The modern stage selection is also a comment on the last 12 years: same old, tired shit. You’re treated to a city at night, a city at day, a second green “hill,” a city under attack, a foreign city and a green landscape tarnished by industry. I know modern Sonic games have mostly taken place in the “real world,” but I know there are more tropes than green lands and cities in those games. There’s only so many times you can run on the sides of buildings or on scaffolding. It gets boring and screams, “lazy.”

    The stage selection seems to be based more on the popularity of the stage’s music more than making Sonic Generations a thematically diverse package.


    There’s a real missed opportunity here with Sonic Generations. Instead of more levels, you’re left with challenge levels within the set of 9. These challenges are 90% optional and while some of them are fun and clever, most of them are clearly showing the challenge mode’s “filler” nature. In one challenge, you have to stop what you’re doing, call on Rouge and have her shake her tits to distract robots long enough for you to kill them. Some challenges are that absurd.

    Challenges feature many level gimmicks not seen in the main acts. Why aren’t they? They would only enhance the experience on the part of the game that is mandatory. As mentioned earlier, Crisis City Classic was cool, but it needed something else to really bring it together. Well, the challenge stages had level gimmicks, like spiky seesaws, that could’ve really diversified the main act and made it memorable.

    The way you get to these challenge levels is a great example of how you not to create a hub world. Navigating the main acts is great, but you have to ascend awkward ramps, platforms and sometimes text in this Sonic purgatory to reach the multiple challenge doorways. Whatever happened to menus? Not only are the challenges filler, but also simply getting to them is a time-sink in itself.

    Instead of challenges, Sonic Team could’ve supplied more levels or, better yet, more bosses. There are a pitiful amount of bosses on display here and each one takes very few shots to defeat. Outside of Metal Sonic, the rival battles are confusing without Omochao and only seem to exist to tap into your happy memories for a brief moment. Special Stages are also a huge part of the Sonic legacy and they’re nowhere to be found in Sonic Generations.

    JUDGMENT: Thumbs Down

    FAVORITE ASPECT: Selecting levels from a list using “Online” mode.



    Nobody expects bad presentation from Sonic Team and they continue to deliver with gorgeous graphics and well-produced music.

    The graphics are solid, but there’s an iffy texture here and there if you happen to be moving slowly. If you’re playing on the consoles, you’re going to be disappointed at the game’s frame rate. Sonic needs to run at 60 FPS to be successful. At 30, it’s too hard to follow the action and Sonic can become lost in the detailed scenery.

    The true champion here is the music. Solid remixes of classic and modern tunes to suit, uh, classic and modern levels ensure that you’re in for an aural treat from start to finish. Each song evokes a past emotion and guarantees that you remember this second visit by adding some additional flair. The option to select from a wide library of other songs is nice (hell yeah, Toxic Caves), but many of the bonus songs sound like MIDI and thrown in without care.

    Nostalgia plays a huge role in Generations.


    The sheer amount of fan-service in this game is ridiculous. It’s so awesome. Clearly, all of the effort went into this aspect of the game. From the many Easter Eggs, musical cues and classic forms of characters, Sonic Generations might have the most fan-service ever included in a video game.

    All of the familiar sights, winks and nods make for one sick nostalgia trip that, upon contact, almost makes you forget all of the game’s flaws. The sense hits some people stronger than others (I mean, look at all those glowing reviews on Metacritic/our forums) and it’s undeniable that most of the game’s appeal lies here. If you’re a die-hard fan of the series, your devotion to useless knowledge will be rewarded here.

    I mentioned earlier that I became insanely good at a terrible game like Sonic R because it was presented with such charm. Sonic Generations oozes charm. Despite all the bad things I’ve said about it, the presentational aspect draws me back for brief spurts of play.

    JUDGMENT: Thumbs WAY Up!

    FAVORITE PART: Fighting Silver the Hedgehog with Palmtree Panic music.



    Sonic Generations is short, clocking in at 4-5 hours to beat the mandatory sections of the game. Even if you suck at the game during your initial play-through, you’ll probably walk away with B, A and S ranks and a handful of red rings. Deaths are limited to frequent trips to the abyss and that’s all. A level obstacle or enemy will never kill you because you only lose 25 rings at a time. It’s really sad.

    Online leaderboards are present, but the real attraction that I don’t see many people mentioning is the “30-Second Trial” mode, where you try and make it as far as you can in 30 seconds. I’ve never experienced a mode in Sonic so addicting. Whoever created this mode deserves a beer or two for actually extending the mileage of a game that was clearly desperate for it. Absolutely genius idea.

    But why is there a single save file? Who decided that one save file is a good idea? Fire that person.

    JUDGMENT: Thumbs Down

    FAVORITE TIME WASTER: 30-second trials, dude!



    Everybody is saying that this game “shows great promise for the future” and is “a step in the right direction.” I hate to break it to you, but Sonic Generations is a one-off deal that’ll never be happening again anytime soon. Classic Sonic is going back into the vault and Iizuka is already looking to create a new Modern Sonic. This game only services the present and the past; reminding us of the crazy ride we’ve all been on.

    Sonic Team put all of their eggs into the presentation and fan-service baskets to win back the hardcore-yet-jaded fans and the fans that haven’t paid attention in years. The marketing for Sonic Generations was nothing like we’ve seen before. It certainly worked. They’re paying attention now.

    However, nostalgia is a temporary fix unique to this game, a crutch that Sonic Team has been leaning on for the past few years. Bringing back Classic Sonic, Genesis stages and strictly 2D gameplay does not a good game make. These changes are simply cosmetic. Sonic Generations’ existence is conspicuously born from years of criticism and complaints, but the real ills with Sonic today still weren’t addressed.

    The remedy isn’t hermetically sealed in Green Hill Zone and has been apparent for over ten years; Sonic Team has no idea what’s wrong with its games on a fundamental level. Until they realize that tight controls, physics and level design ultimately trump presentation and nostalgia, we’ll continue to be stuck in our own Sonic purgatory.

    For having a mostly mediocre existence, Sonic gets an average adventure to celebrate with no indication on where he is headed. Sonic Generations is an inoffensive title that has frequent flashes of brilliance, but is once again hog-tied by legacy issues. Its strongest feature isn’t within the game, but rather, your memories.

    See? I told you Sonic Generations was the most appropriate anniversary release.


    Second Opinion

    @Detective Shadzter: Sonic Generations is a perfect celebration of Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary, and fans of both the classic Sonic titles and the modern titles will be happy with Sonic Team’s Birthday efforts. Classic Sonic’s gameplay handles very close to how it does in the original Mega Drive/Genesis Sonic titles and Modern Sonic has been tweaked with controls even tighter than those in Sonic Colours.

    All of the game’s nine stages you revisit have been given fresh redesigns with plenty of routes to explore in multiple playthroughs. Add Red Star Rings to collect, 10 missions for each stage (5 per Sonic), rankings and online leaderboards and you’ve got plenty of replay value. Sonic Generations is one of the best Sonic games of all time.

    JUDGMENT: Thumbs Up!


    Final Words


    + Copious amount of fanservice
    + Amazing graphics
    + A well-produced soundtrack spanning the series history (even a few of the spin-offs)
    + Layered level design with many alternate paths
    + The first half of the game
    + Classic Sonic’s reactions to anything
    + Great 2D platforming areas for both Sonics
    + Getting all S-Ranks
    + 30-Second Trials


    + Most of the writing
    + The quality of a few of the alternate music tracks
    + (Unless you’re a veteran) Convoluted Modern Sonic controls
    + Drifting
    + The hub world
    + Challenges
    + The latter half of the game’s level design
    + Lack of multiple save files
    + The meagre selection of stages and bosses
    + Omochao and his unfortunate, occasional necessity
    + The lack of difficulty, artificially created by bottomless pits
    + The short length

    • Both the main review and second opinion were based on the PS3 version of the game.
    • Special thanks to Ian (bmn) for providing the HD game footage.

    NOTE: A score was not given at time of original publication. To align with our 5-star rating system (introduced in 2022), we have given it a posthumous grade that best represents the original intent and sentiment of the overall article. This is not a re-scoring of this review.

    The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. All proceeds will go to supporting our community and continued coverage of Sonic the Hedgehog. Thank you in advance for your kind support!

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: dark ninja


    Amy’s VA needs to be fired. It’s like needles in my ears

    Is it just me or did Amy’s new voice sound like Minnie Mouse?

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    On 11/8/2011 at 10:42 PM, Slingerland said:

    Sonic R is pretty shitty, man, but it’s got some sort of strange appeal with me. I don’t know why. I was, like, 10-years old or some shit. I just got super good at its awful controls.

    Haha, it’s the same story with me; I know Sonic R isn’t all that special, but strangely I love it all the same. I suppose it’s the music, and maybe how the courses are designed. But its short length and “meh” controls do mark it down a little.

    I only skimmed the review for the moment (I don’t want too much of it affecting anything I plan on writing any time soon…) but I do agree with some of the points you made, particularly with regards to level selection, the short length, the bare-bones (if not annoying) writing and the game’s reliance more on nostalgia and celebrating Sonic’s 20th rather than pushing further––perhaps explaining how these games all fit together in the Sonic mythology. I thought the level design was consistently strong for the most part in the game, and there wasn’t one that really stood out as horrible… (though Planet Wisp is offensively long, I admit). That said, it’s a fun ride, even it’s a short one.

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: Generalization

    Way to generalize Brad, some of us who were born in the early 90’s still grew up with classic Sonic, and were just as concerned about the physics as you 80’s folk. You didn’t even mention that Sonic Team put the Insta Shield in from Sonic 3, among other nice easter eggs that you have to earn. What’s that called again? Replay value, LONGEVITY! FUUUUU!

    Also you can turn off Omochao what the hell?

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: Beau

    Wow, completely disagree with this review. I’ve loved the gameplay since Unleashed, and it’s tighter than it’s even been in Generations. I had very few problems with the game – I even felt at times the levels were very well designed to PREVENT cheap deaths, even if you’re boosting. As for classic Sonic, his movement and jumps do feel a bit limiting, but when I embraced the design decisions and developed my skill, I felt like a pro by the time I reached Crisis City. It’s not exactly how it was, which is kind of disappointing – but perhaps that’s not what they were really aiming for, despite their implications.

    I don’t want to come off as a fanboy and say that everything was perfect in the game, but I think it was pretty dang close. I think that the modern half, in fact, has been the most fun I’ve had with Sonic since S3&K. This review feels really snobbish to me – Like “it wasn’t exactly how it used to be” and “it’s not what a modern Sonic should be.” Nitpicking what a game wasn’t instead of appreciating what it is says ‘fanboy’ to me way more than glossing over flaws because of how much you enjoyed it.

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: Will


    Is it just me or did Amy’s new voice sound like Minnie Mouse?

    You and me have the same opinion. When I heard her voice i said why is minnie mouse speaking over Amy’s voice.

    On 11/9/2011 at 12:23 AM, Goma said:

    I’m surprised you didn’t mention any of the glitches in this game, because there are A LOT. At one point, I was attacking Time Eater, then suddenly both Super Sonics turned around and boosted in the complete opposite direction!!

    Anyway, we’ve still got the 3DS version to come yet! You might think it’s not got any hope, but it ain’t over till the Eggman sings!

    Actually there are a lot of people who think that the 3DS has a lot of hope. Me included.

    On 11/9/2011 at 12:42 AM, Dantemustdie00 said:

    I will definately agree with the Level selection, Especially with the towards the 3DS version.

    the stages in that are even less diverse than the consoles.

    Green hill – tropical
    Chemical plant – factory
    Sky Sanctuary – Sky
    Speed Highway – City
    City Escape – City
    Seaside Hill – Beach/tropical
    Crisis City – City
    Rooftop Run – City
    Planet Wisp – Green field/base

    Green Hill – tropical
    Casino Night – Casino
    Mushroom Hill – Jungle/forest
    Emerald Coast – Beach
    Radical Highway – City
    Windmill Isle – Town/Island village
    Tropical Resort – Space/Carnival

    yeah the 3ds version doesn’t have diverse level tropes 😉
    Especially since having 4 city stages is very diverse indeed

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: waaurufu

    On 11/8/2011 at 10:42 PM, Slingerland said:

    Sonic R is pretty shitty, man, but it’s got some sort of strange appeal with me. I don’t know why. I was, like, 10-years old or some shit. I just got super good at its awful controls.

    Oh, Sonic R, it controls like you’re ice skating with skates made of butter. Can you feel the sunshine, man?

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: Will

    Shadzter, I don’t agree that much with the first review, but he has a lot of strong arguments that you should have counteracted with your second opinion.

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: Dr. Robotnik

    I enjoyed the game. My complaints are:

    -Way too short, could have added more zones. Like 1 from Sonic CD, S&TSR, and heck even 1 from Shadow the Hedgehog.

    -Too easy, seriously I’ve got S ranks on almost all the stages and bosses on my first try.

    -The challenges are lame and could have been put to more zones and bosses. I mean look at all the old bosses they could have re-done bio-lizard, Metal Overlord, Black Doom, Dark Gaia, Iblis, Mephiles, Any Eggman boss.

    -Shadow and Amy’s VA! Seriously they SUCK ASS! The 4kids actors for those two were much better. The other characters were decent though. Mike Pollack still kicks ass as Eggman!

    -Planet Wisp. Seriously I hated the wisps in Sonic Colors (and that game). I felt they were annoying broke the flow and were hard to control. When I heard there was going to be a Colors stage I cringed, fearing they would use those damn wisps and to my dismay they were there and as annoying as ever. The spike was way too overused and once again clunky to control. The rocket wasn’t hard to control but still annoying as hell. Just like the original level the stage was only good when you were ”in the green” and started sucking once you got to the factory.

    -Classic Rooftop Run the level design was very weird and disoriented. Too many cheap hits.
    -The Story was bland and forgettable. I’m the one who is ”gameplay first, story second” but it’s like they didn’t even try (which was probably the point). I mean there’s got be a perfect balance (the Adventure series) but they don’t want to focus on Story too much and forget about the gameplay (Sonic 06 and Shadow).

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: Will


    I enjoyed the game. My complaints are:

    -Way too short, could have added more zones. Like 1 from Sonic CD, S&TSR, and heck even 1 from Shadow the Hedgehog.

    -Too easy, seriously I’ve got S ranks on almost all the stages and bosses on my first try.

    -The challenges are lame and could have been put to more zones and bosses. I mean look at all the old bosses they could have re-done bio-lizard, Metal Overlord, Black Doom, Dark Gaia, Iblis, Mephiles, Any Eggman boss.

    -Shadow and Amy’s VA! Seriously they SUCK ASS! The 4kids actors for those two were much better. The other characters were decent though. Mike Pollack still kicks ass as Eggman!

    -Planet Wisp. Seriously I hated the wisps in Sonic Colors (and that game). I felt they were annoying broke the flow and were hard to control. When I heard there was going to be a Colors stage I cringed, fearing they would use those damn wisps and to my dismay they were there and as annoying as ever. The spike was way too overused and once again clunky to control. The rocket wasn’t hard to control but still annoying as hell. Just like the original level the stage was only good when you were ”in the green” and started sucking once you got to the factory.

    -Classic Rooftop Run the level design was very weird and disoriented. Too many cheap hits.
    -The Story was bland and forgettable. I’m the one who is ”gameplay first, story second” but it’s like they didn’t even try (which was probably the point). I mean there’s got be a perfect balance (the Adventure series) but they don’t want to focus on Story too much and forget about the gameplay (Sonic 06 and Shadow).

    Colors is a great game in my eyes. What controls were you using? I felt the nunchuck and wiimote combo difficult to handle and the wiimote by itself to be a better control scheme for me.

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    TSS Classic Comment Bot


    Posted By: Kevin X. N

    So glad there are other people absolutely swooning over 30 Second Trial mode like I am. If it weren’t for the fact that you’ll eventually push yourself further than any of your friends (or yourself) will ever be able to top, this mode alone would almost make the purchase completely worth it.

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    Its one thing to be critical, and another to be honest. Sonic hasn’t always had a solid delivery every time to some. Personally I have never had a beef with this remix of the classic and modern combined. 06 was an interesting journey that I would never forget taking, because it was the comeback that almost killed the franchise. For this generation the gaming audience is getting tougher to please because more of them want something else. And Sonic (like a certain plumber) don’t seem to fit in that world anymore.

    Generations to me, is the best birthday cake possible. It delivers something that we may not ever see again.

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    I always hated how short this game was and how easy the bosses were. I did love how they made Shadow’s battle interesting, instead of just hit and run…er…run and hit. The level design wasn’t that bad. Sure Classic Seaside Hill was…and Classic Rooftop Run was…and those invisible walls…but still pretty good. Also, this game is REALLY glitchy, but unlike in Unleashed or Colors, some of these glitches are actually fun to perform, like having that 3D-style camera for Classic Sonic in Rooftop Run. Most of the time, glitches involve screwing up your speedruns by making you stop or wedging you inbetween a large platform, making you restart the entire thing…

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    Posted By: Will

    On 11/9/2011 at 6:24 AM, kadosho said:

    Its one thing to be critical, and another to be honest. Sonic hasn’t always had a solid delivery every time to some. Personally I have never had a beef with this remix of the classic and modern combined. 06 was an interesting journey that I would never forget taking, because it was the comeback that almost killed the franchise. For this generation the gaming audience is getting tougher to please because more of them want something else. And Sonic (like a certain plumber) don’t seem to fit in that world anymore.

    Generations to me, is the best birthday cake possible. It delivers something that we may not ever see again.

    So says the critical success of both galaxy titles.

    Well lets hope that the 3ds can please this reviewer.

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    Posted By: Advanced Challenge!

    Nice review. Of course fanboys are gonna disagree with you. fans will see a few flaws that are present but don't really fuck the game up and fanboys are in denial. but overall the game is ok. i knew it wasn’t gonna be perfect. this is sonic in 3d.

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    Posted By: kakashiisagod

    I guess my biggest complaint is that lack polish Sonic games are getting these days. Even a game like Sonic R, which to was short, had a sense of polish for its time. I may have not been totally aware of it at the time (I was in second Grade), but the old Sonic games I would say up to maybe Sonic Adventure 2 felt complete, finished products. Its hard to put in to words… but the lack of CGI movies especially the intro made the game feel less epic to me. Think about how you felt watching the Sonic Adventure Opening on your Dreamcast for the first time, or even Sonic Unleashed’s opening. Both of those games had, in my opinion, truly epic opening movies. plenty of CGI was shown leading up to this release, i wonder what happened to it…

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    Posted By: FoxBoy

    On 11/8/2011 at 10:42 PM, Slingerland said:

    Story: It’s super important, amirite?

    Depends on the game. This game has a great excuse.

    But for most other Sonic games, as long as it’s gonna be there it mine as well be good for a change. lol Sure, a lazy story like we’ve had recently is alright, but a more well-written story would just be better. And don’t assume I want a Sonic 06 over-complex story with far too much drama. That’s going overboard and isn’t “more well-written” at all. XD

    On 11/8/2011 at 11:13 PM, ProjectZuel said:

    I think people hated Transformer movies because the writing was terrible and the characters bland. I don’t want to see a giant robot pissing on someone, thankyou.

    I hadn’t heard that anyone really hated the Transformers movies until the second one came out and got bad reviews. And even then most people I come across still liked it enough to find the reviews I told them about way too exaggerated. I now hear SOME ppl hate on those films, but most ppl still love them. Thus the third film gained a LOT of success on release until Harry Potter kicked it’s ass. lol

    Otherwise I also recall the first one being quite popular.
    Oh well. To each their own. I love those films. Mostly the first one admittedly. xD


    Call me an optimist, or a bad sonic fan, but I actually really love this game.


    Nah no one’s gonna call you a bad sonic fan for that. And maybe you are an optimist. That’s not really bad.
    And most people agree with you so far. I do. This game is GREAT except for the final boss. lol

    On 11/8/2011 at 11:22 PM, Darkgomugomu said:

    I did find the story really lackluster. But i find a strange irony in the fact that people begged for Sonic to have a simple story since 06. Now we have it, but now people complain about it? I’m not poking fingers, but i just found it strange. Also i didn’t find the 3D sections that bad. The controls were more tight than any other 3D sonic game, and the 3D/2D was way more balanced than Unleashed or Colors.

    Nah. People wanted something more simple than 06, not so simple a 3 year old would understand it.

    Then there were other people who DID want to pretend to be a kid again and asked for plots simple enough for a 3 year old to comprehend! (Something on par with the new stupid My Little Pony series. lol)

    Overall, this is what it was taken as and Sonic Team is writing incredibly simple plots.

    Those who asked for it are pleased and those who didn’t are mostly just tolerant but not impressed. (And few are even disappointed)

    That’s what you’re seeing. lol

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    Detective Shadzter



    Shadzter, I don’t agree that much with the first review, but he has a lot of strong arguments that you should have counteracted with your second opinion.

    I didn’t see Brad’s review beforehand. We were both giving our thoughts on the game, not debating them.

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    Posted By: Shadow Belmont


    You and me have the same opinion. When I heard her voice i said why is minnie mouse speaking over Amy’s voice.

    And I though that the last story of Shadow was filled with crap children talk, but when I listened the repetitive kids screams in Time Eater, that’s, yes sir, is an absurd…

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    Posted By: Silver-Sama

    From 2007 to 2011 and can not play the other characters in the adventure games I think it should be Tim Sonic Aato chance for the characters of other games and we want a long life in the future and not just Sonic alone playable

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    This is the best review I have seen for this game. Finally someone else out there agrees that modern sonic is too complicated to control. Maybe its just me, but I think that modern sonic for the most part should be a pick up and play game like classic sonic. I understand the arguments that you just get used to it, but its still not solving the problem. I mean you have to use every button on that damn 360 pad for some of these levels. Maybe its just me but I find it hard to believe that Sega cannot simplify the controls for modern sonic.

    I hate to compare him to mario, but Mario Galaxy is essentially a 3 button game. Sonic has now gone from being a one button game to a 8 button game at times. I love all the idea they do in Modern Sonic and want to keep playing it, but a part of me wishes for something with a more streamlined control system. Also I have no problem playing Modern Sonic, I just got used to it. I just wish it didn’t have such a steep learning curve in my opinion. Also whenever you are in a 3d environment with him WOW. its like the game just comes to crawl. It seems their way to fix this problem is now to just guide you through the 3d sections with homing attack. Platforming is still a complete mess in 3d, and I wonder if they could ever actually fix it at this point. I know this post sounds negative, but I actually really LOVE the game I am having a blast playing it. Just have to get around the issues.

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    Posted By: Trogdorbad

    I have to say, this is spot on for the most part. I turned off Omochao the day the game came out, and haven’t turned him on since. Sure, Time Eater and the last hit on Silver were bitches to figure out, but I did it anyways. Time Eater is a pain as well, but easy enough when you figure out what to do. I don’t know how you could have trouble with Shadow – his fight’s not hard to figure out. Grab two Energy Cores, boost-to-win into meteors, boost-to-win into Shadow. I will admit, the bosses are surprisingly easy on Hard Mode. I went and fought almost all of them with Splash Hill Zone playing for absolutely no reason other than I could. Sure, the story is short, but then doing the missions can be fun. Best mission ever is Rooftop Rail Grind and you all know it. Super Sonic is probably the biggest disappointment for me – Classic Super Sonic isn’t any faster than normal Classic Sonic, and all he does is jump higher, be yellow, and be invincible. Modern Super Sonic is ok, but holy shit quit flying I don’t want to fly I just want to do a normal boost. Also dammit SEGA quit calling Classic Robotnik Classic Eggman. HE WASN’T EGGMAN BACK THEN. Also where are Classic Amy and Knuckles? Come on, SEGA, if we have Classic Tails, why not them as well?

    Oh yeah, one more thing – why can’t we use Super Sonic to fight Perfect Chaos? You crushed my dreams with that one, SEGA.

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    On 11/9/2011 at 2:15 PM, mrstupes said:

    This is the best review I have seen for this game. Finally someone else out there agrees that modern sonic is too complicated to control. Maybe its just me, but I think that modern sonic for the most part should be a pick up and play game like classic sonic. I understand the arguments that you just get used to it, but its still not solving the problem. I mean you have to use every button on that damn 360 pad for some of these levels. Maybe its just me but I find it hard to believe that Sega cannot simplify the controls for modern sonic.

    I hate to compare him to mario, but Mario Galaxy is essentially a 3 button game. Sonic has now gone from being a one button game to a 8 button game at times. I love all the idea they do in Modern Sonic and want to keep playing it, but a part of me wishes for something with a more streamlined control system. Also I have no problem playing Modern Sonic, I just got used to it. I just wish it didn’t have such a steep learning curve in my opinion. Also whenever you are in a 3d environment with him WOW. its like the game just comes to crawl. It seems their way to fix this problem is now to just guide you through the 3d sections with homing attack. Platforming is still a complete mess in 3d, and I wonder if they could ever actually fix it at this point. I know this post sounds negative, but I actually really LOVE the game I am having a blast playing it. Just have to get around the issues.

    I think Colors had it right when it came 3D platforming..it’s just that they did’nt use that formulae this time..

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