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What stages DON'T you want to see?


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I don't want ANYTHING from Sonic 2. Hated that game.

Or... Wave Ocean, Hydrocity, Sandopolis, or... Yeah, that's it.

I would say I don't want anything from S1, but boy would I get flames the FUCK out of.

Anywho, what DON'T you want to see?

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Bullet Station

Labyrinth Zone

Marble Garden Zone

Metropolis Zone

These levels, they're just, uhg. Hate them :/

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Seaside Hill, Casino Park, and Final Fortress. Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing already did em up pretty good. I'd like to give the other levels a chance to be all HD.

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Emerald Coast, Speed Highway, Mushroom Hill, Angel Island, Seaside Hill... Mainly because the tropes aren't particularly groundbreaking compared to what we've got.

And I want Lost World or Sky Deck, darn it. D:

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Any level that will prevent me from seeing Hydrocity and Twinkle Park has to be relegated to the 3DS version, DLC if Sega's going to go that far, or left out entirely.

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Emerald Hill

Angel Island (Zone)

Planet Wisp (Waste of space. Least deserving Colours stage to get a spot.)

Metropolis (F*** you)

Labyrinth (See Metropolis)

Sandopolis (Pyramid Cave deserves the 'sand' level spot.) Probably lots more, but they're the main ones i can think of.

Edited by MobileChikane
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Bullet Station

Labyrinth Zone

Marble Garden Zone

Metropolis Zone

This, basically. Along with the addition of Scrap Brain Zone to the list.

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I don't want ANYTHING from Sonic 2. Hated that game.

Or... Wave Ocean, Hydrocity, Sandopolis, or... Yeah, that's it.

I would say I don't want anything from S1, but boy would I get flames the FUCK out of.

Anywho, what DON'T you want to see?

One you already are probably gonna get flamed because you don't want anything from Sonic 2. Not to start an argument but why do you hate the Sonic 2? I mean sure nothing was breath taking about it but it was still a very good game.

Well I really don't care what they add as long as it's not an annoying Casino stage (SONIC ADVENTURE) or anything that requires me to play pinball just to pass the level. As long as I get my Sky Sanctuary (DAMN GOOD REMAKE) I could basically care less about the rest of the stages they add.

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No more X Hill Zones, no more city stages, marble garden, marble, scrap brain, hill top, ...everything else i'm fine with as long as it's got a good level gimmick. I do think they should do a stage from Sonic 4 (Lost Labyrinth) to show SHRIMPS how it's done. But what are the chances xD

I'd also prefer Metropolis Zone over Chemical plant simply because of the music

Edited by Gartocer
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Really? That's the only reason you dislike Sonic 2? Sure, I hate Tails in the special stage parts too, but seriously? I don't hate the entire game because of it. Sonic 2 is really fun otherwise ^_^

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The version Of the game I played didn't give me the ability to disable Him.

Who can Blame me.

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Anything GHZ related I don't want to see since we already have GHZ. Ocean Palace isn't quite GHZ so that could almost be an exception, but still.

I don't want to not see anything from outer space, as that should be a given for this game. :P

The version Of the game I played didn't give me the ability to disable Him.

Who can Blame me.

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Not expecting Sonic 2 is just plain unrealistic. Not only was that game the debut of Tails, but it has many memorable stages, solid gameplay, and a fantastic soundtrack.

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If you could access the Sound Test and SFX, you could access the feature that turns off Tails as it's right there with them.
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eggmanland ****ing hated it took me like 59 minutes to beat and i died like crazy with regular sonic,final fortress hated it sky deck hated it twilight carnival hated it

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Jokes aside....the casino level in Sonic 3. My god, that barrel. X_X

Edited by Ryusuke
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Marble zone.

Any more city stages

Anymore stages with the word "hill" in them

Anything from shadow sans those cyberspace levels or the gun fortress

Empire city



Hill top zone

Sandopolis ( DAMN. GHOSTS!!!!!)

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