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Call it a counter-opinion piece, if you like. We like to cover all points in the Sonic world, and clearly Sonic 4 has been one of the most controversial game reveals in years (at least for Sonic). As much as Brad outlined potential negatives with using the Sonic 4 name, so too do I bring forth the argument that there's really nothing to worry about until we see some more concrete gameplay footage and evidence to the fears some fans have.

If you think there's something going on between me and Brad, by the way, don't. We're chill dogs. :)

So, er, debate/opinions. Go.

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I support this article.

The biggest complaint is the use of modern Sonic rather than classic, black-eyed assface.

TSS quote of the year nominee right here.

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Call it a counter-opinion piece, if you like. We like to cover all points in the Sonic world, and clearly Sonic 4 has been one of the most controversial game reveals in years (at least for Sonic). As much as Brad outlined potential negatives with using the Sonic 4 name, so too do I bring forth the argument that there's really nothing to worry about until we see some more concrete gameplay footage and evidence to the fears some fans have.

If you think there's something going on between me and Brad, by the way, don't. We're chill dogs. :)

So, er, debate/opinions. Go.

Fans are just worried that this will end up being hyped to no end only to find out it's garbage, just like how everybody (and I mean everybody) was reeled into Nextgen only to find out that supposedly "what everybody had been waiting for" was a world of telekinetic weedhogs with apocolyptic realistic worlds and human princesses and demonic beasts that alter time and emohogs and emohog doppelgangers and vehicles and glitches and broken physics and broken general gameplay and bad loading screens and overall trash. However, let's look at what Sonic 4 has done and what Nextgen didn't: Sega told us what they were doing, and gave proof.

When Nextgen came out, all we knew what that supposedly Sega was "going back to Sonic's roots". Although this was also said for Sonic 4, they've given proof that they are sticking to their word; unlike Nextgen, which had them just say "roots lol" and leave it at that, only to find out it was the exact opposite. Sonic 4 has already told us the gameplay is momentum-based, already told us (and shown us) it's 2.5D and HD, they've already shown they're bringing back classic Badniks, and that they're bringing back classic environments. They've proven it all already (besides the gameplay bit, which is hopefully true). And just because of Nextgen leaving us with a bad taste in our mouth when it came to hyping Sonic games, purists go BAWWWW when they see green-eyed Sonic and the Homing Attack return just for the sake of consistency with the series, possibly thinking that the game is already down the crapper just because they saw stuff that was also in Nextgen, and then the nitpicking frenzy began, and flamewars ensued.

I'm just ready for Sega to prove some mugs wrong. Things are gonna get retro in 2010. I can feel it.

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If you think there's something going on between me and Brad, by the way, don't. We're chill dogs. :)

Total broniks.

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This is an article I can get behind.

Perhaps it would have been in Sega's best interest to retain footage until they had more than three seconds worth. I mean, face it, we're nerds. We have to find SOMETHING to nitpick about to get through the day, and it may as well be something legitimate, rather than "the rings are slightly too thick." What's next? The flower heads rotate half a second too slow?

Cautious optimism is the best way to go, IMO. Total optimism leads to disappointment if the game's not perfect and total pessimism leads to becoming so wrapped up in expecting the game to fail that you WANT it to fail.

And you know what? Even if this game does fail, I won't be angry. Sonic games are still selling like hotcakes; even 06 went Platinum. Sega really doesn't have a reason to impress classic fans. In fact, they have less of a reason to; I'm not speaking definitively here, but most of the retrofans I've seen seem substantially harder to impress than newer ones. Robotnik called Eggman? Ruined forever. Homing attack present? Insta-fail. It's just easier for them to subscribe to a group with a generally looser level of tolerance for the new turns the series takes, for better or worse. They don't need a "Sonic 4" to keep this series alive (at least not yet, anyway.) This whole game is an act of goodwill towards classic fans, and even if it does end up terrible, it's still a great action on Sega's part.

Edited by SuperStingray
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You mean people are actually complaining about him having green eyes? Dear god.

Is it for certain as to whether he does or doesn't have his shoe buckles in this, yet?

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Eh, I'm a bit cautious to this like other Sonic games, worrying that it might suck on most or all aspects, though mostly about the gameplay. As for design/models, I don't mind either way, but the classic model would have fit best. Why? I guess it is for more nostalgia factor, and design continuity I suppose. With the new model used, does it really look like Sonic 4, a continuation after 3 or could you just as easily slap Sonic Rush 3 as the title, and never tell the difference? Eh, as said, designs are a minor issue.

Edited by AdventChild
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I definetly have to agree with this article. It's nice to see the owner of the site not freaking out because "OMG GREEN EYEZ!!11!" (which isn't an objectivley bad thing to begin with). Everyone has their opinion, but saying the entire game is bad because of a design that they don't personally like (but others do) and three seconds of gameplay (which doesn't look bad at all) is extremely nitpicky. Hopefully this article will open some people's eyes.

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I feel as if this is more of a classic homage than an actual sequel, so I'm not really bothered by the name "Sonic 4", it just adds to what's going to potentially make this game more special than if they named it "Sonic Classic" or something.

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Needs moar gumball green eyes though.

BTW I agree with the article and have nothing more to add so this was kinda off-topic... sorry? :P

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I feel as if this is more of a classic homage than an actual sequel, so I'm not really bothered by the name "Sonic 4", it just adds to what's going to potentially make this game more special than if they named it "Sonic Classic" or something.

WOW.... If it's an homage moreso than a sequel then why is it being called Sonic 4?

I fail to see the logic here. Maybe it's because if it was called Sonic 4 it should've been a direct sequel to Sonic 3 & Knuckles instead of an homage to the classics and rehashing things. Yes, I'm glad to see Motobug and the scrapped bat Badnik, but when they say "reinventing best machines" that sounds like all of the Badniks are going to be from previous games but with added details. THAT DOESN'T FLY. Hell, Sonic Advance is more worth calling Sonic 4 than this. All this looks like is a rehash with Modern Sonic's face slapped on it and with added cheapness by including a homing attack. Let's face it. A homing attack is cheap. Bosses would become way too easy because you could simply fly at them with the press of a button. All it does is make the game way too easy, and as it is, I was sick of the easy difficulty of Sonic Unleashed.

I say it right now. We deserved better. The game doesn't even look fun at this point. All it does is something the first 4 games (that's including CD and Sonic and Knuckles) and quite frankly if you already have it, then why bother paying for the same product without some heavy alteration? Something.. Dare I say it. NEW. We already have hack with the Homing Attack in a 2D field, and some have noticed that if you put a homing attack in Sonic 2, the bosses become noticeably easier. I didn't want a rehash, mediocrity, or an easy game. I wanted a worthy successor to Sonic 3 & Knuckles. With how fantastic Sonic 3 & Knuckles was, Sonic 4 is just ending in disappointment. I can feel it. If SEGA does somehow makes the game work well, then the remaining complaints is Sonic's design as well as Robotnik's.


Because THIS... Looks better than the newer Sonic. In fact, this I love. But as he said it....

"Keep dreaming."

Sigh... If only dreams could come true... If only.

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The game doesn't even look fun at this point.


*reads again*


Oh my god... I'm sorry but I have a feeling that we (those who aren't getting so up in arms over this game) are going to read a LOT of posts from fans who "Type. Like. THIS. Face it. They LIED to us. I say it right now. We deserved better. And so it is written."

From now on I'm just going to laugh instead of argue, because this is just getting silly.


Edited by Doctor Eggman
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(designed by Hew Jaymes)

Sega needs some of this mess. Green eyes and slightly more detailed shoe soles, but also with the small, agile, and infinite charm of classic Sonic. :3 And the Robotnik is awesome as well.

Edited by Azukara
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*watches the trailer...AGAIN*

I'll say that Sega troll'd us about Sonic's appearance but Dude...

Dude all I can say is we gotta wait to see more stuff. I can't say that the game doesn't look fun until I see Sonic actually do something besides run through a corkscrew. That's just silly.

To be honest if the game sucks we deserve it for just being Sonic fans.

Edited by Dejablue
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All it does is something the first 4 games (that's including CD and Sonic and Knuckles) and quite frankly if you already have it, then why bother paying for the same product without some heavy alteration? Something.. Dare I say it. NEW.

We've been fucking getting that for years, the whole point of this game is that it's harkening back to the classics. Dear fucking Christ, Sonic Team can't please ANYONE. And no, I'm not one of those psycho modern fans who will back up monstrosities such as Sonic '06 and Shadow the Hedgehog saying things like "Well if you look past the glitches the level design appears to be slightly above average which is why the games are great imo!" The whole fucking point of this game is to invoke nostalgia into those who enjoyed the old games and haven't played them in years and/or isn't happy with the way current Sonic plays.

I don't understand this fanbase, I really don't. You ask for a return to classic form, you ask for badniks, Sonic Team delivers and all of a sudden "WELL WE'D RATHER SOMETHING NEW". Holy shit, I don't even know if I want to post here anymore, it's a huge waste of time and I can't stand this fanbase anymore. There's a difference in being cautiously optimistic and being a downright Debbie Downer and forming an opinion over a game based upon less than 5 seconds of gameplay.

The game doesn't even look fun at this point.

What doesn't look fun to you, the 5 seconds of gameplay or the video/flash mock-up of Sonic running in the trailer?

Sigh... If only dreams could come true... If only.

I'm truly sorry that your dreams of a game about a cartoon hedgehog beating up an old fatman won't come into fruitation, I truly am. :(

I'll admit though, that piece of art is pretty nice and it'd be cool to see that in a game.

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Sega needs some of this mess. Green eyes and slightly more detailed shoe soles, but also with the small, agile, and infinite charm of classic Sonic. :3 And the Robotnik is awesome as well.

Why not just give him black eyes? That's not sarcastic-- I don't see the point in using the whole of the classic design but giving him the one physical trait that people have practically branded as the poster child of modern Sonic. If it's there as a compromise, then I'm sure there's a better middle ground than that; Otherwise, just go the whole nine. =/

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The game doesn't even look fun at this point.

We've seen roughly three seconds of footage!

Three seconds of footage!

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Why not just give him black eyes? That's not sarcastic-- I don't see the point in using the whole of the classic design but giving him the one physical trait that people have practically branded as the poster child of modern Sonic. If it's there as a compromise, then I'm sure there's a better middle ground than that; Otherwise, just go the whole nine. =/

Because when we ask for black eyes we get ganked by folks like yourself.

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Why not just give him black eyes? That's not sarcastic-- I don't see the point in using the whole of the classic design but giving him the one physical trait that people have practically branded as the poster child of modern Sonic. If it's there as a compromise, then I'm sure there's a better middle ground than that; Otherwise, just go the whole nine. =/

What Dejablue said. And not just that, but because that's probably the main reason I see people prefer modern Sonic over the classic style (other than the chubby thing, which is just pretty silly to complain about. He's a flippin' hedgehog. A hedgehog).


He don't look so skinny and tall to me. =P Some may use the excuse that "neither are they blue and have a quasi-unieye", but that isn't the point. Classic Sonic still looks like a hedgehog (he's a little chubby and round, shorter limbs, cute innocent face, short and pokey spines). Although I like modern Sonic, he looks like something other than a hedgehog; something I can't exactly put my finger on. Sonic nowadays seems to be his own species, which isn't good considering he's Sonic the Hedgehog.

Edited by Azukara
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Why not just give him black eyes? That's not sarcastic-- I don't see the point in using the whole of the classic design but giving him the one physical trait that people have practically branded as the poster child of modern Sonic. If it's there as a compromise, then I'm sure there's a better middle ground than that; Otherwise, just go the whole nine. =/

Let's say we do give him the black eyes. What fucking difference would it make on a minimal model in-game? Are you going to stand one centimetre from the screen and say FUCK YEAH HE HAS BLACK EYES when any essential difference of that will only be noticed on the render?

In other news Im sick of all these pictures people are posting of BAW I WISH SONIC WOULD BE CLASSIC and SEGA THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT.

Edited by Pirate Jet
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The game doesn't even look fun at this point.

"Hell yeah, you're so right! Playing as a blue hedgehog who runs really fast through corkscrews, loop-de-loops, bops on badniks, all in 2D... who'd wanna play that? It's NOTHING like those old Sonic games that you loved as a kid! It's not like it's supposed to be a fucking SEQUEL, or anything! Besides, Sonic's eyes are FUCKING GREEN for god's sake! SEGA, stop ruining our childhoods!!!!!!"

...And you think fans like that deserve better? Grow the fuck up.

Edited by EXshad
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Let's say we do give him the black eyes. What fucking difference would it make on a minimal model in-game? Are you going to stand one centimetre from the screen and say FUCK YEAH HE HAS BLACK EYES when any essential difference of that will only be noticed on the render?

In other news Im sick of all these pictures people are posting of BAW I WISH SONIC WOULD BE CLASSIC and SEGA THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT.


C wut I deed thar? :3

But seriously, I don't wanna start no fights. I came in here blissfully in love with that peice of fanart I found, posting it in expression to my liking of it, and explaining why I like it over others. Yeesh, everywhere in every forum nowadays is a flamewar waiting to happen. I may be baiting it, I may not though. All depends.

Hostility: it happens. =P

But I'm not exactly thinking how Greg is though. I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy S4 with or without classic Sonic. It's just that it'd be icing on the cake to have him in.

Edited by Azukara
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He don't look so skinny and tall to me. =P Some may use the excuse that "neither are they blue and have a quasi-unieye", but that isn't the point. Classic Sonic still looks like a hedgehog (he's a little chubby and round, shorter limbs, cute innocent face, short and pokey spines). Although I like modern Sonic, he looks like something other than a hedgehog; something I can't exactly put my finger on. Sonic nowadays seems to be his own species, which isn't good considering he's Sonic the Hedgehog.

Oh hai Knuckles!

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C wut I deed thar? :3

But seriously, I don't wanna start no fights. I came in here blissfully in love with that peice of fanart I found, posting it in expression to my liking of it, and explaining why I like it over others. Yeesh, everywhere in every forum nowadays is a flamewar waiting to happen. I may be baiting it, I may not though. All depends.

Hostility: it happens. =P

But I'm not exactly thinking how Greg is though. I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy S4 with or without classic Sonic. It's just that it'd be icing on the cake to have him in.

Mind that wasn't directed towards you. That was directed towards more or less everyone who actually made all that big deal about the minor details. People miss classic Sonic, point taken. But its gotten blown out.

Seriously, if you go outside of any forum other than SSMB chances are that you'll end up in a huge fuckpile bowl of fail, particularly NeoGAF.

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