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(Doing this out of sheer boredom)

So, i'm again expanding on that Idea of mine (started Here), and i will keep this breif for the ones who already knows, or the ones who want to get caught up:

Basically, my idea for a Third entry in the Sonic Storybook series would have the theme of Sci-Fi, running through planets of different variations, and the selling point/Gimmick would be this Alien Device Shaped like a horseshoe, and that this device, given by the people of that world, can double as a Long-Ranged laser gun, but double as a Melee weapon for close-up assaults. these battle would be like the avatars in Forces: 9 or more Mechs/people surround you, and you take them out however you please. other sections would be 2D like Lost World, and you can use both the melee and shooter version of this device, being able to shoot it in all 8 directions. I'm thinking that if you find stones or something of the sort, the good guys upgrade your shooting or melee, which calls for upgrades like Spreadshots, Lock-On bullets, and things of that natrue. On the Combat side of things, maybe this Device can morph into a handle of a Hammer, or whip, and you can battle that way, again, like Avatar's Cube and Lightning Wisp Respectively.  

Heres A Ref. Image: S1E44_Particle_Accelerator.webp.7d583cc6c98b4b6f765680db111735af.webp

Just as this game would be intuitive in Combat and Shooting sections, What about platforming? Although the Storybook Series isn't known for good platforming, this can change and experiment with the idea, and add things like 2D/3D platforming, using the spindash, different Weapon choices and homing attack, you can do what sonic was meant to do in the beginning: Race to the finish. With different Combat weapons, that can change how you go through as well, with the Hammer being able to break walls, and the whip being able to attach to poles, or just Spider-Man your way through it all. Maybe some weaponery could be a second Device for dual Weilding shooting.

The Story is a hard one to conquer, as i have 2 ideas for it. my first idea is to NOT base it off of a legend/folklore, contrary to Black Knight and Sercret Rings. Why? Because there isn't any Folklore i have intrest in that i personally think wouldn't make it exciting to play. this leads to my Second option: Base it on the Sci-Fi story "Ringworld/Known Space". The only reason i bring this up is because this is the only Folklore i found that was Sci-Fi. Another thing i wanted to put in the story, is the inclusion of the real versions of Sonic's Friends. like, what if Tails Was Taken in? Tails would be an amazing Centerpeice, as he is a technition, and this would fit his character very well.

Another thing in the story could be the inclusion of the Wisp, or better yet, Whisper, as she is a guardian of these creatures. this would be a perfect explanation for the device, as it would need Some power source. This Whisper can't be 1 to 1 with the real Whisper, so i suggest giving her a Personality more like Blaze, as she is a guardian, but can be lots of fun. This could mean she is the leader of the good civilization, or maybe she needs time to trust sonic, and when she does, she has his back the whole ride. Another Great Inclusion would be Shadow, as his whole backstory is being born in literal space. Who knows, maybe Gereld, being affiliated with Shadow's Creation, he could have to do with the planets, and Looming evil that Brung Sonic And Tails there.

A fun lil twist could be where Sonic is Sent there because the story was messed up be an evil force that we don't fully see until after fixing the story. a good senario would be that Tails will find a book that has the story unorganized, making him bring it to sonic, to which he and Tails gets sucked in. the conflict would pretty much be that to proceed in the story, they need the Planet Cores to traverse the Final Fronteir, but with the Evil outside force, they messed it up to the point where they can't go anywhere, making them stuck in one place until sonic brings back a Planet core, or resources for the Townsfolk to live and thrive. These townsfolk may have quest for you, like going theough a previous stage to find a artifact, or a otherworldly being/fruit to "Conduct Reserch" on. and at the end of each Planet, It's a race to leave the Planet because it's gonna crumble or something.

A intresting Plot Twist could be that the leader of the civilization was evil themselves in one way, being that they used Sonic to Get these World Cores, Basically destroying these innocent worlds, only to power their ship. Just an idea, which i don't think is very good storywise, but it would be cool having basically the same plot twist from Black Knight here. And at the end of it all, Sonic takes these Planet Cores, and uses them like Chaos Emeralds (Maybe because Tails says that the Cores have a power similar to those of the Chaos Emeralds), and he turns into a Solar System Form of himself, and not needing the Device, but just using the same moves, but with his hands and feet like in Fronteirs' Guardian Fights.

And, that's my idea. what do you guys think? what should i change or add to make this the best it could be? I'm definetly open to critisism if needed.

  • Nice Smile 3
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