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Fans Take to Letter Campaign in Protest of 4Kids' Sonic X Music


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The first episode of the US version of Sonic X aired over the last weekend on Fox Box, and since then there's been some negative reaction from American fans over the dubbing and editing choices that localisation company 4Kids has made. Now, there is an organised plan from pockets of the fanbase to send feedback on the music choices in the anime.

Many fans have compared the US Sonic X dub with the Japanese-language original, and found a number of significant audio and script changes. The biggest of these is the music, of which the Japanese soundtrack has apparently been replaced entirely with a set of music seemingly picked or produced by 4Kids.

A Sonic HQ post links to a forum topic on MoogleMB about the campaign, and how fans should approach it. Kulock writes:


I do understand some of you like or at least tolerate the new music track added to the 4Kids English dub of Sonic X. That's absolutely fine... With that being said, some people were speaking about actually contacting 4Kids about Sonic X and saying something. I think the issue is what should be said, and how should it be said. I'd like to list what I think are some solid suggestions for best getting your letter read by someone who could make a difference.

You can read the text in full below, but the idea from Kulock and other fans is to make sure that the feedback is submitted to 4Kids in a professional and respectful manner, without resorting to insults or immature threats.


I would strongly suggest putting a "Re: Sonic X" or "Attn: Sonic X" below the "4Kids Entertainment" line. Until we know a physical person that represents Sonic X that we should be directing messages to, at the very least we want to give them an idea of what the letter is about. Not directing it could land it in the general or unsorted bins. If anyone figures out a specific person we should be contacting (perhaps checking press releases about Sonic X, if anyone has access to the releases with the contact information still intact?), please note it here.

So, you're going to write a letter. This is probably the best approach, e-mails are seen as throw-away communication when sent from unofficial resources (plus we'd probably only reach a "public" feedback e-mail address and not physically reaching a more important person), and with calls, without knowing who specifically you're calling, we could at best only log general complaints that would probably be ignored or lost in the system. (Nintendo is one of the few companies I have ever seen specifically respond to call-ins that weren't about defective products. But Nintendo also responds well to e-mails. Nintendo shouldn't exist under usual standards.)

Typing or writing in pen is fine, but use unruled paper. (Unlined.) Handwriting might provide a nice touch, but make sure it's legible. Obviously rough up your letter once until you've decided exactly what you want to say, and then rewrite it neatly on a second sheet if you're going to use pen.

Be polite, be polite, be polite. DO NOT write a nasty letter, ripping them apart for everything and anything you can think of, no one wants to read a rant, and your letter will just go into the vertical file (the trash can). Also, avoid any and all references to "the fans could do a better job," the fansubs, and so forth; that gets the writer changed in status from "watcher of the show" to "obsessed internet fanatic" in many cases. In the case of the soundtrack, you might note you've seen a FEW episodes of the Japanese release and really liked the music it had playing, avoid mentioning if you've actually seen ALL of the Japanese episodes. ;D You want to sound like you like the show (which you probably do if you care enough to write in), not like you're the protectorate of all things Sonic and 4Kids is doing this great injustice to The Blue One.

Don't attack every single aspect you find "imperfect", pick your one, major troubling factor, and focus on that in your letter. I believe that, for most of us, is the music. The VAs might find their roles a little better, but not only was the music seemingly an unneccesary change, the new music will doubtfully reach even near the same quality level. And it still raises the question of why it was changed at all, when a soundtrack already designed for the series was there. You might find things to comment about as "good" or "not bad," elements you don't mind. Don't get into real specifics such as complaining about the script change to the Formula 1 racers joke. Remember your one main goal about the letter, and try to otherwise make it known that you enjoy Sonic X.

Check your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. You're not writting a college paper, but for every significant typo you make, that decreases readability, and the respect you receive from the person who reads this. If at all possible, have someone you know who fares well writing papers and the like to give it a look over to make sure you aren't mucking up something major. If you're serious about wanting your complaint to be read, you can go through the effort of checking your work before submitting it.

Do not submit a copy of a letter someone else made. Make sure your letters are ALL unique. If whomever reads them figures out several people are sending the same letters, or even letters using the same framework with some alterations, that might really damage how seriously they take those complaints and comments.

Realize that even if they make a change, it will take several episodes before the effects of that change show up. Sonic X starts showing weekly in a little under 12 days. By the time they start noticing the letters, it would probably be too late to correct any of the episodes they've already redone until, say, episode #7. That doesn't mean we can't salvage the episodes after that, but don't expect Sonic and Knuckles' fight to be without 4Kid's "musical touches," for example. They're not working on this on a Just-In-Time weekly basis, they're FAR ahead. They might backtrack to fix episodes they've already done if the response is significant and convincing enough, but only up to a point before it becomes unrealistic.

That's all I can think of right now. I really hope this helps someone out; it seems like the best way to get a letter taken seriously. And if enough people's letters get taken seriously, person A might say something to person B, who says something to person C, and so forth, until F figures it out and changes our X back to the way we prefer it.

Hopefully this campaign can get its voice heard and in a polite and respectful manner. We'll let you know how this goes.

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