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Theory: Black Knight & Secret Rings are Shatterspaces


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Sonic Prime did such poor job linking itself to the games, I'll do it for them: I think Arabian Nights and Camelot are Shatterspaces.

I think it speaks for itself why it could work and be a neat little connecting bit. it even fits that there is no Sonic in any of them. It would be so cool if cartoon just showed quick peak into other worlds and gave cameo to those two.

Of course there are inconsistencies but I can explain most of them

Cubot in 2007

Maybe Story book games take places later. Timeline could go thus: Unleashed, Colours, Prime, Storybook games.

Blaze and Shadow as Knights

We know very little how Shatterverse works. We see other people (Dread's old crew) or inconsistencies (5 Eggmans in one dimension) so we don't know for sure if Blaze or Shadow can't have variants, despite not being in the blast area.

No shards in either of them

 Keep in mind all the worlds seemed fine after shards were removed (before Nine started playing with them) so maybe Shard isn't needed for world to exist. Again, we don't know the rules and it's possible there were 2 more portals in Void, so far away Shadow never saw them.

Or there are 2 more shards, but so small that Prism worked without them.

Their connections to actual stories

That is one problem I don't have answer for. In Sonic and the Secret Rings promotional comic Sonic heavily implies everyone looks like his friends because that's how he imagined them while reading. It might be uncanon, he might be mistaken or it could be a total coincidence.
But that doesn't explain why pages in his book go blank after Erazor destroys all the stories. That heavily Storybook Worlds really are connected magically to stories. (Makes you question who wrote those books in the first place, but that's separate discussion).

I guess Shatterspace could be so magically that it affects Prime Space books... but that feels like a stretch.


If this doesn't work I'm going back to my Cthulhu Green Hill head canon.

Edited by MetalSkulkBane
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I'm not sure no attempt at linking itself to the games is poor attempt (yes, I know Iizuka's big into everything being the game world or canon or whatever, but this largely feels like a... spiritual sentiment and not a literal one. I'm gonna start calling it the "homeopathic canon").

I just lean towards the Archie interpretation, that Sonic's world tends to have fragile walls to anomalies and other worlds. It's full of gods and aliens and ghosts and portals and alternate dimensions and time travel and multiple forms of reality-defying rocks. Sometimes an interdimensional tanuki industrialist gives you a car for no clear reason. If you need a more structured logical way to explain that... I got nothing. The series is a chowder of sci-fi and fantasy concepts strung together with super heroes, mad scientists, and a mythology stolen inspired by Dragon Ball Z. But it makes for a narratively convenient setting for 30 years of video games.

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Fair enough.

I'm just a kind of guy who would connect Dream Team to Shuffle, despite it being all but forgotten. Sonic is about doing pretty much anything, but some concepts are so similar it's a shame not to merge them. Plus I was under the impression that "connection to the games" is what fans wanted from Prime.

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