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The Classic Chaotix


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Are you ready for them to come back or would you prefer they stay in the modern side of the series, and do you prefer them as a trio or the larger squad that they debuted as. With the tailstube video mentioning them, and the smallest of refrences in the Amy anniversary comic (Vector's face coming out of a capsule) I figure there's a chance they might show up in the near future. 

As an old archie hand I'm used to them as Knuckle's friends and supporting cast. I'm always gonna miss that dynamic. I also know some people don't want their modern dynamic messed with and that a classic chaotix would throw a wrench in it. 

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they should stay in modern. i personally do not like Vector’s design in classic form. also they should stay as trio. ever since Heroes that’s just what most people see them as at this point. 

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I wouldn't mind seeing the classics as recurring characters in classic stories. It'll take some adjusting for me, personally. I grew up with the Fleetway comics which started me down the path of a Chaotix fan.

But since Mighty has already been established, I assume they might remain separated, unless they go the route of having them not formed the Chaotix yet. The classic character profiles only ever had Espio as a detective if I recall correctly. Though Charmy might complicate things. His classic profile had him be older. They'd obviously have him younger but the classic timeline had never specified how many years had passed before Sonic Adventure occurs.

I believe modern Charmy is 6. Making him younger for the classic era would raise obvious questions. Stuff like his parents or Eggman being super evil for kidnapping an infant bee. Well, maybe that second one isn't so bad if you want to make the doc look pretty nasty. In theory, classic Tails would be younger too and Eggman actually did kidnap him in one of the Game Gear titles.

Edited by Danj86
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I'd definitely want them to return. To be honest, I think when people say things like the classic Chaotix aren't canon, or that they're completely different characters so bringing them back just wouldn't work, etc. just aren't using their imaginations. There's a ton of different ways you can spin it so they remain mostly in line with their modern counterparts. Especially with Ian Flynn around, he's trying to tie the universe together and claiming everything is canon. Realistically, you could easily mix and match various details from past and modern to get a "new" classic Chaotix that are more in line with the series' current standards. 

The Encyclo-speed-ia calls classic Espio "an aspiring ninja", implying he's still training to get there. Vector is "a once lanky reptile", you could easily turn that into either he grew into himself over time, or he started working out to fill out his frame. Charmy's biggest difference is age, but frankly character ages aren't ever even brought up in universe so you could easily gloss over that detail and most people wouldn't notice. You can just say he's a well mannered boy who became more of a fun loving prankster over time as he broke out of his shell and became more comfortable with the rest of the gang, however his heart is still in the right place.

As for Mighty, well personally, I never really saw him as a Chaotix. Even in the original lore, Mighty just happened to be passing through as the events in Knuckles Chaotix were about to happen. Though I always considered him a good friend of theirs. Thinking more deeply about it, really the entire cast had little to no connection. You can easily say the characters all bonded during the events of Knuckles Chaotix, and Espio, Charmy, and Vector decide to start a detective agency of their own to help others and prevent an event like what transpired on the mysterious island from happening again. Knuckles refused to join due to his status as guardian of the Master Emerald, and Mighty enjoys traveling too much and doesn't want to be stuck in one place too long. Something like that, I'm really just spit balling here. But you can definitely make them work.

I like what they've been doing with the classic branch of the series. Bringing back long forgotten characters like Mighty, Ray, and Fang is huge. I love the Chaotix, be it modern or classic, and I'd really love it if they could be a part of the current classic era as well. I'm all for it.

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On 12/7/2023 at 11:14 AM, Fast Skip said:

I'd definitely want them to return. To be honest, I think when people say things like the classic Chaotix aren't canon, or that they're completely different characters so bringing them back just wouldn't work, etc. just aren't using their imaginations.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the quote people use to claim they're non-canon ACTUALLY said something along the lines of "We approached these as if they were new characters rather than existing ones."

Edited by LegoNess
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