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Teen Titans Go to the Movies - Your New Favourite Movie - What could Possibly Go Wrong? (2018)


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So the original Teen Titans show gets cancelled after 65 episodes and gets one TV/direct-to-DVD movie, yet Teen Titans Go! is still going with over 205 episodes and has a theatrical movie coming up. There is no justice in this world. :mad:

As for my opinion on the upcoming movie, it looks dumb just like the TV show.

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I keep seeing advertisements for this on Twitter every time I turn around, seems like. All of the "jokes" I've seen just seem to reference popular movies coming out from Marvel that are relevant at the upload of the clip and basically just amount to We're not that lol or jokingly asserting that Marvel IP's are infringing Teen Titans Go, of all things. 

There's tongue in cheek and then there's just forced and obnoxious.

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So the original Teen Titans show gets cancelled after 65 episodes and gets one TV/direct-to-DVD movie, yet Teen Titans Go! is still going with over 205 episodes and has a theatrical movie coming up. There is no justice in this world. :mad:

As for my opinion on the upcoming movie, it looks dumb just like the TV show.

Teen Titans Go! is nothing to really get too worked up about. The only reason it's living as long as it is, namely is due to the child demographic this version of Teen Titans is aimed at. Sure it sucks that we cannot get more of what we like and I really am desiring some answers for the cliffhanger they left us with in the original Teen Titans, myself. But we need to watch where this goes before we make any truly rash judgements.

Also I'd like to bring up this post-

On 3/31/2018 at 8:35 PM, Tara said:

The good news is that Teen Titans 2003 might be returning soon, so if this movie does well it might show CN that there is interest in the characters.  Hopefully, I don't know.


It seems we may see more of the Teen Titans we love in the future if the current Teen Titans Go! movie is a success. Which is all the more reason why I would love to see this movie succeed. I mean I'll most likely not be watching the movie, but if the end result is a return to the older stuff. I am all the way on board.

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20 minutes ago, NiTROACTiVE said:

So the original Teen Titans show gets cancelled after 65 episodes and gets one TV/direct-to-DVD movie, yet Teen Titans Go! is still going with over 205 episodes and has a theatrical movie coming up. There is no justice in this world. :mad:

As for my opinion on the upcoming movie, it looks dumb just like the TV show.

To be fair, TTG only has more episodes namely by virtue of-

1) each episode only being 10 minutes long.

2) being a series that is driven by longevity rather than narrative, and thus episodes are pushed out on a constant basis, rather than carefully crafted and spaced out over a long period of time.

The shorter episode count doesn't really discredit the accomplishments of the original Teen Titans and probably works more to its advantage, actually.

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  • 1 month later...

When I heard that Teen Titans Go, a complete excuse of a cartoon, is getting a movie, I thought to myself, “How the actual fuck did this cartoon get to have a movie?” The animation is crap, the jokes are shittier, and let’s not forget what it teaches to kids (Hint: The exact opposite of what it should be teaching)! I can’t wait to see this movie crash and burn once it’s released.


Ok, I admit. The Deadpool joke in one of the trailers was actually good.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay guys, I can't believe I'm saying this,  but I can see one reason why this movie is getting so much push. 

Because, in the after credits scene


the original Teen Titans hijack the scene to announce that they've found a way to return. 

That's right. This movie also serves as marketing for


The likely coming of Teen Titans the original show Season 6!!!


Lord knows it explains the movie's high rotten tomatoes score.

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3 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Pirate Ridley said:

Okay guys, I can't believe I'm saying this,  but I can see one reason why this movie is getting so much push. 

Because, in the after credits scene

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the original Teen Titans hijack the scene to announce that they've found a way to return. 

That's right. This movie also serves as marketing for

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The likely coming of Teen Titans the original show Season 6!!!


Lord knows it explains the movie's high rotten tomatoes score.


One of my most hated shows responsible for the return of one of my favourites...

so much confliction


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28 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Pirate Ridley said:

Lord knows it explains the movie's high rotten tomatoes score.

I think the easier explanation would be that critics just enjoyed the film because they thought it was fun.

From "it was different writers, so of course it's better!" to this; we're just digging for random nonsensical excuses to keep hating something that really doesn't deserve it.  It's kind of sad.

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2 minutes ago, Nix said:

From "it was different writers, so of course it's better!" to this; we're just digging for a random nonsensical excuses to keep hating something that really doesn't deserve it.  It's kind of sad.

Ehhhh, the tv show does do insufferable things. I don't deny that it's perfectly possible that critics had more fun with the movie,  but going off of consumer reactions, the after credits scene is what's getting the most unanimous praise. 

To be fair also,  TTG is kinda at a point where a lot of people would be fine just ignoring it, but it keeps doing stupid stuff like trying to call out its critics,  use footage from the original show and make some untasteful jokes ggette and there.

Not helped by its over exposure on the network. 

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Critical reception to Teen Titans Go outside of the core animation fandom has always been lukewarm at worst, so the fact that critics tend to like the movie isn't really surprising.

That being said, if this is supposed to be a hint at a revival of the original Teen Titans, I'm all for it... as long as it's not on that separate DC stream that nobody cares about like come on put it on a platform that people actually use please.

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After so many years unless they change some things I could care less for season 6. and this from someone who used to tape the early stuff. Mostly the animation. While it has its charm the psuedo anime things it tries to do is pretty annoying. At least when looking back on it now. Then i enjoyed it but now its just messy. Its like Totally spies and many early shows in the early 00s where they tried to add in :anime expressions: and actions, big heads, huge thought bubbles, large baffled expressions, and good lord do not get me started on trouble in tokyo. The chase scene about mid way through was just......well..... only thing good to come of that move was that one thing............lol but anyway critics liking TTG i highly doubt it was cause of the possible TT showing at the very end the show makes fun of itself and many know that. Many hardcore fans still refuse to see that and fume over the fact it airs (though ill admit it does get a ton of screentime, but that is cause children like it.)

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15 hours ago, Tara said:

That being said, if this is supposed to be a hint at a revival of the original Teen Titans, I'm all for it... as long as it's not on that separate DC stream that nobody cares about like come on put it on a platform that people actually use please.

If there's any chance its coming back, its going to be on that.


But personally, Teen Titans Go just mocks everything. I think this is nothing more than a joke as well. I doubt this is actually happening.

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1 hour ago, JaidynReiman said:

If there's any chance its coming back, its going to be on that.


But personally, Teen Titans Go just mocks everything. I think this is nothing more than a joke as well. I doubt this is actually happening.

Thing is, didn’t they ALREADY mock fans and make this joke regarding a comeback of the original series? Why make that same joke again? Just to spite fans cause the writers are actual Konami level petty assholes?

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3 hours ago, KHCast said:

Thing is, didn’t they ALREADY mock fans and make this joke regarding a comeback of the original series? Why make that same joke again? Just to spite fans cause the writers are actual Konami level petty assholes?

You must not watch the show at all lol.

They constantly make fun of old series fans acting out all the time.  one episode even poked fun using one of the characters looking at Twitter with "fans" complaining how the show was stupid and ruined their childhoods and basically saying the show was a success with the demographic they wanted

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Man is that scene gonna be annoying once the movie airs where I live.

Here, the Teen Titans (2003)'titans and TTG' titans have completely different voice actors. 

This means one of 2 things, considering how the movie will use the TTG VAs:

1. The original TT will have the TTG voices, which would be terrible (if you listen to a video of the original and one of Go you can tell why this is a terrible choice)

2. They will have the original cast to appear, which would be awkward since it's like a 20 second scene.

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Honestly, I get a kick when TTG rags on fans of the original show, and that's coming from a guy who loved the original.

But they'd better be planning something with the original series after pulling a stunt like that, or I will be genuinely irritated at them.

Did anyone happen to note whether the animation used for that scene was recycled from the old show, or brand new?

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I’m honestly not seeing where the joke in that Easter egg was. Previous jabs at least have a “gotcha!” Punchline or something to break the hype. This? This just would come off...extremely mean to put in this much effort make a actual serious come back Easter egg in a film, with no discernible punchline, just to later say “lol nope”

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I saw Teen Titans Go to the Movies yesterday, and it's pretty much what you should expect from it.  It's like an episode from the show given some more budget, and that's all it really needed to be.  That being said, much like the show, the movie is creative and a whole lot of fun, taking jabs at pretty much everything it can get its hands on.  Like usual, nothing here is sacred, from the audience, to themselves, to DC as whole, to Superhero culture in general, to the film industry as whole; TTG takes every chance it gets to poke fun at it and does so pretty well a majority of the time.

Some specifics bellow:


Like the show, the movie also doesn't shy away from switching its animation style on the fly.  We're given some 80s as fuck music video looking stuff, arts-and-crafts style puppet animation, there's a completely shameless Lion King parody in there and it's just incredible to see in motion.  The limited animation they work with the usual Adobe Animation style puppets is also as expressive and endearing as ever too, but there's it looks much better with some more fun usage of the camera for newer and more interesting shot compositions.

And some of the jokes it tells are just amazing.  There's a whole section of the movie where the Titans go back in time to stop heroes from getting their tragic backstories, and then going back again to give them their backstories back is cruelly amazing.  Just seeing the Titans slap the pearl necklace onto Martha Wayne and shoving the family through Crime Alley... it's so horribly cruel and hilarious to watch.

And then you have stuff where I was just like "wait a fucking second, is that even legal?" like Stan Lee getting not one, but two voiced cameos in the movie.

Kind of surprised they didn't fit Rose Wilson into the movie's plot somewhere since she's a reoccurring character in the show, but whatever.  Will Arnett does a fun job with a more over the top Slade by himself.  The scenes where's his trying to work his "Mind Manipulation" on the Titans are a lot of fun to watch.

That said, the movie still has its fair share of toilet humor for the kids, and the movie makes sure to drag those parts out juuuuuust long enough where it becomes almost hilariously awkward via Stockholm Syndrome.  But there's more than enough in there for older audiences to enjoy too.  It's just a fun movie overall; certainly stupid, but it's smart about its brand of stupid.

1 hour ago, KHCast said:

I’m honestly not seeing where the joke in that Easter egg was. Previous jabs at least have a “gotcha!” Punchline or something to break the hype. This? This just would come off...extremely mean to put in this much effort make a actual serious come back Easter egg in a film, with no discernible punchline, just to later say “lol nope”

I wouldn't put it past the TTG crew to do a long con and set up a brick joke far in advance to give some pay-off to it in a later episode of the show (they're... surprisingly consistent about some things when it comes to the lore of the TTG show itself), but it really doesn't feel like there's set-up here.  I'd put money down on Teen Titans coming back for a short season to wrap everything up.

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Completely off topic, but it somewhat annoys me that they have no issue saying "Deadpool", but Slade is still called Slade. The original reason why the OG Teen Titans had to remove Deathstroke and call him Slade was the reference to death, which clearly isn't an issue now if they're saying Dead with Deadpool. 

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3 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Completely off topic, but it somewhat annoys me that they have no issue saying "Deadpool", but Slade is still called Slade. The original reason why the OG Teen Titans had to remove Deathstroke and call him Slade was the reference to death, which clearly isn't an issue now if they're saying Dead with Deadpool. 

I believe Slade is the more known name for him as I believe there are more people who watched the show than read the comics.

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1 minute ago, DiamondX said:

I believe Slade is the more known name for him as I believe there are more people who watched the show than read the comics.

Not if you include Arkham Origins and Knight, and Arrow on top of the comics. 

Even at that, you could still call him Slade but reference the original name. Like, he tries to intimidate the Teen Titans by shouting "I AAAAAM SLAAAAADDDDDEEE" and I'm just wondering why they couldn't have had that as Deathstroke and then use that as a further way to tie into the Deadpool joke (Not only similar looks, but the fact their names is based around death). Even having a joke then about Slade being his actual name, and referencing Wade as Deadpool's name. It just seems weird to me that they seemingly have no mention of the Deathstroke title when they aren't limited this time.

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Ehhhh,  TTG was always about being a cartoony version of the original series,  so it's really no surprise they kept the name Slade, which I'll admit, I among many others prefer anyway. 

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Having seen the movie on Friday, here are my thoughts on it.

It was a lot better than I had expected. The movie knows what it really is and just goes crazy with what it's been giving. It takes the show's brand of comedy and turns the humor and meta factor up to eleven. I get where some may come from in saying that "well compared to most movies from DC recently, it might be great but that really isn't saying much" but honestly, without the DCU this movie wouldn't even be a thing. They pull no punches with referencing things. Add in the constant background gags (not to mention scenery) and you can tell that proper comic book nerds worked hard on this. There were a number of times that the movie got an actual, lengthy laugh out of me and/or the audeince. The writing won't change any minds who have already written off TTG (as the movie does have it's fair share of toilet jokes that never land), but it definitely highlighted some of the best work to have come from the series. Hell, the show's childish nature itself is often called out here.

As for the animation, well let me just say that I am quite the sucker for TV animation turned into a movie. Seeing any cartoon with a bigger budget behind it is always interesting to me. You can always notice the upscale in quality in terms of movement plus general color and depth. TTG is no different in this regard as there were a multitude of shots and movement that did catch my eye that just aren't a thing in the show. There are even some style changes in certain scenes (usually for comedic effect) that are pulled off fantastically. Of course, this is still very much TTG's simplistic flash puppet animation so while I wouldn't go in expecting too much (especially if you don't like the show's style to begin with), I would say that it's a neat showing to say the least.

In terms of the music... eh, hit or miss tbh. There were some songs in there that were generally funny to me and sort of catchy but others that certainly made me think "yep, this is TTG." I will say that there are number of neat little sound ques hidden throughout the film that fans of other DC series will certainly notice.

So yeah, overall this definitely wasn't the dumpster fire I (and certainly many others) were expecting. While I don't agree with the 90+ it has on RT, I did find it to be an above average film. Certainly not anything that's going to change a lot of minds about the show, but definitely not something that can really be mocked either.


On a side note, I also wanted to mention the two bits that happen before and after the film.

This movie got a short opening film that I haven't seen much talk on. It was that Super Best Friends Forever concept done by Lauren Faust only this time under the name "DC Super Hero Girls". It seemed to be a continuation of those shorts from a couple of years back only to fit more inline with that new show that is coming sometime I think. While it definitely had a lot of energy, I can't really say it was some of Faust's best work as the whole thing seemed sort of... surprisingly childish ironically enough. I think it may be due to the fact that these are characters that had some... super deep backstory outside of this so seeing them act so young is somewhat off putting. Honestly, I can't really that I was a fan of what was shown. Hopefully the proper show has more to it as I do think it has potential though.

As for that credits scene... well, what can I say. I hope DC, WB, and CN can get their shit together and bring back the OG show but I am a bit cautious. Firstly, I do think that this is a legit thing seeing as CN has been airing the OG show secretly for a while now and it's no secret how sought after it is. Though, whether it'll actually happen is a bit questionable. Even when considering Tara's vague quote, I've seen way too many cases of something seemingly being real only for it to die at the hands of some unknown executive decision. Sadly, I can easily see this being a thing here.

I want to believe. I do think it's a lot more possible now than ever. And I don't think that this is some joke because they do play it incredibly straight considering what TTG is. I'm just, incredibly cautious is all.

Hell, even if it does come back there's no way of knowing whether it would be of the same quality as before.

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I'll say this. If the show maintained the quality tier of this movie (and wasn't spammed across the network and ditched most of its low brow humor and hot takes) consistently (the show itself does have some gems), it wouldn't be as openly hated as it is in this reality. 

I'll admit to having legit fun watching the film. 

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3 hours ago, Nix said:

And some of the jokes it tells are just amazing.  There's a whole section of the movie where the Titans go back in time to stop heroes from getting their tragic backstories, and then going back again to give them their backstories back is cruelly amazing.  Just seeing the Titans slap the pearl necklace onto Martha Wayne and shoving the family through Crime Alley... it's so horribly cruel and hilarious to watch.

See, that sounds funny in a grossly dark way, but I'm not sure I trust that it was done in a way that is funny.  I haven't seen it, so I'm not judging it.  Just saying that TTG has some good ideas, but it's usually the execution more than anything that bugs me.  As a contrast, I did read one of the Free Comic Book Day issues of the TTG comics and... they're not horrible.  Maybe it's because it doesn't have the added layer of animation and sound, but it wasn't nearly as obnoxious, forced, or digusting as the show.  It was just a cute, little slice of life story and that's about it. Wouldn't mind the show if it were more like that.

3 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Completely off topic, but it somewhat annoys me that they have no issue saying "Deadpool", but Slade is still called Slade. The original reason why the OG Teen Titans had to remove Deathstroke and call him Slade was the reference to death, which clearly isn't an issue now if they're saying Dead with Deadpool.  

I'm okay with them still using Slade, since it is based off the TTG 2003 version, but given how the landscape of animation has changed in the past fifteen years, it does come across as awkward that they're afraid to use the name Deathstroke despite it no longer really being a controversial name by today's standards.

16 hours ago, Meta77 said:

After so many years unless they change some things I could care less for season 6. and this from someone who used to tape the early stuff. Mostly the animation. While it has its charm the psuedo anime things it tries to do is pretty annoying. At least when looking back on it now. Then i enjoyed it but now its just messy. Its like Totally spies and many early shows in the early 00s where they tried to add in :anime expressions: and actions, big heads, huge thought bubbles, large baffled expressions, and good lord do not get me started on trouble in tokyo. The chase scene about mid way through was just......well..... only thing good to come of that move was that one thing............lol but anyway critics liking TTG i highly doubt it was cause of the possible TT showing at the very end the show makes fun of itself and many know that. Many hardcore fans still refuse to see that and fume over the fact it airs (though ill admit it does get a ton of screentime, but that is cause children like it.)

This is something I rather reluctantly agree with.  Having rewatched the original as it was airing on CN last year, I still think the story and most of the humor still holds up today.  But the shameless weeaboo pandering has only become even more obvious with age.  While it is considerably stronger than many of the shows of this category, it's more evident today than ever that it was a product of the early 2000's anime boom in the United States, emulating it not vaguely in terms of visual style and humor, but even marketing its theme song based on the fact that the pop duo singing it was Japanese, rather than for its actual... you know... quality.  And that's nothing against Puffy AmiYumi.  They're a decent duo, but selling them on that notion is a bit... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh.... made even worse by Trouble in Tokyo's more... awkward moments.

All this to say that if they did revive the series for a season 6, I wouldn't mind if they downplayed the kawaii anime uguuu nature of the series.  For that matter, I also wouldn't particularly mind if they pretended season 5 never happened, since I don't think we're ever going to get a satisfying conclusion to that after all these years.

22 minutes ago, Strickerx5 said:

This movie got a short opening film that I haven't seen much talk on. It was that Super Best Friends Forever concept done by Lauren Faust only this time under the name "DC Super Hero Girls". It seemed to be a continuation of those shorts from a couple of years back only to fit more inline with that new show that is coming sometime I think. While it definitely had a lot of energy, I can't really say it was some of Faust's best work as the whole thing seemed sort of... surprisingly childish ironically enough. I think it may be due to the fact that these are characters that had some... super deep backstory outside of this so seeing them act so young is somewhat off putting. Honestly, I can't really that I was a fan of what was shown. Hopefully the proper show has more to it as I do think it has potential though.

That actually makes me kind of sad, because I was very much looking forward to seeing how Lauren Faust's DC Superhero Girls reboot would play out.  I mean, it had to be better than the cynical cashgrab that came before it, right?

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