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[Roleplay] SSMB Heroes Academy: Uprising - A Multiversal Adventure Beyond Fiction and Reality (Please Read First Page Before Joining)


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4 hours ago, Captain Metallix said:

"H-huh?" Chi was surprised to receive the communication. Before responding, Chi headed off to another location. When he got there, he looked around to make sure no-one else was there too. After a quick search, everything seemed clear, so Chi responded. "Blaze? What's up?" he asked, concerned that something might be wrong.

"Not much," Blaze answered. "I have found a lead, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. If it is who I think it is, he is doing an awfully good job at hiding."

There's a sigh in the communication. "No one has been asking about me, right?" she asks.

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All around Club Penguin, suddenly several bells began ringing.

Attention Skylanders: Class is about to begin in 10 minutes. You must make your way to the Skylanders Academy building next to the Mine Entrance. All Active Skylanders must attend in order to keep going on missions. The alarm keep ringing out. Meanwhile, right next to the mine, a familiar superhero was currently leaving a message to someone else. This hero was of course Nightwing.

"Hey Diana, sorry I missed your message, the Skylanders had a mission to investigate Towa City while other Skylanders had to stop someone messing with time. I heard you've got some information for me, so yeah, just let me know when you're free to talk and tell me, thanks". With this, Nightwing hit a button on his computer and left to attend the class. 

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40 minutes ago, Polkadi said:

"Not much," Blaze answered. "I have found a lead, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. If it is who I think it is, he is doing an awfully good job at hiding."

There's a sigh in the communication. "No one has been asking about me, right?" she asks.

"I see..." Chi replied, in response to Blaze's leads. "I don't think anyone's caught on about your absence just yet. Then again, we've just finished a pretty crazy mission, so most of us are just resting while we can." Chi then seemed concerned. "...I imagine it's only a matter of time until they figure it out. I can't stop you, of course. Just... keep that in mind." Before ending communications, Chi asked Blaze, "Anything else you need? 'Cause it sounds like I'm gonna have to go soon."

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In the medbay Mog admired her new stitches on her left leg. Curiosity got the better of her and she began to poke at it only for her hand to be slapped away by Ember's tail.

"Don't do that! You'll make it infected and disgusting." Ember sneered. She decided to let Ray go have a quick nap since he looked haggard and take Mog to the medbay for treatment.

Suddenly all of Delta heard the alarm sound all throughout the island reminding them that class was in session and they had ten minutes to make their way to the academy.

"Come on I'll help you come to class... after all we are on Edgeworth time." Ember sighed.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Metallix said:

"I see..." Chi replied, in response to Blaze's leads. "I don't think anyone's caught on about your absence just yet. Then again, we've just finished a pretty crazy mission, so most of us are just resting while we can." Chi then seemed concerned. "...I imagine it's only a matter of time until they figure it out. I can't stop you, of course. Just... keep that in mind." Before ending communications, Chi asked Blaze, "Anything else you need?"

"U-um..." Blaze starts to sound a bit more shy. "...How is Sonic doing?"

On the other side of the call, Blaze was rubbing her arms nervously, her eyes darting around. Hm, why would this make her so shy?

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"Shuichi, we better get moving!" Kaede says, tugging at the Detective's arm, pulling him to the elevator.

Shuichi, blushing tries to pry himself from Kaede's iron grip. "K-Kaede!" He exclaims. "Not so fast, okay?"

His pleas went unnoticed as the two make it to class.

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16 minutes ago, Polkadi said:

"U-um..." Blaze starts to sound a bit more shy. "...How is Sonic doing?"

"Wha--?" This was an oddly specific question, but Chi answered anyway. "He's doing fine, last I checked. He's probably relaxing somewhere on the island right now." Granted, Chi hadn't actually seen Sonic since before the mission on Enchantus, but it was incredibly unlikely that anything had happened to the hedgehog in that time.

23 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

All around Club Penguin, suddenly several bells began ringing.

Attention Skylanders: Class is about to begin in 10 minutes. You must make your way to the Skylanders Academy building next to the Mine Entrance. All Active Skylanders must attend in order to keep going on missions. The alarm keep ringing out.

Hearing the alarm again, Chi realised that he needed to go. "Sorry, Blaze. I've gotta go. Keep in touch, and good luck!" he said, before ending the communication.

Meanwhile, Silver and Omega headed to the Academy for class. Well, Silver did at least. Omega was being dragged there by another Skylander. "NO! I WILL NOT SUCCUMB TO WORTHLESS EDUCATIONAL TASKS!" he yelled, still hesitant to follow the Academy's rules. "Oh, brother..." said Chi, catching up with the others.

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"This better be good... I almost would have nailed a 450 until the alarm started blaring." Mia grumbled. Club Penguin's skate park was almost a second home to Mia. If you couldn't find her, chances are she was practicing at the skate park.

"I wonder what we're going to learn? Dragon Chi? Cool science with the test tubes and stuff... or maybe Nightwing will teach us how to tie up bad guys or something!" Flame said eagerly.

"Or maybe we get to learn how to make pretty food!" Saffron chimed in.

Flame then turned to Ray who looked like he couldn't care less.

"What do you think Ray?"

"I don't know... to be honest I don't wanna go." Ray sluggishly replied. "Eah!"

Centipeedle was behind Ray, if the flying squirrel stalled would nudge him with her huge jaw.

"I'm moving, I'm moving!" He whined.

Shademon whizzed past them and in a rare playful mood teased them. "I'm going to beat you!" They hiss taunting them.

"No, you won't!" Flame said. He then raced past trying to catch the shadowy digimon the others except for Ray quickly followed.

"Heh heh now I can-" Ray sneakily grinned eyeing a tree he can nap under.

"Oh no you don't!" Sadly by then Ember and Mog had caught up...

"If I have to sit at a desk and be lectured all day, you can too! Now, get moving, you bum!" Ember then head butted the flying squirrel forcing Ray the run as the two girls chased him to class.

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2 minutes ago, Mightyray said:

"I wonder what we're going to learn? Dragon Chi? Cool science with the test tubes and stuff... or maybe Nightwing will teach us how to tie up bad guys or something!" Flame said eagerly.

"Afraid not, I'm one of the students today" Nightwing said, as he walk pasted the group, tossing his Escrima Sticks in the air and catching it with his hand absentmindedly. "I'm sure we'll have a fun time in class....assuming we aren't getting lectured by the Tea Addict himself" Nightwing said with a slight chuckle, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "I do wonder how Batman will handle this though, he never was a team player...". 

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As more and more Skylanders arrive, Sonic is left scratching his head. "Hey... where's Nep?"

Before anyone else could say anything, Kyubey's voice could be heard from afar...


The white four-legged program then emerges from the forest, one of his arm flaps wrapped around Neptune's arm, dragging the Disciple across the floor. "Miss Pixie Pudding Princess over here didn't want to study with us!"

Neptune, grumbling is then let go. "I was just starting a game session!" She whines. "Do I reeeeeallly have to do this?"

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8 minutes ago, Captain Metallix said:

"Wha--?" This was an oddly specific question, but Chi answered anyway. "He's doing fine, last I checked. He's probably relaxing somewhere on the island right now." Granted, Chi hadn't actually seen Sonic since before the mission on Enchantus, but it was incredibly unlikely that anything had happened to the hedgehog in that time.

Hearing the alarm again, Chi realised that he needed to go. "Sorry, Blaze. I've gotta go. Keep in touch, and good luck!" he said, before ending the communication.

"Thank you." Blaze replies. "Farewell."

The princess cat looks around, holding up a fist. "I know you're out there somewhere, NEGA. I will find you, and put a stop to you..."


36 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

All around Club Penguin, suddenly several bells began ringing.

Attention Skylanders: Class is about to begin in 10 minutes. You must make your way to the Skylanders Academy building next to the Mine Entrance. All Active Skylanders must attend in order to keep going on missions. The alarm keep ringing out.

Nicole's holographic body already shows up, looking around. "I do wonder what our class shall be...? After all, it was about time we made use of 'Academy' in our name..."

Standing there, hands behind her back, she patiently waits for the others to arrive.


The loud footsteps are coming from Orisa, who curiously wanders over to the Academy building. "Hm, class? Efi did want me to attend some form of education, so I hope I do well!" she says to herself, her eyes changing to express her happiness.


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"I win!" Shademon snickered.

"No fair you had a head start!" Saffron objected. She then got into Shademon's face making the digimon slightly uncomfortable.

"Ease up on Spooky Saff, it wasn't a serious race." Mia quickly stepped in calming the overly hyper bee down.

"O.K.!" Saffron's expression went from pouty to happy at the drop of a hat.

3 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

"Afraid not, I'm one of the students today" Nightwing said, as he walk pasted the group, tossing his Escrima Sticks in the air and catching it with his hand absentmindedly. "I'm sure we'll have a fun time in class....assuming we aren't getting lectured by the Tea Addict himself" Nightwing said with a slight chuckle, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "I do wonder how Batman will handle this though, he never was a team player...". 

"Awww that's a shame... hopefully we won't get lectured for too long. The elders say I have a short attention span!" Flame smiled. 

"That's not a good thing Flame." Ember snakred.

"Neither is being a pinky princess but you don't see me complaining!" Flame then took a jab at Ember.

"Guys, can we not fight in front of the super hero, please?" Ray wearily sighed as Ember and Flame got in each others face.

"You're lucky I'm professional now. Hmph!" Ember told Flame before prancing off.

Flame in retaliation just stuck his tongue out, while Mog giggled and Ray just shook his head and staggered inside.

"You O.K.?" Mog then asked.

"Yeah I just need a nap." Ray smiled.

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Suddenly Edgeworth appeared in the classroom with a smirk, and simply looked around at everyone. "Now now everyone, while I'm sure you all can't wait to have another lesson with yours truly...I shall not be your teacher today. If everyone could please make their way to the Gym, you'll find your tutor there". Edgeworth said, as he grabbed a cup of tea and began making his way to the gym.

"Hmm. The plot thickens". Raven said, having arrived with Kat and Trunks in tow. With this, Yuta and several other Skylanders also arrived at the school. 

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"Gym?" Teddie asks. "Do we have to do a lot of running? If so... I'm gonna need a place to drop off my bear fur! I can't workout like this!" He complains, walking down the halls.

"Or maybe it's the kind of gym where we fight animals and get awarded with badges!" Neptune adds. "I'll totally ace that course!"

Homura shakes her head that Neptune even thought this could be that kind of gym. "Don't get your hopes up." She states, bluntly.

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"Oh boy gym!" Flame then blurted out. He knew that Ember wasn't very good at Physical Education and would whine a lot when ever something hard would come up so here was not only the opportunity to prove to her that one he could pay attention and two do the thing much, much better than she could effectively making her look bad in front of him.

"Uh no." Mog pouted. She knew what was coming... hopefully she can use her injury as a get out of gym card.

Ember also was groaning internally... she was bad at a lot of the physical stuff and knew full well that Flame would be an annoying little shit about it if she screwed up. Ray, too, was in no hurry to get excited for gym, the only good thing he was good at was running and that was it.

Mia and Saffron on the other hand were happy as clams. Gym was usually fun for them.

Shademon had no idea what 'gym' was so they were intrigued and Cenitpeedle was, well, Centipeedle.

To all of Delta's surprise Sarge and Ayna were already at the entrance of the gym waiting for them.

"How did you guys beat us?!" Mia asked.

"Got here early." Sgt. Fenix told the group.

"Nerds!" Flame teased.

"I wouldn't be teasing your gym partners if I was you red." Ayna waved a finger at Flame. She was eager to see what the kids and freaks could do and had a playful look in her eye.

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"The Gym? So, is this going to be some kind of physical lesson?" Silver asked. Chi liked the sound of this. "Heh, I can get down with that!" he said in response. Even Omega perked up a little upon hearing this... though he still wanted to do something that involved explosions.


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Nicole shrugs. "Physical exercise is useless to me," she states. "But I will join anyways, for I don't want to make anyone feel bad..." Walking into the gym, she smiles. What would await her?

Orisa happily trots along into the gym. Looking around, she comments, "Physical education! Now I can become big and strong!" Although it was obvious she really didn't need that training.

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Jessica snarled and grumbled to herself. She hated P.E. - always had, always will. Lumina was more enthusiastic about it, as was Ibuki, but Amber wasn't so keen on it, grumbling exactly like how Jessica was. Ivorn and Magearna were both concerned; neither of them were very good at physical stuff, and neither of them had knees. Then again, Ivorn didn't have a poofy metal dress around his stubby legs...

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As the group enter the gym, they find random pieces of sports equipment lying around, a massive basketball court, a storage room with supplies for several games, as well as several weightlifting and exercise instruments, and to top it off, an entrance to the pool. 

"I wonder who could be our teacher..." Yuta said, as he looked at the various pieces of sports gear. That's when a door flung open as someone stepped through it. "I hope you're all ready to hurt badly". A familiar voice said. Yuta's eyes practically widened with fear.


"Because I'm going to whip all of you into shape!" Hina said, throwing down a couple of bleachers at each side of the gym. 

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Sgt. Fenix and Anya weren't fazed in the slightest... the rest of delta was mixed... Flame, Mia and Saffron were eager to go, Shademon and Centipeetle were puzzled and on the other end Ray, Mog and Ember looked like they were going to run the opposite direction.

"OH NO!" Mog loudly blurted out. She was not having this, Hina made her a very upset kitty. 

"Wait, hurt? Is that a good idea?" Ray nervously asked. Cause getting hurt didn't sound like a good idea to him.

"We'll be fine Ray! Come on let's go!" Flame jumped up and down ready to go.

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Nicole raised an eyebrow in much confusion, scratching her head. So Hina finally got her class... And she was taking it seriously!

But frightened, Orisa replies, "I came here to learn, not to get hurt!"

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"Ah, Hina's teaching us?" Kaede smiles, confident in doing this. "That's the perfect choice for a gym teacher!"

Teddie, knowing he won't survive a minute in the gym proceeds to jump out of his bear suit. 


"Alllllrighty! Whatever you got planned for me, I'll bear with it! Let's go!" He exclaims

Shuichi, nervous simply takes a step back. "W-Why are you so ready for this?!"

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"Hurt...?" Voidica trembled, looking at Hina with fear. Her first lesson as a Skylander wasn't off to a great start.

Lumina knelt down and comforted her. "It's OK, sweetie, she doesn't mean it literally!"

Magearna turned around and looked down at Voidica. "Oh hello," she said brightly, "you must be new here. What's your name?"

"M-My name's Voidica, missus rabbit."

"Wait, WHAT?!" Ivorn looked at Voidica with immense alarm, as did all the other Elementals and Robinson. Well, except Tesla; she had no idea who this Voidica person was.

"Oh yeah," Lumina blushed, "we were gonna show you all, but then, this happened, heh heh... surprise!"

The Elementals were absolutely baffled by this. Robinson flew up to Jessica's shoulder and whispered, "What the hell's this?! She's dead, we saw her die! You didn't change history, did you?!"

"Look," Jessica whispered back, "it's complicated, OK? She died, and at the same time, she didn't... urgh, look, let's not hurt our brains before our bodies."

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"Oh, don't be such cowards! How about I promise not to rough all of ya up too much on the first day, is that fine for everyone?" Hina asked with an innocent smile as she began setting up some of the training events. 

"Besides, it's about time we started training a certain someone, is it not?" Hina said, pointing towards Yuta.

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"Same goes for Shuichi here!" Kaede nudges the timid boy, pushing him closer to Hina.

Shuichi, flustered from being out on the spot turns to Kaede. "Wh-What are you saying?!" He panics.


Kaede puffs up her cheeks slightly, pouting. "Well, you don't have any powers too. A gun can only get you so far... so maybe some training could help."

Shuichi lowers his cap over his eyes in response. "I... don't think I'll do any better regardless..."

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