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Archie Sonic Online - Fan Made Archie Sonic Continuation - NEWEST ISSUE: Sonic The Hedgehog Online #253


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Yeah, that Endangered Species conclusion was very well done. A very satisfying conclusion to a story that sadly never got one.

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  • 5 months later...

Well that was at least a good ending for this story arc, can't wait to see what else is going to happen later on. Nice Galactic comic at the end. 

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  • The title was changed to Archie Sonic Online - Fan Made Archie Sonic Continuation - NEWEST ISSUE: Sonic The Hedgehog Online #253

Excellent ending to an arc that's needed one for an entire decade. I'd fully expected both Naugus and Geoffrey to die, and while I did feel it was a bit cheap to have Elias pull a 'Lazarus come forth' with the Sword of Light, what Elias did to Naugus afterwards was absolutely worth it. Also, the sheer emotional drama of Hershey striking the final blow was pure gold, and certainly more intense than anything Ian Flynn could ever get past the Sega censors.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the story continues past this milestone. Hershey's mention of a 'mysterious temple' makes me feel like it's leading up to Sonic Unleashed, which will be interesting to explore considering that the entirety of the Archie reboot was more or less the Unleashed arc, and I'm curious as to what the ASO take on Unleashed might be. And of course that teaser at the end of issue #254 with Best Sword Doggo (sorry Zacian)... I fully expect us to see Antoine's soul at the edge of the afterlife and being told by the ghosts of his parents that he's not done yet, and however he does get revived he's almost certainly going to have his own scars to show off (for real this time, not gonna be retconned into an extradimensional impersonator). That being said, given that Sally's return brought its own complications/side effects, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a while for poor Ant to fully recover from KABOOM.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Lord how mercy, on the art for Finding Your Voice.

I’m bouta BUUUST!!!!

And man, the story fees good to see a satisfying, if unofficial conclusion to the Mecha Sally arc.

Mind you, I have not really been reading these online issues that much. Makes me wanna join as a writer tho…

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Just read the latest issue and I really enjoyed it!  It's nice to see Sonic trying to help out Sally with her situation and at least, we are getting some closure with the Council.  I'm excited to see where this is going next!

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18 hours ago, CrownSlayers Shadow said:

Lord how mercy, on the art for Finding Your Voice.

I’m bouta BUUUST!!!!

That artwork is brilliant in both senses of the word.

My full thoughts on this issue can be found in my recent blog article on the topic (which contains story spoilers), but the TL;DR conclusion is that it would've been better suited to have a cover that followed the main focus(es) of the first story rather than, well, the part that was only really relevant at the very end. I have no real criticisms of the story itself (it's great work as usual with this crew), but it would've been a more enjoyable read if I hadn't had to go through Sally's and the Council's storylines with the question of Antoine's fate hanging in the back of my head.

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I enjoyed it. Happy that Antoine awaken and Sally getting help with her trauma. I don't care for the Council but I agree that they finally reach an agreement. And the artwork on the second story... flawless!

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